Identify and Protect Your Paycheck · 2012. 12. 12. · Identify and Protect Your Paycheck Keywords - 4 profit! If you have

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Identify and Protect Your Paycheck Keywords - 1

Identify and Protect Your Paycheck Keywords

How to Find and Protect your "Paycheck Keywords" (what they should have told you in

SEO school, but didn't!)

It’s shocking: did you know that most people have absolutely NO strategy around their SEO?

If you're serious about SEO then you're actually trying to generate revenue by ranking on

specific keywords to generate leads and sales...

If this is true, then WHY on earth doesn't anyone actually TRACK WHICH keywords generate

their SALES?… and HOW MUCH revenue does each keyword produce?

It’s seems pretty obvious doesn’t it?

It's actually really easy to do… and yet nobody talks about how to do it...

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In this video you’re going to discover:

1. What are Paycheck Keywords and why tracking them is absolutely CRITICAL (and there are

quite a few reasons beyond the obvious ones that are important to understand)

2. How to discover what your Paycheck Keywords are using Google Analytics. (It’s easy when

you know how... but this is still a very confusing and complex topic that most SEOs don’t know

about and for which there is very little good information about how to do well).

3. How to set up a security perimeter or “Profit Watchdog” around your Paycheck keywords so

you know about any changes in the rankings of your critical Paycheck keywords as quickly as

possible, to allow you to act upon any changes (good or bad) as quickly as possible.

There’s a lot to cover... so let’s get started!

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What are Paycheck Keywords and Why Tracking Them is Absolutely Critical

Why is tracking sales and revenue by keywords important?

Well, because… like everything in life… over 80% of all your income, your opt-ins, your sales,

and your profits will come from less than 20% of all your organic keyword traffic.

In fact, in practice it's much, much more than that. In one of our client's accounts we saw that

80% of all the income came from only 1.5% of all the keywords ranked for!

These small handful of keywords (usually less than 50 or 100 keywords), that pay ALL the bills,

that are responsible for practically ALL of your organic search engine success - we call

"Paycheck" keywords. They pay the bills. Everything else is secondary to these keywords.

These keywords mean everything.

As an SEO this has has two really important consequences:

1. You should focus on your Paycheck keywords and improving their rankings above all else.

If you have a keyword that's ranking in position #3, then just a single increase to position #2 will

result in an increase of over 40% in traffic and sales. That’s straight to the bottom line. Pure

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If you have a keyword that's ranking in position #2, getting to position #1 will increase traffic and

sales by over 350%! That’s a nice little Christmas bonus right there!

Clearly, it's the best use of your time and money to focus on increasing the rankings of the

keywords that bring in the most sales - your PAYCHECK keywords, than trying to get a new

ranking on a new keyword.

That’s one of the biggest newbie SEO mistakes to make. To chase new rankings over rankings

that already convert but are not yet #1.

2. The second, and more serious consequence is that you should monitor and protect and

defend your Paycheck keyword rankings like a hawk.

What is true for focusing on which keywords to increase your rankings for also, unfortunately

works in reverse.

If you have a keyword that's ranking in position #1 and you drop to position #2 then your traffic

and sales for this keyword will fall by over 350%. That's cause for serious alarm!

Given that Google is constantly updating their algorithms (to the tune of over 500 updates a

year)… it's absolutely CRITICAL that you monitor your Paycheck keywords for any changes…

There are three good reasons for this... and some of them might not be what you might think...

Firstly, after a big search engine algorithm update (like Penguin, for example) most people

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make the big mistake of just taking a look overall traffic levels… they frequently make the

incorrect and flawed assumption that just because traffic has not taken a big dip, that they are

OK. That the search engine algorithm angel of death has passed them by...

That’s a huge mistake! I've personally seen instances where traffic has actually INCREASED

after an update, but they have lost over half their income because their Paycheck keywords lost

rankings, while less important keywords actually increased in rankings!

Can you see how that might be a problem?

The second reason that you should monitor your PAYCHECK keywords for ranking decreases,

is that in a lot of cases it's not a Google update that causes a decrease in the ranking. It’s

actually human error!

Often the simple act of installing a new Wordpress Plugin (particularly a new SEO plugin) or

changing your theme, or a change that a web developer makes on your website can be

enough to cause widespread decreases in rankings.

The most common example of this is changing a theme which changes or modifies the title tags

for a website. This is one of the fastest ways to lose rankings across your site. Having a Profit

Watchdog to guard your Paycheck Keywords protects against human error as WELL AS

algorithm changes.

The third, and probably most important reason you should watch out for Ranking changes for

yoru Paycheck keywords is simple:

The earlier you catch a ranking problem that will directly affect your income the earlier you can

do something about it.

When the Penguin update occurred, hundreds of millions of websites were affected. Many

webmasters logged into their Google Analytics accounts, looked at their traffic levels, which

hadn't change much and made the mistaken assumption that they had not been affected.

In fact, some web masters didn't realise that their Paycheck keywords had been affected for

over 3 or 4 months!

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The problem with this is that it can take 4-8 weeks or longer to recover from a search engine

penalty. When you add this time onto the time it takes to detect that there is a problem in the first

place, it could be 6 WHOLE months between a change happening and restoring your rankings

for your paycheck keywords.

This can spell financial disaster!

If you're making $3k a month from organic search, and your ranking changes affects your

Paycheck keywords so that you’re now only making $1k a month then the cost of this delay is

the $2k you could have been making times the 6 months it takes to correct the problem which is

a whopping $12,000!

As you can see - the cost of delay can be astronomical!

Clearly, setting a security perimeter around these valuable PAYCHECK keywords is critical to

detect changes early, so you can ACT on them early and reduce the financial impact of any

algorithm updates that negatively impact your rankings.

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Part 2

OK. So, now that we WHY it’s so important to find your PAYCHECK keywords, HOW do we

actually find them and set up our “Profit Watchdog” so that we know when there are any

changes to our PAYCHECK keywords and can react to these changes quickly as possible?

The answer is to use some of the custom reporting functionality in Google Analytics.

Set Up Google Analytics on your site

Before we start this tutorial, you need to have a few things ready in order to set this Paycheck

Keywords system up.

The first thing you’ll need is to have Google Analytics installed on your website. Most people

watching this video should already have Google Analytics set up. This video doesn’t cover this

step as it can be different for each website. The process is pretty simple, however. If you don’t

have a Google Analytics account then you can sign up for one at

From there they have a range of tutorials to get the necessary Google Analytics “code” on your

website. If you’re using Wordpress then there a range of Google Analytics plugins that can

automatically add the code to your site in the right place.

If this is beyond you technically, then I’d recommend that you speak to your web developer, or

hire a programmer on oDesk or to help you install the code onto your website.

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Thank-you Page URL

The second thing you’ll need before we continue is the web address of your “THANK YOU”

page. This is the page that your customers see immediately after buying something on your

website. It’s usually something like /thanks.php and contains the information about how to get

access to your product.

If you’re unsure of what this is, put in a test sale on your website, and then save the web

address from your browser window immediately after you purchase your product.

Average dollar value of each sale

The third and final thing you’ll need average dollar value of each sale. If you only sell a single

product for $97, for example, than that will be easy - the answer is $97.

However, if you sell a range of different product at different price points then this might be more

complicated. In this case, simply take the amount of money you have made from your website

for the last month, and divide it by the number of sales to get a rough average.

For example, if my website is making $3k a month, and I’ve made 30 sales over the same

period, then my average amount per sale will be $3k divided by 30 sales which is $100.

Once you’ve completed these three steps, then you’re ready to start tracking which keywords

are resulting in sales and to get a clear picture of what your true PAYCHECK keywords actually


OK. Now that we have the prerequisites in place, let’s set up Google Analytics.

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Setting up a Google Analytics Conversion Goal to Track Purchases

The first step is to set up some Google Analytics Conversion Goals that trigger every time

someone reaches your THANK YOU page.

Once you’ve logged into Google Analytics, click the “Admin” tab.

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Then click the Profile for your website (there should usually only be one).

Then click the “Goals” tab.

From here we’ll set up a new Goal.

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Under “Goal (set 1)” click the “+ Goal” link to add a new Goal for tracking sales.

The first thing you’ll be prompted for is a name for your Goal. As I’ll be tracking Purchases of my

client’s product (in this case I’m using a client site called “Natural Necessity at -

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...I’ll call this Goal “Purchase”. (1)

I’ll then select “URL Destination” (2), which will be the web address that triggers this conversion


As I know the “Thank You” page web address that gets visited as /shop/finishorder.php I’ll enter

this in as the Goal URL (3). It’s important that you don’t include the domain name or the http:// in

Goal URL box for this to work correctly.

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For the match type I’ll set it to be “Head Match” (1), this means that if there are any other

parameters in the web address after the finishorder.php part they will still be counted as a sale.

This is usually the best option for simple e-commerce sites.

For the “Goal Value” field, enter the average dollar amount of each sale. In this case, due to the

range of merchandise that Natural Necessity we’ve just made an estimate of $100 (2). This

doesn’t have to be 100% accurate, but the more accurate it can be the more accurate your

reports will be.

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Now I click “Save”, and that’s it. I now have a Google Analytics Goal set up that will track every

purchase on my website.

It can take 24 hours or so before your data starts showing up in Google Analytics, so don’t

worry if you don’t see any information show up in your Google Analytics reports for a few days.

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Setting up a Custom Paycheck Keywords Report

Now that you’ve set up a Conversion Goal to track your purchases, it’s a simple matter to set up

a Custom Report to identify your “Paycheck” keywords.

To do this, we’ll start by customizing an existing “Standard Report” in Google Analytics, which

tracks which keywords generate traffic for your site.

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Then click on the “Traffic Sources” menu item in the left side-bar.

Then expand “Sources” -

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and then select “Search”, and as we’re interested only in organic search traffic, select “Organic”.

If you’ve had Google Analytics installed for more than a few days then you should see a list of

keywords that are bringing traffic to your website.

What we want to find, however, is the number of purchases, and an estimate of the dollar value

of these purchases.

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To do this, we need to switch this report to see the Analytics Goals by clicking the “Goal Set 1”

link up there on the “explorer” menu.

By default you can see the conversion rates and “per visit goal values”, which is really useful

information, but we need a few more columns of information to identify our most valuable

PAYCHECK keywords.

To do this we need to “Customize” this report. We do that by clicking the “Customize” link up

here under the report title.

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This will pull up a list of columns that are used to create the report.

Now, we want to name this report something useful - I’ll call it my “Paycheck Keywords” report.

I want to add two more columns of information - I want to add the number of purchases, and

also the total dollar value of purchases for each keyword.

To do this I’ll click the “+ Add Metric” link under “Goal Set 1”.

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I’ll search for my purchase goal that we created, and then I’ll select “Purchase Made (Goal 1

Completions)”. I’ll then click this field, which will add it to my Paycheck Keywords Report. This

will give me the total number of purchases for each keyword.

Next I want to add the total dollar amount for each keyword.

To do this I’ll once again click the “+ Add Metric” link under “Goal Set 1”.

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I’ll then search for “Goal Value”, and click the field, which will add this column to the report.

Then click “Save” and we’re done!

You’ll notice a few things now. You now have a report called “Paycheck Keywords” which is

listed under Custom Reports in the left sidebar.

You can access this report quickly in the future, by simply clicking this link (1) while in the

“Custom Reports” area (2) of Google Analytics.

To see the new columns we’ve added we’ll need to click the “Goal Set 1” link under the

Explorer bar.

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You will then see the two new columns at the right of the report.

1. “Purchase Made (Goal 1 Completions)” shows the number of sales that each organic

keyword was responsible for bringing to your website.

2. “Goal Value” shows the total revenue that each organic keyword was responsible for


So, we can see that the keyword “natural necessity”, the brand name of the website was responsible for 26 sales, and bringing an estimated revenue of

$2,600 over the past month. Clearly, this is a keyword that is worth keeping an eye on!

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However, we’re not done yet, we still need to do two more steps. The first is to sort this report so

that the most profitable keywords, the “Paycheck” keywords float to the top.

We do this by clicking the “Goal Value” column, which will sort these keywords with the highest

revenue keywords being at the top of the report.

By default Google Analytics will only display 10 keywords per page. This a little limiting, so let’s

change the number of keywords to be 500, by changing the number of rows shown from “10” to

“500” down here.

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Scrolling down you can see that only the top 91 keywords have actually brought in any sales in

the last month.

Actually, when you do the math, I discovered that the top 60 keywords, which represents only

1.5% of the total keywords that is displayed in this report, is responsible for over 80% of the

revenue generated by organic search in the search engines.

These are the true “Paycheck” keywords.

Export to Rank Tracker via Excel

For the next step in the process we’ll need to copy and paste these keywords into a Rank

Tracker campaign, so we’ll export this report into a spreadsheet where we can easily copy and

paste out the top keywords.

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To do this, click the “Export” menu item, and then select “Excel”.

This will export an Excel file containing this report data and save it to your computer.

Once we’ve opened up Excel we’ll see select the “Dataset1” workbook tab, and we can see all

our data, nicely sorted with the highest profit keywords at the top.

Profit Watchdog

The next, and most important step is create a security perimeter, or “Profit Watchdog” around

these valuable Paycheck keywords.

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We’ve already covered how important it is to monitor these keywords like a hawk. Creating a

specific, special Rank Tracker campaign for each list of Paycheck Keywords is one of the best

ways that you can guard these keywords, and quickly see if these profit-generating keywords

are going up based on your efforts, or are falling due to a new algorithm change.

If you’re on one of our higher Rank Tracker keywords plans then you’ll have access to our

brand new PDF reporting feature. Being able to get an easy to understand PDF report each

week showing you how your Paycheck Keywords are going is one of the best steps you can

take to ensuring that you stay on top of ranking changes, and can quickly and easily see the

impact of your SEO activities.

This is REALLY easy to do with Rank Tracker.

First, fire up Market Samurai and go to the Rank Tracker module.

You should see a list of all your existing Rank Tracker campaigns.

As we’re creating a new campaign, I’ll click the “Create New Campaign” button down here in

the bottom right of the screen.

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You’ll be then prompted for a name for your campaign. This campaign name will appear in your

report emails, and in the subject lines of PDF report emails so I like to include the name

PAYCHECK KEYWORDS in the name so it will grab my attention when I check my keywords.

As this report is for our client “Natural Necessity”, I’ll type in “Natural Necessity PAYCHECK


As my client is interesting only in Ranking within the Australian Search Engines, I’ll choose

“Australia” for my Region (1). And I’ll select all 3 search engines (2), though I’m only really

primarily interested in Google.

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On higher keyword plans you may have access to the PDF Reporting Feature (3). If you do,

you’ll see a checkbox which will allow you to enable PDF reports for this campaign, and it will

allow you to customize the email address that you’ll want to send the PDF reports to.

I’ll then click the “Create” button, and I’ll be taken to the new empty campaign.

The first thing to do is add my domain to this campaign.

I’ll do this by clicking the “Add Domains” button (1), and typing in

and clicking “Add”, and then clicking “Save Changes” (2) when I’m done.

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I’ll then copy the top Paycheck keywords from the Excel File that we saved earlier, and I will

copy the top 58 keywords (which I know bring in 80% of my revenues) to my clipboard.

I’ll then click the “Add Keywords” button in Rank Tracker, and then paste in my new keywords.

Rank Tracker tells me that I have enough keyword quota for my plan, and so I can then click the

“Add Keywords” button to add these Paycheck keywords to my campaign. If I don’t have

enough keyword quota for my plan I can either reduce the number of keywords that I wish to

monitor, reduce the keywords I’m tracking in other campaigns, or upgrade my plan to a higher

keyword plan.

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Rank Tracker gives me a notification to tell me that my keywords have been added, that I

should get an initial set of rankings in a few minutes, and then this campaign will be updated

every Tuesday, which was my nominated update day.

As my plan was eligible for PDF reports, on my weekly update I’ll also receive a PDF report

email to my nominated campaign email address.

Here’s an example of what the Ranking Report looks like for this campaign after a few weeks of


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You can see that the keyword “natural gopro” has increased from position 2 to position 1,

which, being a Paycheck Keyword should result in a big bump in profits this month!

However, there have also been a few drops for some other keywords. Now that we know that

we can get to work about putting some work in around these keywords to get them ranking

more highly again.

And... if Google throws us a new curveball though another major update we’ll know within a

week of it happening, so we can quickly get to work on minimizing the damage and restoring

our rankings and profits for any Paycheck keywords that were affected.

And that’s all there is to it.

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First you learned exactly what are Paycheck Keywords, and why it’s important to protect them at

all costs.

You also discovered how to use Google Analytics and Custom Reporting to create your

Paycheck Keyword Custom report to work out which keywords are responsible the majority of

your sales and your revenues, so you can focus on the keywords that bring you the most

money, and identify the small group of keywords that you know you need to keep an eye on

and protect.

And finally, you saw how you can quickly and easily take these Paycheck keywords and create

a special Rank Tracker campaign to monitor these keywords each week. And you saw that if

you have our new PDF Reporting feature that is available on some of our higher keyword plans

how you can get an easy to understand summary of the ranking changes of your Paycheck

keywords in your inbox each and every week, which enables you stay on top of any changes

(good or bad) that might affect your profits in a significant way.

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If you’ve followed this video this far, and got this implemented on your website, then I want to

offer you a sincere congratulations!

By knowing which keywords bring in your sales and profits, you’re now ahead of over 99% of

everyone who practices SEO! You should be proud!

You can now go about your SEO with a clear blue-print about which keywords to focus on, and

sleep peacefully at night knowing that the keywords that bring in your sales| , that pay your bills,

your PAYCHECK keywords are being watched over each and every week on autopilot by Rank

Tracker and the new PDF reporting feature!

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