i uai(3A;» m w . YOEK. NEW YOEK. LmAL. BLACKWOOFS …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031099/1862-03-05/ed-1/seq-4.pdfi uai(3A;» f ^ BLACKWOOFS MAGAZINE :AS|J THE ♦ I ;- -V '*

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B m - T T S H F i e S j ^ t E W S . ^

Great Inducements to Subscribe!

j^^s ’e s n ' t i e m s m a d r !

T SCOTT, & " ca , NEW YORK,X J » conimue to publisli the foltowing leading British I’caodicals, i?iz: ;; , ~ , —

TH E LONDON QDAK^ffiELY (Conservative). ■

T H E ED IN BU EG H E E V IE W (Whig).TH E NOETH B E IT IS H E E V IE W (Free Church),

TH E W E S T H IN IS IE E g ^ E V lE W (Liberal).

BLA O K w ooD ’s e d i n b d s g h : M A G A z i h(lory).

Tiie present critical state of European affairs will render these pablications unusually interesting during tlio forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle <rima.l between, the hastily written news-items, crude Piuctilations and hying rumors of the daily Journal, and the iioadcrcms Tome of the future Historian, ywit ten alter the living interest am* excitumeiit of the great political events of the time shall have passgd cvwjy It is to these periodicals that readers must looic for the only really inteUigiblo and reliable history roi current events, .and as such, in addition, to their well-vstablished literary, scientific, and theological haracter, wo urge them upon the consideration of the f a.ling public.The receipt of A d v an ce SUceta from the British

publishers gives additional value to these Keprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions.

T e r m s , (Regular Prices.)Per ..Vnn

For any one of the four llevifws....................$3 00For .any two of the four Reviews................... 6 00For any three of the lour Reviews,......... ....... 7 00l-Vr all four of .ho HevioWs.................... .......... 8 00For Backwaod’s Magazine............................... 3 O'lFor Hlaokwood and one Review...................... 5 O'lFor Buckwood and two Reviews.............'. . . . 7 ooFor Blackwood and three Reviews*__ ____ - & 00For Blackwood and the tour Reviews............. 10 00

blimey current in the State v-’here issticd will be received

P o s ta g e ..'flip Postage to any p an of the United Ptates will be

blit rwfnm'-FOCR CE-Visa year for “ Blackwood,” .and iiut fourtopn cents a year lor each of the Reviews.

.U the above prices the periodicals ivilhbe farnishe< i.ir 1862 ; and as

i Premium to New Subscribers,ir 1860 w ill be


S F i i E N D S D O F F E R S F O R 1 8 6 0 , ’6 1 & 6 2 , T O G E T H E R

For Blackwood’s Magazine.......... the th n e years, $5.00

For any two Reviews.................. “ “ 8.00l or Blackwood and one Review.. “ “ 8 00For Blackwood and two Reviews “ 12.00For three K o v i o w s . . “ “ 11.00l or Blackwood and tlireoP.evicyvs “ “ 13.00For the f.mr Reviews.................. “ “ 13.00■ T Blackwood and four Reviews “ “ 17.00

.Any of the above works will also be furnished to for the.year^SS^^^ff and e.

7 Obtain tl

E TEARS for $37!!! an the price of the origin

I S I P B O I J K X i n x r O T I O B .

1 O A S E S OF E a l l a n d W i n t e rA t / v / Dry Goods received this week at

50 Franklin Square, Utica, U. Y.

................... ...........period Since ttiey comnii better position to olfer

out particular inducements in our Dx'Carpet and Domestic Departments.

Very tbankful for past favors, wo remain respect fully, &c. . E T, MANNING & QO,

F l tT E E I ^ UopDS^,Chmprisi g Broebe Valcurs, Ottomans, Va’lccmr Impo ratrice Printed Merino, Printed Wool Bolatns, Plain Rep Merino, embM Germau Merino, Pans Almurcs Stripe Magentas, i lain Rep Valours, Printed Cashmeres, Hamilton an . Manchester Oelaina, Bombazine, Alpaca, Canton cloth, plain Menno, &e.. fcc.T en Oases of Sha-wls and Cloaks.Long and Square Broche Shawls, Long and„ Square Blanket Shawls, Thibet Wool Shawls, Ladies’ BteiP Sbawls.jGent’s and Boy’s, Travelling Shawls, twenty. Boventllffefent styles of Cloaks in great variety of ma­terial. Clo.aks made to order on short notice.

T h r e e C a s e s o f S i l k s .lin <iro do Rhine Silk, all shades, ■

Plain Arraure, do., do.,Fancy Plaid and striped Silks.

Fancy and Plaid Raw Silks,Satin Vhine,bl’k Morantique,

Plain bl’k Sillcs, in all widths, in Italian, iVonch and Englis

S eventy-Five Oases Domestics.Lancaster and Clinton Ginghams, Lonsdale bhuctuig

Semper Idem, Wamsutla. Y'ork Mills Shcqlirgs, Plain and IiviPd Bed Flannel, Canton Fiiuinols,

8-4 and 10-4 brown Sheeting, blue and brow" Denims, stripe Shirtings. Mcrr imac, Co.

checo and Pacific Calico. Brown Shec£ings,Sa«quoit,NewHart' ■

ford,Atlantic, Repporeli)rn- dian Orchard by the

piece or bale.T welve Oases H osiery & Gloves.

F ifteen OasesB R O A D C L O T H S A N D C A S S I M E S 8 ,

In the newest Fall Patern.Five cases of JH m iie ry G oods that will be sol

New York pricesF ifteeN’Oasbs Miscellaneous G ooi

Including Blankets, Table Linens, &c., &c., which offer at very low prices.

One Thousand Dozen Linen Hankorchiefs, a t 11 shil­lings a doz.jby the dozen only—worth §2.

Carpet Room

u-orJis for one year.As we shall never again he likely to offer such in­

ducements as those here presented,W O ir IS TH E TIM E TO SH B I

£<S“ Remittances must, in all cases, to the Publishers, for at these. prices ; can bo allowed to agents.

LEONARD SCOTT & CO,No. 64 Gold street, Now

TO SE B S em S E U t all cases, be made direct



S E W i N G M A C H I N E SNo. 500 Broadway, (opposite the St- Nicholas)


T T S H O U L D b e w e l l m a d e , s i m p l e inX its construction, and easily kept in order.2. I t Should ^ ^'8^^ lock-atith, on both sides of

the material.s . I t Should sew any and alt materials th a t can be

sewed.i. I t Should be able to use cotton,

directly from the spool, i. I t Should be able to sew from eo6rs« tO fine, and

from thick to thin, w ith rapidity :ing the tension.

8 I t hould be able to^inaka the a*"and with uniformity.

7. XI; Should bw e a sfrmgAf needlB; curved ones are

8. Tho N eedle should have perpendiCnlar motion.Tuis is absolutely fiecegsary for Uwvy

5. I t Should be capable of taking in tbe largest pieces of work. .

10. I t Sheulfl be able to bind with a binder, bomwith a hem er; should stitch, fell,run and

11. I t Should be always ready to work.12. I t Should oe capable of using the same size of

thread on bota sides of the work, and of ' r different Colored thread o r s ilk rusing d

aboyo o: below, to correspond two' colors of cloth, to be rinlted-

13, I t Should be able to make along or short stitch.14. I t sewing tightly a t tho’ first

stitch '

o r 8ilk,r with any

______ .... ret Rugs, ACocoa and Brush ila tts, Ch’k’d

and white Matting, oval hollow and octagon Stair Rods,

Gilt Cornice and Curtain Bands, mtreaiid Side Tassels, &c.,&c., &c. ir Oil Cloth, every width, very heavy, aving for tho past ten years employed all

energiecessful enterprise,

O T s T E E I O B E E I I s r a i E I i E ,

rood^hizens ^annually) Small Profits'when strly carried out, will bo supported, in preference .to unprincipled second price system under which the - rperienced purchaser has no proter*’' ”

""------="■ -prors, no sale.'------ *'•


iment isa second price.E. T. MANNING & CO.


Som etliiii^ for th e Tim eef is - ANBCESSITV IN EVERY HOU-SEHOLD.


AMEBIOAN CEMENT GLUEI s the only article of the kind ever produced which

W i l l W i t b s t a n d W a t e r .I T W ILL M L N L W OOL,

Save ycur broken Furniture.I T W IL L M END L E A TH E R ,

Mend your Harness,Straps. Belts, Boots, &c.I T W ILL M END GLASS,

Save tho pieces of that expensive Out Glass Bottle.I T W IL L M END IVOR Y,

Don’t throw away that broken Ivory Fan, i t is easily

I T W ILL MEND CHINA,Your broken China Cups and t’aucerscaa bo made as

good as new,I T W ILL MEND MARBLE,

Xlia6 piece ki^oclvtti oat of your ^rarbjo Mantle can be put on as strong as ever

I T W I L L M E N D P O R C E L A I N ,No matter ii that broken Pitcher did not cost but a

sh lUing. a shUUug saved is a shilling earned.I T W IL L MEND ALABASTER,That costly ‘Alahdster Vase is broken and yon can’t hvilcli it. mend it, i t will never show when put together It will M end Bone, Coral, L a v a , and

in fact everything but Metals.Any article Cemented with A41JERIOAN CFMENT GLUE

will not st<ow where it is mended.

“ Every Housokotper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley’s American Cement Glue.”—New YorU Times

“ It is so convenient to have in tho house.”—Ntw York Express.

“ It i s . Ilra /s ready ; this commends it to everybody. —Indepej dm'..

“ We have tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water. ”~/Fi7Ae»’ Spirit o f the Times,

ECONOMY IS W EALTH.$1 00 per year saved in every family by one bottle of

AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE.Price 25 Cents per Bottle.Price 25 Cents per Bottle.Price 25 Cents per Buttle.Price 25 Cents per Bottle.Price 25 Cents per Bottle.Price 25 Cents per Bottle.

fery liberal £eiIui‘tion to Wholesale buyersTERMS GASH.

figL. For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers gen- ■?raily throughout tbe country.

J O H N S & C H O S U E Y ,.(Solo Manufacturers,)

78 W IL L IA M S T R E E T ,Corner of Liberty Street. N E W Y O R K .


j p i H k i o 4 ^S E W I N O M A C H I N E C O . ,

5 3 8 BR O A D W A Y , N E W Y O R K .\TO person who contemplates pur-X X chasiug a Sewing Machine for family or manufac­turing purposes, zhould fad to send for one of our Cir­culars, wliich contains cuts and full descriptions of tho several ,tyles , prices and sample.'! of work, all o f which w e send by m a.l free. Weeluim to have the , BEST SEWING MACHINES IN THE V70RLD

FonniTnEa F.«ni.v or majjpfactcring purposi^.And all wo ask Ts a fair trial, feead the following


much thread aud silk as the chain or loop stitch

ACT NO. 3.—Thp.=e machines are hotter adapted than any other sowing, machines in market to the frequent changes and almost endle.«,s variety' of sowing required in a family. They will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will oven saw from the finest guaze to the heaviest cloth, and even stout,

- ’■ine, wo:

achlue best adapt!Y.iriety of light S(

ACT NO. 4.—These M.aebines make tho most elastic seam ef any sewing maeliine in use—a fact ot very great srnportance m sewing eluftic gooils, or goods of any kind, on n bias.

FACT NO. 5.-^No machine i.s more durable or more simple in Its constructi(‘n,orm ore easily understood. The reputation of the.se machines wherever used will fully demonstrate each of the above p.iCTs.

FACT No 6.—These Machines took the Highest Pre­mium at tho FraiikUn Institute, Philaeelphia.

No. 7.—These Machines took the. Highest Pre- im at the New* Jersey j?tate Fair.

FACT No. S.—These Machines took the highest Modal at the Amerie.an Institute, in the city of New York, to­gether With the highest Premium for fine Sewing Machine Work.ACT No, f>.—Thc.se Machines t.jok the Highest PrO- miums at the Mechanies’ Fair, Utica, N. Y.

•FACT No. 10.—These Machines can do the samu thing generally, whenever properly e.xhibited in competi­tion with other first clogs Sewing Machines. But we have space for only one FACimore—Itis the mo.st im­portant Fact of all.

PACT No. 11.—TVe warrant every Machine we sell to give BETTER satisfaction than any other Sewing Ma­chine in market, or money refunded.

a ‘'iL 5 g r * iw .,FINKLE & LYON SEWING MACHINE CO.,

aug28yl No. 538 Broadway, New York.

T h e J E a r ly P h y s i c a l JO egeneracy

A M E R I O j^ P E O P L E .J u s t P u h l i s l i e d b y D r . S io n

•h y siciau to th T ro y L a n g a n d Hygi

11:ustant contact witli the Work, not be liable to get out of ordei

fd be liable • -skip atitches.

19. I t Shooltt notbenBcessapytouso a screw-dfjver or wrench to set the needio.

19. ItS ibon ldnoffo rm av idgeoathe under Bide.hor ravel out, nor be wasteful of threath as IS the case with ALL CHAIN-SEtTQB ma- chmes,

22, I t Should not be “ more trouble than it is worth.” G E T T H E H E g T J

Send for descriptive circulars and samples of work to lADD, WEBSTER & OO., -

SOOBroadvray Ne« TOfi,

American WasMr-g ffiachinel^ H I S Maobine is decidedly the best-fl- invaation of the age, for the purp

l i s te a s iefil-Qlsat,-------- .-----

i* Jga well known fact garisiiat, such as the collars and wi

jxoxo rubbing or wasBing t

j portlohs o f .every___________________..Tlstbands of shirts

itgo jtoxo rubbing or wasBing than other p a r ts ; . i IS one positive advantage which th is Machine

PAMJU3S3 over all others- that i t enables the operator to r je a n y part ot the article to ba ■washed, more o r less,» » may he desirable. ' .: .

« o other machine in use -work* ina m anner soelose- ly resembling hand rubbing as this. I t never rubs off the buttons, or injures the most delicate labric.

X.ial>ar>§aving IHacltine,which needs bu t to ha known to bn sppreciatedj and i t is rapidly finding its Wat into 'general use. ^ e American Washing Machine has only been on sale since the first day of March last, and within the brief period of ten weeks it has been introduced into theft milies of the following persons—to all of whom the Agent refers for proof of its superior merits : John Beardsley, Wm S Minor tVm IBkinnW Isaac Small P A Staring, E D VroomanJohn Lottridge, Amos Rankia, Ely Casle JIW Carver iVmS Tucker, S Sherman Jam es Uhle. L D Waite, P Qroosman,Geo H Lottridge, WollsSpohn&hle, J S a tte r ly - Daniel Bellinger, James Kenna. John-P Rice Jam es easier, J McBlvanney, R J SkinnCr G R Bellinger, RTappeu O OBeldenJ C Cunningham, Sylvester Lee, H GCrouch, John E Hughes, Charles Arnold, Bw’d Sohnyle Nicholas Moyer, W VV Rcais, Jaa Vo.sburg, W O South wick' W mBucklin, Reuben Neeley, A B Haggerty, ' W'm Mawson, .Tas Alexander,D Pinkerton, M Peck, W'm Ford.Alva Holmes. Sandusky Keller, Mason Morey,Rodney Bucklin, Wm Beattie, J Barnes, Alexander Fox, Henry Andrews, J H Wethcrww. Jacob W alrath, S A Bodorick, Jos’phBatemaa, O S Anable, Dwight Boderiok, John Bro.at. James Smith, Frederick Ives, J Wiudecker, Daniel Campbell, Conrad Helmer, Ohauncey Cook, Hiram Pox, B K Houghton, E D Munson.Leroy Detong, "WmB Houghton, Wm Thompson, J G Qranwav, M R Casler, Truman Ives, Alonzo Burt, FredTt J Staring, A Jaeobsou, Levi Shaul, C D Mills, & ick Sanders,J Myers JohnSm ith, J^coh-f Shull,Widow Shull, Felix Green, Jacob Shaul, Ezra Hyde, Newell Blue, Hugh Ritchie,AlexanderBraiick. Jafioh Wagoner, Chris. "BelUnger, Livi Acker. John Wyoks, Seth Tedder,George H Carver. Anson Casler, James Tincent, J Brabagan,

All order.s for this 'Machine, or for County Rightsjshould be addressed to

AARON OARVEB,Agent for th e American Washing Machin»i

L ittle Palls. N . Y .

H e r k im e r K e s t a i i r a n iB I L E I A E x f S A L O O N .

The Proprietor invites the lovers of the cue to a tria of two new and perfect •

B I I - I - I A R & ' T A B t . e s ,

been cortim pari^isoraiiu no oon aj^reeable game of Billiards can be County. The entire estabUShniont will b( feet order, and rendered worthy of pub w hich ' TT

„ JO kept- ia per pnblio patroBage, H.A.DEIMEIa


Consumption and 3Iara IS one of high moral tom

* 'Yt*will be sent by Mail on receipt of two 3 cent stamps ;2SS”Pake.n'IS and Guarduxs ! fail Dot to send and ob­

tain this book.

jiSf" Young Men ! fa il not to send and get this book Ladks 1 you too, should at once secure a copy of this


A C L A S S o r u r s tT ^ ie s j i f B v a i l t t r a f e & r -XX. ful extent in'ctimmcmtty.doomlDgat least 100,000 youth of both sexes annually, to an early grave. Tho.se diseases are very imperfectly understood. Their exter­nal manifestations or symptoms aro Nervous Bobility, Relaxation and Exhaustion; Marasums or wasting of tho tissues of the whole body; shortness of breathing, or hur­ried breathing on ascendiagahill or aflight of stairs,great I’alpitation of tho Heart; Asthma, Rronchits and fore Throat; Shaking of the Hands and Limbs, aversion to BLOiety, and to business d? study; Dimness of Eye Sight; Loss of ilemory; DizlUess of theHead; Neuralgic, pains in various parts of the body; Pams in the Back or Limbs Lumbago,Dyspepsia or Indigestion; irregularity of tho bowels; deranged sections of tho kidneys andof tho bowels ; derat other glands of tho

ms of tho kidneys and body, as Leaoerrheoa or Fieiu Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nen

Now, in ninety-nine cases out of every one hundred all the above named disorders, and a host of others not named, as Consumption of tho Lungs, and that most insidious and wily form of Consumption of the spinal nerves, knoWn as Tabes Borsaks; and Tabes nieseuter-' ica, having their seat and origin in diseases of thePeZric Fticexa, Heuce t ’oe want of sucoew dW the part of old school practice in treating symptoms only.

cines sent them by ’Mail or Express. Prir gatories will be forsvarded o» application.

jegirConsumption, Jatarrh and diseases o

ion, by sending the Cold Medicated Inhaling Balsamic ~apors, with inhaler, and ample directions for their

io, and direct corrrespondence.”atieiits applying for inltrrosatoiks or odftc«]

ust inclose return stamps, io meet atUnlion.

IM P O R T A N T TO H O U SE O W N E R S. IM P O R T A N T TO B U IL D E R S . IM P O R T A N T 2 0 R A I L R O A D GO’S. IMPORTANI TO FARMERS.Tb aU whom this 7nay concet'n, and it con-

cems every hodtj.& C K O S I j E Y ’S


. " O S M B N T R O O P I H G jTho Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use.

IT IS FIKE AND WATEE PEOOF.I t can be appii-I to new ami old Roofs of all kinds,

steep or flat, .ma to Shingle Roots without romjviug the shingles.The Cost is only about one-third that o f h

and ii is txoice as Durable.This article has been thoroughlp tested in New 5

City and all parts of the United States, Canada, \ Indies ami Central and South America, on buildings of all kinds, such as Factories, Churches, Bail Road De­pots. Gars and on public Buildings generally, Govern­ment Buildings, &c., by the principal Builders, Archi­tects and others, during the past four year.«, and ha,s

i proved to he the Cheapkst and most DunABLR R00Ft.N'O in u se ; it is in every respect A F ire, Water, Weatukr and Time Proof covering for Roois of ai,l Kinds.

This is the only material manufactured in the United Stales which combines tho very desirable properties oi Elasticity and Durability, wbieh are universally ac­knowledged to be possessed by G U TTA PERCHA AN D IN D IA RUBBER,No heat is required in malcing application.

The Expense of applying it is trifl'iig, as an ordinary Roof can be covered and finished the same day.I T C A N B E A P P L IE D B Y A R T 0 Nand when fiuisbod forms a perfectly Fire Rroof surface with an elastic body, which cauuo tbe injured hy H eat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking pf Roof Boards, nor any m -

' tornal action whatever. ^

Liqiiidl Uutta Perclia Gement,For Coating Metals of all kinds when exposed to tin

action ot the Weather, and for preserving and repair iug Metai Roofs of all kinds

ThiS is the only Composition known which will sue cessfally resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length o f time, when applied to inetats, to which it adheres finuiy, r.»rmlug a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint, ccfrts much less, and will last three times as long ; aiidtrom its elasticity isnot iiijarc-d by the contr.ietiou an'l cxpan.sion of Tin and other .Mttal Roofs, consequent upon sudden changes of the weitther.

It will notCraok in Cold or Run m warm weather,and will not wash off.

Leaky Tia and other Metal Roofs can bo readily r« paired wHh Gutta Percha Cement, and prevented froi fu r th e r------- ' ------ ’ .... ...----- -— -----------

ictiy water tight This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the presen

tlon of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ranges,Safes, AgricuUi al Implements, &c.,also for gener.ol'mauufhcturors use.


, ind wo t of the

_____________ _ _____________t ROOF-•olls, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PER- MEN! in barrois, with full printed directions ication.

utta Percha Cement, and ] iion and leaking, thereby

O U R ’i ’E R M S A R E O A S H .

Ity!'Inclose rctnrn stamps, to meet attention.

e®“Tho attending Physician will bi^onnd a t the In

Sunday ’u the forenoon. Address,SSTO J% '*E s

Physician to uil Troy Lung and Hygi-tiic iLstitute, and Physician for D.ecases of the Heart, Throat, and Lungs,, 06 Fifth Street, Troy, N. Y.

T O H E M A H E S ,D A I E iS . 1 D C > C !T R :E 2 & S © (T O T S T E ,

T«B Matrox of toe' Issimmox,Who is thoiiinpghly read and popted in the pathology of tho many afflictive and prostrating maladies of more modem origin, will devote exclusive attention to this class of disease peculiar to her sex. Among the many diseases daily met with, and which she treats with unAearJ of success, aro chronic inflamation and ulcera­tion of tho womb.

The Misdicated AscExnixa Docche ; a moat in portant curative, for arousing tho nervous force; Price S4 and $6.

Females can consult Mrs. Doctri by letter or personally. Address,


W h o lesa le W areh ou se VS W iliaui S treet, Corner of Liberty street. N E W Y O E K ,

Full descriptive Circulars and Prices will bo sent on application________________________ _

MRS. N. 0. STONE, M. D., Matron o f the Instil

3 Stone, confidently,_

titution, Troy,N 1

^ iin er ica ii W a tc iie sI T . s .

72 Genesee Street, - - - Utica.THOSE who are in want of a

strong Durable Watch, and at the same timefiMuiiSfe A F ir s t R a te T im e K eep er ,.‘?houId not fail to examine the best article in this mai ket for the price, a t W S. Tavlor’s, (Late Maynard Taylor,) 72 Genesee Street, Utica, dealer in

R I C H u e w E L r ; yOf every style. Solid Silver Spoons and Foj;k.s, -i ted a good as coin. D or ' the best In market.


Spoons and Fork.s, warranluhle aM Quadruple Plated Ware



Marble Pillar Saloon,(OPPOSITE BAGGS’ SQUARE,)

T T T i C u a . , 3 s r , " s r «A LL kinds of Refreshments served

XJLup ataiVhonr3,snch as OYSTERS, WILD tJAME, &c. Visitors totrtica will find this on agreeable place to call. Utica July, I860. jc22yl

A iTj[ c la e a n. • d y e r a : n d s c o u r e r ,

^ 3iS: strefif, H tic i , H . T .A UL KINDS of Goods Dyed and

XJL. Dressed to look equal to now. Ladies’ Crape and Broca SHAWIE cleaned- GentlemitCl Wearing 4ppa rel also oUanod, | A- McLKAN.

Utica, Jan. i , 1862, e221y

T H U t i n j E . l T C ,aU SH O Th t j m A bt m i s e r y .TUST Published in a Sealed Envel-

J veloped; Price 6 cents ; A LECTL'RE BY I CULVi.itV\ fcLL, 0 .\ THE CAUSE ANU CURE Of Spt. roatorrhoea. Consumption. Mental and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of the Body ; . assitude; Weakness of tho Linbs and Back; Iiidispositiou, and lucnpaclty for Study and Labor; IhiilntsS oil Apprehension ; Loss of ilemorv ; Aversion to Society j Love of Solitude ; Timidity : Sulf-Bistrost, Dizziness ; Headache ; Affections of tho Eyes ; Pirapleo on tho face; Involuntary Emissions, and Se,xual Inca­pacity ; the Consequences of Youthful IudihCretloa,&c.,

JSSS” This admirable lAjcture clearly proves that the above enumenited, often scif-afflicteJ, evils may be removed without medicine and without dangerous Sur­gical operations, aud should bo read h.v (Very youth and eyery man in the land.

Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, scaled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by .addressing.

127, Bowery, New


s. CHAS. J. C. KLINE,York Post Office Box, 4580.

To Coiismiiptives.^ H E Advertiser having beep restoredX to health in a few tVeeks by a very simple remedy,

after haying snffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption—is anx­ious to make known to his follow sufl’erers tlio means of

To all who desire it, ha will send Bcription aged (free of chargo,) \ for preparing and using the same,SlJRK CCEK FOR COMSCMPTIOX, ASTOJU, BrOXCHITIS, &C. The only object of tho advertiser in sending the Pre- . scription Is to honeflt tbe aillicted, and spread informa­tion -which ho conceives to be invaluable, and ho hopt every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost thei nothing, and may prove a blessing.

Parties wishing tho prescription will please addi11EV.«I)WAIID A. WILSON.

29janSm VfilUamsburgh Kings County, Nm ty,N .Y .

n E . WM. LANDT, Surgeon, and•fi-^ Homeopathic Physician, would say to the people of Mohawk and vicinity,, that ho has permanently loca tod himself m their town, for tho purpose of practicing

ja O J flJ E O J P d ir B IC SC M O O JL

^hawfe,D«c.-Sd,188e. -WM, LAKDT, M. D.

a U S X R E C E I V E D I ,Tbs Latest Style o f HATS a t

Patented NfovemUer 1st, 1859.^ H E

F . r .

cures arc A, the

ilic distance round

1 the Neck; B to B ,

Vthe Yoke; C to C,

tho Sleeve; D to

D , distance around

the Body, under

tho armpits; E

E , the longHi of

the Skirt.

3 B _ A - L X j O X J = ' S

Patented ImproYed Frenoli YokeS H I U T S .

P a t e n t e d W oveanfoer 1 s t . , 1 § 5 9 .A Neio Style a f Shins, Warranted to Pit.

By sending tlie above measures per mail, we can guarantee a perfect fit of our new style of Shirt, and otu rn by Express to any part of the United States, .at $12, S15, $18, .524, &c., &c., per dozen. No order for warded for less than luilf-a-dozen Shirts.

Also Importers and Dealers in MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS,

BALLOU BROTHERS,4 0 9 , B ro a d w a y , N . Y .

W'holesnie Trade supplied on tlie usual terms.

L A € M O I X ’i§P R I V A T E M E D I O A E X E E A T I S E


Pliysilogioal View of Marriage.O A A PAGES AND 130 ENGRA-

yiNGS.-,Price only 25 TWENTY-FIVE CTS. Sent free of pestage to all i<arts of the ImiOD. On the infirmities ut youth'ind maturity, di.-=closing the secret follies of both age?, causing debility, iiervousnc.ss, depression of spirits, i>alpitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, involuntary emissions, bffl.'^hings, defective memory, in.iigestiOB and lassitude, teff/t confessions of thrilling interests of it Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a YouSg Mairied Lady, 4‘c., ^c. I t is a truthful advisor to tlie married and those contempla­ting marriage, who ontertuin secret doubts of their physical condition, aud who are conscious of having hazarded the liealth,liappines.s,audi>rivi.egcs to which

With weakness, gen­erally caused by a bad habit in youth, tho elfecisof which are dizziness, pains, forgettulness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back aud lower extremities, confusion of idea.s, loss of mem­ory, may ho cured by the author’s NEW I’ABIS AND

\W havc recently* devoted mucli of our time in VIB- iriNG THE EUROPEAN HodPjl'AI.!?. availing our­selves of the knowli*’go ami reseiTcu. s of tho most, skilled Ph vsici.ans ami Surgeoim iirBuropnand the Con- timnit. Those who place tliemselves nuder our care

introduce into our practice, and tiia public may rest !d of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY and


" ' l S ! 4 ' S S ' ' S k L a d , » . r .r M.a>cine.s, tho effleacy of which has been tested in thou sands Of cases, a»d'never failed to effect speedy cure: without any bad re.?«lts, will use none but Dr.DeDa- ney’s Female Periodical Pills. Tlie only precaution nece.’imry to lie ob.-erved is. i.adies should not ta‘ them if they have reason to believe they are in certc situations (the p.articulars of wdiich will be found on the wrapper accompan.v iug each box,) though always safe aud healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they.

Price $1 per box. they em bo mailed to any part of the United States or Canada.

TO TUB LArdES—Who need a confidential medical advisor with regard to any of those interesting com­plaints to which tlieir delicate organization renders them liable.are particularly invited to consult us.

The “ Electro Gxlvakio Protective.’’—For married ladles whose health will not admit, or who have no do- sire to increase their families.may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe prevntive to conception, and has been exieiiaiveiy used during the last 20 years. Price reduced to $10.T H E S E C K E T S O F Y O U T H U N T E IE E B ,

ss of the disea

; sent by Mai

" S3" Attendance daily from S in tbe r a t night, aud on Sundays from 2 to 5 p , Jf

Medicines with full directions sent to a United S,tate.s or Canada, by patients ci their sy'mptoms by letter. Business c( strictly confidential.

B e a u t i f u l C o m p le x io u .•pkH- THOMAS P. CHAPMAN willJ L / send to all who wish it (free of charge), the I cipo and full directions for making and using a vege bio Balm, that will effectually remove P im p les . B lo tc h e s , T a n F re c k le s & c '., leaving the skin smooth, clean and beautiful; also full direc­tions for using P J jATHEAU^S C E T .E B llA T E D STIM UJUANT, -warranted to sta rt t »uil growth, of Whiskers, or a Mustache, 'in less than thirty days. Either of the above can bo obtained by return mail, by addressing (with


January 15,1802.

j u m r a s B S E e . x i i ^ ' w u m r u C T ' u s : •

JET. jEf. J f lo r g a it ,TTAS the Agency and will receive apA J - plications for insurance in the loUowing Cbmpa

Hertford Oily Firo InsnraEUe Company! pply at the Post Office, Herkimer, N. Y,

arkim fr FoW. 22..isfi0



Purifier & Regulator of the BioodIt is SL Beilslittul om«.

Try it and It will do you good For sale by Belt Palmer, Herkimer, Grocers, Wine Mei-chants, ant Druggists generally. Wm- GOODRICH, Proprietor,

_ New Haven, Conn.Principtl Depot, 146 Water St., Now York,

L m A L .

More Valuable than GoK.DOCT. j i a L. L T O FS


boon c‘xtt*nsively aud sueuessfully used ou the coiuii of Europe. 1 have u?od u my own practice; for tho

nature of its ingredients IT CANNOT HARM the most delicate person. *

Ubscructlon o f tite OTeiises.

D O N O T B I M P O S E D U P O Nby those who have not the least claim to Medical sci­ence, and have oven stolen tho title ef Dr. or i t 0 . ; they well know the sick grasp a t every gleam of hope, audthey scruple not to tempt them with glowing ad­vertisements. Many can testify of having derived more heuelltfrom reading of their mtstruius than from taking them.

Bear in Mind that I GuaranteeMy DROPS TO CURE Suppression of tho Menses from wliatcver cause, though care should be taken to ascer­tain if pregnancy be the cause, as those Drops would be

•o to produce miscarri.age ; they will also prevent loeptioii if taken two or three days before the month-

auteo my Drops to cure speedily Menorrhagia, or to produce menstruation so weakening to tho sufferer. I could produce hundreds of tho best voluntary te.sti- raoniais, but the practice of parading bought and fteti tiuus ones before the pnblic is so prevalent 1 do not deem it advisable. My object is to place my medicn

, not ten vicinity.

B E W IS E I N TIM E,Let not disease destroy your constitution. Pend for a botUe of my PERIODICAL DROP.S, and you will be sat­isfied that 1 am no imposter. Tell your afflicted friend wliat restored the bloom of health to your clieeks, and tliereby confer a favor more valuable than gold.'


company each bottle,) They will also .alleviate and permanently cure all the various forms of disease ar rising from such irregularity, for by removing the cause nature will herself remove tlie effects.

My Drops are prepared solely by myself, and sent (secure from observation) to any address in the United States or Canadas, on receipt of $5,00. All can rely upon tlieir communications being strictly confidential. One trial will convince the most skeptical, and never after will you bo induced to try any other. All orders addressed to


SUPREME COURT.FIF-rn JVMCIAI. DISTRICT.IT i s ordered that the General anaX Special Terms of tho Supreme Court, the Circuit epurts, and the Courts of Oyer audTerminer in aud for the Fifth Jndicial District of the State of New York, be held for the years 1862 and 1863, a t tho following times and places.

It is further

Oswego, Oswego county.On the-first Tuesday of October, a t the Court House

in Watertown, Jefferson county. 'OiRcnir Cocuts axdCocrtsof Oykr axel Tersikeu.

OsEiuA County— Ou the second Monday in February, in 1862. Rome—MuUin ; 1863, Utica--Baron.

On the second Monday in June, 1862, Utica—Bacon;

November, Utica—Bacon.Herkiher CocNXr^On the fourth Monday in April,

1862, Morgan ; 1863, MuHm.On the fourth Monday in October, 1862, Bacon ; 1863,

Speciai-Teriis.—On the third Tuesdavs in May. 1862 xcon; 1863, Morgan,Jefferson Cou.ntt-—On the first Monday in Marcli, 162, Mulliu ; 1863. MulUn,Ou the first Monday in June, 1862, Bacon; 1803, Mor­

ion toe second Monday in November, 1S62, ilorgan ;

PPECIAL Terms.—On tlie tiiinl Tuesday in January and second Tuesd.ay in September. Muliiii.

LEWisCocNTy.—Ou the seond Monday iuM.iy, 1862, Muilin ; 1863. Allen.

On the second Monday in December, 18G2, Morgan :1863, Bacon.

pPECTAL Terjls —On the third Tuesd.ay in June, 1S62, Muilin ; 1863, Morgan.

Ono.vdaga CouNir.—On the fourth Monday in J.anuary,1862, Morgan ; 1863, Morgan.

On tho fourth Monday in May. 1862, Muilin ; 1863,

the^^third Monday in Septombgr, 1802, Bacon;

Speciae Terms— On the third Tuesday in April, .sec ond Tuesday in June, fourth Tuesday in October, Mor-

^ Oswego Countt.—On the third Monday in January, Oswego, 1862, Muilin, 1863, Allen,

On tho third Monday in May, Oswego, 1S03, Morgan ;1863, Bacon.

On the second Monday in September, Pulaslcis 1862, Bacou ; 1863, Muilin.

Specul Terms—On the third Tuesday in February, aud second Tuesday in December, Allen.

Wm. j . Bacox,■ W. F. Allen,

J . Hulun,I-ERdy Morg.«

F|EFADDT haviDg been made in theL J payment of one hundred -and sixty-tour dolhu'S

and foriy-one cents, which is claimed to be due a t the date of this notice, seven hundred aud twenty-lour, (734,) to becomo due on a certain mortgage, dated January ls t ,o n e thousand eight hundred andlUty-sov- dn, executed by Samaei Wesu-rnand Joon Harding,-of the town of Ohio, County of Herkimer, and State of New' Y'ork, to Samuel Comstock,of thetowu of Norway , in the county and Stale atoresaid, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the county ot Herkimer, in Book n . n . t)i mortgages, page 355, on the 24ih day of June

■ contained in sa

will meet with

Doct. JNO. L. LYON,'. 6 3 CnuRcn St., N ew H-tVEx, Conn. ,1 jirompt attention.

Having practiced in the Paris Hospital under iustrnc tious of the renowned Bicord of Paris, and Acloo o London, and after twelve j’ears practice in this country I think it not egotistical to say 1 acknowledge no supe­rior in this country, in tho treatment of any disease

a cure in all cases without the use of Medcury or Other injurious minerals.

If you wish to consult by letter, state fully your dis­ease, or its symptoms, your age, aud whether married or single. Ko charge fof co^a fta tm ^ Adtoss^

No. 63 Clmrcli Street, New Haven, Goilnc

W inchester’s Hypophospliites.TT’OR THE P revex\ t[on and Cubex ’ of Consumption, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Ner­vous Prostration, General liebility, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Marasmus, Loss of Appetite, Neuralgia, Female Com- plnints,and all Disorders ot the Nervous aud Blood Systems.

This Remedy has obtained a great reputation forinOStESTRAORDINARY CURBS IN ALL STAGES OP CONSUMPTION.It is recommended by many thousand Physicians in the United States and Europe—having been used with re­sults nnparalelled in the annals of Medicine.

The Hypophospliites have a two-fold aud specific ae, tion on the one baud, increasing the principle which constitutes nervous energy, aud on the other being the Most Powerful Blood Oeneraiing Agents known- In Ca­

in,”;s, made af-

nuia of Dr. Churchill. *=?E&I-NQriKB FOR AND USE NO other 1


. JepOt in the United , ,J. WINCHESTEK. 36 John Street, N. Y.

T h e S p e c i f i c F i l l .

Medical Testimony- “ Wo believe it to he, in the treatm ent of Sperma

torrhea. as near a specific as any medicine can be.—B Keith, 51. D., Am. Jour, of Jledical Science.

“I have found them all that could bo desired. Their effect has been truly wonderful. I used them inaciise of Spermatorrhea of ling standing wliich has been der treatment foi years. 1 think three boxes will ci

j p r o r . Wfe C ira th ^ s O r ig iM & l E l e c t r i c €H l

'T'.HIB great discoYery is now creatingX a great sensation among the Medical Faculties ol

Europe and this country. It_wilicnre the following (not everything:)

WARRANTED TOCure Rheumatism- in a few days;Cure Fever and Ague in one day ;Cure Chills in live minutes;Cure Croup in one n igh t;Cure Deafness m two or four days ;Cure Burns and Scalds in ten minutes ;Cure Sprains Wounds and Bruises in from one to

three days ;Cure Inflamation in one day ;Cure Neuralgia, Croup, Toothache, Burns, in., ten

minutes';Cure Hemorrh.age, Scrofula, Abscess, in ten days ;Cure Bruises, Wounds, Tetter, in one to three days ,Core Earache, Stiff Neck, Ague, in one day;Cure Felons, Broken Breast, Sait Rheum, in three io

six daj's;Cures Quinsy, Palpitation, Pleurisy in one to ten

Cures Asthma, Palsy, Gout, Erysipelas, in five to twenty days;

Cures Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Stiff Joints, Chronic Rheumatism in a few days. ■WONDERFUL KEPORTS^OM WELL-KNOWN CITI-

Pnx3 AND THB EHEmuTisa.—Some remarkable cures are daily coming, to light. Charles Sexton, Esq., Ex- Mayor of the city of Camden, says, the “ Electric Oil’’ cured his Piles by six applications, also Rheumatism. He says it is a very valuable remedy, and everybody ought to know it.

Neuralgia.— ilr. David Mann, 409 'Fine street, says, De Grath & Co.’s ^'Electric Oil” cured him, and that ho was a great sufferer.

Stiff Neck—^Mr. Mann’s daughter was much afflicted ■with stiff and swollen neck, which this Oil cured im­mediately.

Bau Sfrain.—Mr. A. D. Highflcld, No. 12, Howard street, met with a serious accident, which laid him up, says; . He tried everyfning, even the cold water show­er, without any benefit—used a single bottle of the oil, which cured him—also says it cured frosted feet.

asriE iO iK :-[Editor of Law Magazine cured instantaneously.

PROF. CHAS. DE GRATH;—I freely give it as my p inion, that your Electric Oil is among the most won-

„ ic power, audit fering humanity.

I recently took a cold from sleeping in damp sheets, and my neck became so much swollen and painfuLthat 1 could not turn my head.

After using, without success, everything prescribed by m y physician, I last evening tried your-’ Electric Oil. This morning I am-well, tho relief being as com­plete as it was instantaneous. Yours, very truly.

JOHN LIVINGSTON,* Editor ifonthly Law Blagazine,157 Broadway and 120 West 14th street, N- Y.

5lr. Livingston belongs to tbe old, wealthy, and lighly respectable families of the- first settlers of .New

jr. Sl W , Clinte,GENESEE STREET^ UTICA, N. F .


^ OLOCKS, Sihrer Plated Ware£o. 4®^SILVEK SP005B manufactured undo, their own suparvieion 'pranted equal to Coin

^ = ^ 0 -Watciies aad Jews y JBepaiseflall sgesi

in and covered by said mortgage to w i t : ‘ AU that,

and bounded on the north, by the lino between the Northeriy and Scutlierly halves of gaid lot No. 41, ou the

erly line of said lot 41, and to run far enough westerly to make one hundred acres, excepting, therefrom, that portion of the land above described, heretofore con­veyed by the said James 0. Afoore, to Thomas Rathbun, and bounded as foUows. Beginning 38^ rods from tbe north west corner of the land

mth m deg. E ,

■oifrsuuate lu me town oi unio, uescrioeu as loiiows, to- w it : Being a part of the south part of lot No. 41, Jerseylield patent, beginning al the southwest corner of a lot contracted lieretoiore to Silas Bulloch, thenco north 60 deg. W. 22 chains and 23 links, thence north ;i0 dt'g. E. 45 chains, thence south 60 deg. E. 22 chains and 23 links, thence to the iilace of beginning, contain­ing one hundred acres aad live rods of land be abe same more or less, excepting and reserving therefrom, 29 acres of land heretofore deeded to Hiram Benuet, of the town of Ohio, by the said Samuel Comstock, also that certain other piece of land, known and described as “ a gore” hetetoloro conveyed by the last will aud testament of Stephen Comstock, deceased, late of the town of Norway, unto the said Samuel Comstock, and 1> iug and being in the said Jerseylield- patent, on the souin end of the foregoing first described premises,

last ivill and testament is recorded in the cflice ot the Surrogate of Herkimer County, a reference being had thereuuto, the said premsesand descrip, tion will more fully appear, will be sold at public auc­tion at the Court House, in the village of Herkimer, on the seventli day of Slay next, a t 12 o'clock M. Da­ted February 13 1863


W o i i c e .

piJESUAHT to an order of EzraX Graves; Surrogate of Herkimer County, notice is

given to all persons having claims against the ~ ■ ' if tho town of Little Falls,

le -with the ibeerib

hereby given to alfpersons estate of George Fake, late of tho town of Li in said County, deceased, to present thevouchers thereof, to Catharine Fake, the .subscriber Administratrix-of the said deceased, at tbe house ol Henry AHiler, in the town of D.anube, on or before the 12th d.ay of April next.—Dated Herkimer, the 7th day

________ ’ GATHABINE FAKE, Administratrix.

OTIOE.—Pursuant to an order of

house of the deceased, in said town of Stark, o fore the l l th day of May next.—Dated Herkii 6th day of October, 1861,

5IAEY STEVENSON. Administratrix

I f Q t lC C .PURSUANT to' an order of EzraX Gr.aves, Surrogate of Herkimer county, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate ef John PaddccK, late of the town of German.Flatts, in said county, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof to Alma Paddock, the sub­scriber, the Administratrix, &c. of the said deceased ,at her residence in said tow'n of German Flatts, ou or be­fore the 17th day of July next. Dated Her’Kimer, the

.iLMA PADDOCK, Administratrix.

Woliec to Settle.A LL persons indebted either by note

L X . or book account, to tho undersigned, are requested to make immediate settlement of the same. All ac counts remaining unpaid on the first of November next, will be left w ith Alossrs. S. & E. EARL for coI| lection. M. W. RASBACH.

Herkimer, Sept. 10,1861. sepU '"

Admiuisti’ator s sale.IN THE matter of Tlie real estate of-L Asepli Foster, late of Newport, deceased. In pursu­ance of an order of the Surrogate of Herkimer County, made m the above matter,, and bearing date the 8tli

owned by him. Now, therel'ore, notice ishercbv given, that by virtue of the power of sale contomeu' in said Mortgage, and in pursuance of the statute in such case made aud piovided, the said mortgage will before- closed by a sale of the premises therein described, a t

Oid Established Hospital.ON THE FRENCH SYSTEM.

QliicJc -Cures an>l Lem Prices.Twenty Thousand Patients Cured Annuolly.

DE. TELLEEcontinues to be confiden­tially and successfully con­sulted on all forms of priv-

. ate disease, at his oid ty- I tablished Hospital, No. 5 I Beaver St. Albany, N. Y. 1 Twenty y^ears devoted to 3 this jiarticular branch of S practice, enables him to I porfonn cures such as no I other Physician can, ami I his faciliUes arc such I ing in corre.spondenee

. ..................... jf the most emiiieui Py isiof the OH'World), for obtaining the safest as well as the latest remedies for these diseases, offer inducements to the unfortunate, of a quick and rapid curd, to be ob­tained a t no other office in AilERlCA.

In Syphilis, Gonorrhm, Gleet, Stricture, Enlargement of the testicles, and Spermatic cords, Bubo, Ulcerated Throat, Sore Nose, Tender .''bin Bones, Cutaneous En—

, tions. Biles, Ulcers, Abscessefe, and all other impurit ot tbe system, aro perfectly under the control of 1 Doctor’s medicines, and have been tested in more th

20,000 Cases Annually with Immens Success,

J^YoiVng m en, W'ho by indulging in Secret Habi have controlled that soul-subduing-mind prostratii body, destroying vice, one which fliis our Lunatic As: umns, and crowds to repletion the wards of our Hos tals, should apply to the Doctor without delay.

D R .T E l.I .E R ’S Q R E ^ T -WORKA Private Medical Treatment <© M idw ifety.

The only work on this subject ever publisnod in any coimtry, or inany language for 25 cents,' Illustrated with magnifleout engravings, showing both sexes, in a state ot nature, pregnancy, and delivery of the Foetus, 27th edition, over 200 pages— sont under seal,postpaid, to-any part of the world, ou the receipt of 25. cents, or 5 copies for $T- Specie or hank bills perfectly safe in a well sealed letter. I t tells how to distinguish pregnan­cy, and how to avoid it. How to distinguish secret habits in young men and how to cure'them . It con­tains the Author’s views on Matrimony. AUd how to choose -a partner. I t tells how to cure Gonojrrhm. How to cure Syphilis. And the receipt of the remedies -us­ed. How to cure spiue Diseases, Nervous Irritation Despondency, Loss of ifemory, Aversion to Society, and; Lovo of Solitude. It contains fatherly advice to young ladies,young men, and all contemplating matrimony.-i I t teaches tho young mother, or those expecting to be­come mothers, how to rear their oft'spring. How to re- . ------ -- -----. ---------

IS are recom-

____ ,____ safe remedy , , l;c,,canobtfiin Dr. Vi-

iFcmale Monthly Pills a t the Doctor’s office. No 5 Beaver St.

CAUnON.— Married ladies in certain ffltustlons, should not use them— for reasons see dlreeiiona -with each box. Price SI. Sent by mail to all parts Of the

Hioines securely packed from observation, '■ part of the world. All cases warranted.— ■ advice. N. B.—NostudeUtsor boys elu-

‘"rSS:E,M.D.No. 5 . Beaver s tree t. Albanv^N..

J C o w a r d 4 - S s o c i a t i ^ n .PHILADELPHIA. ~ A BeaeVoIentJL Institution established by special Endowment, for

lent and Chronic Diseases, ah cure of Dise.ases of the Sexual Organs.

M e d ic a l A dvice given gratis, by tb acting Surgeon. VXLVXBLB Reports on Spermatorrhma, and other dis-

* V, , .• ■ ” — ‘ -rsary, sent in sealed letter ou-. Two or three stamps for post-

B X O - X T ,

C l i a r le s . Ko lp e ,OESPEOEULLY annoances-tbat iie>LV is prepared to do all kinds of House,Sign, and Car riage Pointing, with, despatch', and in the very best manner, and at the lowert fates His -worl Tors done in thisdonuaunlty is th? guaranty^

ted December 25th 1861imber 25th 1861LIBERTY L. LOWELL, Assignee

Prescott, Attorney, ilohawk, N. Y.

I n i l i e M a t t e rTHE Eual Estate of Asaph Fos-

ter, of the town of Fairfield, deceased. At a

why authority shouldtor to mortgage, lease _____________________of the said deceased as will be necessary to pay his debts; and it is further ordered that all persons hav­ing demands against the said estate exhibit and prove the same at the time and place aforesaid.—Herkimer, December 7,1861. EZRA GBAITES, Surrogate.

{Supreme dourl,pOUHTY OF HEEKIMEE.—Geo.V.-' Easbaeh, plaintiff, against Andrew K. Finck, de­fendant. To the above ramed defendant. You are hereby summoned and required to answer the com-

plaintiffwill1 judgment against you for two hundred and twenty- dollars aud ninety-one cents with interest from De­

cember 17tu,1861, besides costs. Dated December 17tb, 1861. S. & R. EARL, Plaintiff’s Atty.

The complaint in the above summons mentioned was filed in the Clerk’s office of Herkimer county, on the ISth day of December. 1861.

« & R. EARL. Plaintiff’s Atty.

'^H E People of the State of He’s?X York, hy the grace of God free and Independent.

To ail persons interested in the Estate of Thos. Marshall, late of TVarren in the County of Herkimer, deceased, a s creditors, next of kin, or otherwise. Send greeting. You, and each of you, are hereby cited and required personally to bo and appear before onr Surrogate o'’th e County of Herkimer, a t his Office in the village of Her­kimer, oq the 22d day Of April, A, D. 1862, a t ten o ’­clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to utteml the final settlement of the account of proceed­ings of William C. Crain, surviving Executor of the will of Thomas 5Iarshall, deceased. In Testimony whereof -we have caused the Seal of Office of said Sur­rogate to bo hereunto affixed. Witness, Ezra Graves, Esq., Surrogate of our said County, a t th© village of Herkimer, the 14th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred aad sixty-two.

EZRA GRAVES, Surrogate

iVotIce.fSJOTIGE of applicatioB for the dis-i V charge ol an insolvent, froia his debtspursnant-to

ae^M Statutes :

he be dischargedS. & R. EARL, Atty’g .for Insolvent.

N otice.pUESUAHT to an orfler of EzraX . Graves, Surrogate of Herktoer COunty, notice is

y given to all persons hav^g claims against thu , , of Leonard Adder, late or the town of German

Platts, in said county, deceased, to present the samo with the vouchers thereof to Jacob Mick, subscriber administrator of tho said deceased, a t his dwelling " • the town of Ooiaimhl*, oa or before £b&

sr, the 16th day of September, 18(51. JACOB EDICK, Administrator.


Kcutor of

top related