iFXExpo - How to Attract, Convert & Retain More Traders Using Analytics and Automation

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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How to attract, convert, and retain more traders using analytics & automation

By:Marcus Taylor, Chief Marketing

Officer of TradeSocio

We’ll be covering:

1. Strategy: What brokers can learn from military strategists to defeat the competition and acquire more traders.

2. Marketing automation: How to send the right messages to the right traders at the right time.

3. Big data & analytics: How to turn your data into a competitive advantage.

4. Social trading: Understand your traders and their behaviour.

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#1 StrategyWhat brokers can learn from military strategists to defeat the competition and acquire more traders.

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Both emphasise the competitive advantage of information.

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“Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril” - Sun Tzu

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O.O.D.A LOOP by John Boyd

Whoever moves through the loop fastest, ultimately wins.

How can I use this in my brokerage?

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1. Collect data on your current lead

generation results.

2. What’s working and what’s not?

Attract more leads to your brokerage

3. What should you stop doing. What could

you start doing?

4. Setup campaigns based on your


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More traders signing up

Over time, you’ll notice this:

Lower cost per acquisition

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1. What are we doing to improve retention /


2. What seems to be working and what’s not?

Improve trader retention, activation & more

3. What could we do to improve it?

4. Setup campaigns to prove / disprove these


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The ultimate goal:Optimise your marketing at a faster rate

than your competitors.

#2 Marketing AutomationAutomatically send the right messages

to the right traders at the right times

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What can be automated?Anything that you can boil down to a process.• Invite demo accounts to upgrade to live when they win their first trade. • Notify your sales team when a trader fails to login 3+ times. • Automatically give a trader a bonus on his/her birthday. • Re-activate traders that only deposit once. • + Much more.

You need the right tool for the job

Over time, you will have marketing campaigns being automatically triggered for every scenario.

#3 Big Data & Analytics

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As a broker you have a lot of valuable data waiting to be used as a competitive advantage.

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Data is only useful if it helps you do your job betterGood data + interpretation / analysis = insights.

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Big data tools enable you to make sense of your data - and even predict your traders’ future behaviour.

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How does this improve activation & retention?

#4 Social tradingIncrease virality, understand your traders,

and improve retention / acquisition .

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Social trading increases virality

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Social trading improves retention

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Social trading enables you to understand your traders better and market to traders in a social environment.

“The best way to put distance between you and the crowd is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether

you win or lose.” - Bill Gates

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Thank you

Marcus Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer of TradeSocio


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