IE Presentation on the Benefits of Reading

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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This is a presentation for my application to IE Business School Global MBA+ program



“The ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive.” - Autobiography of Malcolm X, 1964

Mental Capacity

Reading develops the mind's ability to think in a much bigger rather enables you to think on subjects and people you thought never existed. It has always made me think much more deeper into a number of subjects I may have never though about


The new words and phrases you learn during the course of reading is tremendous. I have always realized that reading gives you an edge during conversations and discussions, whether person or professional since you are able to converse in style and depth.


The easiest way to understand the various cultures and practices that exist in this world is through reading. This has helped me tremendously and it gives thorough insights into the way people think and act in course of personal or business discussions. I make it a point to read the do's and dont's whenever I travel to a new country.

ConcentrationAn interesting read, whether personal development or on business, engrosses you into the topic so much that you kind of become a part of the story. This provides a clear focus on the subject and also exercises your brain to think ahead and try to analyze the next steps. I like this as it charges you up. At times I have read the whole book in one sitting and those 4 or 5 hours are as I am acting out the story.

Self EsteemBooks and articles on true stories of leadership, rising from a position of nothing or even pure manifesting of miracles provides a simple way to boost your self esteem. If they can, why can't I? I have realized that every person is a success in his own right, however low they consider their achievements to be. One of my unforgettable reads is Elephants Can Dance by Louis Gerstner, ex-CEO of IBM who turned around its fortunes coming from a completely different background.

Personal DevelopmentAs I said before, I kind of act out specific roles when I read based on the characters I take a liking to. I am a visual and auditory guy and as I read I form mental pictures and maps of the story unfolding. Initially, this may seem funny, however I have come to realize that you are infact beginning a path of self discovery during this whole process. You not only learn or know how to act in a particular situation but also how not to act. This has really done a whole lot of good to my personal growth.

Professional DevelopmentI am a hands on leader. I love to lead from the front, however I also would like my staff to grow. One thing every leader must realize is that true professional growth does not take place because you have grown in your position. It only takes place when you can assist other's in achieving their professional goals. Since a company is a sum of its parts with human resources being the most important resource, a considerable investment to develop this resource would pave the way for a healthy organisation. This has also its effects on their families and the environment. I believe that the reading of various concepts, spiritual and material has given me an ability to integrate into a process for sustainable growth.

Developing Others

This is an extension of the earlier point. When you learn, you can show the way for your fellow beings, whether in a personal or professional capacity to achieve what is best for them. I believe that if you can enable somebody to understand what he really desires, 75% of the job is done. The problem with 90% of the population is that they have no clue what they want. Reading can give you this tool to help others and yourself.

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