IamAlima Love Unveiled

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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Introduction “He doesn‟t love me... He doesn‟t talk to me... Why did he get married to me if he‟s going to treat

me like this?” I looked at the sister as she had tears rolling down her cheeks and thought to myself...

...What can I do to help you? How can I soften your pain?  

Whilst at a seminar, a sister approached me in hope that I will take her to the Shaykh and he could give

her advice. Much to my surprise, it was her mother in law who was pushing her to do so, due to the

pain of seeing her son treat her this way.

SubhanAllah, at that moment in time all I could do was to reassure her that things will get better, as

well as offering her support by ensuring she was seen by the Shaykh, which alhamdulillah she was.

I have used my personal development background and research within this topic to ensure I have

presented this topic well with the best and most relevant information.  Alhamdulillah, everything has

been referenced back to the Qur‟an and Sunnah, in hope of ensuring you get the best and attain the

pleasure of  Allah „azza wa jal in the process.

The material in this book is from my own experience, seminars and lectures with Shaykh Waleed 

Basyouni, Shaykh Yaser Birjas, as well as personal development seminars with Shaykh Muhammad 

 Alshareef .

You don’t have to go through a painful marriage...  Allah „azza wa jal wants you to be happy and so it

doesn’t have to be like this - you can learn this now and save yourself from choosing the wrong

direction in life.

“In Allah we put our trust, whilst doing our best to know the rest.” 

Though, the main thing for me is being able to assist you in this journey. Hence, I hope you have a

great read, gain a lot from this book and may it be a means of moving forward to success.

...And Allah „azza wa jal knows best.

Alima AshfaqFounder of iamAlima 

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Let the Journey Begin...! 

Imagine someone came to you right now andasked you to follow them, without thinking

about it; the awe of this individual led you to

get up, leave what you’re doing and follow

them. They look at you right in the eye and

much to your surprise, the glitter in their eye’s

leaves you mesmerised... As they stretch out

their hand in hope that you will accept... You

slowly, but surely, slide your hand into theirs.

You know them. You trust them and you know

they’re not going to let you fail. As you follow

them out of the room, you’re led to the front

door. As you’re taking the steps towards the

unknown, your heart skips a beat and you think

to yourself; “I‟ve been waiting for this all my 

life...” The person opens the front door and you

notice that it’s dark, not a ray of  light in sight.

“This is strange... I‟m pretty sure it‟s supposed  

to be light.” You mutter to yourself. As you

continue to follow, you see ahead of you two

roads, both long and winded - one tread upon

more than the other.

As you look on your left you see an array of cars zooming down and you’re surprised by the speed of 

the cars. “They‟re going to have an accident if they‟re not careful!” You speak up and as you do, the

person looks at you with a smile and says: “Yes they will, in fact if they don‟t face the fact that it‟s

dangerous to continue the way they are, they‟re going to have to face the pain.” 

Then you turn around to your right, this road has a softer and smooth feel to it, you can just sense the

serenity coming from it. Slowly you start to smile and you turn to the person and say; “Can we go down

that road? It looks so much nicer...” With a small chuckle, they turn to you and say;

“It’s your choice. The life you choose to lead is due to the choices you make. If you

make them right, with intelligence, then you won’t go wrong. If you’re hasty and yougo into a road without a calculated decision, then you’re setting yourself up for


Suddenly you hear someone calling your name... “Wake up and stop dreaming! We‟re late, we need to

be there by 7pm and it‟s already six!” Shouts your Sister up the stairs. “What is the family going to

think?! If you want to get married to this person, you better hurry up down stairs RIGHT now!” 

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“Oh maaan, I‟ve been thinking again... SubhanAllah, am I ready for the ride?!” 

That’s where I come in... Alhamdulillah I have

been blessed to attend many seminars, lectures

and experience a lot of people who have

amazing marriages, those who are going

through tough times, as well as sisters who

aren’t married and not sure where they’re

headed. I have done my best to deliver this

topic in the best manner possible, focused on

the important topics in hope that you will

enjoy the read and move forward to study

further into this topic in sha Allah.

Either you get it right now, or you don’t. One

has a life of happiness, and the other has alife of heartache. Do you have any choice but

to become the best?

Let the journey begin! 

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What is this Mysterious thing called 

Love? Living in today's society you’ve probably

seen a movie based around love. Perhaps

you’ve read a story that clicked with you, or

maybe you’re a dreamer just hoping to feel

this mysterious thing called love? To drown

in it, feel the powerful emotion that you’ve

dreamt of all your life. Or maybe you’ve

experienced it... Or feeling this emotion as

you read this book?

...Wake up! Wake up! Let me bring some

reality into it... (Hey, at least give me a

chance?) Ok cool, I’m ready when you are...

Bismillah, let the ride begin... 

:Steps onto the Ship: 

Love and Lust are two different things and they both exist. The main issue arises when you get one

mixed up with the other and due to this many problems can occur. Though hey... At least we know that

it exists right!?

Love is a mystery. It cannot be defined rather it’s an emotion that you feel. The Prophet salAllahu

`alayhi wasallam when speaking about his wife Khadija radiAllahu `anha said, “Verily, I was f illed 

with Love for her.” From this hadeeth we learn that love happens and when it does it’s nothing to be

ashamed about.

 Allah `azza wa jal says in the Qur’an: “And among His

signs is that He created for you mates from among

yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with

them and He has put love and mercy between your 

(hearts). Verily in that are signs for those who

reflect.” [ArRoom 30:21] 

The key words in the verse are - “ Mawaddatan wa

Rahma” - which translates as Love and Mercy.  Allah

`azza wa jal created us to love someone, feel loved and

be happy. He „azza wa jal created this love within

marriage, as real love can only grow and be maintained

within a marriage.

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Lust; this is generally what we see around us in the movies,

it’s a fabricated imaginary type of love that is portrayed

through two ‘perfect’ individuals who passionately fall in love.

They look great and when they’re in each other’s company

they feel great (and they have no arguments at all!). We

usually have no idea what happens at the end of their livesbecause the movie finishes when they’re in their early

twenties, at the prime of their youth.  :Rewind Rewind: We

need to get real! Life is not perfect and at times you feel an

emotion towards someone, but this shouldn’t blind you. 

In this life when you experience love it’s extremely

strong and it’s  not a sin as long as you don’t act

upon it in the incorrect manner. The emotion may

be something you’re unable to control, but your

actions are in your control.

There are two types of love as defined by the

Scholars. Hubb is the Arabic word for love and Ishq  

describes the other type.

Ibn alQayyim rahimahullah said; both were unique.

He said Hubb was pure and noble, whereas Ishq was

a forbidden, beyond the limits type of love and this

is when someone will go to haraam measures to be

with the one whom they love. 

...Your heart is precious and you have an amazing

future ahead of you.

Whoever you allow to enter into your life, will take you

in one direction as adverse to another, one of good or

one of evil. I have discussed the criterion set by the

Prophet salAllahu `alayhi wasallam, so your aim in life

should be - to be this person and get married to the type

of person who the Prophet salAllahu `alayhi wasallam

recommended. If you’re already married - become this

person now, and make du`a that  Allah blesses your

spouse to do the same.

If you still don’t understand what love is, then as I

mentioned it’s rather mysterious! It just happens... 

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 Marriage in Islam Either you’re married, looking to get

married, or dreaming to get married -and for some it’s not happening anytime

soon! Whoever you are, marriage is a

topic that Allah `azza wa jal has spoken

about highly and it’s essential for us to

learn what marriage involves and the

importance of it.

The Prophet salAllahu ̀ alayhi wasallam 

said, “Whoever has married has

completed half of his religion;

therefore let him fear Allah in the

other half!” [Bayhaqi]

The concept of marriage has been

present from the beginning of creation.

 Allah `azza wa jal says, “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates...” [Surah ArRoom 30:21] 

Islam encourages marriage in many places in the Qur‟an and Sunnah. We are taught by  Allah „azza wa jal that men and women enter into marriage to earn three things; tranquillity, love and mercy.

The Messenger salAllahu ̀ alayhiwassallam said: “For those who love each other, nothing has proven

as good as marriage.” [Sunan Ibn Ma’jah]

In Islam, feeling something is not haraam and if you do have such a feeling for someone and it’s done

in the best manner, then marriage is the next step for such individuals.

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“I want you... But I fear Allah!”  I grew up in college learning many lessons about the importance of al`Affaf, alhamdulillah I started

practicing Islam at 14, so as you can imagine, I observed my surroundings learning lessons, rather thangetting involved. I would see good brothers and sisters being led astray by their emotions, because they

didn’t take the correct steps to protect themselves. Hence, they fell into problems which caused them

pain later on. If only they had learnt the concept of  Al-`Affaf they would have been protected... All in

good time, I will explain what this all important concept is!

...Have you ever heard someone say; “Living in

the West is tough! There‟s haraam

everywhere!” They may be referring to the

billboards, their interactions at work,

University, or perhaps in their home on the TV

and Internet. Your eyes, ears and thoughts are

constantly exposed to indecency wherever you

go. In fact, if a person doesn’t strive to control

what comes in, there is a fear such indecency

will appear in their actions.

The Prophet salAllahu „alayhi wasallam said; “There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade

on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a just ruler; a youth who grew up in the

worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic; a man whose heart is attached to the mosques; two

men who love each other for Allah's sake, meeting for that and parting upon that; a man who is

called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but he says: 'I fear

Allah', a man who gives in charity and hides it, such that his left hand does not know what his

right hand gives in charity; and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed 

tears.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Many of us have grown up in the West, so we know how valuable a person is who protects themselves.

The reason behind this is because  it‟s tough! Not only are we exposed to it daily, rather its humandesire to want to be loved and when someone gives you attention, f or both men and women, it’s

natural to want to receive it and give it in return. 

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So... What should I be careful of? 

 Where you’re at – Your location 

Your environment determines your actions. Iteither strengthens you or opens the doorway to

the whisperings of Shaytaan. Ultimately, if you

spend too much time in the wrong environment

you will become accustomed to certain

actions. I remember back in College on the one

hand we had the common room, which was the

pinnacle of haraam (...may Allah protect us!) 

on the other hand we had the prayer room, a

small room yet cosy in its own right (when they

put the heating on that is). Back then, I chose

the quiet prayer room over the buzzing 

common room due to  Al`Affaf and I spent the

next two years sitting there contemplating

where I wished to go and alhamdulillah due to

this sacrifice, I believe He  jalla wa `ala has

blessed me to be where I am today.

You have a choice in where you wish to spend your time, so make your choices wisely. 

 The people you love – your Friends 

You are on the mindset of your friends, so

watch who you befriend. As they will either

be a means of success, or a means to failure.

A good friend gives you the strength to

abstain from that which will harm you, they

advise you to do good and remind you to fear

Allah „azza wa jal. 

So ya... Choose Your Companions Wisely!

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 You went too far! - Exceeding the bounds 

This is when you exceed that which is lawful, in other words - you go too far! You either talk too much

to the other gender and your thoughts escalate and feelings develop. Or you look too much and then

love at first sight becomes common. Perhaps you hear way too much for your own good! This may be in

the form of listening to the opposite gender and elongated discussions, or even in the form of listening

to haraam such as music; which causes you to desire that which is unlawful according to the Shari‟ah. 

 Allah „azza wa jal warns us of the tricks of Shaytaan. He says: “Satan promises them and arouses

desire in them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion.” [Surah Al-Nisaa, Ayat 120]

He just wants to distract you from your real purpose of life. His mission is to destroy you and lead you

to the hellfire, so don’t let him win.

So... How do you protect yourself? (Do you even need to ask?) 

Marriage - One of the best ways to protect yourself in

this society is to get married. If you get married to the

right person for you, you’ve struck gold! If you can’t get

married, then you should fast as recommended by the

Prophet ‘alayhissalaatu wasalaam. 

The Prophet salAllahu „alayhi wasallam said: "O young

 people! Whoever among you can marry, should 

marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and 

guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from

committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and 

whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting

diminishes his sexual power." [Bukhari]

DhikrAllah - Busy yourself in the remembrance of Allah „azza wa jal and if something comes up that

is indecent or will lead you on a slippy road say; “A`udhu Billaa Himminash Shaytaanir Rajeem” and

seek refuge in Allah from this act.

 Avoid free mixing and Khalwah - If you want to

protect yourself, be wary of where you spend your time.

Prophet Yusuf „alayhissalaam was tested by „Aziz‟s wife,

in her desire for him, she tried to seduce him. Yusuf 

„alayhissalaam was emotionally strong, hence he was ableto say “no” to her. This was due to his amazingly strong

connection with  Allah „azza wa jal and when she

approached him, he ran away from her and he did this

with fear! We need to have fear of falling into sins like this

in our lives. We need to run away from anything which will

cause us to disobey  Allah „azza wa  jal and with this we

will attain happiness in this World and the Hereafter.

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“I like her... I like him not.”  Choosing the Right Spouse

Imagine if you got married to the right person? :Like

seriously: They were right for you, not perfect - though

when you thought about it, they were perfect for you! Not

a Hero ready to cross an ocean to save you (even though

that would be nice I guess), nor an unbelievably beautiful

damsel in distress waiting to be rescued by you (but hey,

you can dream). Rather, someone who is willing to do

those small things which mean something special to you.

Now imagine if you got married to the wrong person. ....Yikes! Your marriage won’t be perfect. This is

why it’s essential to choose a partner who will help you achieve a breakthrough in the times of 

trouble, rather than someone that will be the cause of your break up! 

Now hopefully you are aware that choice matters! Hence, the question arises what do you look for?!

Brothers - your turn to choose...

The Messenger of Allah salAllahu „alayhi wasallam said: “Life is a form is pleasure; and the best

 form of pleasure in this life is a righteous woman.” [Muslim]

You need to look at it from various perspectives and one is the Ummah. The Ummah is made of various

nations, each nation is made of various communities, in each community there is the family and the

core of the family is the woman. She is the cornerstone that will take this Ummah to success as she is

the mother of the future generations. Keep this in mind and let’s look at the criterion. ( Though, hey...

Who said you can‟t have fun?! It‟s all parse in parcel of a happy family!)

“A woman is married for four things; her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her religiosity. So

go for the one whom is religious, may your hands be filled with dust.” [Muslim] 

This hadeeth shows that there are various reasons a person gets married and it doesn’t disregard them,

rather it makes religion the priority. However, when it comes to beauty Imam Ahmed rahimahullah recommended that a man should ask about her beauty first and then her religion, because if he was not

pleased with her beauty, he would reject her based on this, rather than her religion.

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Religious Commitment and Good


Your future spouse needs to have fear of  Allah,

they should remind you to remember Allah „azza

wa jal and uphold your religious obligations.

She’s gotta look good! - Beauty 

You need to be attracted to the woman whom

you wish to get married too. Islam is practical

and it addresses the physical needs of a man.

 Allah „azza wa jal wants you to have a beautiful

wife, because He  jalla wa „ala wants you to be

content. However, everything is best received in

a beautiful package and without the correct

contents you will face problems later on. The

true winning is the religious commitment of the

woman, so make the basis of your final decision

her religious commitment, whilst ensuring

physical attraction is present. 

Oh yeah... Don’t forget beauty is in the eye of the beholder ! 


This is not a condition for marriage, however it’s recommended by the Prophet salAllahu „alayhi

wasallam to Jabir  radiAllahu „anhu and example for others.

He salAllahu „alayhi wasallam said: “Should you not have married a virgin girl so she could play 

with you, and you could laugh with her and she could laugh with you?” [Bukhari & Muslim]

She’s like me... She’s like me not! - Compatibility 

Look for someone who is, well kinda like ya! These are the factors you should consider; age, language,

background, financial status, family status, social status, and whether you share the same goals and

objectives in life. ...The same sense of humour would help too! 

Sisters - your turn to choose...

For women the Prophet salAllahu „alayhi wasallam gave some advise that is pertinent to your Wali, he

salAllahu „alayhi wasallam said:

“If someone whose religion and character you are pleased with comes to y ou, to marry your 

daughter, then marry her off to him. If you don„t do so, there will be tribulation on the earth and 

the great deal of evil.” [Tirmidhi] 

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This hadeeth demonstrates the importance of religion and good character in a man, as well as

highlighting that men shouldn’t be rejected on trivial matters if their Deen is up to scratch. Hence, for

a woman it’s essential she knows what she wants in her future husband, so she can make this decision

based on what she needs to ensure she can give the best return and have a happy marriage. 

When Musa „alayhis salaam fled from Egypt, he headed to Madyan during his journey and thirst he

came across a well. Here he met two women who were waiting shyly on the other side for the men to

finish taking water, so they could feed their animals. Musa „alayhis salaam took it upon himself to help

these women. The women were so humbled, they requested him to meet their father and in turn,

through their interactions with him - we learn a lesson of what a man is. 

Religious commitment 

He is a Muslim and has TaqwAllah, fear of  Allah. As a woman you have the right to refuse marriage to

someone who doesn’t fulfil the rights of  Allah „azza wa jal, in terms of belief in the correct Aqeedah

and acting upon religious obligations.

Good Character 

He needs to have good manners and his Emaan has to exemplify his outward experience. A woman who

marries someone with a good conscience, who cares about others and their feelings will never lose out.

If she’s happy, it will please him and if things don’t work out at times, he will respect her feelings. 

 AlHasan bin `Ali was asked: “If I have a daughter 

whom should I marry her to”. He replied, “Marry her 

to the one who has Taqwa (fear) of Allah. If he

loves, he will honour , and if he doesn‟t like her he

will not abuse her.” 

Musa „alayhis salaam was alAmeen; when he saw the

two women, he respected the fact that they were

sisters and lowered his gaze. This teaches us if a man

doesn’t go about his affairs correctly, especially in

regards to marriage in an honourable manner, then he

will run away the first chance he gets. (...and a guy like

this is not worth it).

 A Hardworking Man 

You don’t want to get married to someone who is lazy! Rather, your marriage should be based on

energy. Musa „alayhis salaam was a strong man. This was shown through his strength in helping the

women and in the process getting more water than they needed. In those times it was tough work and

Musa „alayhis salaam excelled in it. 


...Look for someone who is, well kinda like ya!

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 Men are from Mekka & Women are from Medina 

So you’re wondering... What do Mekka and Medina have to do with Men and Women?! (Surely there is

no comparison?). Ok, let me amaze you...  Are you ready? (...And give me a chance - let’s analyse the

people around us to see how true this really is). :Steps foot into sunny Mekka: 

Marriage will only flourish if you understand who you’re getting married too. Men and women are not

the same and once you understand the differences between you both - you can move onto a happier

marriage. So... What’s Mekka and Medina have to do with it? 

 The Land of Mekka & Medina

Mekka is a hard, dry land - Much like this, men are

generally dry and don’t know how to cry. If they do,

they don’t want to show it and instead keep all the

pain within them under the guise of masculinity.Medina is soft, with water flowing beneath it and the

rain is consistent throughout its seasons - Which

reflects women who can easily cry and they’re not

scared to show their emotions. In fact, under the

guise of femininity they display their emotions


Mekka has a harsh climate; it’s rough and known to be a mountainous area - Men’s beauty lies in their

masculinity, power strength and ruggedness. This is what makes them attractive and allows them to

lead effectively.

Medina is lush, full of splendour and serenity - Women are known to be peaceful, full of serenity and

their femininity makes them beautiful.

Mekka’s main emotion is `izzah, they are full of honour and will do anything to protect it. They like to

be respected and acknowledged, this is what motivates them to excel as individuals.

Medina is full of sukoon, the people are known for their softness. Women are generally more loving and

caring; they’re soft by nature and will generally give more than they receive.

Differences in Qur’anic verses 

Mekkan verses are short, straight to the point and general. 

Medinan verses are long, detailed and at times they keep going on, and on. 

The above are very broad generalisations though I hope you get the point, they’re different. The

Qur’an is composed of both types and they’re both eloquent in their own beautiful way. In fact,

without one or the other the da’wah wouldn’t have succeeded and the Muslim community wouldn’t

have flourished. We need both verses in the Qur’an, as they add beauty to it and both are unique in

their own ways.

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 Are Men and Women different?

There is no doubt that Men and Women are

physically different and the same applies to them ina variety of aspects. Hawaa was created for Aadam,

she was created from his side illustrating the need

for each other and life would be incomplete without

the presence of the other.

 Allah „azza wa jal has created us different and when

this is misunderstood, friction can occur between

husband and wife, or even in general interaction between both genders. Happiness in a marriage will

come from understanding the nature of the other, complimenting their differences, enjoying them,

reacting to them correctly, appreciating the diversity and accepting them for who they are.  

How does this apply in the Western Society?

In most current societies, every man has some elements of Mekka present and some elements of 

Medina within him. The same applies to women. Just like Mekka is overwhelmed with an influx of 

Hujjaj every year, its flexibility allows it to cope with the stress and then bounce back to its normal

self. Similarly, men do cry and women do become less soft, they both show elements of masculinity

and femininity at times and this is acceptable. The only time Islam discourages this is when it’s taken

to an extreme.

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The Languages of Love How Love is Interpreted Differently 

So... Do you drive? Or are you taking driving lessons? If you have no idea what I‟m talking about, thenI‟m making an assumption you‟re too young to be reading this... :Back to the topic at hand: When you

first started the engine... How did you feel? A tad bit intimidated? ...Thought so! If I asked you; why

did you feel intimidated? The answer would have been: “I didn‟t know the language of this beautiful

machine! It‟s so complicated...”

Now once you’ve got the hang of it, if I asked you

to take the bus, you’d be flabbergasted! In fact,

some of you can’t live without it now! The main

reason for this is because you learnt the language

of the car and once you mastered it, your love for

driving hit the roof top! For those who don’tdrive... Your time shall come... Your time shall

come inshaAllah. 

Many problems occur in marriages, because men

and women try and communicate with their other

half the way they communicate with their male or

female friends. At times they feel like they’re

speaking a different language to each other.

We need to understand what love is and how it is expressed and this is done by understanding the

languages of love. Once we know the languages of love, you can understand how one side gives love,

and how they wish to receive it.

So... What are these languages of love?

Spoken word

Have you heard of the statement; “Actions speak louder than words?” In

marriage this isn’t always the case. Actions don’t speak louder than words,

rather it’s your language of love, the random compliments, nice words,

appreciation for them as a person that matter to your spouse. Words like; “I

love you” do have an unbelievable effect and can bring positive changes in

your marriage if they are said consistently. That being said, many brothers

are too shy to say this to their wife and what they don’t realise that a woman

needs to be reassured over and over again that she is loved.

Take note of what you say to each other and take time out to say nice, loving statements to each other

consistently and sincerely.

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My time, your time... Our Quality time

There is nothing better for the success of a marriage than good quality time with their spouse, it’s

something they desire and need. In fact, nothing screams out; “I love you” more than your undivided

attention for your spouse and nothing is more critical and hurtful for your spouse when you spend time

with everyone except them. 

`Aisha radiAllahu „anha narrated that it was the custom of the Prophet Muhammed salAllahu „alayhi 

wasallam, that he would speak to her from `Isha until late into the night, when it was dark as they had

privacy and no-one would disturb them. This was narrated to us in Saheeh Bukhari. Look how the

Prophet salAllahu „alayhi wasallam would spend time with his wife, he made her feel special. A woman

wants her husband to listen and when he does, they love him for it. Listening is a great tool to have

and if a husband wants the best out of their wife, by taking time to spend talking and in turn listen to

her, he’ll gain her love.


Hold up... Hold up - Don’t mistake this language of love for materialism,

the one on the receiving end of the gift wants to know that you love

them, they thrive on effort you put into it and the fact that you were

thinking of them to buy them something in the first place.  

The Prophet salAllahu „alayhi wa sallam said; exchange gifts, as that

will lead to increasing your love to one another. [Bukhari] In Islam we are encouraged to give gifts to each other. This hadeeth 

shows that the purpose of giving the gift is to build the love between us

and who better to gain the love other than your spouse’s love? 

When you give a gift to your spouse, it shows you want the other person

to be happy, even if it means spending your money and giving away your possessions in the process. It

also shows you have thought about the person and this has a great effect on the person receiving the


So, if you want to increase the love... You know what you have to do!

Physical touch 

Commonly when people think of the physical side of marriage they always think of the bedroom, this

isn’t the case, in fact, for a women it’s far from it. A woman wants to be constantly reassured that she

is attractive and this is done by non-sexual physical gestures such as; a hug, holding hands, and a touch

by her husband that is thoughtful, whether on the hand, shoulder or face. For women it shows that he

still loves her, whereas for a man - he loves his wife and at times may not see the importance of such

actions. If you understand the language of each other and this is something that applies to you or your

spouse - then acting upon it will help strengthen your relationship and thus your marriage. 

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Conclusion There you go, the all important 6 topics you need to know about marriage. However, there are many

more, this E-book is just a summary to get you started for the real journey, inshaAllah. 

...Now the real journey begins... Bismillah! 

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