Identity Prelim answers

Post on 13-May-2015






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Answers to the Prelim round of the General quiz held in Hansraj



Who is the above doodle dedicated to?

Fermat’s Last Theorem


Delhi Metro Announcers!

“Agla station Vishwavidyalaya…………HAI!”

The effect of too many blows could explain his delay of growth, lack of libido and delay in onset of puberty.” Reads the study, published in the latest issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. "We hypothesise that X has growth hormone deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism from repeated trauma," the study reads. The researchers identified 50 significant losses of consciousness during his ‘lifetime.’ X?


X is not garage X is not jungle X is not hip-hop and X is not ragga. X is a mix between all of these with strong, hard hitting lyrics. It's the inner city music scene of London. And is also alot to do with representing the place you live or have grown up in. X?

Dylan Colaci is a 14 year old boy. He was in the limelight a few weeks back. The only thing he had to say about the incident was "I didn't have much time to think about it." Funda?

What is happening in these slides? A specific connect.

‘Straight Six’ Cricket- Top Gear India episode

Identify the Advertisement.


X and X’s family lived in Y’s garage when X moved to Mumbai. X is credited with the song “Tere bina mein nahin, Mere bina tu nahin. Also, X has starred in the films “Pallavi Anu Pallavi” and “Ek bar kaho.” X also starred in the hit film Z which is a liftoff from Hollywood’s Nutty Professor. Give X?

Delphine Chaneac played the character X in the film Y. X is a product of “Y”ing two different DNA. Adrien Brody plays the lead along with Sarah Polly. The term X, comes from “Nuclear Exchange Research and Development.” Initially, in the film, X was referred to as a “Specimen”.


X is the only main character in the series Y that is an animal. Like many dogs, X is very protective and jealous of his master, especially when he falls for, or is shown affection by, beautiful young women. In one of the books, he makes very clear his loathing for Panacea with whom his master had fallen in love. Id X and Y

This is a quote from Gulzaar from 2004 about X.

X, asserts Gulzar, is still as topical as ever. "The state of our villages has only worsened. Farmers still commit suicide and starving women are forced to sell their children for a pittance. We must, therefore, listen to Y’s timeless voice. It is still relevant."

X, an episode, in a 26 episode series commissioned by Doordarshan for Gulzar to direct starred Pankaj Kapur and Surekha Sikri in the pivotal roles.

What is X?

X got the idea for Y when X’s wife drove off with their dog, Indiana, and X like the way the large shaggy dog looked like, at the backseat. Hence, X decided to create a character in his film which was a cross between Indiana and 2 other animals. X and Y. No part points.

X-George LucasY-Chewbacca

*Mary Anning’s father was a cabinet maker and had this hobby of collecting foils from the sea shore. When her father died, leaving the family in distress, Mary took up the fossil collection and selling as her primary job. She used to go around the seashores of Lyme Regis in England and collect seas shells and fossils. This she used to sell to the tourists and make money. She rose to fame when she discovered in 1811 a skeleton of ichthyosaur , a giant marine reptile of yester years. This was the first complete skeleton of an ichthyosaur ever discovered proving its existence.

But she is immortalized in an entirely different way. Why do we still remember her?

“She sells she sells on the sea shore”

First the dress was changed to a blue drape. In 1936 a shimmering light was placed behind in place of the more artificial-looking rays of light projecting from the handheld. In 1993 she was repainted digitally by New Orleans artist Michael Deas. Although it very nearly resembling Dorothy Kilgallen and it has been rumoured that Annette Benning was the model, in fact, Deas used a model name Jenny Joseph and said, he used a composite for the face.

What idea originated to Kiran Seth, a young graduate from IIT Kharagpur, studying for his doctorate at the Columbia University, New York, chanced to attend a Dhrupad concert by Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar and Ustad Zia Fariddudin Dagar at the Brookyln Academy of Music, New York?

X has worked with many artists and is famous for giving breaks to new artists.  He was the first to give a break to Canadian actor Remi Clair during his struggling days in Mumbai as main lead in Y and police inspector in Z. The X film is still in the writing and pre-production stage, and is planned for release in 2012. He started a silent comedy called Gutur Gu in 2010.

X-B.P. SinghY-CIDZ- Aahat

Album cover dedication to which album?



An old English chestnut says that an English king loved this particular cut of beef so much that he knighted it-“Arise, Sir X.” Turns out the king in question was the obese King Henry VIII. The true etymology of the word however comes from the Old French word sur___. ‘Sur’ translates to ‘above.’ What’s the good word?


The botanical name of this plant is humlus luplus. It belongs to the same family as hemp. It has scaly and conical shaped fruits. It has glandular hairs which contain a bitter resinous principle. The resin is in much demand in medicine, especially in the treatment of tension. It is valued for its bitter taste and preservative action. Name the industry which is the biggest user of this plant.

Beer-The bitterness of the beer comes from this plant.

X is a humanoid robot that we first saw in the 1960’s. X  is depicted as wearing a frilly apron, and was often seen using a separate vacuum cleaner. Her torso is mounted atop a single leg and she rolls about on a set of caster wheels. As of 2009, X has been used in an Australian TV commercial; the commercial is for capes and other superhero clothing. X appears as a super-robot wearing a bright red cape. X also appeared on a Kanye West music video.

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