IBER 27 Alpha Delta Pi Installs Here · ·Dav1

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Jllontann Exp:on:ent VOLV:\fE XXIIJ. BOZE:\IAX. :.\IONTANA, TVESDAY. APR IL 26. l!l32 XU:\IBER 27

HIGH SCHOOL WEEK ST ARTS WEDNESD.A Y Alpha Delta Pi Installs Here Sixth National Sorority

Present "The Fortune Teller" During High School Week; Over

Six ty College Students In Cast

'-;prmg- Production of Alpha Psi Omega, Honorar)· Dramatics I

Contestants, Delegates, Will Register Tonight

Program Opens Wed. Announce Pledges To Les Bouffons

Represented On Campus ~elect :\!embers From .Junior

Fraternit~. ExJJected To l'ro"e Best .\lus ica l Comed )· ST.\TE SCHOL.\RSillP A:\D EXTE.\IPOR.\:-IEOUS SPE.\KING ~tag-ed Herc. Performances AJlril 28 and .1 0 CO:STESTS WILL BE HELD I:\ CO;\. 'ECTIO:\ WITH

By One Of Oldest Gro~ps l (.'la'"· Js Specia.I Feature of 11.h 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 ::n p1 onnscs to >C' on<.> o t 1c out ... tan1 mg l ramatic prot udwns t le I .\nnual Formal Dance i·olleg:e has p1esent1d m man) )CHJs '"II he g:1\'en this \\eek when the

"Fo1lunt• Tellet." \"1clol' lle1be1t's coma upe1a. 1s pe1f01med at the Emer;,,on


\Ll'H.\ DFLT. LOC.\L ORG.\:\IZ.\TIO:\ FOl':\'DED Ii>< 1931. 1 1hc now Leg '!l~utlnn pledge- wc•ie aud1to11um Sattuda)' e\enmg, Apnl '\O. The cast. mcludmg p1acl1cally all' l~ _\J))llTTED TO OLDE~'l' ;:\'.\TlOX \L SORORITY I:S ~~~~~~cL~}B~u{;~11~1:·\.,~~1~~i11i° 1 \al~n ll~~ the ~tudcnts \\Ith mu<.:u:al ah1hty on tlw campt.t--. has been wotkmg H'ry hard l The staJ?e lS all ~et fot the Hig-h School \Yeek c~n\·~ntion \\hich he~ms EXISTE~l'E. FI::\'.\L CEHE:\IO~IES L.\...'-'T S.\ Tt'RD \Y; the Hotel Baxte1 The"e rnen ot thL• for the> last two \\et.ks, putting tilt' Imai toulhC's to a pe1fo1mance that I \\~ednescla_r mo.1nmg. -~p11l ~I. Ac\,:ordmg- h: P~~f. \\.I·. Bi_e,,er, .cha1rn:an v r' r ~ ...,YE::\'INC ;un1or t:la:-.s haq~ betn ~elcc:tecl be- I hould be· fully equal tc1 the hig-h :-.tandards set h~ Loot shll\\:; ot pte\iJOll!:i\' of the Htg-h Sthool Wt•ek t:omm1ttee. th(• t.:011cspondence ielall\t: to II1gh L\Sf.\LL.\ 110.:'\ B.\LL I~ E .. 1

l' L'aU!jO of their p<>rsotrnl 1~~er1ts and I years. School \Veek plans has 111d1cated that nearl~ all of the larger high !-\choob J~t:-.tan~l~Ht popula1~~Y fllhcr a1\i A \Ct\' elcH'r fe~1tutl' of the show \\Ill he the dance" of tlw hovs' ·ind g11b' of the state \\JJI eithe1 be ieprt:!!>entL'd hy delegatc:s or contestant.., m th~ On '-'aiuida.~. A,p 1 u :?;, 1.ht .\.lphadllt loc.d hl'camt• Bt•ta \lu thaptc·1 o[ C:.~11\?. \\\~\'}~>\~~~~It. ~S. 0 • .\. ~!!.e{~;l~~t ehotu"e~. Tht.•se ha\t.' been woiked out espeeiall;i. for the pla,: b;i.: C),lthia lli!."h School \\'eek p1og-ram. or the) h~l\(' ,\t least pn1t1c1pated in the pre· \lpha Pt.·lta 1'1, ~h<' 0 1de-.t t.•x1,ting- natwnal ~01or1ty fhe local chapter is tails, lletbt'.'it Archihalil, :-; .\ E.. Hopkins, \\ho has mhie,e<I something i11111nni1es of the \:ar1ous contests "l•ekm~ the right tc1 come. P1of BH~wer the• j 1; h c.:hapH•r of tlH.' nat10nal on:ra111zat10n \\ht<.:h ''a~ hl•gun on )lay 13, Git!at Falb; .Jimnn Ganna\\U,, d £

/ uniqu(' along lhat lme. Perhaps the futther states that there has ne\el lwcn an occ:as10n befo1e \\hen so larg-e

kappa S1l!ma. LI\ 111":-.lon Ra) huz- Lhl· group oi folk dam:e" to be done I 1 II I [ th t t

J~:"il fhe mst.dhnj! offlt.'('I \\'1s \l1ss )Jaxme Blakt! of ~l..'attle, Washington, -~lllll.!'O, _ lfailcm; .Jat·k h.al::.-;l'ln~an, Stu en ts ntire y most inte1·e!"t111g of the spee1alties I:;\ a }llOj)Oltlnn of the high ~chools of the -.tatc ha\(.~ paitic1pated S1xtce11 of \\ ho i:-. pit.•"ulent ol Thl·ta JHO\llltl'. The nwmhc1!> of thl' dl~g~·ee tC'am '~t!1e zetti. Sig-ma Chi, liaici{n; :\urman M C d h\ thl· chOJu:-. . rnteipteiing the na- the county high schools arc rcpresentl'_< an' a _ar~c·t· h1\\0s o e ~.a e, .\Ii":-. )Iaxine I:lakt.., of Sl'attle. \\ a:-.hingtnn. pre:-:.ldl'Jlt of Theta JH o\ ince; [Hamill, St?:ma C.:ht. G.eat Falls, an age Orne Y ti'onal dances of the h ish, Spanish, mcludmg Kalispell, :\It~soula, D1llon. l\1J,.. ,, \l<:.1mic ,I 111 11 ,..0 n, :--.pokanl'. \\-:.u•hmg-wn; and 2\l1~s )fal'lon ~tau. Seattle, Fr~mk Dyer. S1J,!ma Chi . Butte, HuL F1eneh. Chmese and the American W [t £[ t d Ana<.:onda, Butte, Helen~. Gt cat Fa_I

11'· O'Brien. p1 Kappa Alpha, Bultt. and \'egio Q eTS eC e Ila\le, Bilhn~s. Lewistown, ::"\11 e:ii \\a ... hmgtun. . E\erett Pcte1son. Ollll).!cl Beta. Harm!- \Yith Exception or Directing . The. kevnote of the entire show IS City, Shelby and L1ving-ston . The Ul.i:!"a1l!Zat1on ,qh fo~ndt.•d at "eslc·yan Female C'nllege, at )!aeon, ton College l\Iembers S t age "Th e that of JO.Y and happiness, and a spec: I Editor Exponent The ~omen:-.' Clubs of .the state L;l'(llg'Ia and ex1~t<'<I a:-. a singk• chaptel unul lH0-1, \\hl•n 1t \\as definitely I The Bouffon formal wh1c:h ha::; bt.·en F · t 'J' II ·" ial eftort'has been rnacle by the tech- ha\'e assisted very largely m paying dt.•('ld(;'<l to expand mto a national• a t1 adnton at :\Iontana ~tate colle~e Ol une e er ml'al :staff to execute a Settmg and ___ the expenses of the dele~ate~. and all Th tl . ·h· t.. as tlwn :,tn<e l~IUO \\a::; an unu'-'ualh deh.i;ht- --- t t ft · . 11 th th. . . those m connec:t1on \\Ith the H1g-h g-roup. e mo. H~I .~ ~1p ll \\ • • ' gamZ<ltwn ha" been m the c1t;i. g-10.up~ ful affa11. thi:-. yea1. The Boutfon , ,,. •O' ~os umes. o I in \\l"' w1 is Rivenes \Yins E leehon to Editor· · ~chool \Yeek feel a deep sense of ('alll•d . .\lpha thar•te .• ind a \cl.' dt!· m iec:ent )ear" The alumn·lc toli 01 . 1 1hc ca::.-;t of the Alpha I st Omc,...a atmosphe1e. The s.cene1v has been . d f h t d fm1te 11ohe\ of l·~1mns1on '' ts adupt- h t . l . t "O . plctli..:;Ls \\ere annou111.:ed m the mu cllc mu~iL :il comed\· ·'The Fo1tune Tclle1 "\ cart>fulh- designed and bU1lt to con- s hip of 1933 .Montanan. g1 at1tu e or t l:ii coopera ton un er · ' · • t.• 3 1 llS 1 ~ c O"e O 1 • • th er a l a · · b l 1 • ·' 1

• • the leade1sh1J) of the state officers ccl .\.t the trntc of th~ orgarnz.1t1on 1 or c e\ en.n,... nc • • :-. •1 ... ) 11 ' 0 0 I t.'Ompn'-'es pract1<:.:1lh the \\hole of the t11bute to this end and ts one of the Both Sophon1ores . - ~ · · the /.!;oup \\Us rnt·o1po1atl'd under thr 1he !!;O\e1n•11ent 1:-. by biennia 1.:un· their new honor. wore ~atin band~ the <l\addble musical tZ1knt on the cam· most elaborate ;;;;et~ eve1 'made fot a ..\noth~t somce ot teady support has la\\.s of the .._tate of Geoqna a:; th~ \ent1ons \\1th a nat1on~l coun.;;1~ .1d· temamder of the e\ening. One dance 1 us. This is one of the finest of the colleg-e pioduction. This part of the --- c?me flom the B?zeman C11amber of ".\l·lphian Socil't\··· aml m .Jul\ of mg bct\\Cen -.e~s1011'. lhe so1011t) ts wa~ clcdl('ated to the pledg-e~ alon~ lonu ~erie" of comic ope•a:;,, inoduced work has been carried out by Dorothv .Joe \\'alters, '.14, of \Yh1tefish, will (<Jmmerce anc~ liberal c1hu·n5' who 1!1J:;l it beca.me k~o\\n a~ the .\.lpha c~l\'l<le<l. mto eig-ht 1~1'.o'mc:es.ht•he loLal One .~.f t~e many e::-acllent leatu1e" b) '"'the collabo1at1on ot Han) B Bake1, Carohne Busch. Kath.erine Gib- edit the Exponent for the ;i.eat· ~9'):?- ha\e donated :Sn60 tO\\ard ~elpmg pay lJ It· Ph It\' t, m-..l't ting: the t:baptt't belf!g'. undct the T eta pro· wa:-. l 1m fans and his onhestta, \\ho ~mi th and \'ictoi Hl·rbet t. Though the son and Hem v Sconl with some a 'd ·~;3 as a re,.,ult of the recent. A s. :\I expen:;,,e.... The Anaconda ( ha~nber of Cl' t 1 ~ ~01 ~~ f l.D lta Pht mto \lnlt' Jm·1 ... J1d10n. Each prO\JnC•t.• 1:- formetl) played at the T<\\e1n. Fa;i. music is iather more dtffu.~ult than the I fior'ncoth• ~ b~ 'r \I · H 1

,_ s. ('. el11: ... twn:-., 1he elcl't1on for ed1to1 Comme1Te an1l the G1eat :\01thern 1 ~:t.·~hai~~1e\~het~\':, th~ name Adt'I· hrad~d by a Pl~~1d_t..>~t E~c:~_chaptc~ ~eife1t. popular blue:- smgi:!I. ..... ang- aveiage, the haid ,, 0 k put in by theldass in ~:a~~1~~~~~~t~n· 1' ansens uf the JH:J:3 ).lontanan held at thl'lancl >:or~he1n Panf1c Ra1h\ays are

1 1 1 1 ~ 1 .1 the 1:- \ls1ted once C\l:'l~ t\\O )e.us b;i.. it t\\O blti..:.'s song:;,, Elmet )Ience1 ... an~ larg-e <.:a:-;t under the coachmg of Donn same tune resulted m the ;.;.l'lectton of ah-o gl\mg cons1dc1able sums of JI 11an ~u<.:t~ty -~~~>pc.~t l'c. '.ls . . I J.rO\ mce president and by the na- two popular hits "Beloved'' and I Kmtz or' the rnu~11.: de >artment I" The ~ostume!-\ we1 e also made to 1 ·Dav1<l R1\:enes ot Glencll\:e to uht thl· mone). nan;c ot tht; u1gan1zat10n ''·~ ~h~n~ec t1onal m"peeto1 A c;entral o,f1ce, 111 ")light) Like a Ru:-.e" Jimmy Lottu~ e' tder;ced by then· ext.·ell!nt iend1110n harmomze with the fcelmg msp1red \earbook Rl\enes is a --ophomore m' ~ome interestmg re~ults in t·el!arcl to t tc on.e it no\\ is. 1 Cl'O!!lllZh ~ e· ( han!'e of an exet·uti\'C seci eta!'). ''a-. did ~omc e...::cellent tap danung and 1 of the on". The entire ca~t mclud· by the play. and are the result of un- the Colle~e of Apphed Art 1

to the preliminaries in the :-\peakmg ca UH' of the t'ilnt us~m \\ b 1~h \\a:;; c:-.tabh"hed in 1H~0. 'l he off we uf the Eddie Pt>g-1 in l'ompletecl the mtere~t- In.It th~" bu""'~~es:; and techmca't ..,t·\ff s tirmg- efforts on the pa1 t of )larJor1e 'The mcom.ng edito .. of the Expon- , an•I ,, i itmg contests ha' c been re· L.r1ought about lY t e1~ ~mg fa~ ~xecut,\e ~ecretaty is lul'ated m Jnj! p1ugram with a piano ::;o)o. to \\hOm i~uc:h of tht> c1ed1t f~r' th~ Little, the des1gne1, and :\lary Ba1t- ent \:\Ill assume ihe. duties of that cel\·ed by the i11gh School Wc>ek Com-..\.lpha Delta l'h1 ::.u1011t) a~c a ha ..\me~, Iowa . The danee p1ogT,1m-.. "ere \'Cl') exl'elltnn• of the pe1formance Js due Jett and the others who ha\e aided otftc:e on September m1ttee m the last \\eek. Sixteen high teinity ~Y t~e "amc name. s.111~1~.~s=~ Th(• badge of the 01g-anization is a clcYerly made m blal·k and wh1tl'. Re· 1mcludes a total of p•·ei 60 pei ... on~: \\'Ith the adual mc1king of th_em. This 1. 19:~2. In mean- I !->Choo! Stleaker~ \\ill be m\.1teri to !."'R.l'-umc the utj.tamzatwn hcd~ me . diamond ot black enamc-1 d1i:;pl,1ymg freshing- punc.:h \\a:s ... C'1ved all eve- ln add1unn the1e is a 1-,-p1et:e or· \\Ork cl:-.:-.umed the 1n·o1101t1ons of cl t11ne he will be I t1l'ipate in the ... tate extempoianeou~ 1 ~pull;i. "- 11 membci,.,hq~ an t:;. nt_1~' one alon~ the longe<.:t diagonal. clasped I 11111!!. The ,g1oup of c:hapc1one~ \\ere. ehestra \\ ht~h will <l! i.;umpany th(• en- ~mall. husmeso.;, for the eostumes a1 e dc:-.ely assot·tated sneak mg- contest. They are· Robert vl the lt!a<ling- nation<l~ ~oioiiti~~"'·rk· hands on either side of \\h1ch the1e :\Ir and }.hs R (.Adam~, L~. an<l tne perioiman<.:L'. The ca~~ is asl all of special perw<l:s. ~nd O\er s1xt.} with the work of E\'e1ett. B1Ilm~s; \\.1lliam G1lter. Red One of the out:-.tand1m~. ~. ~ 1" a stat. and beneath a1e the Gre<-k )!Is. l' E Ja<.:k::.on, anti .\Jr and )Its follo\\:-; of them hn~ to be provided. A d1a\\- the p1e..,ent "taff. Lodge, C'hestel' CrO\\ , Glenchve; Phihp l:Jrn,l'n ?~-the oqnmt~~uon ."a:-;:-.~:~: le~tei:-. ..\.lpha-Dt'ltL1-Pi T~e pll'<lg-e,Lou IIO\\ard .. T~b )<'m' ... dam·e. J~l all ~andor, a g-yp~y nrn:-.kian, Ben Frost m~ \\a-.. l1r:st made and colored by This 1s a convement John,..on..: He!ena, Dan Lovelace. Boze. cd m 1.1_;-i \\_l~e_n the~ began. a clan pm i:-. a har of gold bearmg their ways,_has mamta111ed th~ hiz_h stand- f1e:-.co, <l ballet mastc1 and ~tage )J1:ss Little fo1 each so1t of costume, auangment mad!::! I manj Syh\1a :\Iahoney. Anaconda: pa1g11 fo1 a ;->t.),000 fund fo1 pin - Gtel'k letter~ and -..u1mounted by the ln.I! at iotmcr.Lt•s BouHon uant.•t>s: manal!CI ol the ope1a house, E1n~st then pattc>1ns and ~hades were worked 1.os~1blu b) holdmg • F.al'i O'Brum. Hane; Eal'I Plaismer, throp1c \\Olk 111 the lions head. Then· iecogmtion pin 15 The imt1at1on of Les Bouflon Challendt•r out f1om these, and the cloth pur- the election:-; tor Raker. Stl've Preston. Great Falls; iwld of ch~ld \\el· a small blatk enameled diamond shape 1leclg-e ... 15' one of the most amusmg- on (\;ttnt 1:krczO\\sk1, a polish eomposc1 cha:-.ed. cut, and ~ewe<l toJ,?ether by this off1eo t:ons1der- \\'alters J Betty Ro\\e. Dillon; Kathryn Shep-fa1e The) chose 1 beanng t\\O golden stais. A patron- the (ampus The pll«h.~es. \\Ill begin incl piam~t. :::;igurd \\enaas. the membc1s of the group workmg ably earlier than the ard: Butte Central (Gll"ls), speaker thu particular work ess' pm \\a"' adopted in 1921 eonsist- \\eanng-, then· umquc. p•n:-. the da) Captain Ladi~la", a Ilungarm Hussar, on this iia1t of the prepa1at1ons. A geneial studl'nt body t!lccttons usually from Ste\·en:-;\·ille; Jack Truscott, of day nur..:.ery an<l ing of a golden circle mclosmg the i after ")l' day . It \\Ill JU~t.be a mat- Herbert Oenle1 l'On:-.1de1able amount of ."ork \\as thus held m :.'.lay. :\Jiles CttJ' R1chatd ·weller, \Vh1te-the ti1-.t. fellow~h.~p Gtcek letters Alpha Delta-Pi. TheJ~er of week!'i befote the;i.• ~\ill lit.· seen Bo11~. a i!ypsj, fathe1 of muset.te. Joie made n.ecessary by this sale of the fish : Otis 'Vilhams, Conrad; Boy was g1a!1ted m l~V-h colo1s aie pale blut' and \\h1te while m then cho1ee costumes, smg-ing then· 1 .\hmce1 1noductwn alone I 'Valtct!-\ is a !'<tuclent in the Colle~e Young-. Living-..ton. to the U n.n ei sJt) _of the flowC't of the organization 1s the song~ and upholdrns; the Les Boutfon \~anmka. a _gyps). :\lthh ed Flanmgan. I ::\tl\ el l1ghtmg effects carried out I of Eng-mee1 mg, depa' tment of C1\ 11 These we1 e the most successful o:fi Chicago Coopet~~ c smglf' pu1ple nolet. :,,pJru:. Rafael. Ll gypsy. Kay Kle111g-ensmnh. by lIO\\atd Et win and Jeff )lathe\\S Engmeenn~. He had prenous Journal· the contestant:-. from -li high ~chools, Day ~m~er: · _r .rf1 The local chaptei ,\as orgamzed \llle Pom Pom. a pnma dona. Bessie are expel'tecl to add much to the effec- tstic expenenc:e a~ editor o! the who entered the ten district contest..~ progre$se<l : ei Y \\... I Ja~t spring- quai ter under the supet- C [[ S d t:~ re. ~ ll\ enes.., of the stage, m combination \\·h1tefi.sh high .;;.chool pa1 er \\alter ... 1 held throuJ?h.out the state. They take \\Ith. the f_un~ ~~(~ Gould \ISIOn of )lis~ Peail Kimball, who was 0 ege tu en ts Se1·gc>ant l~otemkm. Eade .Han--cn. \':th the set con:-.t1ueted by Gilbert also has tam1ly conn~Cll011" m the I part m sem1-ftnals at ~ozeman ; am\ a1e contmumg_t £1\i at that lime Diteetor of \Vomen·sl llo1p1oal h.opaczy, Carl \\all. Gillette, wh1l'h ts one of the most un- nc.:wspaier proiel"s1on, his f!landfather the hest eight \\Ill he picked to take \\Olk alonJ? thrn ie.(. f three Plwsi.;;al Education ~ pelltion \\as Cadet Teachers Je,,ellc1, Eve1ett Best. u~ual seen here for some tnne. With ha\'mg e:;tablished and managed \\hat I pn1t in th<' fmal ... on F11day e\'enmJ?) Alumnae ori;rnnlzat.u~ls daie 0

• The pre1.:.t:!nted to the fae.ult; of the colleg~1 \\"anda. pupil of ballet school, Elsa the ha1d \\Ork that has been contn- 15 now known as the Spokane Spokes· Ap11l 0 befu1e the ~nt1re High School typl·s: state. chapter an en;· f or· for tht.' permisswn to Olgamze a ne\\ ___ Hend !t:kson. . I buted m the te<.:hmeal s1<le of the pro· man Re\•1ew Ht~ gran<ll.nhe abo e'- \\ l'ek audil'ntC. J.:.Jeatest ad,ance m thi~ t)PC 0 soeial sorouty on the )lontana State 1"h" t .... . 8 . T k N c Etalka, pupil of ballC't "'i.:hool, Cyn- cluct1on, and the expert direction of tabhshed the fir::t nt>w::.paper printed .


>.me g-11ls be~ted all the boy con· colleo·e t:ampu~ and the petition was I Ir ~·Se\ en \ eniors a e e - th1a llopkm:-.. I Bl!rt Hansen and Donn Kmtz insm mg m Idaho, this tJ1 the to\\n of \\ allace. (Cont111ued on Page Two) 117 [[ Aw rded 1mm;cl1ately {!'ranted by that jtroup. es$ary Practice Teaching· ,-u:a, pupil oi ballet s<.:hool. Doi oth;i. perfe<.:LJOn of the dramatic and Da\ 1d Rt\enes has been e~ceedtnflY ,.,. e er a I Rec.:ogmtion \\aS also gl\en the group 11 Cred it:s In Loca] Schools I ' l\.O!->tka. mus1c:al 1wesentation, "The Fortune mte1ested m the \\~I~) o[ th~ ~ .. );)! f t •t. LJ c::' [[ h • bv the Panhellemc council and the • ;:enl1y, Harry Tic~ . Teller" should be a play long remcrn-1 - an<l rn.L }!ont.rnan, ra ernl leS near Yale re ows lP !~ca\ became known as "Alphadelt." I --- Jan, a tailor boy, (,Jenn Thi\ 11!. bered U) those who attend 1t I He '.'. th?J~Ug~~) .\.nnouncement. uf the orgamzatiun Ca<let te<1t:he1s m the city school-. (Co11tinue<l on Page Two) -- ---- fam1li~u ''~t : Prominent Leader --- I ~'as gi\en to local and college paper~ of Bozeman llO\\ n~mber :r;. All are JU~IOR PROl\1 PLANS ARE type ofn~~~~~al'~ll~~~~ 0 e of Six Lord S trathcona on )Jay ~H. JU:ll. !students of :IL$. C who ate seekm!! J • • • I );\" H \:\'OS 01~ COi\Ii\IITTEE ed to . I· d• fl ---n . ~ . nccessar~t ued1t for obtammg a )Ion- C:'ang nztzaflOn _. · l high stam~1 s o , . . .. Scholarships Goes To Pat1one5'e~ chosen al that t;me tana Tearhet'• certificate which per- E~' __ that pubhrat10n. (lair L. Peppard, TraYehng Sec-Senior E ngineer ' "~'" · 01"·, C. E . Jackson'.}]». !>red m1ts them to teach in the fifth lo H [d L t 117 k The date to1 the annual Junior The "ork on .the relary Lambda Chi Alpha --- I \\_ilson, )hs. B .. J llee~de.1ks and ~Ir~. eighth grades and the h1g-h :schools. e as YY ee P1om ha:-. been announced as :\la) 6. )lontanan IS. of <.:on- \ddresses G roup ~ . '\· .J. Dunc~n . . 1:'1. :-'a1ah. J?nnmg.s J 1hose ..,choob Ill wh1.;;h the ~tudents --- by Bob O'Bnen. JU!11or elas ... president Rivene~ stderabl_c J~tag~1tude A Announ<.:eml'nt \\a:-. made .lat \Hek \\as dlo~en as facult~. ach1:sot and cl ,are pral't1ce tea1.:hing a1e the Galla- • . . The> .Junior Prum is one of the mo:-;t and Rl\ent::, \\tl! be/ --that one of the :-;Ix Lurd _suathcona ie<:ogmtwn tea \\as gnen on Jm~e G,ltm County high "ehool. the Emer:-.on Elect ~ew Officer a nd Con\en- 1<lelig-htful eYents of the spring quarM ha1~d1c.-a1,ped by lack of thn1ou_hl) "The fii.,t :-.ocial fraternity in th :O.lemor1al Fello\\:-hip~ ~t '\ale L'l~llege a,t tl~e hom.e of Ptof. a_n<l .:'llrs. \\ R. jumoi hig-h. school m'td the Holy Ro1.:. tion Delegates . .Bud Lowe tu The u~ual n'O\\nlll~ of the queen\t.rai~e~. staff, se\·en~1 .. e~penent:ed Umted States had to repel a mob of wa" a\\a•ded to .fa(;k \\ ellc1 of \\ h1te· 1 I It•\\ on Clevelan<l a\enue. ary paiochial school ,. . d 933 G. ,, ill be the mam e\ent: hO\\e\er, the \\Orke1s 111 th11' field g1.,uluatmg th1" . ~ . , . b 1 fish. ~1ontana, and a mechanical engi- Pledgmg of the members to the 01·1 A total of 26 1-2 e1ed1ts a1e n<"~·e..,. \\ill Lea 1 IOU}> queen will not be annount·e<l until aiyea_r. iiotou:; "tudi:nt:-. cl med with ba ... e a nce1111g- student ~lt )lontana State col- gamzation \\<i.S held I·riday night, and sary fo1 the obtaming of a teal'her's --- later date. Iloff1e·~ :.\lontanans "ill ,:\o a11not~ntemenb of 1lan:-. fo1 l~~~lbab, axes aml llub~ .111 01de1 that th \cg-e Thb ..... cholat :-.hip for graduate the mstallation was perlormed Sattu · cet tificate. Fh e hour:, of actual teach. .\ t a 1 en•nt mt.•din r of the Fangs fui n1sh some snappv danl'e music. T'' 0 ~xponlnt for nexh year 0 ,.

1 th~ I. h.,. 1 IOI! cabm chapter hou:-.e in \\ h1ch the . .. tudcms \\ho ha\t.! had prac:in~l .\ailf da;i. afternoon at the chapter hou..-:e. mg u~1dt.•r the :-\Upen·1s101~ of a mem- la:!: T•uc~da) e\emn)!,,., elect1011 of of- comm1tt~es a;e bus)· making l'omplete ::"\l~~1ta_nirn .• hi3\Clitoiesen 11~1<~~1.' ex Yee~ed lned might not bt! torn down," state<] 1oa_d expenence, l'ut;ne-.. an a\\c\ll 0 The m:-.tallat1on was follo\\C'cl by a her of .thl::' State colle!(e faculty nre a hccis for Utt.· commg )c~u. was held nnang-ements for th~ affall A g-ene1al ne ) e ecte< e<. . ~

11 b P i 1.. la1r L Pep11erd, t1a\elm~ "ecretar)l :-:1~00 for one yeai ~study, an~ the banquet at Her11ck hall, sC!IY('(I bylpart ol the 1eqmrement Giltl'rt '"Bud'' Lo\\e, Omega Beta, tomm1ttee consist::; of .hm :\lcKay,ltha\statf a~no~>nc:em{~tb.'\ 1 c m~c~ of the Laml:J<la lh1 .\lpha frate1111ty oppo1tu111ty to obt~111 a n~a'.'ite1 8 _d~· member~ of Phi l' .. honorary h_ome Those students who a1e n?w doing ilom ~leadO\dantl!", )linncsota, \\ho 1s James " 'aters and Charles \\'oo<ls. ~\i ~,.~n~u~~~hil'h D~Y;il ·~1~qu~~·1(f~u~: ,,hen he adore.ssed a la•g-e, attenli\' • 1ec 1n trnn<.:pmtation at l ale um\ el- econom1c:s club. The final e\ent oi the cadet lPathmg and then· ~UbJcl'ls are tak ng the .\pplwd A1t LOUl'se he1c, Lilhan ~ labiY \"1r1,.rnia \\'arne1 and c:u. 0 'l), . 1 bbl groun of collc~e f1ate1mt\ men las ~It). . ' ·- \\eek-encl W3!j the Jn ... tallation ball Jack Erkkila. ~lortl(·~1l~ure,. Henry wa~ cle tl'd. Duke. ll arold . .:\t~rdoch, L?or.s Roy:-\ a,:e ph;-nmng the d~cora- ~;t~1~;,ait 01 next mont t, pio a y .\lonfia~ afternoon m tho fn~ineerm LQnl St1atht.ona \\US one o~ the ?1 <Cont.inued on Page l'wo) Robinson: An11n.1l Husband1;i.. :\lei- lo1.:dl man and g'Iaduate ot Gallatin tions and \:u1ous other 1111no1 detail:-. J'. c.1--s~mbl) room . .:\lr Peppc1d \\a~ m hnnal 1romoter:-. of the Ca~adian bournc h.nox. Farm ~lechan1cs: Earle County high :sehool, w~ made Sn1bc. that ha\'e to be planned The1e seem~ j\1ted to J!'l\e a talk on tht..• \\Ork oi I aufi c 1a1h,ay, and l~ft :-.utliei.ent • BJotk. Agron<?my; ,,,,Lawrence ~fa1\·!n, I Gtorge Parks, ..\1mgo, of Glas~0\\ 1 an<l to be ~ome difficulty m collect1on of B . kl Ch the nat10nal lnterf1atermty co_unL'' money II) endowml.'nt funds to make IM . G M Craig Farm .:\lechamt:.:;; l•nrnk. Rober~:->,\ o- populc\l' footbal man, lece1ved the of- jumo~ class dues and the JUnlOl' class UC ey osen b) Go don Pnppm, president of thE '-'IX )eatly award:-. to <le~ernn,i:; sc:hol- Uf. en. . c:at 1onal Agriculture; G1ace C1esap, fice of ttea~Ulel, the h1stol'lan IS .Joe cff1cers expre:iis their doubts m :.-;pon- local counc1l, after Papptn had re a·~. Degrees otfored with th.is fellow- l R Q T C Art: )la11-rnrel Johnson, A1t, ~Jar· "'alters, lndeptmdcnt. of \Vhitcfish, scnng- the P1om unless the class Fang Delegate ee1,ed a <l1spateh from thl" nation ship ma) be had rn. mech~ml'al eng-J. nspects . . . . g-a1et Souder~ . .-\rt , ~l'anc~s )lal_lon who JS quite aCtl\e Ill student af.ta11~ membei:-. gel JlltO a l'Ooperatl\e ~p1ntl 1111forming lum of Peppetd'~ fitness t< mering. transpo1tat1on. Cl\Jl engmcei~ Art, .John Coey , Physical Educatwn; and the rccu1tlv elected editor of next immediately. --- t,dk of the \\urk done b) the lnte1 JnK and emrmeerinv PtOllOllllC'S. Catleton Dale, Physical Education; \car':-; Exponent. \\ .. II G 1' N t• . I c ·e ron Jratermty council. To pet1l1on for this fello\\sh1p, the I Regional Ins pection \Viii Be Held Elmer. )[l'ncer, sw.lll."llm,g; Ge?ri.:e 1 · Informal 1111 t1at.on took place al the SOAP SCULPTURE EXHIBIT 1 0 ~ , ~·IQ~,\ om n 1 )lr; Pepperd. presented ~he. r~se o applicant must ha\'e had practical rail- O i\J 9 lO ll B , Ma'or ;\fise~"· Gymna,tic~, l:riel hrn~, college ~nmnasium Wednesda)· e,e. PLACED IN HERR ICK HALL I At Unl\e1 s1t) of Idaho. the (,.eek Jetter oocial fiatnmt> f1on load expenenC'e and certam schola:;ttc 1 n l ay • ' ' ) J Phvsl(UI Eiluc:at1on; Eleanor RH:C', TT1. • 1 -r A.p1:11 ·)o Pl men gorng through 1\Ioscow Tod·iv a small \\eak orga111zat1on to the u111 a\·era~e and 'suitable recommenda- Pillow of General Staff to1y Dexter :.\Io"'er. Algebra: Lutton !1

n;· 0·d .fol~ ·~~\Ct"ll of the alumnae --- ' " lfied, p(H\e1ful body \\h1eh now con, ~•on" ,.,a; to his ~b1lity and cha1acter. --- ~m1th» Phy<.;qcs; Ellen Alspauj.rl; . .r:nl!- l~l'':'i~dl'nt ... \\;e1~ th;re to help \\ith An exh1b1t1on of soap sc:ulpturc w11l I --- trols 81 nattunal. fra~t·rnille:-. \\hon One of the mt!lllbl'r" of the Strathcona I .· I li~h; 1 earl H11 ~c:h. A lg~bra; Kenn~th ~he Jroeee<lmg~. , be held m llci 11ck hall the 1atte1 part . At thur Ruckley. nat~of!al see1 etar~ huu:-.t>d u~ O\ l'I 1 t>OO chaptc1 houst's~ to FellO\\shi commillee 1:-. Professor\\' Due to a_bt•late<l sp11~g :-no\\ sl~rm :\loore, H1slo1y: )fary \001hees, r1t1- I . 1 iate" are· ('hat le~ of the week. This exhibtttun. c:onsist- ot the lntc1-l·o1leg1ate hntl!ht:-., accom· da~ at bS m11l1on doll::u .... The hr T W hle~bur r \\ho former!) fi.lle<l a a g-<•rn. ... ral 111spel'tton o( thl' .'.\lont.ma zcnsh1p; ::\larv LO\\ney, F:n~11"h; The 11 ~'\ mt B t ~ F t lla.r Jll~ of ·tbout 100 pu~ees of sculpture is 1.amcd b\ Bud Lo\\e Dul~e and cttu1t to ptontote an inh•rf atern1t iac:ul~\· po-..iti~n at :\lontana State State J~. 9 T, l'. urnt by ~laJor ?~~- Dornthv Hannah, Engli:_.;h; Bt!ll)· :\f~·- O~t·~~m~\·. Om~~i~rsu~1 as, ;1~~ AIJ;h~ s1.;nt o~t. by the NaL;onal t'omm1tlec 1 llarold )iurdo1.:k, Scribe, \\ill le.ive ot2a111zt1un wa" made at.~ conferem: \\'cller wa:s cmllO\'ed for six \'ears e1al \\alm (1a1.1r, nmt.h co1ps.aica ~ell, Conuner<.:ial Geog-raphy; Annie l~::;~n, cw!n • . lai i'\' l·ice Ka)Ja of Soap Sculptmes. I t include" mt- here todu~ to n•pre~ent thl' m Ph1ladedph1a 111 1~~'· but a7tu m the engme ... e:·\'l~e departm£>ilt of commande1 of thl• t.:mted . ~ta~~:-. I Andc•r:-;on. Alg'ebra; Do1othy Brook", ~p:il?n, l{~'~fm~~J;\! Le"onard · Deldu- tional prize:-., wmners selected ft om Fang chapll'r a.l the annual 1.:oml·n· nnfedernt1on \\as not accomphsht.~ th . . ~ th··n l'lllroad at \\'hite- a1111\·, was held m~1de the bat1a<.:k~ ('0111nu"C'1al Anthmet1c, Dorothy llan- St~ma, .u O\\ c'. h· Butte · the 5500 entered in titt! Se,·enth An· twn to be held 111 )lo~('0\\ 1 ld.aho 1 the until n10~J The prt·sent lnterfratl'l hsh G~~~tha~ a :.1011 s;d~rable,ptaC'ttcal l,i:-.t \\'edncsday murn1111!. Thl• Hobca~ sen. 1I1story; Dorothy G~·ig-!;hy, Gl•n· ~hery, 1 ~an.tbJa Si•r~l~a ·0i~~ 3J3oz~man: nual 'competition of Small Sculpture 28th. 2Hth and :~Oth of April. One day mty _Coum:1l hea~lquartt>is ail• locate k ' l 1 f mel'hanic Cat•aJiun \\as unahll' to g-o thtoUf! lral Sl'ience. and ::"\larJOrte Foote, Ed\\ Jn °'~"11 'p J· ~l ha Bill 111 white s.oap for the Proctor am.I will be ~pent at Pullman State collej.!t• 111 :\'.e\\ '\ o•k ( 1t~-, anll ma111tam now ei ge 0 em.nne :-.. their company drill but their rifle dnl~ ::\lan~aret Choate, :\label Smith. ~ al'k \0tm (tn. \' 1 "~]>II~~-· P. A 1 >In- ('amble p;·izes. nine miles f1 om )losccrn and the othe1 full time olficc l'oi c:e a:-. an inform 'USS BH..\:\':\'EG .\:\' \'lSlTS .\ .. \ t: " ' was mspected and \·a.wus membc1s of AdYll·IW Tloug-htnn, Emnlme Gould . mL?.:-;, (,eui1r 1• 0~ 1 1 h\.app,t \n~JK~· 1 'These white soap ~wulplure" me two al thl' Unt\er:ilt\ of lclaho 1t1on aid to all tJ'4lll•rn1tws Peppe the com1)ames we1e que~twned upon A~·nes Van Oo:sten. \'era i\Iallon. and BillmJ!si


11• J rmgGaml. 1 · \liih\• 1,, 0 ,·,. ·,,,, 11 .ts •n.<l .,,,;·iteurs both :\·01d "a" iecei\eJ fn11n the Idaho 1·t.lated ho\\ :-;c\l•1al :-.tates ras-..t>d la~ l,ll l:StllES J:S ST.\TE St'JIOOLS h t' I L'1a1" LI J JI E . Creat F" s· 1 iam lll g-e ' ' .,. ". " • ' . h h J · J 11 h" · 1· t t 1•11•1 1 o.nb oft e coutst..' .enera · i:-• Floicne<.' on, omc conom1cs 1 ~ • C 1 b F ·k Con ·1.dulls amt thtlclren throu~hout t e chapter t .1t t 1e1r pans are a l'Olll· \l ro 1u1ttnL! ta l.'l'nl !l's m · -·a a giaduate of tht· L~nlled State~ )!11- · ----- Ga.1~1 m•1 ~~1~·d nt~ U1~ 1 ~:i 1.~!LJ:-.. 00;. l·nit~d State:-;. Canu~la and $t:'\eral 1,tetcd nn_d that they a1e g-oing- :o t1y h11\\. tht·s~ \\ere latc·r re,ok<'cl l>r Gladv" B1annegan reeently re· itan· Aeademv at \\est Point. the m· SE;\IOHS no , Ind( I en e . Ab akep Europe·rn c·ountra.·~ \\'hite soap a~ a to ha\e JUst. as good a l'Omentwn 4\:-. 1 ublic scntmll'nt. turnt·d frort1 a t11p where :-.he \'Jsited f.111 \ 1\. schooi' the staff colleg-l', and \II .... C'nior ... a re r<'c1uer.;ted to he Alber:-., Indeptmll'nt,

1 · soh tt~: medmn; of :-.l·ulptu;·e achieved prnm \\as held at ).lontana State l'Ollegc Pi miJa .. opmion ''hah ust'd to l all thl' A. A. C. \\- branch~s nf thts t~te ai·nw \\al 'colic.'!!~, \\a:, high!~ 1.:um- 1 re~rn t in ca1 ·:-. a nd ~O\\tt S at lhC' Elmt!I' ~uu}eB t~nc:~11:1~entGlen~} 1 \':'. inenee with the first. 1~nnual compett- last. yc•ar. The )Iontana Slate dcle- l'asily 111flut•nc·Nl by sc•1batio11al ne\ 1.:tate. Pla~:-. were made fo1 thc,nm-lrlimt.·ntaiy of the loeal unit. .innual ... e nlOr a"-..,crnhlr on Tu es- Gotdon l:1g, <''\i"~ 1 G· rn Rho'itwnht•ld -.;('\CO\:C'ats,1.go. Sinceth('n , gates will attempt tn hrm!-t bmk thc11aTH:•r n1t1de" w11tten about frat \l'ntion \\hl(h \\.Ill be held_m ( ... Pit Tl. ~) d1on In ~Iajor c:c1w~al da). " a) 'i. St.:niors \\Ill mN~t Jat1H!"'- \\.l~\-on,. Pif. rathn \lJlhd 1t has j.!'J'ClWn 1ri populm1ty. both \\tth ~1her L0\'111).! Cup '\hll'h Is a\\Ul'dcd mtll':-., alt.' sll.•achly he.:i.rl0 ldt1\Uted l·all ... ,Octobcr 1.3, \land l.l \\h1e l . 11 m1e · 1 b a"l'l'onclon ,.ut~idc the ma111 c>ntranC'C' anrl Gla:-.L!o\\, ai!en ,rnna • 1·('ss Jrofess•onsandarchitel·bfo,.expt.•rt- to the drnptt•r \\h1ch ha:-. made thl· latcfullYphu1m·dpublic1t\'tothl'~ a\\a) she spokt.• befote a-.;semblll'S at ( i_a~).!t \\ill be fol!O\\e.1 lo~el .fl'I onw G march in after u (.'r) one C' l .. c• j.., ~am1~rn R.ho, .Simms; ll~wa~c C~1et ~1entai. mod~J:-.. ~ml with am~h·urs most unpt OH'• ent dur.ng the ~ t.•a1-. dC'eds \\·~i(•h f1at~1 nit~l':-. huH• ac_co~ Helena an.d B1lhng~ high :-.chools ~1n_d ~rw~ ·'1-l~ ~i"d ~.1, .~al Staff of R. o s('ated . ( ap• and g-O\\ n..'-; ma) b(' h.a~tM. ~ 1 J! 1b~: cilai ~7\\~_on,Ohpeim· I who macll• ~oap cm \'ing:-. for their own\ At thC" l'oiwent10n hl'ld he e la"t Yl'aI oll hcd in b1 n-::rn2 1111 th prom me hi:ld tnd1v1dual conterent:es \\1th p1os- t o,\\, ~- le i~~ll J • hn1 Ni with ~ltured from flau ~em,1n and 'l e- JGlaztl'l. Lam t.~ l'.. ,Pa, pl '. amu~cnlt'nt and for home dc<:oration . Idaho won this cup. 11\l'n \\ho had l'el'l'l\t:.I t-ainm~ r:cd1\e --tudents fo .. )fontana State T < • \\ill. be ell! e~~) td ~ g t. tJ\i. 11 E.ob llnn--on, 1 .... apJM, Si/-..'111.j\y )o ~on, · (Contmue<l on Page Two) (Continued on Page Two) 1 lender~h1p w1th1n the ft ate1nity. College at Helena, Ha\'re and the inspectm!! oJ e a mm1:-. ia c J (a . Jack Erkkila , Pres. (Cont111uc<l on 1 age o )lissoula. 1 (Continued on Page Two)


Jliontu:n~~_;xpo1tcnt lr;===I Sl\IATTERI NGS FROl\l HERE

. \LPll .\ DELT.\ Pl L'\ST.\LJ..S HERE

~--------------; 1 1':!1~ ~l}(':lk ......


, I:'\ O U R l\llDST Conti nuance of Weekly Exponent, and of :\Jonthly Exponent. Founded l 95

II l l ontmu1.·<l from Pn.ge lhwl 1-.1Hn at th1.• lltitl'l B,l\:kt, ~.,tu1d,n I ~l o ntana State Collcg~

AND THERE 10 Years Ago

Published every Tu esday of the college year by the AssociuteJ Studt!nls of

Montana State college, Bozeman. Montana

~ubscript1on rate: $2.00 per sl'hool year

\\ l' \\ l'kiHm• till' Alpha llelta 1'1'!' mto ou1 mttl .. t.

\. () Pt. lwl'ause 1t \\:\"" tht.• f11 .... t natw1wl on this t·ampu-.. tlw1l•fott' the

Acceptance for mailing at spl'cinl rate of po::;tage pron<lt!U tor m Section i..r1.mdnwthl·1 nf till' ... on•ntlc.... TIH.') n·kh1atl·d again h) l!I\ llll'." a t.._~a fo1

1103, Act of October 3, 1927, .:iutho11zed f'~bruar) 17, l!lHI ttw Alpha lll·lts \\ho ... hould ,\pJH1..·crntt· ~m·h an atlalt 111th.._• .. e111llnl·kmg ~nod

Telephone 147-Ask for Exponent On il.lon<lni after 1 P. ~l.-80


II'. l\'..\L L.\l'E HARRITY EOWI:\ H. BECHAf'T

Tlw [ t.'"' Rouft'nti-. at<.' tht• pa,,ns ot tat .... Somt• peo11ll' :.t).!"ll'l' that "'Ollll' of

tht'm Ult.' 11g-ht. ~mil tht 1~·st of till' Jll'O!•l.._• flt'i thnt "tlllll' ol tlwm :lll' \\1n11i.r .

und no nanws nl'l'd lJl' llll'lll wn ... ·11.

A'socintc Ednors Ed1tol'inl Aso1~ta11t~


Ol' a l'I"', 11 Ip o 1t•1 t"', . 1111111,, 1 l · J II. It J'l I I! I \ 1 II II U 'lt·IH't'I .. ml!"' a .. \\l•ll m tlw "Fo1tu1w Tdll'I ... 1s lw d11l at 1.t'.':I B"uffon

1 .. Jo :\hkltch, ;\lat,\ ~\loon•, ( harlottl' Hequa ro1 mal, tht.'n ll ''Iii lil' ~1 J.!t1nd sho\\

L:rn renl c 1.abbitt

l'\tnini.: ,lt ''htlh th1.• llt\\ 11ut .. \ll' ... umt tht.'ll ,1.!'Ul'"'bi "'Pl'nt a mo»t l'l\Jll) a bit•

t:\ l.'{ll~:~·ll mn ~aztHl' kno\\ n ,1-. tht' To :.\hs.:- l;t.'llC\ ll'\ l' Cool~) l!Ot:S

- t ( hi-; 1 \\U hr I ll j I ll'l'tilt Jl1r tht.' a1 t dl':-H:n U!:il'\i tlil tht:'

~~ll~~~;1nn1n t1l~1l~1t h:1nd'~"11t11~ uf:-1 tl1~· tl ont oll th.._• -.o\U\ t•n11b p1 ogt am:-1 ~1~en l \tt u l 1 , , 11 out at .1.h>t. • mun et tH po..,l1..•1 t'-

1~wm 1l'lJ • t 1..•1 al n ~1\ i1;•1 ll t~tt·n: ... 1µ-n .. ""-'tl' tUIIll'd in h\" .. tudt•nt:- ol

~. 1 , ~t:t l111; 1ltn1 !

1/;~t l • 1::1

\ ... " ;~:u11..•d "'I'- t 1C HI L J1:pa1 l1)11..•nt ior ·u~e ,n~ mh l.'1:­

tinw-. <~I ,. •ar b the t•xe~ utl' L' .:<l'l l't'- u-. ni..r the .. h(>\\ • ttnd :.\11::- ... ~vole~ :­tnl ,. .\· 1.;qu:u·ft:>rh m:q.ratllll' en llt• l dt slJ.!t\ \\ .1~ ~t..·ll1 l ll.'d lur the [ront oi

"Till• .\ cklph1an" \\·a ... bt•g-un JJl :.\!n ... ·on, tht.' ph)J.!'ltllll .

(;l•t11j:ta. rn 1!10-;". Thi"' puhh.._atwn \l u:-.1c· .t n . .., Entertain. ""' 1:ditt.!d 111 \nriou:; lh.._ ht•.::-t ddtatt• o,. thl· )l.ll "n"' phlll'"' until Jl•t.·ently hC'ld Ja .. t \\"1..•dm•--da\ bt•t\\1..'L'll \Inn­" lwn it \\:is per- tnn11 ~ta tc and P1..·irn-..) h n111.1 St.1tc. m.1nc·ntl) lot·.1ted at ..\ t!°(•ll(i lll)\\tl llf hoth ,tudl'lll' tlnd

Bports Editor Coed Athletics . ... ocicty Editor .. Society Write1 s.

!:)arah Barnn.!!"tr, )la1um Gilchn!'t. .\nne Uarrini.,rton

..J."1ina Dm 1s

Dorothy Hannah, Kay R1v1;>r:.;, \ "1rg'in1a Speck, Ka:i. Lyons,

Ellt..>n Pope, Lon amt! ~chal'fl't. Edith \\ at~on, )lary

.:\.mt•s, Jn\\H , Corn en- tu\\ 11s1l'OJ11..• nlkd th1..• Em1..•r::-lHl au<l1-t 1 n n m1nutl!~ an<l tormm. l he qu.._•-..tion lot' <lL•b.lll' \\US:

othl't mntt..•riul of pri- "R1_.:~uh ct!. That tht• l 111kd ~tale~

Thl S1).!"ma C h1',... .lll ~l'ttmu- nlwad n! tlw ll'st of till' l.lmpu,... \\Ith tlwu \<ill' n.ltutt.~ ate pub- gml'trnnent :-.hould l'"tabhsh a :-)~tc.·m

l'llZ) lunt:lwon .. to1 tlw11 lad) f11l·tHls. I t \\oultl hl• \\Isl' 101 lhl1 1t.~-..t 11! thl' )1 ... ht•tl J1om ume to ot unu11pluynwnt llhU1.111~t' fln c.•m-

Frab tn look lllll) the 1111\t tl'L

ht't'<.11llP Tl'll-<.'UP JtH!i!lt'I"' '? 11 "as 11n ,1 ,, l l'k-day hiti. . \ I l' tlwy g-omg- to t111w. I plo) .._.~ 111 Amt'l ll an l'O: JlOI all: mdus-

Doris Ill')"' Tlw folln\\illJ..t \\ere tr1e~." The \lslllnt!; lt•am uphC'ld the•

Marjorie ""tarr,


m1t1all'll 41 -. thaner alfumntl\e ... u1.._. of thl' qu1.'st11111. "h1k

Feature \Vr1ters :\1my LO\\ncy, t'laJU Rl1nt, llekn Oll\c1


The Fo1 t111w Tl'lll'l ha .. suppl1t•d .._•lt'\l'I lines 1°111 I.. ount \\ t'nn:ts tn

hut thl• fllllnll'"'t lhlll~ is tilt' hitd\ Ill his \\,tlk.

mt·mht..•r:-. of Bt•ta :"llu thaptt"r. Em.1- :.\1. ~. C. put up a -..t.ong- .n~umcnt

ll'Jltnl lmt..' Gould, r:-.th1.•r Hunikl, Do!1"' for tht• nt•gatl\l' 11w nr~t ~1w.1kl;'r

Ben Lnw, Jn•ne lluntsberg't'J'. Cu1ol)n Odnne~. \\ tlltcr .lnl'llh). \'irJ!llllH J Bill ( 111..•y »a)-.. that tlw lt'ason h.._• hasn't \\U-..hl•d h1:-; u11ds hHd)· j..., thnt he

)IucDonald, Ilo\\anl Lore!, W1ll1am Schl'nk, Gtaet.' t t'l',;ap. Lillian \\'dkomh. • \\tnild IH\\ t' to dl'\ dop1..• 111to a t1 ,tt'k man 01 J.:'ll to hC'd "!ult• the) d1 it..•d

Paul :\lcAdam, Honwr Lnmhdin. Ell'nnor Crum. )larjol'le Brown. Hilda! ----

1 Roy .. , ::ielmu Ro) .... )!1t1 JOl'll' \\ 1hn111:->. for th~ aff1nmll1\ t:' thank1.•d '.\lnntann

)laqr.u·ct \\ tJ,...t\n, .\lHrJo111..• Stan. ~tale tor tht! k rnd "~h tlllH.· \\ hich they

Gl•tW\lt'\1.. l.ut1..·~ .. \!ta <.;urdon. ,Jam• hnd l'\.tc'ndc-.1 to the \l:->lto ~.and htlpl'd

)lu1 d11l'k. L11l1an Button. Luc11l(' that l\·nns) h anm ~tntt• lllll!ht bt.• abl1..·

l· Janu. and Erma l'uuuo Tlw plcd!.!l:'~ t~l t'I t1.•1 tam )1. S. (', dt•bat~r" -..omc

ol till• 01.!',tlllr:tt1(1n are. l-:1 ncst111L t1111e. ll1~m.rn. :.\l._11) And1;•1-.on and Uopl' Kant•. Eclucturs tn~pecl Ut•p'1.

Emal nc Gould :It ll•cl a~ pi t•sull'nt 11f 1 h1.· h1u1l ~1oup dut :ng- 111 .. tullalion nnd m .. tallt:d .1 .. tht..' tir-.1 pt<.'-.Jdlnt u"

man \\ hn hat! ~tC'pt tht..• g-1 uup a ... 1 n.1t1nnal ('hnpte1. Do11s Ro) s \\as in:-.tallc•d n-. tlw Jll'i.'-..ldl•nt of

Halonen, Gl'tll'ge Cook!'on. Pl'J,?"g) Smith, Do1oth) Obt.•n. l;corge Noc. I l'huh111ns "ill l'ntl'1ta111 l'\('1yonl' ''ith his lhnct.• of tlw Xatwn .... and 1t

nu}!'ht to h1..1 good hC'cntlsl' lw I!' hn gt• 1.•noug-h tu 111elu1k all Ill tho ... t..• ,;nid

llUSl:-IESS STAFF nation-.


sl1anc-l' as it sl't'lll" tht.• .. 0 onl) tor rwxt )l'ar.

Business Assistant .. ·-· Cynthia Hopkins I Yl•stl•1day. n111 Tallm:lll w~\" ,\ ll\ 1111! .._~ ... :.1mpll' of a

Advertising Managl'r -····· _ ... George Grunenfelder while "tandinl! on hi.. lw.td .• \ ,.._, 111 f 1l' flat md\'l'd hut

A:::;!iistnnts .\lo01 e 1'1<.'C', \\'alt Williams, llarry Tice, t·ould not h~n '-' pi nduc1..•d a hC"ttei 1.·xamplt•.

.\ llllllllll:::.:s1on fo agr1t·tiltu1al ln\l' .. -t1t.?ntn1 .. f1om the l nl\'l't'tt\ tif <.. ,\li­fo1·111.1 '' l'n· m Bozl'mnn .:'liontln) of thl' \\t't•k to look o\er th1.• .1)!'f\lUltu1al deparlment-.. \\ ith u \ !('\\ ·to obt.ain­illt! -..omc sug-c.t• .. uuns th.tt th1..• l'nl\ l'l'­"'IY m1l!ht U"l' :n th1.· ll11ltt..•mplnted l'h,mJ:l's 111 th1.• ai.::11lultu1.tl tf.._·pn1t­ntl'nt ot th(' ( alifo1 nta lfl""titut Ion.

Ed. Haagensen, Bob l\lunsenrei<ler.

Circulation 1\lnnager ... Assistant

Hudy Stokan ~lckm :'llntsen

\Yith nll of till' bi!! ho)-. .rnd ~iris 111 tlw m1i...il•al slW\\ \\C' \\Ulllh•r if 1t

\\on't bl' like lunk1111: fo1 :1 lll't•clll' 111 a ha)· "'lal'k lo lt) und fmd thl' littll•

Courier Prtnt ~ Bozeman, Montana I lt•adin)! lady on thl" ... tnp;t~.

•=================~~========== The ~t..·n101-. 1.lltualh· dt•t•1d.._·t1 lo go to a lla ........ llll'('tmi.:. 1'11d.\\ fn1 lht• "11-..t


\\11ile the program of High School \reek is arranged primarly

for the purpose of the 'otalional guidance of the high school

~tudents themseln's. the opportunit,· to acquaint the rnrious

I tune m fom )t•ai.... Tht•) ah\:\)" man.lt!'l' l1l gt•t tht•11..• \\ht~n tht·) th"nk that

I it Js .l malt ... 't uf s1wndtnL!' thl'll fmanl't's.

lhrn d1cl you ltkl1 )Out Platmurn Bl11n1h• da!t.• this \\eek. Balw? ) ou "'hould

h:n.._• l'ha1g-e1l mlm1s,wn ht'1..tusl' 1t 1sn"t oftt•n 1m1..• g-1.>t"" !11 .. l up h1.·1t• in the

no1 th \\ uod-...

S'IT DENTS E:\'T IRELY ~L\N .\ GE cmrnm

<l'ontmul•d irom Pu:..?e Onl)

)lato ... 111. a gardt•ne1, ));I\ 1d Bn•\\ L'I.

f 11,..t ill'tl'll.\L'. {. harJt•-. \\ tl()d. ~l"t.·11nd l1l'tt.d1''-" .Jol' ll.11.l'n. Ut>nc .d h.orba). E' l I l tt Be-..t. .\1us1..•llt•. .1 l!) il') fortune tdlt..'I'.

E\t..'ll'tt Bc~t. liam .• 1 pupil rn the• l.\llot , hon! of

thl' n1k•ru at Hud.l l'esth, :'\Inri.ull l'l ~OUtiL'l'S..

lonccrt-. to b<' G1 , 1.~n.

Fnt..1 tnme1t"' \\11! lw ~1\t·n h) tht.' )Jontana ~t<.\lc.~ band on lb .rnnual tuur, -.ta1 ttn!.! )la) "'· .n Dl·t.' Lud~e.

l ht:' plnt't'"' :.o b.._• mcludul on thi, tnp nre Dc.~er Lod~l·. Anaconda, Pillon. Creat Fall~ and llelena Ftnal :llinc:e­nwnts tould not t.e Cllmpll•ted for thl' 'and to Journl.'y to )I l!'>!'>oula. duC' to th!.! fat t tha:. the 'tatc• nll.'1,chohl,tll' 1 nl'k nH:'l't "111 lw hell! m :'\li..-..uula that \\t:>t'k.

delegates "ith the adrnntages of higher education in ;\Iontana

~hould not be overlooked by the students of the college.

G11 I:-.' cho1 u.. Raehcl Ei!bt•J t, llt•lt.•n

ll1J..th Sthuol \\et'k is a good t11ne tLl look 1ner till' llt<lll'tial f111m a1 11mHI Ru-.hmc. )la•) ElizabNh l1.1m1lton, Flathead Club Or~anized.

tht? :'.lah· hut don't ~wa11..• the p<101 dultht..•n lo d.._•ath, h1.•t..•m1H~ they ~11t• Ellt..'L'n l'ummrn1,r:-;, I at :.\lilli", l'arol)n L1.bt Tue~da) utternoun pn.•lim 11.11)

Dclam•) · Jlar) .\h<.'l' Pett.>l"Clll, Con- 1 lan"' \\lie mndl' tor ~ht.> fonnat1on ot

In the pa~t incoming Freshn1an dasses ha\-e acknowledged that I monke)"' fiom tlw Zoo. -.tnn1.·e Holm, Dons Rn)s .. Julia Schu- the.• Flathl·ad club, thl:' memhei ... hip vt

l::ert. lrl'n1..· lluntsht'r~e1. h.ather11w \\h1ch '"' madt.• up of -.tudem-. at tht.>

~he former Vocational conference~ were the pnmary stimulus for The P1 Phi~ think they n1'<.' "mmt tu h:nc madl· a tnp h> <:1eat F.tlb \\ith- Rnt..~r .... EJ .. a llcndr!l·k,,.on, ( )nthia toll('!!<' \\ho aJl' from the Flatht·ud

thell' selection of )lontana State college. There is nothmg to ill- out u Chupeione. The) Ull' g"I0\\111,: up don't )Oll thmk Uut it's hard to he- llclJiklJl;"· Dorothy K~ .. tka. C'Ollnt) hich sdwol nt Kah .. pcll. The

, Bo)-. :ho ti-..· h.t.•nnt•th Hufford. off1u..r::- oi the dub \\t."1..' elei.:tl•d .rnd

\Ir .h1hn t:d~ d11l•f l'ngm('l'r of th"' \hmtanu ~t.nt• ll1~h\\ t\\ 1..·\lmm1 ...... 10 11 )!"l\\t.• .\ \t't) lnlell''tm~ tulk tu tht: 'l'OIOl' t l.l'' llf l'I\ I} l'll\!' TH..'l'I"-.; '·\"t l'ut.:-.d.1) motnin~. 3lr. Em i ... \Ny \H'll kntn\ n n t·ni.::nwer n·~ 1..'llde.s tlnliui.:hout :.\hint.inn. h.1,ing 1..onw h1..•1c m lHtl!t nnd \\t)tkt•d 111 thl' t·:t\ t.·n~ii11.·t•1 · ... tiff tu.· at B1ll.m::-.. Jo>\1.\\ ti\ ~t.·n ~t.·a1 ... ltHt·r h1• aU°altwd h: .. ma1of Hh.•:.\\ .lll1l ~l'l:lllll' t.·h1t•f t'tl~lllt't'l o tlit.• ... t.ltt.• lrn.:dl\\,\). "h d1 lw ha!-i ht>ltl t.'\ t.'r S11lt'l'

Junhw Prom.

rht.• du ...... of ':.?) h.l\t' ,.,d •ht• bal 1olltng- t.1\\,111l ht• J.!'.C>,\ o( a .Junior Ptom that ''ll .... n .. 1,1,n tht• 11..·putat•on '' hit·h th1..• \ l.i... .. hth tor .. t:tl!rn~ C'lH>ti d.11we::-. .\lthuul?h th\• t'\ l'lll "" not "'l·ht..·dult•d until 'la) ~7. thC" c:Ja ..... tif­fit·t~r:-. ar~ not t.lk111J: .rn) 1.·huncrs on h•tt 1 n~ JHtinastination :-.pPll thl· p:u h :-.o th<' nt>u.•-.-.ar) ... ommittu·:-. \\t.'h' ap­pointed h) Tl•<l c ate.•-.. th1 c-ln-.-. Prt.''1-dent. anti 111 .. ttu(·t..>d to L:t"t bu,, "ill t e arran).!c.·ml'nh .tt nnct.> ·

Loot ~UC't"f'''·

"l uot" thl· .._·~tlll'J:<.• rrn·.:iral enm{'dy played to :\ .._•aparll) hou~1..· nn thl' »t.>1.·nz:d 111).!"ht (1f it... hill. 1a .. t Tlw .. da,·. the tlr"t ... ho'' pt n\ 111g- a t!nn' .nl!' n1rd for thC' st•c·cmd 1w1 formnncl. Tln· :-hu\\ \\t;>llt , ,f it \\t•:"t po .. -.:1blt>. l'\l'll smoo .. rlwr at the !'il'<.'ontl shu\\ than at thl' Satm tin.) pt•rformanl'l~ I ht. ... ca, and ch01u-..._~ .. pla)t•d th~1r pa1• .. 111 c•x­<.'l'Jll1onal stylt~ and :1ddt.•d tht· toudl to the sho\\ '' hkh "1111 for It ,\ pl:\~ l' m tht.' m1..·mo1 It'-. of tlw ~tud.._·nt both: ns \\t"ll a"' \\Ith th1..• p1..•opl1.• of lfozt~mari.

h.Nn {'<•mpt'tition.

Comp"' .t 1111 , .. kt'l'Tl for the \.H .... lt\'

mnc th1:. )ear, ~ind ( 0.1.,;h l;l":l\l;s ha-.. ahout 'Hl ,1'pltant-. '10111 ,,h1ch to l·hooH' t hr Bobult nwn. E.1l h l'' i:mnc­tl~t:- pla) t•r, romp forth on tht.• hl'id \\1th mnny d1tf1.·nnt colo11..•,l u111t•' and ti) l<1 t11 .... pla) thl• hland ,,f hall that "111 llh\11 t' tht.>m h~·nh-.. on the tt•nm Tht..•1 e i"' a lan!t' as .. ll1 tmt nt for 1..•\ l'r\· position, and the n1t·n "ho finall; 111/.\k(' the !~am ''ill bt• troo1l r.._•prt"­'l'ntatl\ t'' ot a Rnh.._at ha t1h,.;1·r.

( onflrC'll('t' lldd.

I !ht Tnt..• .. 1ln) a confl'1 t'm \' "a~ IWl•I ~1..·t\\een tlH• l1.•adl·1-. of tht E..;ten .. ion !'-il·n lC'l' and Chnn<·llor Ell111t• nf 'he t'nn u .. ~t) of \lnntana, for thl' pur­Jlo""e ot cnn ... 11le1 In!! ~hl' ('OWl'l.!'t•tic\" l'Xtl'n~ on twed,... of sonw pa1 t" of the "tat~. Pinn .. wen• made for .;;.pt"'t ;al t~'\­ll'n .. 1on \\(lrk. apply·nl!" t• .. r1t.~i:tlh to the l'l'ntt al and no1·tht•rn part-. ,") :"llontana. Four phn"'l'"' of \\"'Irk \\t•te taken up.

Bo\\len. Eldon <..on:.el, na\"ld Btt.'\\1'.'l, t'Ut. tht• \tlt'JOll ... d.._•ta1J .. l'Ollll'ldtnt \\Jth (_"ollin.:; ~,.t:'ak~. <lit.ate that thi~ condition has rnaterially changed. I lll'\1..' ll ,,hen fnt• ot thc.·111 \\t•nt ma l'llUJll' \\lthout u iuHbh• seal. Hubert (onwr .. .John Pope, Elmer, ... t•\eral l'ommittt•e .. appomted to "urk

\Vh ile it is necessclry for the present student body in a n1ajority Th<' n.._•ltu Ph1», m 1 athc·r a fo\\ ""l'll•<:t .\1 t Stmknt .. an• J,!'omi.r to ha'·" for Ear IC' Han~en, f'nrl \ \ 'all, lla1 ry Tice. the foi mauon or the ,...0

l •NL D<.'l"imte "\\"hat " ll Yo111 ntt tudC' be "ill it

of cases to go out of the ~tate to realize that 1'Iontana State collegt ... nit.• du1111g llurh ~thool "1..·t"k a 'l.'t) nrt.1st1t· botlk of ttwir intprc .. ~wn of . .\l't 1 (\lul'~ ) aid of the OJll''a plan::- con1:erninJ! the nntur.._: of tht• ac- ht• "'tir :h1.• h1...n 1 ·t~t of "'ocit·t\ or fo,,

hou""'t.'. ad;a.._·1.•nt to thl' ballet :-;l·hool. ti\ iti('s of tht• clut. h:n l' rwt , t'l 1~1..'n t t'r"1nal aC"r:Ta 1d1zt•me11t. 111 tht> ... 0 Ju­

has a reputation of unusual distinction a~ an l'ducational in~titu-1 Campu .. Lift. ht:'n'. It 1emam:-. to lw ~el'n Ii It "di lil' tlw sanw ::- 111 t of an ~ .-h·t ll-Garde-1~ of t.ht• chatc>au of \\orkc·tl out. but It ls probablc>.that the tun of .:.tie.rndu ... tnal anii ~0~.-:a1 Jll'lih-

tion, let this be a reminder t.o in\·esl igatt.1 t hb detail for pubhcit.y impi csswn ii... tlw 1t•-.t ot us ha'<'_. \\'t..• _doubt It ~rn;i, 110'' <.. ount Bl'rezo" :;ki. :-.ut:iet) "111 be s1m1lar to tho::,e altt·~t·lY le ms tlmt inc(~ tht> nation tod,\y," "a·

purpO$eS . \\'ht.•n tht..• Chcnu-. 101 the Forturw Td!f.:'1 -.t.tmJ ... around in n 1 m•r ,.~rnkin,. army near Buda Pe, th. --- <'hnlleng-t• of ,,;;;rr dct>." \\ hidl )Ir .ht Ill tamp of the Hunl!anan m l'Xt"'h'nle on the campu.. · 1 the k<') no'l' of an a.Jdtt''" on "Th

. . . , . ,.,, g g f.:X<'l'Utl\ l' staff bU,...111<.'"' llHlnlli!'l" :-. l der ('I .,, H· f'o}hn~ -.tutft'llt-p.1 .. tor of fht• ~Chon] It should also be borne 111 n1md that <l l'01ld1tion of 1nten::-.e al each oth<.·r .\Ir. llun~l·n <.alls thl'lll tlw \\01:-.t th111g- .hnt lw l'Hn th1ng- ol,JGc•urg-l' Gruiwnfolder and ::\loore Tice.' 11 • ·l-~ .ice of :\hn.t..• .... at Bnulil•r ,~ 11111 .. 1

· •.

· · · · · I h t' "1'h R \ · J ti fl· tl t I''' .. . t l I . I R 11 · - ' Tlw .1nnu.ll unde•·-dns.:- L'tt..h-.-(·oun-1 1 f .._ ·. 1 .1' o. c:.i\e

~cholasbc con1petit10n apparently exist~ on t.he emnpus but it is Hill t ~i :::- ti ill.I!· wuni ie a 1 u) ·'u lH<. l.\c.'e 1 t 1 ~mg, .u""'l' Lane.~.\rlo l\.t..'t'~L'. ti) run "111

t.ikt.~ llac.._· nt•xt ~atuidrn ll ore n ... sl•mbly l.1 ... t I rid:\\ mo1n1n~.

• · · · · . . I 'G1lb1.. 1 t Lu\\ l', prtig"J <till ( 1ordon \"\ 1)- t , .J 1 ~ · \Ir. lol! .n-., \\ hn -.p<.>kt> m tht> ab ... t">nl e

Jargely superfu:1al smce t.he ideal student h not so much interested . . k . Iiams; u:-.ht•r,.... C'het. Hunitl'\' 10 c:hai i!'e •1 tl'I noon at • o .._ o .. k. 1 he rnlt..' 1-. due to lllne-.... . of' \Ir l hc~n in!?ton

. h · . lb . . . . . ,----------------- ,nt. Li oclot , tr1<la) l'\l'mni.r, and a , t t t h · • r1111uu1h for the t\\O unde!-(.'la-.''-'"•lh lt • 1 . 111 w at his ne1g 1 or n1ay do a~ the acqu1:;1t.Jrlll o( the subJec:t I I lunt·lwon for l>l·:.tns of Giils and (;it\'.,. ~~tsu.•.an o t t..' d1n~l'tm:., )1aiJorH' but otlh;1 melllbl

1,... of thP l'Olll'I!. nie rout! l ou .. a num 'l'I' of tht• probh~ms

· I I , S nn I ·t.. 1.:. or onr 20th Cl•ntu1\ \\hllh he b•Jip,·c~

matter presented to h1m:-;elf. M . .u '1s1.·1 s at lam11t1111 II all, 1 hu1~day Tl:.chni . 1 t·lfl" . t l d chf:rh•le to l·ntn the run Tht· 1 n.._·c· 1 .. a , it llh- c th t l'. '

I 0 tlces noon. ll\· :\ . <:a " • · \:O" ume ... 1 l'Sll!lle p.irt 1lf the -.t'hl·dult• that drtt-rmnws I " · t'nc:C'rn. .e nn 1 ~'n . n.._•r-:-

Let us i1npret"s the \"i:siting student. that if he should COllll' lo - ------ R11·tf~t1Jo11t~,,,1,1tttlhe; t'\.t..•cuhtl·d by '1la1,i, th1..• mtc1-l'ia::--. .._hamp1nn .. h1p. and n.l ll~)t~1lent "-tth ·t ... l m,d11.:at1"'tn olr (lt•rh

. . . . . . . . . . SO \P ~' ' l l l l''l' l ' PE E" lllBl1' • t a1 ll t'1": l orus t ance , ·1 bl' l .. . b l I ' ""~- .. ~· un1t•.,. nm ~·a ..... in re1 "lit

!ht mst1tut1on, It should be with a pro!es,1onal 1nterc't 111 some ---- · · "~ , ' -'- numb<•r, crcall•d and <<>ached b\ c'·n- <Y•"t1 b 111 "~11 "i" ot 01

11 '""" "' i< ,,,idrnced tochw in th,, coal


'"'l'Y selected field. This is a professional school of a high order. SE:-.!Oll :-.OTltE PL. \ CED I:\' H E IUll C K HAIL thi<i llopkms, -n•ncs dc>l"ned>nd :';;;\le ,~,i~ort'.m to""" tw•i nultc< <':,·<trike. tot?cthor","th that ?i th•

. ' . . . . <.'onstnidt•d h\· Dorothy Baker. ( aro- ~t~w En!!lnnd h·x:.ilt.> \\(\TkC'r' i" one

High scholastic standard8 w1!1 be n1a1ntamed. Ord<"r ~ our announl'l'l\Hnt ... im- Th 1

. !me Rusl·h. Kathe1111t• Gibson Jlt.'nn p d P t . --- of :he p-r:ne .... t pr1lhkm ... bt•fo1E> thC' 113


A year of aimless effort on the part of the new student at :11on­

tana State college may not be so much entirely "asted in the final I analysis as costly to the indi,·idual. Nel'ertheless, it is much

better to find a proper course and stay there, building up a pro­

fessional interest as the course develope~.

mNliatc•h from Jack Erl..l..1J,1 or l' l'I t11:/lLl(.lnal \aluc of ... nap :snilp- ~l·md and other"' · · a i~ ~:.ic ICl~jr. . tion hldn\· \Ir. t'c'llli,., alsn "!>Ok<> 01

11au!-.tm3n .111d \ lcC:all. t~te has hl'l'n teCol!mzc<l b) d11cctorsl ~t'l nm-..trultt•d b) Gilhe1t G1llettt..' 1h; ~tate tolle!.!'e ban_d \\lll sta·t lnllth<> im111int.>nce of \\ar totl:n·, ri .. :nl!

------- 11f mu"l'Um-., a1t !'thools anJ othe• an<l otht'I"; hghtmtr llO\\Rtd Erwin lb l:..th ~mnual tour ot thl' ... t-fltl• tll\ out of ~uch ... tridh- pre ... pn~ da,· nrob

~OTICE 1.:du:atwnal gToup ... ._ and 1t has b1.'1.·ome and ,f.._•tf :'\lnth1.•\b; .. tatt? mnnal?C'r :\lay);., and the phH:l'-. to be ml'lrnll'<l Ihm.::. n"" t•onunt'rl·;a] ri,nJ·,-. e:xploit:t

an mu•1ned JM! t of th1..• Hl't e.._1ur-.e:-. Ill Kenm•th ;\[oon•. 'J a,i t• D("l't" Lod!le. Dillon. Anal'onda. tion nnd C'XIH!'!?erated nat 'onali~m. Xn

\II C're" \Jnnug'er ... , Suµer- many publll and prl\·att• ~l'llo(lls __ lrrt..'at ~all:-. and. Hell'll3. .\rram:::t.•- crood \\ill alont"' but l-it!h'"'~ for "'t't'\-

\l""Or'. Team Capta ins nn!I Stu- th1vud10ut tht:' countt). Bl"C IPT EY CHO -..E - nwnts Lor a~frert1:-..n~ m all t_ht.•<::.e iu:• nnd heroi~m m nwl't.n£! tht:1 prot-

clu1t ~ ut ...... cr µtion s;.iJe ... 1A.•01 lr \\ho \. .. ~ J:\ 1 lacl':. hi\\t' b1..·t..·n·1wrfoc.tl'd, and lnmt ll'm-.. f:lirk \\ill t•\t·r ... ,ht· thl• pl'<' ... en

\\i!-.h to :t\all t hcm~eh e:-; of th(' 1\1 .\J . GEN. l\l. CRAIG F .\':\~ G DELEG \TE all mdllUttons tlwre \\Ill b<.> a hll!!'P!d:l'' .... 1tun°tion. Is the helil'f or \[r

STlJDE:\'T-FACl'LTY REL.\TIONSHTPS l)l I ortun1I~ fu r fn•(' ::-.cltolar~hii, J:'\~PEC'TS R. Q. T. (' . att~ndam·l• at all th1..•1r entC'dainm1..•nt:::; . .. Collin.;:: . ·

~~~i._.. t!f°'7:~:lt! 1~!~.:~i~f~h w=g'~~ ~i~~ f(~ont nueJ from Paze On ... ) -L--------------·~----l

A UniYersity is composed of two seb of penonalities. One ~:::::,~:':::i·~o ';,~'~11.: t~h:~c\~'.:;,0~~'~ end ~.~'0t1h~'."~i':::1t;~·~;\;,;~~·un~;'"

1 This t'u;:;''.' 1~;'~~;1~1~~~\ '.','i'\)1';.'"o~i~·n~k 1~ 11 ;i: ~<><><><><><><><><><H:H:H:J<~'4 group comes to the i11'titution to gain an education. Tho other set 111•1><'tt10n, th 1t h·1 be n h 11 , ~ 11ri.ran1"zer. \1. Anthon.' .Ir., Bo'\ IS l'Xpt..•tted to be one of tht• b1i.:-g-cst tmg l'Umpan), \\h1<.·h .,.._.JJ.. tht..• offlllal Q F y G d g

'-1. 211. --..an Juan. P . It. !-ilat111~ ~ • :-. 'l' I.! (, 1·anl? "'\\l'att•r. Js ('om n~ to thl· l'Oll- 0 or our ar en Q

JS there to dispense learning and light. This official distinction <iualifiuitions full) . -.\ ch. On .Jla) t::, Major Gthta\e .I. \t..•ntion. :\tr C'u11\ 1s \l'I\' •H'tl\l• rn Q

between the studentf. and facult'.· imn1ediatel~· .seto up a bat·i·t'ei· gonsor. con~tlnandilnj!' offi<."t:'I' at _F\irt ~lil bt1s1111.'":-. of lht• lnh·i-n1ll1..•i!1ntt ¢


1 "' HIGH !-)('HOOL \\'EEJ\ nrn-.un. ·1

:, .. ou a. " 111 1.ompll°tl' l\mdlt.. .. tak,n,: a dCl'P. 11\tt•rt .. ~ 111 thl' g that more often than not, limits intellectual >111tl p~1·so11,·1l 1·el,·it·1011_ the program of mspect1011, \\Ith an k s t ll I 1 1 I

h l ' ,..e our hull- garden set•d-it is cheap er and helter S!

o..: ST.\RTS " 'EDNE8D.\ Y in::;p1..·l·t1on of th~ uu.:t11.·:::- '' h11.·h tht• " 01• • "tan on at:' 0 f ahii. t t.• na· 11 u

ships between the two groups. s_tudt•nts hn\t. lt•nrnetl dunng- tlwir t·n~ t1onnl 1:1c•:::1d~nt. i.. m lha·p• of thl' I ~ h-..tnwnt in tht• 10<.'al umt. 13oth of th1..• l'On\t•ntion \~1th thc> as-.i...tanl't.' llf lla\t' 9

How to break down this artifieality is the problen1 that con - <\o:itinuC'<l from r·agC' One' inspecting- otf•('t•rs ait..• graduatt'-. llf Ekht·rl!', nauonal ' 1n• Pll•-..ah•nt, f1om M LANGQHR C'/ <>

fronb both the students and the faculty. l\luch has been written, tt•stnnb Ill the state CSl0111J101l' \\l'it- I\"'' l'o1nt \!1htnry Academy. \\'a<hmg-t<>n St<Jt(' '"'11 ""''· g • ' r' orist ~

even more has been said, and in a fe\\ ca.<es !lie j)t·o"len1 ha." ',·n"g,·,tt.~l,1ntt'o~stth~~rf<·,lni1a11l~n.urT1c,s,.,,",,nfdth':·<,tl•~·ol1•1<-' 'E'\J l ~ u

- u ' • < , , , F. \.'\ G l:'\I TL\TIO :\' s < It C l \ SS \\II. I. \ID 19 E. l\lain Phone 95

been soh·ed-for the indi\·idual concerned. tcstanls "'"from the ~l1ssoul<1 eounti llE• LD l .. \ ,_,1, '\' EEJ, .ll '\ 10 1! l'llO\J \I IT ll ~l l!Pl.t'!' ~~-~----------~~~------··----- g hig-11 sl'lll1ol. The \\i rlne1·:. Ul't•: Bl•lt\ • .. -, ---- ......... -~ ............ _ ............. ..............,~

\\."hat is the attitude taken br the student toward his in- .-\leuter. lldena:E<ther 1.. Rink<;. At Iht> sen10r "'"" l1ll't't1n" held

structor '! The only statement that ran co\·er all the cases is that f. 1 '-"'" Rangc>; Betty F1Lwrald, :\l1s- ( t.'ouunu1.·. fio111 Pa!!c um) l:i..t F11cla;i,, Apnl ~~. 1t "as dl'l ldt.-'<I

th t d t k th t th f 1t b II . ~oula: Bc•tty .\.. Poll~~s. )lissouln; llon Hl•tzn1.•1. Bl'!.1 1':p .. 1lon ('olumb1.1 that th(' 1.·u,.,lom of l'Hlh g-1ntluatim!

e s u en now~ a e acu y nlem er~ are not a alike. .\nnl' Prouty, :\llll·:-; c 'it); Yt·1 nu Falb. · ... ~n oi- to add $:!.50 to the conunun . ~~..t!!!!!!:::::r.:::u ... ..._.::::.::u:!!:::-:-:.::::~.::~..:::.::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::!1-:::::i:t: ... Some professors seem to en.ioy talking with their ~tudents after ~mith, 11~1 drn: G,t.'01 J.ria Spauldrng, I Thur.sday a formal banquet "<b ~wld 1t) buildrnJ!' hl• 1..·untrnut.•d. 'l'hl' dn.:-:-; il.,

I h h .1 th . I . l•.un,ka; f H'I) n \\ t') dt, Hl·d Lodg-l; /at Rt•d s Hob1 at La11 llttl'nckd b~ ac- i nlsu \ ott•d to add '' h.lt -.urpJu ... fund.. ... M h ' D t ass ours," 1 e O ers are n1ore mterextec In research and lec- 1 Lu1.1ainc "'h1ttemnn" Great Falls. tl\c Fang:. ancl honornr) nw1llbt.•r .. , ~h1.•y n•a> h~l\t· to thl· fund-. (lt thl ij ot er S ay

1.alk with them. so ll • a. . t •. 'l I 1 •.• "'" ·t l u•ntl'stants fi-0111 iwnrly ,;o hii<h !lean lla nt1lton, an<l l'oarh ll)dl<'. .Tun101· Prnm .. \ II mr111bt•1, "''"'' "''"''" fi :: ture tours. So1ne are desirous of xeeing e\·er\·one who comes tol 1he!'(' mnc• \\Cit.' S(.'ll·lted out of :!()011.'tlnSIStltlg- of Prt.·~ident .\tkinson, JUm_or l'la ... s to nu! 1T1 puttln~ on tlw ;; ..

. . . · · 1 e ie 111 Ue!'I ec on~ 1n n. s ucents and :--chcmls .. \\'h1le j.!i1l:-. hn\l' usually had Lou llo\\.ud \\as ab"1..'nt tlu1.; to pn•- to J.!Pt thc1r l'l\P" and ~11\\th fo1 tlw ~· I their prod1g1e:;;. thl' maJor1t) of th1..· sucCt!Ssful l'On· 1uu-. t•ngni.:t.·nh nt. Eal'h of tht•w hon- annual senior a..-.l·mbly ltl ht h.._•Jd E Crc>etint?.s and Gifts

Th . !t-stants, th1s is the fust t1111e the ho)s Ul:ll) llll'lllhl'Js ga'" short talks en- ~la) ' I t""' announ<c•d that ~rndua- ll

e student does or should realize that there are many prac-1 lune bt;>en t.'ntirel) ehmalt.•d. HNI l'ouruginl!" tlw FHnJ.!'s 111 lht..·ir \\fuk tion nnnuunt·<.•nwnt... nui) lw l\ld1.•it·d g --- !·--- ~ tical difficulties in the wa)- of better relationships. He knows LodKt>. \\lll<.h. '~on thrc•e plnn•s out .md l'om111l·nt!111L:' tht..•m on their ac- from c•1tlwr :laek E1kk1la or llau"('- i!

. . . . of thl' f11 :-.t six m last Yt::'Ul''s l'Onic.•st ll\"ltll'" for Lill' past , t•ar. A \ c•n 111 _ mnn and !.Id all. tt:

that 1t l.S 1n1poss1ble for eYery ~tudent to know intimately eYcry I gets (lilt.' plnn· a.L{am 0

thi:-. )l•ar, a~ ll'lt.•slln!.! ll'""'llll\L' on. th~ Ol"l.!,l\I117.;\t1on g H & M c II' ~

one of his teachers; that professors ha\'C only a limited lime to unusual (\\U·)'l'U!' )('('Ol'd. The t•s<n)s c[ llH: ~""'"'·" \\lls prr-enit•d by - :~··.:: auseman c a s i: d · · t " d th I • "'-'ll' ma1kc•d \\lth pc·n namc•s onh- .\rllu11 Bul·klt•y , natwn.d 'l'l'll't~u·\ of ~·, •,,, 1,,, 1 ,, 1 1 ,

,,,, 1 1

, 1

, _ E

!".pen 111 m er\1ews; an a prote!'\sor~ also haYe problen1s in J Thc.•11..• \\t:tt! s1..•\('n JUdJ.!'es from ;11 Inter-((llh·i.dntl Km i.cht ..... Tlw n~\\h _ Sporting- Goods E

the r ealm of teaching that the ~tudents can not fullv apprechte chosen by tlw Collcg-c English depart- l'lt'<l<'d lluk«, Hud Lo'"" m:«I<' an in-, - ('[[ \ l\IPJON S HO E • E E

. . . . · " · 11111..•nl. The t..·ontl·stnnts ,,ere J.!'l\l'n aug-urul nd1l1·c.·sR spcuk1111..r nf his plans : REP.\IR SIIOP .. r:u::t:::::::!!!!l::.:::n.:."!!u:1:u:!::.:::::::1::-u:r:::::::::.::::.:m:::.::::u:n:::::::::::.:::-:::t:::

Aggres~ne relat.Ionsh1ps bnng forth nlany problen1s. Some their c·hoil'l' of t1..·n suhJt'l't"'. and \\C'l'l' tor next ~ca1 .J1mm) Cunna\\U), t'X· _

~tudents take naturally tu the good old custom of ·h· I · . )!'l\<•n t\\o and one-half hollls m \\hich llukt<. "' toastnrnst<'1 <"onclud,•d llw • :\Iartin Ardesson, Prop. .:- , ==============================! . •. \\ a IS con1- to \\lilt' The· tt•n subjetts ufft'lt..·d fll'Oj!l'Ulll b) th.111k ni.r tht..• l·haptt..•r fol .. E:XPER'r OE

monly called "boot-lickmg" or apple polishing." For this reason """'"'follows: The Meanest ~Inn m thr <uppu!l or !he past l<'•1. llmin" · ~II REP.UR

other~ become r etietlnt in pu~hing t.hentl"l'h·e~ into the li\'e< [" 1:1l\\n; 1f I ''<'11..• on the X('hool Boattl; ' lligh Sdinol \\l't'k ht.• "111 p.._•rfurm hb '• 111 •,, •• ,,, 11 •• , ,, 11

, 1 ,j

. . . . · O \ acnnl-lot Ba:-.t.:'bull· .\ Jlou"'t' \\ ith- Jn ... t nd as a Dukt.• ht. .... ~\llsl' of Bud

faculty nlen, being aira1d that tht'~ \\lll be at'l'UHl'd of this Yery out Bunk";~\ it·ally \\'c•kome Guest; j I o\\t•':-. ul1-.t·m·1· nt thl' lom1..•nt1011

practkll. Ca1ugc•s, :\ly First Disuppoinlntl'nl . Aftl'I tlw hanqtwt thl' F'ani.rs ad

Tlw Pt!1 :-.omfw<l T11.·t>s of Childhood.' j Jou1·1wd ln I fl'11 ic-k ll nll "tw1 t> tht•

r--~~Q:Ji;;s~tio;.;;-~mi , B~ the Pound ~

l 45c, 65c, 75c '

PHILLIPS BOOK STORE ! ~-.w· """""- w.w-• ..... ..-...... .. ... ,.,.. ........... ,.,.,J"w!

Tht· Ht!\C'lations llf tht! " \\'onwn's/ formal 11tual: the hnal "tl•p m makinJ.! Pag1..'', An "Iloncst _ to_ g-uo<lncss" tht..• ph·di:.._ . ., lull-fl1.•dgt>d Sqtllll'!'>, tonk Good Time. pittl'l'.

On Thursday and 1"111la) of Ilie-h , ~<.hool \\'t·t·k the11.· \\lll l;e conft.>i~nll'"'I• . Tht· ll(inw l·.('onum1l-.. clc•pa•tment I of high s<:hool lil'an:-. and \\ Ol\\l 11 ha:-. I ht• nt'\\ ga~ rang-<.• P<'I marwntly

Among thl· speakf.:'Js \\Jll he• :\li!-is 1 mstnlll•d 111 the> ktkhl'Tl nnd on thl· 1

:\la1) Stt>\\arcl. Gill .. Pll\-..Jull Edu1.·:.i 'l-'C'Ontl 1lt101 of ll t..•n·1<.·k llnl l.

l1l111al l>11Ptto1 of ::n. s.· c .. P1111<.'IJIHI .J. .\ \\'ond\\u1d of Gullutin High I Sdwol, supc•rmtcndl•nt, A L. Ol~un of --------

\\'hill• Sulpht•1 8p1tng!->, )l1s~ .\lahlt• DJX()N'S llunlunn, dcun of Kil ls of B11lmg-s 1I1gh Schon!, .\11ss )Jild1e<l Let•, Tl oUM• fln ~L'tor uJ llnn11lton liul l, and l\Irs .\I able Da\:e<'. dC'un of gi1 ls ut Ge111!-,

Paint Shop

thnt:' High Sl'hool. fht.•re \\ill also

he u Facult) \\'omen> Club' <linne1·J "----------------: 17 So. Tracy Phone 2 6-1\I

) OlTR FUTURE S IGHT 1~ l\1081' IMPORT..\ " l'

Glasse~ worn in L'arl\· Youth

may olwiatl' their nece~~it \' entirely in late 1· life. A°t

the first 'fmptom of ,,,.,,

strain, see us.

LESLIE E. G.\GE Or>tometrist and ~lfi:r. Optician

Broken Lenst..·~ Rt•plt1t·l'.'d the

Snme Da)'

20 S. Hinck h "· Phone 84~-.T

Hotel Baxter I Fountain Room

The Home of

l'IU: .UIY ~l.\LTED rnu.;s .\.:\'!) 01 ll EH coon

An !tlc'al Place for Theatre Parlil'~

A ftcr the Show

'THE :\10:\'TA:\'A EXPO);E:\T, TUESDAY. APRIL 26. Hl32

JtUel't Sun<lay and :\Iondav. :\londa\· afternoon he gave a l ~ctUre for the I nte~-Fraternity Council in the eng-i­neenng auditorium.

Amigo. . Larry \lalmborg. \lanhattan, and

J~m P itner, Li\·inin~ton, welc Sunday d mner g-uests of Am i~o .

Jack Rei tch was a w<.•ek end cruest

one to Le }(In!.!' rcntl•mbcn•1l in the made in ulC arran~i::nl•nt..; of t le minds of the crowd of collegl' student~ ;-;hrubbery. Durtn,I!' the past \\t->vk m-..n ;---------------, who attended. The crowd broke up have been busily engacl·d in :-<t'ttinf!" ST\TE C. ST L DE.:'\T KILLED shortly after midnig-l t aiter a pro)!ram out treLs around tlll' dormllnr:r and 1111 I:\ \ l TO l'H: \Sil Sl ~ D.\' of about :!S dances. Tho..;f! who hnd the ea~tl·· n part 01 the c.lmpus. I <:ha~ge oi the cntt.·rtainrncnt were Jach Hochester. 1~1. of '1 i'>-Cha:o;. Hansen, :\oble Donaldson, John Engineers J<.urnal. ~oula. a student at ttw ~tnh• ":hart~n, .Jack T8'.ylor. Gcun:e Blinn. Xext week the ~et·ond nnnua: t inl l niYersit~, "a~ injun_'<i fa tall~ \\ m. \ estal. Lewis 11111, and George Engineering- .Journal will ht.• readv for funda~ \\hen his C'il r O\l'rtunu-d :\lo~j!an all members of the dub. I distribution. The publication thi~·\"l·ar on the hig-lrna~ l"a .... t of here. HL•

has Qeen in char~e of llarolil J<:. \\"ol- died ht:re 1:1 minut e .... latt.>r. Omeg~ Beta. .'\It.et Held. pe1·t a;5 editor-in-rhief and \\" J!liam ,\ .·iJ._,ac___·k11. ,}h{1l>lb)in_1,noJ_n

0.,,_.'-d'0 ••• ,,,',11 i~.,....(.~.,',',1:;_·

\f For the purpo:o.c of bringing added I C'happert as husiness manag-er. Roth ... ~ ,.. ... .. I - r. a~d ~lrs . P. C. Gaines were sti_mulu~ to the t.rack work on t.he hill position~ have been compett.•ntly tillt.'<I tnn Bot'ttcher. Pobon. esca1H.•d

oi Am igo. ,.. ·

I Su nday dinner guc~t~ of Omega Beta. this ::;pnnµ; all the muLts thaL ate out by the~e men and the .lournal ibelf unhurt. The thn_•t.• yo•mg men

for the track have .fanned n Lcam will bear witness il1 thl' careful arnl \\ <: r(' retrunin~ from a tri1> tu


juniors m the cour:::e nml b l'On::-iderc.J l'S:sential for grnduntion because of the 1.ract_ical value which it offer~. Tht.· junior~ mnkinf! lhl" trip a~~: \\'alter Duncan, Ralph Erwin, Robt.•rt )lun­zenrider. Edward )kPher:o.on, Ch~:>.tt'r 1''unk. Edwar(l Ki~~1.H·k. Thornlf Ri\'t.ne~. Gordon " 'i ll inms. Alt-xunder RaC''H10\·h::h. an<l Rohe! t Lnskl')·-

The Home :\lanaj.!'L'nwnt llou"'t' will ht.~ open Friday afternoon for tht.• in­srel'linn of the hig-h :--chool :'.l'holur­ship contestanb anti d1tll''!ate~-

Soc1tl acti\'iti<· .. n·a<.·hl.'d a climax during the past Wl'Ck end . Friday night called the "',;\lutt::;" and they will meet pain~taking- work bestowNl upon it. the cast .... hore of Flathead la~ <· Les Bouffons pre ·t.•ntt.'<I thi.!ir ten pleclg-~s at a formal ball , which has 20 Years A go with the rest of lhe men. who arr out "hen a tire bl e\\ out nnd the

1 uncle!' the name of ··Jeffs'' next Friday Home )lanaJ!emt:nt llou-.;e, t·ar left thl' road. lra\cled for -:---.........__,._.._..............,._._..-.-.w.-..r .. ~ l•f·Pn a Lraditwn ~in(·l.' the foun<lin:..r of thi~ org-amzation in 1900. The dance afternoon. Th 1 1.)0 reet alon~ tlw clitl'h, and ~ "t \\as hl'ld at tht• Holl'! Baxtl·r with Tim ll~wis an<l his orchestra furnis hinJ? 1 - At - mente .~~~~~~nH~~·l',i 1 ~ ~~:~;1~3r1 ~11~~~:; hroke off a lclephune pol.e and 1, For ~ the mwdc. Spt.•cial 1·ntt>rtainrn~nt foatUrl'cl at thi~ out~tanding sodal func- ~lontana State College Inte rest in Paper. Frilia:i.-, April 2:!. for: Dean and :\frs.

0'e,_rtu r ned. 1 :: ~

llf,n induded ··1i1ues" ... inJ!ing II\- Fay Seifert. tap dancing by Jim Loftu~. The Carbon C'ounty Journal. for la5t Jame" .\I. Hamilton, Rl'\". and \fr.... oung Roe 1c .... ter \\as the ... on > \

and s inJ!ing Jiy Elmer .\lt.·ncer. · · ' Fri<iay. announced l'dilorially that ,,._ .f. L<.>\\'i". Rt"v. and \Ir~. R. E. of )Ir. and \Jr .... \lh<•rt Hoch- ,• M h ' ' ( harles H. Draper had pureha:-.ed an Knud:o;en. \I·. and )fr ... R. E. Brown. (·~ter t'f \l i!-i~oula. llt.• "a:-> a .,: ot er S \

Ahout :;u ,_·oupll•s c·njoyeil a \'cry plea ... ant fire:--ide gin·n hy the lndepend- .. Final \\'ord " Successful. intere~t. in that paper and would 38_ )fr:-:. Buhl and Dr. Gladys Brannel!an. natin~ of Buttl'. "here the ~ > dnt in till' fin·plal'f..' room of Hl'rrick Hall Friday night. This is one of a Before a fair sized audience the sume eJitorial <'ha!sre .June lf>. Thi~ Those entcrtaint·d Saturday, April fam ily l'\ed until t"o n.•ars

1 ~ · f 1· · b h. ll f h' I h l [' I I J k O'L t I b · fot t" th · t 2:l, at the Hom~ .,,_ [·,1n""n1ent Jln11-.·r• ai:ro. He \\as ~·wen:ling- the .\\ eek ~ D \,, M rtCS o Jli:l1 ll''S gl\'l•n y t IS g'l"OU!l, tl 0 W h.' l a\'l:' leen \'Cl")' SUCCe~S U . 'ac. an Crn CU presented their In ·ma IOn W3~ ra l'l' a surpn~(• O \"et"·.· '"athlenn" i<','ll'll(,')~, JC,l[h('l'l·n'e end at the H.ochcster s untnlt'r ay o On ~atunla\.- uftt.-nwun .-\lphadelt was fnfrnally in~talled a" Beta )lu ~ecor:id play. "The Fin al \Vorel'' la"t thl• many friend:-; of )Jr. Draper. who ~ .. n.. ... .. .. h I h ~ Th I h were not irenerall\' awa1·e of h ~ tm- Raffert:i.·, Thelma Loberg- En•h-n onw on Fat <'ad lakl'. Wlwn >

, haptl•t of .. \Jpha Delta Pi. The in:;;talling officers were :\liss )laxin\? ~v~n~~g, 1 e P a.y was ~·at er hea\·y de!takint: . · :.\tiller and Ladora Ke!l". · · the machine struck the tele· ~·

Hlakt· !'<•attle; .'.\li:-s :\Jamie Johnson, Spokant.·; and :Olis~ )larion ~tan, o~t a~dp ~fl woa/' ~h~et~eh!~~\~t!~:·o~.~~; \Ir. Draper ha~ hecn m t•harJ!P of Thirt:i.·-fin:• member~ of P. E. Q. ph ,... ne pole it .... c,·ered a PO\\t'r SEND HER YOUR ~ s ttl 'J'h u1 · L"ll "1·n lu l " !" ·11 t 11 I I I Id a ,· I II b II h h the \\'e"kl)' Ex·ponent ,_.,·n<"• 1'ts founda - were '· e1·Yed a clel1"•l1tft1I 1l1'nne1· .'lion- lmc, l('a,ing Polson, Honan and PHOTOGRAPH ~ • t>U t•. t• ~ro 1 Ill' ... eu c t t.•u ., c ar t.·r 1 <'Ill lt!rs anl t lree p e ges.


. c n ec very we ya t osc w o took ..- ... .. -1 St l t ' · h lollo\\lllg initrntion :-;l·n·in.·~ a formal banquet was held at Herrick Hall. part. tion . During this time he has also day evening', April:!:\. in lfenick Hall ._ · l!na ni:-. "'

1 out curr('nt. I ~ ~

!n:-:tallation ff'~tival~ were concluded with a Jonnal ball at the H otel Talln1a11 l'et11r11s- .-- acted as local correspondent for a b0)1-111'ctrhoe11. nwmbcrs of Phi l'p~ilon \ ~ The Bes t Gift of All lt " number of nl.'wspapers. \\'hen the l Buxt4.:r. Sp<"cial g-uests for this affair included the patrons and patronesses, Prof. "r· D. Tallman returned la!':.t Daily Chronide was established last

0 1'!1e membeJ's of Phi r·p~ilon P!·ocesses ,~·ith whith the t•}wmieal en-\ ~ --:--

anilty ad\'1sor~j and cla.-.s ufficc·rs. Friday mornintr from Wa !-thi noton. 0 _ Xovember he wa~ made t•it'.'t· editor m1c·-on sen·erl the Alpha Dc•lta Pi in- ·1 1 I 'l'I · · • C I

~ '"' and it at 11~esent fillinrr th.at 0

pos1't1'011. stallation hanqul't at Jln1·1·1·c·k Jlall. 1...meers priman y <ea' l\S lllSJlL'l"- .,: L • f • ld \ ---- ., w 1e1 e he spent the la~t two we~ks ,.. ~ rl } _ " • tiun thus affords a l"Omprehensh·e t > \l1--h·1 Delta Pi :: :: :: a :: :: :: :-: :-: :·: :-: :: :: :: :: !l: :: ~ak.ing in the ~iJ.7 h ts of the capitol and 1' atur ay. April :.

1 at I

0 ~lock. :\ gt11ve:i.· of t~e. practi.cal. application~ of 1 •: 111 1 e •' . HI~ .\lax mt' ·Blake a1ul )I ss )iarion :: :-: mc1dentally taking the e:-:ami nations l.C\\ er Class Celebrate. OHdY .~arch.•n bouquet foi med the I those theont1cal pnm·1ph.•s nnd meth- ~ ~ !-\tan or Scait.w, \\'a:-.h .. and .\liss •• S()('J \L l'.\LE~lL\H •• fol' the con~ular ::;ervic:e. · All enmity between tlw lower elasses "~ntcrpiete and the eoloi _st"heme car- o(ls already :-.tudil><l in l'i~sst.•s ( ( \lamw Joh11 .. on uf ~pokane, Wa~h.. .. .. was buried Saturday at the l<:Jk'~ hall,' ried out was b~e and white. The tri~ is made annually h:i. the \_...,..,._.. ............... ,,,...........,........,...........,...,_..,...J. WL' c \H't·k <·rnl gt1t• t... f . .\lpha I>dta •• April !!b-!W-.;o Jli~h 81.:hool •• Graduating H.ecita L when the two classes enc.raged in the Pi. :·: \\'eek. .. j[iss ll ettie Schunrneher ga\c her second annual inter-cla ... s party. Those 11-1[ l"l'SILO:\ 0\11< RO:'\ 11 01.DS

;iri . .,,, Hl·lt:n h:anl· wa .. a \\L't'k end !! April :!~ and :: o · · FO? tune :: !!'raduatmg reutal at the colle).!e as- who were pref.en~ report that the e\'ent J POR31 \ L I:\' rJ l.\ 'I IO:\ FOH Fl\"E .1-!Ul':--L c>f .-\lphu Delta Pi. •• Tt.'lkr.'' •• ~embl:i.~ hall Fnday e\'t.:ntnir bt:fotc an I was a --ueeess .in e':·ery :vay. CXl'l'Pl I , . . - . ~~~

hl'la .\.lu of Alpha i>l'lta P~ hcl<l an :: April ;.;u-Spur :\[atinee Dance. :: appreciative and fair-sized audience. I from the financial newpornt. I. I hi l pslio.n Om,icro!1, hoiwra.ry £ I in:-.tallutiof! ball, ~atuniay, at the :: :: She dirl \·e1y well and was a~:siste<l in - --,, ~<?m~ eeolltl~nJcs. fra.l'rnit:i.· . held in- (} WHEN YOU NEED A TAXI CAB Jlotl'i Baxter. The guc~ts of honor :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :-: :-: :·: :: :r :: :: :: :: :: I the recita l ~Y )Jis:-. \'ie \ 'alleau as )1. S . C. Ha!) Ba~ehall I t.•a m. .t1at1on. Apnl ~G fo.r Dorothy Lyman. a wen• Pu: ... idt·11t and .\Ir~. Alfred Atkin-

1 \"OCali:--t. .Jl1 ss \'alleau ~W\'C several Ba::-eball men al th<· college h<•td an .Jla· ~a'.i;et Alclril"h, .Jlary .. Jane_.Hoberts. I

:-;011, l>l'an and \Ir:-. . Jamt.·~ .'\l. Hamil- s . _ .· _ . . , . . .., selet.'tions that were muc:h enjoyed. ~nthusiastic meeting- "'e<lnesday noon ~thel .: air;-;. ar:ul. ~ a~·uil~l' ;..; '.chol!-ion. t(.n, :\tr~. 1-..thykne Jlarri~on. and Dr. ·-.u~d'.-l~. \\Jt~ l~e1 ~1.~tt:1 1': .. ~~he.1. :-c;h~ )liss Ru th Stanton was accompanist. m Profe~gor Tallman\•. room at .whicl_1 FollO\\lng the imt1at10n ~tn.J informal C.\LL 314-'\V 1 :-;arah .J1:!lninl!s. The pat.tons and \\U.~ .H:companwd t.1om ,Lt\Jn~ston b:\ J -- time the principal business for this hanqud wa;- helrl at !he llotel _Bax~er. 1 atronls l':-. \\'f.'r~ :\Ir. anll .\lrs. \\'_ J. :\h~. Rus~1:I a!1d illiss \\ il::;on. Sullinrn Im·entor. · position was Geoqre Gosman of Dil- The toast.mistres~ wns Dr. .k:o:-;ie Rich-llurn:an, Lt. and _\Jr:-. l. E. ,Ja1.:kson. _A flJrmal bnt~day dn~nl!r \\<.\S held I n the April numher of \la chi ner - Jon. :\It-. Gn"man has phl\'e<l ,l!Uard arcl:-;on ancl . the sn1~akers were :\!rs. ERICKSON TAXI SERVICE and :\Ir. and .'\lr~. I'. \Y. \\'!Ison. The ~\eclne:-.~lay evenm.g', A.1n·il :!O, ~~ II~n~- jo ne of the leadin~ engineering- mar;i'- oi: the ha8ketba'l team ancl -ha" shown!Hel:n ~lay_tie~d. Durolhy Ford. and gul'~ls we1·e :\laxi1w Blake, \larion thon .hall.. Tho:-;e. \\hose bnthda~s zines, there appears a description of a h11nself to be a i:;ood all arnund IDcnoth:i. L~m.rn. I "' , 18111 . J 1 1 R wc:c m elth~r April or August and \'ah-eles• Ulll I .1· d b. l" f G athlete. - i ·arr," '" .ornson, .enn•e oy,, who snt at the bn·thday table were:l_L Sull·

1.0 ,aP Pr'tchesgneh )-_

110 · .- · _ _ IC'.LJE ~TIC ·\I E ' G l.,.. EEI'S If It's an Erickson Taxi-It's the Best in Town

..\mdl' l..t.•t.• J11hn" .. Judith Hi!ldon. )lary \Iavn • B _ ~r JI .11. JI 1 \'· 1 . \ n. o e mec an1ca eni.n- .---1

• ~ .1. ' ~. Fianrl'~ St.ain, )lary Lownt-y, :Olar- Doise~}1 G~~-~f.u~l~ ~l~~~ E:th~~n.\tat~ 1nee1ing. derartment. Accompanying Extempt Contest. YISIT .\~ .\CONDA PLA~T gan:t Kittle~on. Carulint.• Bust."11. AlicE> Helen Pl!terson and E°dith \\'a t.son'. th? article !s a photogTaph .and a de- Tryout~ for_ the stat<' t'xtcmpf)rane- ___ CH:H:H:H::>llll<:H:H:H:H::>i:>l><:H:KHH:H:H::>llll<:H:H:Hmi:>l>!:HlKHH:Hl*llll<:H:H:Hm:i<:i-!:HlKHH:H:>ti \!c:Uowdl Eleanor (juicrneau Audn:'\'

1 he residents r th f. _ ·r _ .

1 ~aile.d draw1!1g- of the nrnchme, :-;how- ou~ eon test will be held at the Colle!!c . . . . . \

Sl'ifl'rt, .\tan· Lou1:-.c Trask: Ir ... n~ the :ue ·t · f ·t~, ·\'=n·iatet m ie::; we e j mg- its work mg parts. assembl\· hall :\-Ionda\· afternoon. Tt The ch.em1cal engmecrmg- Jumors =============----====--============ .'\la~tila. Htll'.ll Kane, Robert O'Bnen. .\Ir. L~~n~rd Jcohn:so~;:,:as the uest . . _ --- is not known to a certainty tha.t the aecom1H~n!ecl by . Doctor. H. T. "\Var<t Louis Spain, Edward )lc:Pher~on, larl cf Gw U . . t ti . f . •

1 { . Bouffonf: Gn o Dance. c;t~te extemporaneou ~ rontest w1ll be left ea1 l:i. )londa:i. mo: ning to make

La1 son. John Laird. \\'illiam )losl'r "' ...:dnee ... da\·u~~.!~i~, le 01111 ~1 c mnet The second Boutf on~ dan<'C' of the held this vear. as all th<" a1 ranc~p- an 111sp~c:t•on tour of th<' metallundl'al • _ __._ .... _.. ..... -.. -........ _.. •• _.,,. .. _.. •• _. •• .,,._._._. •.r_.._.._.. • ._.._.._._.._._ ....... ....,..,,._._.. ._.. .._........,.._..,,,.,,,._.._._ F.<l Lani!. Hcrbt-rt \an Du~l'r, Lt.\Ro:i.· · · g. 1 college year was gh·('n Friday e' e- men ts for it are not \'<'t rompletPd I plant situated at Anaeon<la ~.:, SEND YO~R D~~ CLEANING .. • ~ Go, ti. Ji,u 1 y BO\\lll~ln, Ja<'K Coe),

1 D •It --- I ning Owing- to the fact that there a nd se\·eral of tho~e to partkrpate I Th<· plant 1.;; one of the lan:est of ~

1' 1 ank Ru1 cl t. :-.;or man \\'alker, Y1cto1 \ \a~ 1'3 co a. f 1_

0 It were se\·eral other at.tractions. the at- ha,·e not vet accepted the proposed its kmrl m the worl1l ancl 1ndudec:; ~ \VITH YOUR LA UN DRY 'i

Ro)'. ::.a!n Gib-on, \\allace Ha11.ny, jnoU;l~~~\hem;:,am~I 1~1~:~~~on ~! \1~~: tendance was not as good a' 1t has plan Th0

e exte mporaneous speaker p1act1cally e-·ery pha'e of the unit , \ \\a:i.ne \\h1t<'anack, Jame ... G1lhl', (,len JOrle Beattv Helen·l· Alfreda Fors-I been at t1Jnes. but n e\·e•thelei-.<:: a most would take the place of the alternate I CALL 1,cter:-.un, Au:-.tlJl Jll'fta~, L)ll' Htiu:-.c, Culbei "n '

1 \ .7 ' verdict. the past. The state 01·ntor1cal will he ~~ ~ 79 J ~an ... on, Hl'rbcrt A~l hi bald, £, l'J ett 1 ,, all Bozenic~n . Ann~' .Jl~u· "8. t ~t Kt all I enJO) able tune \\as the gene1 al

1 ·wh o has been sent to th<'. eonte~t in - ~

.~lien Sclrnartz. Leona1d Ehason .• John L~~iel'! k~the~~~= 111~1~~h~i1:~11 '' B~~:~ willows and the colors of the club , ~o that 1t i~ nec·(>~ga1y t~ hold th~ Baxter Barber Shop <_,oidon Pappm Ech\ard Ha·dmtr, D otht 0 1


11 Leut a .Iai\m, ~utte, The hall was decorated m pu o::.sy- held nPxl Fl'lchn- ~fay ~ at He lena I I ~·

Gaiy, Jlarold jJuidu k, Lutton ~mlth.iman • d l l· 1,. 1 . B • ,while potted ferns and flowe1 s su s- lccal extempo1aneous contest at once GALLATIN LAUNDRY U~:J~nnt.·, .lo'-" llaz1:n and J,e ... te1 A' i;:~nqu~t'1\\a~~ 11~~~·~n °f~e1~11 ~1~~ new I oended from the ceiling ~clded ~o the -- I \\ Jlbon. mitiate:.-- at t.he Hotel Baxtei at 1 :aO beauty of the hall Ch11::~olm s or- Shrubb~r) Set Out. ~ ~ -- o"lock S

1 Th b .d chest.a furnished the mu.ic for the Jn •p1te of the fart that the Colle"'• For Better Haircutting "Expert Dry Cleaners"

~I'" }la1111e .John,on, 'I~« }laxme )lt.s }largaret J.illag:er }lt» w" R' and e'er)'thme: clone to make the event •tate. 1mpro,·emen• are still bemg ~(HXHXH:> w.·.-.-.-_._._._._._._._._._._.._._._._._.._.._._._._._._~--~J".h"...,.......,.,,.~ llanulton llalL thee ~ew ~1~1~~t~~e \,:

1 K~'\~~:s L:: 1

0~s leveninl! Ref1eshments we1 e se1·ved campuo::. . 1~ the most heaut1f11l m the

~~=k~u~~Ja~ ~;11~: 1 ~~~:~~ 0it£~ ~e~\t~:~~ )lcl'all, and )11 ... s :\1~ rtle 0

Euren. ========"-"'===============----------=~----------..,,..---=====,,_=,...._,,,==================== p~~~;~_n, .\lat) Ande1 ... on and Irma Ch, «;>mega. ---. . I --------------------------------------------------------------------

)lr. and )lr~. E .. Jnhn~on of Ana- Chi Omega .enter~amed mformall.Y conda Ylsitetl their tlauJ.!htt-r Lillie Satur<l~y the followmg g1:1e:-;ts: Dons ~unda\· . ' Ite~. 1 horpe Thaler, Lome Edward~ . I

:\Ir. -and )Ir~. Ludwig of Helena Ph_1l Robe1~b. ('0 1:k~y D~·er, ~het H~n~-\·isiteil Gt-rtrudc ;\loo" on ~undaY. le) . . _Punk De~\e), J1m1111e Loftu,.;.

Jrma Puutio had as her week end Lan:\ Lyall., "alte1· ~acobsen, Loren gtw~t. ;\lbs I1ene :\latilla of Dillon. .'\Iar!hall, Geor:ge .Shanley, Bobby.,

)li:--;s Helen )lair or Livin!!~ton ~pent Loni--. :\Iax \\ orthmgton, Clar~n~e Bruckner, Buck Johnston, Gllhe Ande1 sun, .Joh n Bonner and Fl·ank

' t t I t

:'\-!OTHER'S DAY M,\Y THE 8 th

Send ;\fother o n e of ou r box candies in ~pecia l put up assortment.


f .\lpha Gamma Delta.

i Delta Gamma oI Alpha Gamma

Delta held initiation for Agnt'S '\'ood­sen, Evelyn i\Iiller, and .\larv Alice Peterson, Tue~day night. · t Rita )!eyer has retm ned from Xew York where she has been visiti n~ for t a month.

t tThe '

"M" t t t

Pi Beta Phi. Pi Beta Phi held formal pie.lg-in~

Tuesday C\'ening fo·- .'\Ir:-1. Olga Ross Hannrn and \lrs .• John Bartlett.

Sunday dinner 11:uests were .\liss Elizabeth Seitz, Rudy D~nidson and 1

Kenneth Faxon.

-- - JI ~1gma Chi Dr .. Joseph C'. :\'ate, g-rand t• 1bune ·: .............. -"'.-..-.-.... -~~--.-..... •.•.•.·.··_.._.._..~ I of the Sigma Chi ftalcrmty, and ;\11 s

~ ~ ~ 7\11~(' v1~1ted Beta Rho chapter Fnday ~ BU\ YOUR > and Saturday Sig-ma Chi ente1 tamed \ I Dean an<l :\lrs. ,J :\1 Hamil ton, .\!rs ~ SPORTl:'\G GOODS / R. E. Brown, and }!rs. Weave satur-~ ~ I day at luncheon in honor of Dr. and 11 AT I )lr:;;. };ate. Dr. Xate is vi~itation of-~ ' I fic~r for the national headquarter:5 •, ~ office and is abo grand hi~torian of :1 :• the frate•nity. •: I, I Dr. :\!. H. Spauldi ng wa:-- a dinner

:: Kleinschmidt & Co. ~ Wi-:~;i~'tatt"8:'ii.~~hn i~~;, d or th• r1.-·: ·: rart·1.t•nt of foreig-n °lan~uagc ... at the :' 11 • "' :• State l' mvers1ty . \'Isttcd Sigma < hi I ~! Fo1 The Idle I-Iou1 :: Frula:i. and Saturda~·. Apnl I:l and lfi ................. _........,.._.._._..,.. ............. -...... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. .r_... --- I

I S1g nu .. \ l1:h,, E1;silon I ____ -=-=== ' S .\ E. announce ... thl! pk.lg-mg of , , , , , , , , 1 1 1 , 1 , , , 1 1 , , , 1 , , • • En:iI I( t isman. H elena I ~ ;; Sunday dtnn('1 guests were Dorothv ~ 'Yant A 1\1agazine'! ;: Douc.rla,.,, Wa nna (',lspe1:-., <rnd )11 an d - \V II \' O , . ?OO D'ff ._ ; , }!rs. Ed. Peg- am : e ~ e \ Cl OJ

1, Cl ~ ' .Jun !\{cAt thm· and Saxon .\ J;\l tm I • c'.1t Kind s To S eled. r rom E. 'pent the \\eek-end '" Bu tle

:"\ewspapers Candtes - I:ct:. Er.silon. Cigarettes Dr De~!e" of llunlley was a elm-

. . ner J.!Ul'st of Beta Ep~ilon Thursd ay. Fishing Tackle Bt:'la Ep:-;ilon announces the fo· mal

initiation of L<.'\\'i:-; Allison of Billings,

W H I T E S Ra\· .llichentT of Bozeman anti E. Keit'ner of 1'e1 r y.

115 East Main La mbcl?. Chi .I lpha . - Claire Peppard, t ra \'elinv ~etrdary · , • • • • 1 • • 1 • • 1, 1, , , • • • , 1 , 1 1 i , for Lambda Chi Al pha was a house

Chesterfield Radio Prog ram MON & THUR TUES & fRI WED & SAT.


\Q,30p. m.E OT 10:30p. m. E.O T IOp.m.E O.T.

ess rtas!e

I say s of smokers


0 1932. lJGGEM'" Mnu TO&ACCO Co



FIN.\L SQU.\O ::'\OT 1 ET CHOSE:\ . \S FJ:'\ _\L PH.\CTICE G.\.\IE IS PL.\YED . .\! \:--1 :'IIE:-- SlllFTED

TO ::'\E\\ POSITIO:\::i

THE )10:\TA:\A EXPO:\E:\T. TCESDAY, APRIL 26, 1932

1:-- T H UIL'R.\L TH.H h. )!EET J 0 Im HELD THlS \\ EE i'

J'it J.ll 1l' 'II r..kh \\,,, 1itl\ ),"'

Announce Womens Baseball Teams Scheduled Games Commence May I Catchwords

2L-------' • n nt1am 1 .11 athlt.·t1c st.·a-.011

r xt I 11d.n .1ftt.•1noon \\ht.•n nmt. t1.1- J .. annual ,at. .. o1 )fl111.an.1 ~t.ut \th.in-., Ednh \\.1ts1m I \lmhana L1::11l~ ~tud1..•tlll Hlmt I!" .uld thl' rndt•pl'ntknt~ \\l,I 1l' cti-{'ib fnt th1.• h.l ... l'll.lll 1.io\\n ,q till G1u•n I h.1ppa lhlt.11 Do1oth) .\bout lll )l'l\l::. U).!"O om !.!"1andi1.•ln-nt•\\ hu~t1lit1c ... on the 1.Jndt•t path "d1t1ol \\Ill b.,_,~ 111 th 1 ... )t'al on .Iu: 2, Jltlh.1, (\1pt; Hut.h >:t•bon. \-.-.'L[ll\t>:s \\tHHil•11.'d \\h: tht•it• \\ll .. a dL•­J ,11al t\l'llh \\Jll he 1un on ~attnd.\\ llClOld·11g to '\.lll l tilt.', lllt\llRJ..:"t'l lol rapt. H11th B1atlhu1: . C..l 4Ha Ht)at. l'lilh .. ' lll mtl'lt:-\. lll tht• lilt..'1.ll: :Slll:l-4tttetn\lll1l ~tff t•ompt·tlt1on )' 1mh tht• )t'.tr Thi-.. .. 10 ' 1 .. \ine of tht.: .:\ldn l.tH\lll'). Ihn11th) R1cha1d .... t..'tl~ .... \\h: thl''-'"'"'1\) 1.t111h.• ... t-.\\t't1..'"llf-t~ttetl f 1)r ,t!J tl.t· Clt·nt-.. \\Ith m1 t<'.llll 11 t.,.talldm).!" .;:int's un lci tOIT'IJ>tlltlon ,h,,..,t;p1 1w Jl.\\I"". l.,oui-..i.: Talmul!t' ft•ttnl! uni! tht• tiraltffa.d llllllls \\!."lt' t')ntt•cckd ,\ .. \\,dk a\\.I\ m .Ul) pa1t amuni: t!'w \\UJlltll -..•udtnh of tht m- He•mt· '\:011 ... .:\lontllnn \t•!.!.\ .. , catnrnt: 1w lll'.Hh\tl\ :\o\\ \\t' ,\lL' bt•-

1 ht nwt't. -.utution Fath )C'•ll m.in: '"ornt•n -.tu· \11J,!"llll.l ~pt•(.:k gmmng- t(1 \\llllder it l~um::in~ht•tn)!" Ttw ("\Lilt" 111 tlw mel't ~1 t" .1 .. 11)\- dtllt tmn out lur tlt lL').!'Uhll pl.II l'atdrnal I \lph.1 u) .lnnt' lat1•:\ld, nr~ h1-.\l1J.!' l'llll1n13Tl<l M thL· r.ni:h ... h '.\lontana State::. football pto~pctl' N . arr· ln\\.. 100 ) 11.l, J:!tl ).lid and llll tJ(t' ... \\hhh :lit.• Jwld fo1· lOn .. 1dt1ttblt• Capt. ~:llt•n Popt'. .\ ... ,.,'l. ( a11t. l.rn~ung1.•, aicthebt•:'.'tOflcccnt)C!ll!-,''(..o.Hh omznate 11tcers I l1h 1'1\1\'Hlhwh rnl'"'tl1mw11r101 ti th1 Utfllll!,! of tlw \la.11.rn \\';ll!l("I, .\l,lf').:":llL~t ]h>!llli.111, \e .. U..'l'dn:\\emetn:nuth,\\::tlkmt: h b t. D h t t <l ht 11ght ~~~:.;, !(!,~ t1:;n11: ..... ·,:11 :._ :u~t! ;,\ 11

1 • 11~~ 1 • I I' P :\111 B !..' \ l h ' i ~~f~\ 1~1

1nJ: t~~tl! l'i;~~b~la: ~ :1oe:-t1

nul Assembly Today i un .. , d1-.<'u~ thnl\\ . J,l\ l'Ln th10\\' ';1 ·~::~·(~: k r~,l~l~' ~~~1111 1:!·'~1~~~~·~ 1:(:·11'i" l;~t ,~::It 1 .. :l:~l~lt'kiand~1 \i.:1 ~ \~'un~11l~: )l:1\\' }~~~,;~~<l tu~: 11~h1~~ ~i~11 ~~~1:1 uh~::\~~t.!il ~:~: \\reek the p1e-.cnt lmcup. The cllgtbil -.hut put. ruimint.: h.~h Jllmp atlll polt• "t1urt en undti thl' 1 ll"\l ... Jfln of H.\lkO\.ltz, Ehh,1 \1)Ull}!'. \\art! .. th!." mu,..tlt• f.u:tn1) for .1 \\l1l'k-1ty bu).(btU1", \\hlch \\C mu~t fmc l'\1..•r: \Ulllt !'he 'ttirlllC' \\!\) J,l Wllllt llll '{1 , Mt•\\ alt dil'l' OT of \\Clllll'Tl·~ [~}lll' (.\lphadt•ltl Jin \!lllt't \\'\-.on llUl. (.;1.lduall~, \\t' C:il'Ulll'tl that ht• )t•ar, wtll ptohahl) btJ \\lth u.s aeram, Student t'cnate \µprO\ es Prac· " h.t:-.'" n( IJ\l' pomt.. hll fir-..·. l ll' 1 .,, lt.d t•ducatJtln l npt.. \l.\ljCllll' \\"ilham-.. A:-.-.'t c.1pt; \\,\" l!lHllJ! tl) hU\l' hh ta .. t fLn~ bt· othl'l"\\lsL'. thL· Bobt·at ... :'.'houkl tatc 11

1011n._ •m ~t·umd .rnd 1int' 1,11rnt fo1 J h• folio\\ lit.: •1 .u11 ... h:t\t' bt•t•n l.11w .:\lu1dm•k. £malmt• (;ould. L11linn lent• tht• 111uitl'lrn~ . fo1 tlll: lt':.tlb promI~mK football -.~a-.on' lice of~ ummation Spcer h e~ thud. 110, 1dmgo th.l~ molt th.Ill 'illl't' Ji..,it•tl and llwir l.lpt.1 11 ... and mt•mhL•i ... Huttlln, llopt• h.,\l\L". )!att· .\ ndt•r!':.on. \\t'l<' g-Oln,i! to he lll'lll•t .. But. that .1 ... Coach U:\cht.: m.lJe th1.s :'.'tat('ment \\'hich \\a:-< none Toda~ !ill'?l .llt' lrl tht• l'\tfl. \\ 11 ..:ptnd .1 j!"rt'.I dt.I\ o• tlnll' lll tlw 11011-. Ro:-. . ~dlll:l Ho:-.. L F\i\llZ(', S(lOll .i.... hl· ll't"l'l\~d }11 ...... mnkeup .. ht' ufteJ· 1c\1~wmg the ::.pnng- \\orkout-. .\ l.il'J.!l' lltHk tutnou· th.. l m~ f1 1 Ult' pi.wticm~ 1t1 tlw ... lhedu 1 : E1nt•-..um• 111:.:man, F1m.1 PuutlO, \\,t" g"oini: to turn tin and "hO\\ hi" \\h1ch \\ere 1.ompktci.l la::.t ll g-ht \\hen •nd ,1lt• ... th.it l11ll'ns1 tl\,tli\ \\ I bt• ~I ring Ba-.Lhnll l't•,uu... Cold l I \larJtHte Rt•att\, P'l'f;.; ,1 th1t1}! or t\\1) t\\o agg1cgauons bIU\lll.J \\Jlld Ullll At·'" •1"l'.• uh lwld 'mot nm: -.Jw\\n m tht• llll1'l ll\'Xt I 11d.t) a 1 u l,a\1•mlt•r ~Ind. Ill Thelm.1 \Int Capt: 0111oth) Olst•n, \..,.,.·t Capt.; .\ t'11·wl n.>mark ... tha• h1.·1· -..0ru11t: .sno\\ battled to .1 ::.i.:01cJc .. s ttc: m lht: fwm ~ 1 :tO l.o Ill_", the .1n1111al -.tudt'nt !"nturil.I\ :\pn·h'ttt'lllh'tl .tit' 1 ln:1hJ • 1 : ... 1111. tap; "\J.ti~ \lo111t•, \..,,..'t I .1p.; \l:n) Elt·n :-;n11th. l..A.ll,.. lfuat. < ll•O •q..,lt>t ... hatt• a )t?n 1111 l'\llll"O\\~ and 11nal gumt.• and 'lllll111l.tg1.· f1om \\hit:h ::.t•n1.1le :'ltlflllll.tt 1'11 ' \\L'lt' ht>ld. rh .... ro1 till' ;nt:l' S1g111~1 (hi \\(Ill Jw llHl'l P1111... l'lnmll'l :\t'lh• ~pauldm~. \\ 11g-ht. J,, :\1l'hol~on, .\ For-.\Hlll. j..,n·l tlw Tll'\\ "traurht llTH' n darh w1Jl be ptckl•d ncxt. H:.bun'::. lineup .• u• ... embl: \\,1::- one of tht· la1~t·-.t lwld l<lst \t',ll \\Ith :-::ii:m:~ .\lJ•ha r:n 11, 11 Jlninth: Smdt>J, Jllld.1 Ilalunt•n, '11hh(•d l'li11rn1g-trn. Jla1jo•1p. Burm- Then lht• lat!:-, •· 1· tl,1hs .1 ~peck of D:,cht:' \\as not p1epa11.<l lo .:.tllltuUlllt.' nt th!." lll:'.'t1tut1vn th1-. ){~ll and mdI· ""l't••ntl and Bt•t,1 J-:p .. It, 11 th 1 Hachtl Fi.!:hlll, t. l't1lwn fhult•1, '1:11- me-ham. Inti Palnw1 pnwtler on till' C't.•ntt•r nf ht•1 fact• and h;~ tinal :-dt.:'t:t1011s 101 tht..' :s11uud. ~att•s t.h.1t tht.·tt' \till .ig.1111 ht· ~l J!lt.':lt ,!mit• (;u•-.,•kl'l. '1 lillll1.·r, F. F 1i-.;hll'. H:t·d I \lpha t:am.)-.lt•an Gtl't'n. f11l:'-.. ilk(• .1 hug do\\n ... tau" t<) tht• ho: Little cuul<l lw to..>hl of thc 1l'intn1: 11 l1',"',.111°,1~ 111 11~;t·,1 1c1',',:.-h,•0'"1 ~~ 1 ~',: .. ~!,',', ','1 11 ',:',,'1 n1t~ .. \l (;1,1nt l apt.; hathll"l'll IH•.11m•), ,,...,'t. fnt•ntl. \\ho Jl•ully 1-.. a h11tw\·. \\'oaa tJ th f th t\\O lt: un 1d\t.:'t"c ,., "" ~ ..._ ~ H "/} A • t d ') t•l111\\ 1 Ind I\ \lodt·-.:.1 \lnntclr- <~apt , \g:n1..•-. \\ ovcl ... on. i;:, l'h n )l1ll~1, man! ~t:·~~;~I c~nd1t.l~·lb h111Ju'.n;·t,;1,.• pn:.~- thl' "l'll<ltc fat Ht' t \1..ll. Tht• l~llld l ppozn e t n, ~ .q1t. nu:i-. ltt•n, \ .. ,. t. l'apt.; 'lat\ \litl' Pt.:'ll'l .. (Jn, l•:\t:'l)n ]\•tJ'll'. SC'l'k nl?' note Ill l'Olllnl\lll \\Ith hi... mg oth:'nsi\t.' ... mi the puntmg of both tlat1.•.., fur rlw '~uiou ..... orlilt.:'" \\t'll' nom- 'r c // p h ~thnn \ltinfn1ton, l•:\l'l)n l'rl~'t', .l~·.tn ll11lkn-.;lt·111-.•1. h...Hhe•mc Bult- studenb. th1..• profp ...... or p1om1-..l ... to tcnms. rnatt•d b) l~llnp.ugn -..pt'l'lhl':-t .111d .. ho• t .I 0 0 ege OS t 'I 1h1.•I { 'n111ad .. ft.,.., .. ,l. ( 'h11tnn. )J l\.tt- Llll. ;\l.u J.!.tl l' 1 \Yoml ... on. lln1 l" Rl'ctOr, t:c•l 1l\"l'1' tht" .1 ... :::;1gnmt nt tlw lll''-t dn:' U\C'he lrn~ shl tcd a number of ln::-t 1a1~10:'.''~~;~ 1~ 1J~l:~:~l'pt.tlll'l' \\l.'lt' ~l\tll 1') ta-.\111. Jl,)10\h\ htut:t•r. .\l.l\lllt• t'a1ol1th' X1 h11l-.()11, \ :1lh01~ Dot .. 1.·th ~1lthot1!.!11 Ill' \\t1uld h.l\l' l'O\e1ed nll rear·::; men tu d1ffc1 em po~ll\OllS Jn l·~rom tht· nu111t11.•r of 1..·:lTl,hd.1tt .. Jli)Jll- Ht I tagliti. E\ t.• 1

: n Blnnl hart!. Clar.1 'l:.1 Xllll' \\ hitt·omh of 1t had till' du-.;-. not ht'l n so sllllph· the Imc anli )ackhchl. Lorky D:.er. matt·d thl.'ll:' 1, an ndic:Hwn th.t \\"Ill Te a ch Pre·Enginee1 in!~ Flllm mm un ht• j,., ~nml!" tn put tht• a guard ol la~t. \t•ar pln\t.'<l quatkl· ti ll b l t b r ti' Cour:--.e$ \ t l ' nher ... it~ ;\orth ,, ... :::-1 rm;. x 'l'I l' ht~ 'tlUll tit· Klnnt•th :-;\H't'nt'). Sl'1ll01", of Butlt• Sl'll'"" Oil ,ltld makt• :l pin) fnt f,\\O'-Lat:k on one .of.the teanl::- .mJ. f'lank wie '} 1 -.~ ... t'\l'l:.l ,.~1

l'' ((lit 1c I ) 1 ] ' • I I fit•li.. lht: .. •t t, ha 121 t·haplt",.., \\tll lw twl(l ma1 ... Jrnl fol' tlw rlu:, .rnd ablu re.::ult-.. l>\t'I' has bl'l'H :-hlftt.'d to ~uard In 1:~~:~1~\1I1"tb~\,:1~~~11i~'lillt~ ~1\'~:.t .... t~1c~~~~1;~~ at\.ota ore-..tr) ~(' 10(\ 111 tlw l nltt•d ~t:lll'" \\Ith ... tlllll 10.0011 I" bu-.;\ "l'll'lllni! tht• staff of -.trnlt•nt .-\ntl ... ,, tht• ... 1tt1at1nn j ... Thl" flltll'I th.e backlwl<l Buz.:.wtt1, .:\:igh. Paik~ • .:\Ian: of tht tOtltt• ... t-. Jll"Ulllht• to bt.•1 11wn1ln•1 ... It pthh-.hr ... a qua1t11l: offatu, tn ::t ...... i...t hnn 111 runiun~ <Hfl und heenan ar• from la"t )t'aI':s ,hi ... t• and all of tht..• ~tu<lL•nt ... -.hould .. \1m111 Ildl. .1 .. tnll. m tlw dlp:11t· itllPnal, "S1)lia :""'l l'lllt' · P1 l~am111.1 i:ht• p111,l!1n111 '-""-..."'-~'"'-''''-~...-:~''''"''~~ \Ur:-.1ty ::.qund ttni.l < o1.:, Etht.utb and l.l ... t thl'll ,,-itt• for the t':mdida'1.1 11t m~ 1t ot tlrl'tll\al tllt!'IJlt't:.'l'.IH!. i'.i-. \1:.1 h. .l lha1 tt·r m tht• l 111,t•1-.1t: )loll' than !.~on pounds of l111w ".II ' • , Ea:stmau are unnab from the fio:::;h tht.•Jr chOJ<t>. B.lllot hO\:tS \\lll bt• .ll"l'l'Ptt·d a jlll ... lion ,,n tht ~tatf ..,( tlw 'f '1nntana. and a numlwr of llltlll- h(' ll"l'd to \\hltl•n thl' "\I" .rnd tiu· ~ Tennis Balls and ~ :-;qund. pl.lt:l'd Ill .\l11ntnna Hall .111d 11 the \"u1th ll.1ko'a Sth<1ol of n)ll-.tn at h('J-. th1oudwu~ till' ... tall' Prni."t"'nt hthl' \till hf' ut1llzt•d to ltUTl-.JhHl , , )knccr, B1eeJen, Dalt.', h1a\11.:k, CH!llll'll n~ Lu1hl111i.:. Bottim.tu . ;\01th n.d~ot.1 ll1Jl .. \\JI\ Bil\\('!' and 2\1 Hmlmc:.lllll' 11f tht• \\all'I' up to thC' Buttt•. \\Ith htaWll\ , T . R k t , llenmger, ..:\lucLc.111, -.hU\\t•d 111 tht.• The OlfH'l'' hll \\hlth th(' nnm111a-1 tl'ath llltllhem.ltH .... 1pplit•d lllt!l'h!\llll''· dt,r.1rtnwnt of h1-.tOI) .it .:\lnntnna f1tlsh U\11'\llll! the )llllC' and the JlllJ)]('- ~ enn1s ac es ~ !me. 'lhe-.e lllt'n a1c u•mtot<:cd b: a tiun-. \\t.'l"l' made tills mornrni..:-- \\l'lt• .• u1d 1hstnpt \e g-l'Ollll..'ll'\" 111 till' )Ht~ Stat' 1.olh.'t:t• .ut· lllt'lllhl'I" of tht• 01- nH'tlt" fot m \:Ill!{ it to the "-umn11t ol ' ' lmge tournout of Ja...,~ )tat's t\\O ptt>..,ldcnt of the .b,..ot'l<llt,f Studl•nt .... 'E'll!.!lnt't"lllg' cll\1s111n \lf the (Olh.•)!t• .\.. t:.il!l1?1.\1in1 •ht• 1w.1k ' ---.--- '

s1 .... tt.•r h.h .1 d.1lt.' \\1lh a GH'.\t Lt.ner· \ht.• llttlt:> h1t.ltht.·1 ""' an plnm• mt.x!d 1 ~ ,1 lu.::lut .. rnd f.ttlwr \\,mt-. thl• ChL'\\ \\ t." t: ~'"-'1 atl'... al\\ t.' tndn~ ht:' prvb. llhl~ ''ouhl .111\t .... t.'. .. It'-. tnJ?n 11mt· \\ t,11 \\u1m ... ''I't.' up tt' nu, ... t:'ht• .... 1n 1..;,·t ... ting- t.'11n-..t.'hlll'.··

Cosmetics Pt•p,odrnl Tooth Pa<tt' lpmrn Tooth Pa,(c'

Squibb< Tnoth Pa <ll'

\\.oodhury< Shampoo< \\"oodhur)· Facial Soap Ponds Cold Cn•am

Laq:r<' Rot lit• Ambrosia Chamlwrlain< Lotion \\"oodhu ry \Yavl' St•t



l lb. Absorbent C'utton :l!k .;oc ,izc Kl t•enex eolors :l::ic :\e\\ Liquid Deoilator; ;;o,. Rc'rnlllds ~" el't Pea anti

Orehttl P~rfumc• a ~2 00 rnlut's for :':1.;;o

... quad:s. U:.tht.:' b.ts u ... ed thl' ~p11nc-1\1tt' p1l~"1dl:'nt. lomm1 ...... •om'1:s of puhli thi"' lOtlllllJ! Yl·ll 1-. the fi.1..,t t•tl(' tht• Thl• ".:\I'' on Rig- Ruttt' 1~ .... ob: t:.?0 ~ A • t d St d t : practice to dr11l fundanwnt.iJ,.. .rnd to c.tt1on-.. folt·tl ... tl', f'IWlllt'. drnmat11.:~, 'lhOtil h.1:- l1tlt-tl•d a t\\o :t·,11 Jlll'-t'll \I l '1 \E 1·11 l 1 l H El El I foet in sizt• and j.., thn'l' ft•t,t thitk It/ ' SSQCJa e ll en S , perfect pla::;:s. m prepm.1t1un fm t\\O mt1'"'1t'. '"'otlal :\''an-., at1lt•tu.:-. and ginl'l:'l"llli,: coU1't'. JI.II "'11 haH• tti or Ol' l ' J( FH:-- \I' I \~I 'IFEI I'\ (. "a' fii.,.t built rn l!lO!l anll I.itt•r l'n· ~ ~ 1 l'Brly ~en .. on t•ncountcr::. m rrnh. The , t·ll king. ,1.:.11uzt• tlw de1 a1 tnit nl for the 'l'tnnd iarJ:t•1I. 1 ', Store ~ < nts \\ill nWl'l B l. l1 :md l"tah - - )t'.11 \\otk. \\'lwn appli1.:.\l1on" for !ht.> E11w-.t R~w .. 1t•1 llll'~ldL•nt .lt·.m ,., ~tate befolt1 fall quarte1 opt.'n .... ~Iud1 J TE:'\XIS . \:ND GOLF !\JEErr ,1ob \\t·11• a ... ked for 1t \\a-. thought to Cnl'll, \ ltt• pt t• .... 1dl•nt. Dons l'lulllh•t•. --- / ' '


\\lll depend on the tun out next fall. \YITH U.XJYER .... '\[T\" :I. I.\\' 6 find .. onwo1w \\Ith a ma-.tl'I" dl't!ICL~ .... tll< a1', f)('an :--tt>hhm ... t1l'a ... mt•1 Butte> .:\Iontnn.l .\fll·1 makm1! tlw ~ GYl\£ ~ 1 , Jlo\\1.•\t•r. lf11l hl't'.itl"t' of hts lug-h anti .:\laht•I (om ad, h1 ... to• .. rn. tlw lrn~t· .. t tnp cn•r •rndt•t:aken by a ' ~ .... holn"tll stand Ill!.!' ""' ahlt• to gt•t It JH'\\ I) l'it'l tt•d o!Tllt'I' of tlw .. \lumnat• "'.\lontann ~t'l1 11nl of .:\hnt..• ... tlt>hatt• k:rn1


'-~'-'-~~~'-.X~~'-.."-.'-.~X~'~ I :....--------------l Women Plan Hike Lava Lake Sunday

Tlw pa.till!.! .. for the da:::;" rlwm- \\1th .1 hnl·heloi" dt•J!ll'l' 11111 -..top1wd -l-11 <. luh of \lontana State nlll'!.!P thl'l'l' ta1 ... 1tl ()•(• lh~l!l'I' dehah•r ... p10n,h1p-.. in h·nms ha'e ht•1.n 111 ,ule off and mad1.• hnal :H1~111)!l'tllt'llh to \\t~lt' m ... tallt•d ll\ :o-.tutt• t lub l.t•adt•r hatt· a•tmn~d tu Butte. and all tho~(' \\ho h~ne L'llklt'tl till' takl' up his dutll'S next f.111 \\llllt• on ( hmll• .. E. P11tter at th1.•J1 ll'l.!:Ulat Th(• t(~.1111 met "Jlt•nkt•r .. from live> ! I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It ou1n~nnt~nt a1-.• n•qut• ... tt'd to 111,1ke th!!> "·') to TuJ--.1, Oklahoma tn tht~ n1t.·t tini.:: \p11J t:-o. \· thl· cJo,.t• of thl' different L1t,\h and Idaho l'Oll1.'l.!'C's on *hl'ir nr1anl!emt•11i... "1th tht•11 OPJHHl· natwnal P 1 Kapp 1 11t.!lta t'Oll\ 1.·ntio11. l t'lt nwn). t•arh t•IfH.:1·1 tl ... pond1..•il \tllh the to ... t'C'Ull\ t' night" .. .\II the debate~ rrit-. to play tht• matdw-. at tht• l'nrhe ... t a "ho1 ! 'Pt't h. exu:ipt tllll' \\t.•n· non-det 1-.ion atf,1•r.... ...

IF YOU W.-\:'\T Ql' .-\Ll'I'Y BUY FRO~! Final Hike for Quarter Will Be l\Iay 15 To :llount Bald~.

po ... s1blc <lat(' Tlw tournan1t'11t \\Ill "\11. Goth, f;.\1tllt: "11.ln""ot of the and lht• )llllt'" 111L'n are 1epo1ted to .. l' rnn olf on a cla~-:; bu-.1 ... fm indl\·id- Large crowd liub. g-,1\t• a talk t•ll • ldcnlllll'" of han dum• t:Xn~llent \\01 k. The\ lo~t a

THE East of Bozeman uul da::-~ champ1on~h1p" a11d the ... e Lt>adt1..,h1p ·· lit• dt•ti1w" .1 lt•1.Hk1 ~1~ 1\\1)-ttHint.• dt..•etsion tl1 thC' l'1lt\t''slt\·, ..

WEST SIDE fiROCERY champions \\lll b1.~ palled a!!alllst t•nch LJears Lecture '',l JWl" ... 01\ \\hi• lOllllll:lllds thl' Jllll- of 11lahn, southe111 brant·h. Ill Poca· : other to dete1m111t' tht• champ1t,n of CT 1 t, md and u11H-.c1,l'd 11.•-..pL•tt ol both tt.•llo. A plan of or:.::,1111 ed h1h·s hn-. be- the slhool From the finnlists there r .. ntimate f11cml-. anti ththL• mott· l'ht• Slhonl of .\lmt'" debatl'r" l0111C a 'ery populai pa1t or thl' \\ A. \\tll bti cho-.t•n t\\O tt•nni" pla\l'I .. t;i • . --.-- • l 1sually kmi\\n." In l"OlltlU ... ltlll ht• Hl't!\H'd .1i:n111 ... t repn• ... t•nt:tll\l"S of tht· '"' Staple a nd Fancy Groceries A. prng-ram. Thi.:' pa"'t t"o hike,., to rtpre ... c>nt the ~1.·hool in a lllC'C't to he lllum1nal1on D1scuss10n Dra\\.S j-.1atl·tl .. "tt, \\tn "lll'tl'"' as a ltad1.·1:/1'n.H·t...ll) of l"tah at ~alt L:.tkt:' ('tt:·. -Shedd\~ b1all!t' and tht• ~lint·· ... i.:abm held in )Jj..,,,oula on thL' lith of \l,n, Capacity of Engineering ~t· lnit•I pohtt>l)" lw a!;!"1e ...... nt· t.Ht- tlw l"tah StatC' ..\)!rilultmal colll'g"t-' ... Prices Right hnYC' bt•en attcndt•d h: 0\1.·1 10 \\Omen Jn case tht:>l'l' an\ chfltlult\ in . .- lull.'. ht• t•mphat1c ph'<t ... ~rntl). h(' at Lo~an. Hr1~ham Youn~ unner.;;1t\' .. • utth. Mhl'dulm mat Ill's b~•t\\t.'t'I\ pl.l:c1s .\udito11un1 I po ... 1tl\l d1plo111.tt1L'<.db. u.nd Jw 1 11.:-ht at Prtl\n, \\\•lwr collt'l!t' .tt Qg-den an~l ~ Phone 266 110 " '-Curtiss ; The hike ::.l:heduJeu for this ~unday Jl~tire.c::h,Juld __ lw rl\l'T\ to ~,\all llot~.,~, I ).!'!atl'()ll ... )\: . th~· t•nl\t"""'lt) nf Idaho. "Ot1the1n 1=1111I111 I I I I 1111 I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I 11 I I I' I I I I 11' 11' 1 11 I I,· \\Ill be a fin·-n11lt• l l1 mb to La\ a Lake ~~ tht l me ~1 I •1 hou-.-. · plhlllP _u, Cn•at rntert·::.t \\ ,.,.., -.ho\\ n a~ tht• 1- r .. t1 1' .\e' 1"· 1 " ')I l "ldl•nt. Tl'- h1 anch at Pn1 alt!llt).

m the Gallatm canlon. \\\•ather per- llw mallhe-. 111LO-i.. bt..• L·ompleh•(J be- Jllunnmtt1011 11..·1.tUIL'" and dcmt111-.tJ~1- ~1h"tl tht• ll'""ul o a natwn,1J .. u1\L') ----------------------------------------------< mitung-, the climbt·i~ \\tll med c-aibed fore the date of ,the 2\h:-"oula nwt•t 11011 ..,, ~l\t'll Ja ... t Ft.ti.I\ mgh' ln tht· Ot alumnat· ..t-1 , luh-. lw nlc\dL• duJ n'" 111 hem\ outrng' clothe-. and olle<l :mti thl) \\di t.lM' preu'(it.>nll' titer tlt'JMllnwnt uf t•lutr11..L1! t'nl!lllt'~·lllll.! H I •1"'t qunttei boot ... foi- n tn•t·k th1ouc-h tht• .. no\\ to um· otht•r matehl'" to be p1ayC'tl. Thl' dt•mon:...t•ut101i... ''l'll' \\1tnt..•"s1..•d b' u lnke of g-reat bl"aUt\ and gt•f)log-1l.'iall At tht• "anw time that tht• lenni~ a lln\\d of morl' than WO .• 11111 0 ... t ari­lntl'le~t. The h1kL'lS ·take otT from pl.a)C'ts l?'.0 to )lis ... oula to competl' other hund1ed Jll.'rso11-. \\t·te tu1n1.·d Red's Bob1.:at Lair :it ~1 a. m . Sunt.ia) "Ith t le l 11 \ t'l .. t: µla~ ct'"' thL·re '"11 ~l\\ ay bt•u.tu:-e of la1:k tlf 1 oom. mo1nmg and \till t1a\l.'l bl truck a~ be t'' 0 zolfri ... "tnt.~o 0P~0 "l' tht• t\\O The lt•c·tmt.':' and dl'lll1m-.t1.1twn .. far as road c·on(ht1ons permit A.II be~t fiom thL~ lnl\t'l',.,lt). 1 oaLh \\l'll' i:1\1.;n m platt ot' tht• usual 11-\\0llH..'n \\"l'"'hini: t1nn~portat1on on th1:-> D:dw .mnounll·d th~it an: Olll' \\ho lummatwn t·onft..•it~ncl's \\hlth ha\t• hike must pos1tl\eh" si~n m '.\lam hall \\tshl' ... to eompL·tt• 101 the riJ!ht to bel:'n hl'ld 111 fotllll" )l'al~ Tlw Jllll-ur the ~nmna~ium b:r 10 a m J<~nda:r licprl:' ... ent. the t·olll'!.!'.t, m the c-olf po~e of the lel'tun·~ \\as to tll'\l'lop Apnl 29. )liss ~ran?nret Ku~kel hil~ matdi ~hould obta n a \Ciilit•d ""l.'Ul'l' the more dTednt• u ... t~ of hg-ht1n!.!' .rnd in!? ma nag-er. T('flOrt-.; that the plan 1~ from tht~ Bozeman l'Ollntt r dub l'Olll ... e tllummatton. Profc:<,..,lH' Thalc1 hca<l to rerurn at about 3 ~- m. ;~~~e \~}H; 1t~J:~t~111 \},~rb;~~t~~~~~~: ~~}~ of the <lt>partmt.'nt of clectneai" t·m:i·

The fourth a11d_ final iuke of the IL'lH't•si•nt tht' '"lhuol 111 the nll'~t. net..•ntH!. pll•,1dt·nt. llr John..,on ot tht..• sca ... on will bt' n d1mb to tlw -.;umn11t ph: ""lt.:" tll.'partmt•nt. C\:J•lamcd the of .:\lount Baldy on )la~ 13. ~ong!$ L.b R · - ·)-o Ne\\' pr111c1ple ... of 11g-ht. and illummnt1on and stunt" are mcluded in the enter- 1 rary ecenes -G and demonstiatl'd the :::;petllum and tammcnt a11nni:ed for th1-. h1kl' mad- Books of Yaried 8election specuul L'Olor~. d1t10n to the "l'll'ral 01mpu~ group-. )Ir Hu1lth Ill a :-hmt talk d1 .. ._u:-;sl•d \\ho \\ 111 pre-.L'llt 3 ~tunt at l..;-t\ a lake I Th 1 n h l 1 t ro till' ~OUl ((• ... ,rnd t.'tft!l't of ult1a-'10h•t hike. An a\\a1d for the ht·"t h1kmg C' 1 rai) a .. 1 c·e.vet :iuon :.<> lllg-ht. .. \('hart \\as ~ho\\11 C-lll1l!! tiw "On~ will be madl.' cm the ~umm1t of llt'\\ hov~s ~mt·e the la~t mdt•\: \' 3" d1th•1 t nt ._,tfLd-.. .:\Ir llL'ath .1bo dcm­.:\lount. Baldy the afternoon of .:\lay madl· lhi ... g-roup in1.:ludcs "ubJ~l't-- on~t1att•d "'lill lmnp~ \\hlth 111odute 1 ;-,, All .:\lontana St.tte colleg-e ... tu- ~f u~e 101 .• 111:10~: l'\ ei Y .tlt',l;•11 tmcnt. I lwalth and ultra-\ 1olct t ay::-. Pi ofo ... -.or th nts are chg hie fur thi"i tl\\ aid ' 01~1 ~ of th(' nc\\ c .. t onb ~in Bo\\ man :.:a' e a dt•mo1i...tt a lion h·L·tu1 t'

llotan)-Alhl'.~"al!t•r, 1>1lt1t1nary slHrnl1lJ! the L'llt•t'b of 1.da1L· 41J1tl \\'O\IE."\"S IHI\ l~(T PHOGH \'I ot .. • Bioloi.tical Equl\ alcnt-.. Bai> ton-, shad ti\\. ll1!Tc1l'nt t) pt• ... ol lamps \\ele )la) 1-La\a Lake (\\ t'"t G.11latrn \ llt!!ht, Hen•n \~.\anCL·~ ltl I !ant u"cd in tlw <ll•mon~t1ntion .\ ... tl ikrn~

) 1'1:1s1olo;.:-:.:. exhibit c.( tht• c·th-l"ts of shado\\ \\a~ L'an:.on -!"1gn 11\ )Jam Hall b:. April I air~ ( ~hctt.' are a great nitrn~ sho\\n; h:. alteinatllll! till' Ilg-ht upon 2~ Tiuck transportation \\ill be at· books u~ this ... uhJl'CLJ B.1rtlwl, .:\lcth- the model of a car the UJ)JH.•aiaiwt• of

rnne-ed to :-<f>ot from \\ h1l'h climb be- mt .... of ~xam111atwn l sed .in .:\Jilk an<l motwn "a ... produt L'll ~11~~.a;.~1~1~:ileb:~ ~~:1~\\1!·~~rm:b: ~· l:an) I tdouct"; Lealh, l<oo<l ln~pl·1:- Prnf(·~so1 Thalt·r H·tmnt·d f1om

)lay 15-)lount Bald,_·~Si• ... n m tio~ a~id3-~nal):'.'l::O..h, .. Portlund, Ult'l!on, }a ... t. \\eek \\ht:lL' }w -~ .... ·"lt <:_em. T ~ Human. llt'ad, ntll'ndt•d ~1 meet111:.: of the t\:l'tuti\e .\lain Hall b) :\l,1:. l'l. Trm·k t1an"- Hunton. Eng-li'-'h UtlOtatl\c 1L'xllle-.., ll·ommlttct• of lhe \ f E E. ot \\hkh pcntatwn will be mnmged to :-;pot l\.h.~u·.e, ba1~~1l" .\1ch1tt•dure. . lht• 1._ a memh(•I'. \t thl' ,amt• limt• from \\h ich the climb beg-tns. " ·i11 Eni;h-.;h-lhe Bt'~t l}r1t1~h .shu1t hl' <tttC'ndt:d tht• meetmg,.. of tht.' ~t~~~e~~1~ecl~n~h~lr at 7 a. m. Thi" \\Ill ~tOlll:'"; Bnd~l':s, Out l·dlo\\ ~hakl'- '.'\ul'thl\l'"h·tn ~Lil!ht and Po\\t'r tlllll-

Requ1rena·nts for E\en Hike -.p~~~~~ta· 1al Blctm:hard, Eeonom1c pan)". 1. \Ve.ar hl'a\"\' hiklll.Q' Clot ht.'" ancl Gcog1aph:, ul Eu1 opt:, Schultz, .\.me1-

oilt•d hikmg- boOt-.. or sturdr lo\\- 11.:a Pubht: FUI.llll'l! .tnd Tuxatwn. hec•led shoes · Elcctr1cal En!!llll'Prmg--.:\larli . )le1-

:?. Eat. a nut1itious hn·.tkfn~t and 1.:u1y .\re Po\\t:J' Hl'l.."lltier:'.', Z\\Otjk n, b11ng- O\\n lunth. Lunch nun be 01d1..•1 l'hotutclb and Their Appllcauon t•d put up at the Bo beat i~a hl•fore The IJ.b1 arj ha~ :.t numUcr of book~ 11 a. m. the prt>Cl•<ling- <la\. on pubhlallun-.., tht..• l.1tc::.t unc 1s:

:t Hikes \\ill l.ll'l?Jn 1~rompth- at \\ t•lls and ,\!tl .tl1:stc1 , Student Puhli­hour !'f>C('lfit.·1L For La\a Lakt• a~d LUtion-.;, Bald;i.· t11p-. ll'st..•nt• tht~ L·nt1re <la\·.

4, :'\o •hani<e '"II be mad1· in h1k- PROOF HE.\DL'\G OF 1932 lng- sehedult' Our motto 1 , "Hikt-, 1am or shine" '.\10 .. TA. ,L BEI.t\G RL:::iHED

\I! r l ()'\ rE~T E:\'l'll\~ l'R

'I hl' .11 t umtcsl dt11"1Jl!.! llil!h Sc·hool \\'l't•k \\JI! b(• l:u~t:'t thic:: \(•,u than l'\L'I ht•fo1L• Cont(' ... t.lnt-.. fr~Hn ( Ulll', Lc•dJ.!l' (;1av•, lldtna, \\ hite Sulphur Spnngs, Rozt•!llan. Buttt', L<.>\\ 1-.to\\ n S1d1w:.. H11! Tunht•J, G1 t.tt Fall", 1 loh ... on, \\' J .. all and H1 id~1.·r ha\ t' ul­l L'ad: l1ntt•H·d. and 1t 1 ... l'Xpl'l'f<•d that mo1e \\JlJ t•nroll ht•fme the t•ont1•~t hl't:ITl" th1 ... \\('t'k.

.5. Tran ... pm tation on hike~ I I I and l \ . will be fut mshed \\ tthout chm •re to\\'. A. A. membet"' ~on.nwmhl~" \\ill he than•sr1I u nom.n.tl fr<· or mav fu1 nish their O\\ n transportati'un. Re;. ervat1ons for transportation mu-.;t b{' made by signmg n :'.\In.in Hall or hy tall ml? \Yomen's .(!')'mna<>1um office be· fo· t' 10 a. m. on date ~1>ecified

Tht• art dt.>partnu nt ha-. plann<·tl Th~ l!IJ~ .:\lunt,rna11 ha:::. read1cd its :sp~..>~·1al cntt•1 ta11111wnt for tlw Tl11.:-h

mo:::.t tl"<llous :-.tage thu.t of !HOO( j ~thool lonteslant-. dur111;.r tht•ll stuy Jcadmg Tht.' l.'<lltol'l'al staff I::; berng Ill BozL•nurn .. \ B~1lwm1an d1nnl'I', \\Ith taxLJ uqltt! he~llii) \\Ith the lt.::-tion~- ~Jll.'l'1al ft•,1tu1es tor tlll' ptog- am \\Ill 1b1l1tj of putt11w the :caibuuk rn it::. bt• ... ponso1l·d h: till' .\1f C'lub

tl Eal'h h1k<• will he 3t'compnnied by a membc1 nf the facult\: of :)fon­tana State colle}!e a" ni:rang-ed b: \Ian· L. St«•\\art, direl'tor of phy~ical t·duc::tt1on for "om<•n. .. Point" Bohcat lnd1' 1dual T\\U hlk('" G 10 Thn•e h1kl'" 10 15 Four hikes (~mull

h king- medal l ~o

JH'OJ>el" iunn l he book ha~ been plannl'tl so that tt \\Ill appeal noL only Pl (, \ '1 \l \ 'l l SO( IE'T' tu student:;, but abo to alumlll anJ to ELECTS \D,llR \I. Jn HO th~ Jacu1t::;. In th1~ \\U) a gll'Ht. suc-ct•s ... for the book I::> U:'.'::.Utc<l .\.:: an appn•c·1,1tiu11 of hi" \\01k in

I -, I School of



j Mines No~es ButtL· \It) it.ma lit)\\ \rnc1 Jl'an in­

dustry ha~ b1.1collll' publll'-rt..•lut11m-. l'OJl .. l'IOU-. m the 11a-.t 1.) :.ca1:- \\.1" told tu )Jont,111,\ St hool of )lnws -.tu­dents th'~ \\t•t•k bv ( h.1dc~ \\' . To\\nc, puhliL·1t:. d1rt.'l'lor · of lht' \ nacondn Cuppl,I .:\l nlfH!' lOmpan: :md ath t'I tI~­Jni! manal!•'' fo1 till' .:\lontana l\rn l'I t.'tlnlfl.lll).

)lr. Tu\\nr. \\.1" tlw -.pC'uker nt a l'i!!.!:Ular "l'l'kh· tom m·.1t10n. lit:.' lt'-1.nL•d tht• hist.11: of tlw tll'\t?lopmcnt of mdti...tr1al pubhL-H'int1011~ \\lll I, awl dt "C 11bt•1 tlw p• t..• .... ent nu~thod ... lht•d b.\ mf'n n d1:11g-t• 111' -.u1.h al"ll\ 11\ min '-l'J ll't imhhtt) tu thl• puhlit· ar d Lht..• public tn ndu-.tr:.

l!utt<. \il n ana Tht· huc-h '\!" (111 Bi,!! Buttt• \\ l'l'lPl\l' 1h annual h.1th anti JH'\\ ~prl .:. co.tt of \\ h tt•\\a-..h on \la: L 1t h.1 .. hN•n dt•c1ded h~ tht' ... tutlt•nt t'\:C't'Ut.1n1 t·nmmtttt'(' .1t. 'Ion­Lana ~l hotil or )I int'"·

"\l" chn is •ra1ht1tmnlh ht>l I on tlw fir .. l \\"t•(fol..,1la\· in .:\la\.' Tht> 11111111· 111.!! is de\vt<td. to huui \\olk h\ tht~ -..tudL·nt". "l11lt•"a"h1n}! thi.• h•ttt..;1 and

111prm 111~ t t' 1.umpu- .\ lunL h 1~ st•t\t•tl a .. noon, c-amt'"" l\lf' htld Ill tlw .tftl'l lll!Oll anti lhl• ")!" tl.1y dant l' j ... Uw t' t nrng- c' ent.


\\ cdnl'sda~ • Thur,,day

.JO\:'.'/ BENNE'I•r in

"SHE W.\ NTED \ :\llLLIO:'\ \IRE"

Friday - Saturda)



lt is mtcrc~t.ng tu nott:- that the s1~ _wl S( 1C'ntt'S, t'"f)(!Ually :h a. fl'l'Og­git·.tll.'::.t amount of tht- \\urk ha" been n1t1on of h1 .... "l'l\lll' in l.'nlarj!1n~ 11111 tar11t•t.i out h) upperda::.smt:n Tusk:s, knn\\h•tke of tlw ~col!.:raph::; of thf' \\lud1 ~hould bl' ,1:-;i--1gnt•<l to the undt·t- \\01ld .• \dmiinl Hil'll.ltd E B\1·11 h:.1'"' clas-.mt·n 1n 01dt•r that they n1a) ht.•- lwt•n nanwt1 tht..• lir"t hono1fi1, 1itt­t·omc .tequamtt-d \\1th p1me..,"es 111- tional p1t..•sid~nt of lhC' ~alinnnl ~cwial I \ohed 111 prl)<llll"lnJ! thl' book , ha\c SC'it·m·c 11 01101 Sot'it•ty, P1 Gamma J1u Ut·l•n totted upon th!! uppc11.."ln..,~mt·n The t•lC'CtHm "as mudl' at tlw Ot't't•m. Sm·h a Jll'unountt•d latk of m~uc~t"'"' ·.-.·r. nationnl conltntion of the organi- and \l'ry d1sheatll·nini.r fot m the t.OllllllJ: zat10n. anti ha~ JU'-t ln·L·n annolH't•cl ll\

~111!!!!11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\lllllllllllllllll\l\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli'~

go~~-iX>iX>.::>.::>iX>:J; ~ 8 Ad . . 0 ;§ i g vertzsmg pens & I=

8 the Door to 8 §

8 Busr·ness 8 i ~ x § 8 ~ I


OO COl'iS IO ERED EQl1 .\L TO OR BETTER T H .\:\ ey ~-e,ll

ELSEWHERE I:\" THE COl ' :\THY - = 0 "Lrl ~ 8 .\DYERT ISING JL\S L!ROUGllT NE\\' CUSTOl\ IERS .\:'\D ;; ~ i l~ EPT OLD O:\ES I:'\ THE CO;\Ii\ll' '.''ITY ~~ I '\if' (ii 8 0


0 0

Block pl int hook ... \\ ,ll h1..· .. tti hv the mcmbl'I"" nf Ddtu Phi. Jwno1:u \· ~1rt fiatL•rnny, tlu1 nl.!' 11 tJ! n St•huol \\· t·t~k nt tht' G: m11.1~ium and llt·1 ril·k hall. J'hhl' book~. mntle fo1· '-'oUtlnPts cir

u1 nduuttun pre,..,t·nt for the ... tud11nt~ and faculty. "ill con"i"t of 17 prints, dt..•,hrnl'd nncl muclt~ bv lh1· .lrt .. tu. fit·nts "ho .11t: nu·mbcr.., of 11clla Phi Tht•\· :l.Tt• soml'thinl!' for t•\·e1 \"Olll' to rem'ember their l'ollt-ge day:-; b:.

~eats the U1Hll·1tl.b ... lllt•n 110\\ \\Ill be nr LPl'O)' .\lh·n. ill'an of Snulh\\t·--l- LOlTI..SE Ji.,. \ ZE1\0.\ lL'l!lllrcd tv prodme tlw hook. A l''n coll<•J!e and t'Xl'tutht~ !':.t'l'll'tar\· 11 f in \ -· \\01th'.'t )t'arbook cannot lw p1odtll(,d tho org-nn1z.ation · "lL\CING YOll'l'll'" hr lnL'xperwnet'd student... Pi Gamma .:\lu \\n~ fornwd in 1!1~ I

it I.., 1il·~n~d th.tt all otg-amzation~ a-.; an honor soc:t•ly to fn~tl'I st•hul:ll ---. ---pay th~11· bill to the )lo11t.111an In sh!J> and rt·st~nrt h in the 01·ial c1 • onlC'r that thL" m ll\11luuls nm\ H'lUlt.' cm·1·s The> ~oeial ~t·iPnt·p ... \\hich 111 _ ( omi n g ~unda) their hook-.. Books \\1ll nul 111..' l!l\l'Jl t·ludt• tilt' f1l'ld" of ~oc10lol!Y. 1 l·onom- RO:\ ,\LD t'OLEI\1 \ !\' nu to {lf'f"<•ll" m 01 g-:.mizat ons \\ hil'h ll"", J!l'n~1.q1h\. political st'h ml'. hi.;:-al l' not paid up. foi\". ph1\u-.ophy. lhldwlog-), l'dUl':.\- in

It 1 l.'Xpt·c:tt·tl t havt• 1 lw book tinn. d1'1<• ... and r•l11.n11n hall' mam ·• \HH.O \YHI\11Tll''

i 1n Montana g 80$000~~$0$0$00000$$$$$$0{3¢~8

~';"~[;/•"· 111 "'en tat.on about the la t 1~\~,nil~~;,;, 1 ~0 '~~~~:'~"~; ~n~,~~1in~''r~~,;~ I _______ _. , ~\lllllllllll\111\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJlllllJllllJllllllllllJlllllllJllllllllllllllllllJlllllllllllJlllllllllllllllllllllJllllllllJllllllllJllllllllllllJllllllllllJlllllllllllll llJllllllllJl::::Jllli::l/IJlf I I

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