Idioms in English and Russian Languages. To be busy as a bee Вертеться как белка в колесе.

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Idioms in English and Russian Languages

To be busy as a bee

Вертеться как белка в колесе

To sit on the phone

Висеть на телефоне

To see stars Искры из глаз посыпались

Rolling in money Денег курыне клюют

To vanish into thin air

Как ветром сдуло

As plain as the nose on your face

Как дважды два четыре

To live in clover Кататься как сыр в масле

A knowing old bird

Стреляный воробей

To promise the moon

Обещать золотые


Thin as a rake Худой как спичка

A drop in the ocean

Капля в море

Guess the meaning of the following idioms:

She has a green thumb

She has a talent for gardening

Watch your mouth

Be careful what you say

I have butterflies in my stomach

I am nervous

You’d better stay on your toes

Be aware

I’ll have to sleep on it

I will think about it tomorrow

Don’t stretch the truth

Don’t exaggerate

You really take the cake

You really win the prize

He’ll have to face the music

He will pay for his mistake

He’s blowing his own horn

To boast or praise oneself

Zip your lip

Don’t talk

Can you find the idioms?

Zip your lip

She has a green thumb

I have butterflies in my stomach

I’ll have to sleep on it

You’d better stay on your toes

He’s blowing his own horn

Don’t stretch the truth

Watch your mouth

He’ll have to face the music

You really take the cake

Find the idiom. You can do that by inserting vowels

Sh hs grn thmb

Wtch r mth

T st n th phn

Rllng n mn

T prms th mn

She has a green thumb

Watch your mouth

To sit on the phone

Rolling in money

To promise the moon

Idiom QuizzesChoose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:

The boy had (much anxiety) before the swimming competition.

(a) a can of worms (b) butterflies in his stomach (c) a red herring

I told my friend (not to talk ) and stop arguing with me.

(a) to throw his voice (b) to watch his mouth (c) to zip his lip

I (exaggerated) a little when I told my friend about my job experience.

(a) stretched the truth (b) stretched my legs (c) stretched the point

The man (is rich) and he always has much money to spend.

(a) throws money around(b) is rolling in money(c) salts money away

Before the election the politicians (promised a lot) but after they were elected they began to talk


(a) promised everybody the moon(b) paid everybody a compliment(c) paid a visit

The boy must (take the consequences of his actions) very soon. (a) face down(b) face to face(c) face the music

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