ICP 2011 Round Western Asia Region Giovanni Savio, UN-ESCWA Majed Skaini, UN-ESCWA

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ICP 2011 Round Western Asia Region Giovanni Savio, UN-ESCWA Majed Skaini, UN-ESCWA ICP – Regional Coordinators’ Meeting Washington D.C., 28-30 September 2009. ICP 2005 Experience In Western Asia. ICP 2005 Participated Countries. ICP Governance Structure. ICP Council. TAG. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


ICP 2011 RoundWestern Asia Region

Giovanni Savio, UN-ESCWAMajed Skaini, UN-ESCWA

ICP – Regional Coordinators’ MeetingWashington D.C., 28-30 September 2009

ICP 2005 ExperienceIn

Western Asia

ICP 2005Participated CountriesGCC MDE

Bahrain EgyptKuwait IraqOman JordanQatar LebanonSaudi Syria


ICP Governance StructureICP Council

ICP Executive Board

ICP Global Office


Regional Committee




Organizational Structure

• In WA established a regional organizational structure well managed by the ICP Regional Office (RO) at ESCWA

• Setting a structural linkage between all NSOs and the RO

• A successful example that has been resembled and looked at as guidance for other global projects (i.e. SNA 2008)

Product List

• Structured Product Descriptions (SPDs) were used to derive a product list of around 1400 items under 155 basic headings

• Successive to several meetings, data collection and validation sessions, the product list finally constituted of 1068 items under 155 basic headings

• Countries were required to price a minimum number of products in each of the basic heading classifications; the higher the dispersion of prices around the average, the greater the number of products to be priced


Number of Categories, Groups, Classes and Basic Headings by Main Aggregates

Main Aggregates Categories Categories Groups Classes Basic Headings Products

11.00 Individual consumption expenditure by households 13 43 90 110 862

12.00 Individual consumption expenditure by NPISHs 1 1 1 1 1

13.00 Individual consumption expenditure by government 5 7 16 21 25

14.00 Collective consumption expenditure by government 1 1 5 5 32

15.00 Gross fixed capital formation 3 6 11 12 142

16.00 Change in inventories & acquisitions 2 2 2 4 4

18.00 Balance of exports and imports 1 1 1 2 2

GDP 26 61 126 155 1068

Results’ Validation

• Good training of ICP data surveyors and special focus on following detailed SPD description

• National editing/validation of data using ICP Toolpack• Regional office day-to-day follow up, regular inspection

of outliers and data cleaning• Quaranta Diagnostic reports and Dickanov table• Consultant’s visits to countries for guidance on data

collection, treatment of outliers, data validation, and check up of price data collection through random field visits with surveyors

• Regular regional sessions for data validation and cleaning and corresponding editing of the regional product list

Regional Meetings

• 11 Regional workshops on training, detailed SPDs, data collection, ICP Toolpack, data validation, Expenditure weights and National Accounts, computation of results, etc.

• 2 Regional meetings one introducing the ICP at the very beginning and one for discussion and approval of the final output at the very end

• 4 meetings of the Regional Executive Board (Regional Committee) following up on the progress of work and program implementation, evaluation of workshops and several recommendations for incorporating the ICP under core national regular work program

Experts’ Help

• Consultant sent to some member countries for providing guidance and supporting the national teams in improving the quality of data collected

• Technical expert sent to some member countries for providing support on the use of ICP Toolpack

• Regular day-to-day follow up by the regional office, and coordination with the ICP Global Office to provide countries with necessary solutions or PCM/PAM patches through email correspondences

Uses of the 2005 ICP data and

ICP Updates

User Benefits• ICP provided some countries an opportunity to extend price

collection of goods and services all over the country. This made a huge difference as the CPI price collection was limited only to the capital and its nearby suburbs 

• ICP provided a platform for some countries to refine their methods of defining specifications of goods and services in the CPI 

• The ICP Tool Pack software was a great help for managing data storage. It also offered options for data comparison at several levels and provided a speedy tool to manage the field work and to correct outliers 

• ICP has given substantial attention to capacity-building in the national statistical offices in the fields of price statistics and national accounts

• However, still scarce use of final data, few requests of data from the region and outside: no updating and new surveys


• Regional Report, ‘Comparison of Economic Outputs and Purchasing Power of Currencies-Western Asia’, published and disseminated by the closing of the 2005 ICP round

Preparation for the2011 Round

Various aspects

• Preparation started with last meeting of previous Round (Manama, mid-2007)

• Participation in two interim meetings • Final approval in the ESCWA WP 2010-2011 by

the SC (October 2008)• Preparatory meeting with WB and IDB in July

2009, other meeting with IDB in June 2009• Notification to MCs early September 2009• Positive replies received from MCs• Funds available from previous Round

ICP 2011Participating CountriesGCC MDE

Bahrain EgyptKuwait IraqOman JordanQatar LebanonSaudi PalestineUnited Arab Emirates Sudan


Thank you

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