(I RBV, BAlmR, ch- TbaPnewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1888-1890... · vot. xii1. nlj. 14. wayne, 'wayne count)r,neb~aska-, april 19,:~888: flr~1 : nanldal

Post on 16-Apr-2018






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.' •...

vot. XII1. NlJ. 14. WAYNE, 'WAYNE COUNT)r,NEB~ASKA-, APRIL 19,:~888: . . ~ ~-.. -, ~.-.~-.. --

flr~1 : NanlDal .,,) BANK~


tAPITAL, $50,000 SURPLUS 813.000.


HENRY LEY, Vice Pres.

r. \; W. S. GILLETTE, Ass'! Cash:er.


~(.)hU T. Bressler, D. C. Pattcr~.(;m, F. A.

" \\rborn, Henry Ley, J Vl. J ouet:l, F. . . Northrop, Fl'o.nlt Fuller.

V General Banking Business Vone.


Contractor & Eutlder

111 work done Promptly

County Directory. OUR NEIGIIBORS

Connor, - - County TrMB\U'er. Wa.yne. DAKOTA CITY EAGLE.

:="!:!Ier, - - -~ ~~~:~iJ:~;::" The grad"jug of the npproueh to t,h€ A S. Miner Sheriff, Iowa t,",lld of the JIissolll'j river bridge w. E, Howard. - Connty Supt., at Sioux City \Vil~ be fiuiobed this J. D. KINO, County Attomey month. Contractor .l\-IcNamaru. will ~~'. ~~:;er _ _ _ cou~;~:~~~~ tpen move his grading outfit to this A. '1', Chapin, side und grtt.de--tJlat . a.pproach. The .J. T. Mettlell. '~"'''''>I)Old.I.:2;,_OOO feet imm.lliately west of end of

--.---.----.-. brIdge will be . trestle work CHURCH DIRECTORY. earth b.~k being from tbe trestle

Presbyterian Clwrch. C erviees every Sabba.th m_g Aild evening (""I 81l.bbath School Ilt 11 :45', l'rayer meeti~ WedlHJRday evening. RBV, F. P. BAlmR, Pastor

J. A. Lindly, Supt. S. S. .

Method'~t /;(Jllcopa" Church,

C' emcee every &bb,..~ 10"$0 A. M., and 8 :00 I.S' P.M. 8a.bbn.tlisoboola.t 11:45 A.M.

Prayer Ulooting Thursday evening. REV. \Vru:. GORWl" Pn.stor.

Wm. Miller. Supt. B. 8. . Fngllsh Cr, Lutheran. Church •.

Baptist· Church

S 131;: r~:r·~ eY:~hb~f~Q::~!~ ~t:~~ ~o ~:, ~i~~,~~~~ Bubhltth. Prayer meeeting Wednet~(lav evening.

St. Mary's Ghureh,

services every al~~.a~ ~~'M~~un'I'Y, Pastor.


west to Bridgeborought.

""' 18~ER; ~IrnoNIcLE. From our exchalJges we would con·

clude that our etreeis during the late 'pring thaw were OIl a· par with of neighboring tOWllS, and enjoyed no distinction peculIarly their own.

A large Qutfit of r .. i1road graders through town Suoday. TI,ey

theIr ",'ay tt)'- work ou the Bran ch- -e£teoslon ;-·'wliere

will begin to fly at once. A representntlve of'al} Omaha gro­

cery house CfillvI18sed the town for or· clers this week, but we are infortne~t met with little success: To encour­age such" method is the surest means to kill your own town. Trade Ilt home every time.


PROFESSIONAL DARDS . .. And in the best manner.r _d.. -..- .,."".

Wayne. Nebrn .. ka,




Uarber . ..... Shop. J AS. BRITTON.

A~TDRNEY AT LAW, West Side Ma.ln Street.


T'ltir.cutting,~ltavjng, Etc. --=-======.== .. =-======­J.n.KING,

.. _----------- ATTORNEY AT LAW,

';:: ~O-RGE W..--KO-a T RlGHJ WAYNE


i{::'" w. A. L<H'R,-M. D'.

Physician and· Surgeon, ljhotographing Business, WAYNE, N· - ,;nR. Office over KaRs's drug store, ReRide'~ce 2nd

Tho grOll.test pains ~aken to entlsty everybody. door west of ProsbYteriM church. Ail oalls at-.~~; ;"~~~~~; ~~;:. dahl!~~~e:to~~~~V:~!: tended w promptly day or night.

;~-- '.\he 8unll~to ftni.s.b :four ,!ork with. Come in , July I1lld you will Insured a. good job.

Oa.rd Ph\ltOS, $2.50 per Doz. Oa.binets. • 4,00 Fer



Physician and Surgeon, '''.AYNE, Gives his entil'e attention to the practice at" med-

fC::~=!~~£~~~,S~~:+:~t,;j~~~ -Local SurgeonC. St. P. M. ~O. ~l1w_a_y.

A. E. VAN CUIP, 11. D.


Wayne, Neh,

And C1.im SoliCitor,

Wlly""e.,.Nebroska. 'II --~--. ---:;--:--.. -----.~

'1.,." I.. S. WINSOR"S ~'I j,'j! II 111 I II

, ." .. ~ .. J. Blacksmith ': i 'sec6n\Fd6drw~Iit.<1f·H.mngtolf"-

. lIOR!!}) 8~OEING

omce over Va.h Crunp,& Perrine's druglstore.

J. Yeter!na~ SORseon, i


Office n.t Vn.n Camp & Perrine's drug store.

bought, a.nd sQld on


'No-w That"there is tnlk of having an artesian well, facts cOllcerning that, subject areof interest. ,Vo had n con' ver.ation on Friday .)Vith Frank Southerland in relation to"iin artesian well which he has lately had put down on his tarm on the island [North Bend] in the northwestern part of this county, His well is 305 feet deep. at a' depth of lliiO feet he struck strong in­dications of c,).1 a.nd some H was


'l'biacoll1mn 1s oODductdd by tbeW _)'1l.e . ",W.O.T.V.

were, with the smallest

comfort that nttelJded some victory, aud when "0. state displayed anJ evidellCe of' turning ag~dllst the traffic it set them delirious with de­light. Now, however, notlvngsatisfie. them but national prohibition, and tlley are wqrkinjr. for that end as sure· Iy men never ~orked bp,fore for an object. Th""bhorrent'decision of the supreme court of the United States'in the Kansas has emholdened these



THE WAY TO SING, 'the birdS' must know. "'~ho wisel¥- am,

r l ~<Tlie tAA\mo~)~:; ~~!gg~~~:~~;s; wings, I SOClg~ UJake their wa.y. I, No m(.Y)3Cbg('r to rUll ueforc t

I I revising plan; I

I I No mention of the I Lv'a or hour Tv any lUnn.

I,No, waitIng till ~(lme sound botrays _ A lL'ltcnLng car;

::No dIfferent voice. no new 4elay8, I It SUlPS draw near. t'Wbat-«rd ls~tllat}' Its song is good.."

I -::- -- i' - ArId eager eycs - -' 'Go peerlng thrOligh tho dU8ky wood

-- - -Ulg-nm: surprJse. -.Then late at ui~he. when b r his fire

-- The tnn'ejer sIts, TatehIng tho tlarno!t grow brighter, blgher,

. ~l'IH' ~weet .song jj Ita $.1 snatches throngh his weary brain

'fo lwlp hIm re,<;t. Wben n~xt he Uu_t ron.:1. again.

I ue~t

i(l Plls:sing by, lare bIrd sing!"

But whIle ho HillA"', rememuering How I;W(wt the RonS',

~---~-hl~:2!Wi¥lcss W~~lgj hi uurn along

In t),\ber ai.r. ami otlHw men, ,With ,~eary feet,

On other ronds, tht! 'Hhnplo straiD Arlllimling t:Jweet:

'tbe blrds IJ:f.U8~ kllow. Who wlaoty 81nga -- " Will sing a.'> they;

TllO MlllDlon air IUb gonerous wIngs, ~oug!J wAko their war.

=_--..:-; Holen Hunll.


... '

The doctor a.c:-sured her tha.t In many ham was: at tie doot' to convey her to instances of brnin affection tbe sufferers the theatre tor her last rehenal . could not bear the ~j"t:ae. of the faces.. ••. I •

of thoxe ther loved most \vhen ih a B&D6 Ma.ry Rainsford, of course, understood stat.er-and hi~ 1l8bul"IImre-uomforted her. it all per/ecitly, when Lord Cranburn

She wanted' Jrer hJ.sbanu under her took her into his confidence that eve­own roof, but the doctor waS ol)durate. ning. and promiSed ~slla.de Paul to aud protested that bo must on no take her. to the th~atre the following a.ccount 00 movedj and Elfie fretted at night. her hard fate in being so parted from :She bad great influence over him, and the hU!'Ib:lnd other love-, - -, ne-rca.a.itya.cooaeuto herwisli tIiirthe

It was almost more tha.n she could would escort her tber~ and the trio d~ to attend rehcrsals l~igbt_after nig1!t took possession of tbe a"'~tor's box. WIth b(~r he:wy lead-weIghted hearti but, ·'1 wonder who is this Madame Elfina

felt-oiIe-"W.1s doing it all fer } nul'~(')- makes her fiI'13t--appeuanoe---f.o.. aa.ke.. I nightPU said-PII.1l1~t3n filS eyes

More than ever·!t seem ell to her neces~ over the programme. sar,v to push on to fortun~, for the IoSbl!'lta: a very dear friend of mine." mediCO had tol~ hor tbat ~aul ~ever .re'pllild Mary with a smile. "I hope ought to act agam, but should lIve:l she will do justice to mv dear brother's very qniet life. as well as ha.ve" a great BUccess

Again ho struggled through his deliri... " ous !:Itato, and he lay for hours pale and darkeneci

seemillg to take no interest in biSP'1 he said. uI had


MR. AND MRS. BOWSER. t..e~~~1L8 m.!aR~se~J~~:JU!S \lid I DJ I Snme M~ro of Mr·. llowaer'. Sgnfr\1l'"" the re~JIJt, of 'fOur Ipvin:t lIote n~

'hUt!!!. th081:T little mlaslvel! sllould. cellse coln1nt-" I . should pine a.ud die."

"My denr child," said an old aunt of "An!f you ~Iarru I wrote ~pat!" h. mine tlie day I was married, hbave aske<Lin a stranfJ'e voioe. -~ yot! got nIl your husbands love let-- l'Of COUI'I% '='YOl1 can't gOlbnck eft COlin,. 1hllt M:u'k 'fWll It

ters?1I your ow'n \Vritilt~, can you?" _ _ _ .6ellse_abl'oft.d.-::-~el~, y,/'k "orcourse." "You RSAert that thode are-my l~t- AdtUlI,JJevt'r w.m,1 "And nQw that vou nre married. you tel's, do you?'-) I nuotlt bis mlJtJu~r s co.)!;:

will probablY bnrc{'cmP" "Ccrbl nlv." J th~'y follnd tiom(J!h TlI{ to "fhat'g just whl\~ I "'68 going to "And tha'"t-l oalle-dyoo fond nalll611 : -..,\ew Or:~a1ls l'iclu'II('"

do." 'Oll't:~KeiW'eJ;ilto-thu-iorl1!-+"n",n~d.,;\~va~n~I;..::d,;:t,:o~tI::i,e'Jt;:o~r you?" 1 Mrs. KluiJl1l1lnll: "Going-u\Vell <1' --size_Jltjt.~J.!. rio Dot know how]u .

cat dRY you live. 11 Bowser. You wrote me several times - fJvl!uings." Mr. K1Ulllll,I I I

... "But whvP' that you were 8S much my sla.Te as it I dOj tbat's the rc;.lDUU l' u~ • , .iBec1tUB0


they will be !5{roll~r waap.. had OnUJ.{ht rOlL I th nk yotl'd haTe -Puck" . !

ona thall a.ll youl' tears, pleadingsp or jllmpelt iu~. a well anI time I ask6d I In view of tbe f:u::t tJulL &,!,~r Will arp:uments. NoLhJJlg wiIJ br,ng a hus- you." . _ I floon arrive Jet us hoi.!' I hat lu.e ,r!tnfa. band to time like a sight of some of 'ho Mr. Bowser put on his overcoat and mastllr rOOf'ltel' W 11 !lot .. or- 11'1' .~, al~ love letters he wrote before marr'fJLge.

1t then k s1"led Lhe bab,r and sa.'d: Lite hens. Such a I:iJ,rliw wouW be a.

been gJaq 1 did.. On seTeral ocoRsiona , ,-;t,d J'I..,f'f&,d.

I have used thern to bring Mr. Bowser

;~'i~~~:2::~~~~::;;:!:t'j$iE~~~~~i~~~~~~t~d~o~w;~n~'o~:ff;~~hl~S~~t~~~~~~ oil! Daniel Druwu:\ug-ll

who callW .,,-ith~ .~ :4'~~'C:;-~:::; tl<'~H'l>-,uile.--lj'IFi\b{iti'=-mld'>;!!!ht--CAlja.-: iu 0110 VO~Hg [:h~ °ligi n •d innm-.--

home ,..ery Boftl, Alld crept' tQI" of the teh'pho,,\,.-IJII.,tu.t JI.rald: curtam ascended. heart beat fasl as the drop

rolled slowly up, bat Elfie was not on the stage. -

Paul W8lI a thorough actor in spiNt.

sevel'al times hunted tho hOU8& OTer 111 and next day Wnn' on hi! usual H ever'o-Dl'. Hammond N'OYU his my absence in hope II to lay hands on after tbnt plJI of IOTO leUers. -J)droi' thoon that there is lJ~j gil, si.Jogical 'hom. Ft'ed PreJII. neco:'!sity for death wh:l~ a I,,·,.f re ..

Something went wrong n' the offiee ---~~--- Jlret it ~will cnURe among those who 'he other day anll he came home Ct\[1· CURIOUS WILLS. diod befo"e the dilicovul'Y was lIK'3e,-tankerous. He held in until we got '0 FreaT[8.r vtb.lml:ltoal Testators in Phi/ade'phi" Pres'!. ~i~l~:upp\!r table. and ~hOD broko ou~ DI"'pnaln: ot '!'helr Earthly The appearaoce of Iml!s of ul.ar fire

"Go~ an1 nama tor 'hes8 things Good... IIhootmg al'ouud the 1Jl4J1::1 ot e()n~eS8 hereP" A bateh of curious wills baTo been iii a p;el1 •• Je hint La Ollr legli'll~ .. r. of

UY J, B. L. "Yes. (loar. Those are called bis- r08urrected by a writer for f a~.dI'8 wha.t mny happe!! to thelU nexL tan it cult." J/(Jga'£ne. One law"er aaid: "How tho! do not quit foolm!.!" iilld nt ..... ~jo

Jibe bad cxpc{Jte I 0:rPosition, and W&'B "Wall, the man who calla 'em fh to is fhillP Tou lat,ve 1\11 to a 8trn.nger busilless.-l'ltt.'1bUl'gh Di~JlItt()h. :r.oUQvcd 00. finu he dj not obje_t to her eat ought to be shot! Mn. Bo'WB'Cl'. whon yon tutTB relt,tiTel, a nephew \Vhttn a woman atll'lI1f1t~ to read a ~h~, . __ " ",My nephew i. a go~stbtor- long and inlcrcstirq( h ctll'e to a mall. ny an I\ftcrnoon tra.in hefollowed her ,s it I CrtIl nOTer get anything de-- notbin!! spendtbrift, not worth l'~a'4 on tho sin of l'hewj,~g- lohaOM she '10 town, Mid there was cOllsidol'3.ble ~~~=:;;; •.. ~:=-:tCiilinin!;lrTniD1rijWI.l-Ilouier-'- - POllOI':" "0 tlear. nO',-810-08 -Y-OII· last nlwi.v-8-oe-Cal"o(qCto-i.em~)T&-tii;-·. --

- - ,ooDsrufli-aliloo --at tlio l~aili~Iot(r'B whou "Why, Ml·. Bowser! No ODe could, saw him. two rORt'S ago. h. bas millie gum ft"nm her angelic lBOllth leIoro not rBturD~Ul.lch bettor that Mary take more pa.ins tb:;n we do. In ordor 1l1ar156 (orLanl), 'f "D"n.r me, tbnt is she commences . ....:.LlIto Ill4 .}or/.I"I:',aJ.

M!·it",\e{III,pt La o~~I~~~~eW~~a~: ~::t ~~~ ~;:~C:~iI~'~~!!" ~;~:if.?Od 1 ~u~:',,~~~~;~ ~:\.~~,~h~~::R"..a.""''I''II''!I·W .. {Ja,L t~O k~'I~l:V JJ~lli~I~,IO.~~,t;I~~; f~~, • . _~~!~~~~I;--;;,;;;;~;;-;;a_b~se;;n,oe-'-l:;:g·r~e;;"~:t~IYi--_' ------c(ffir:\ii'ifi~vr----P"t~I~~~~~~'::~:a":::"~~~_c~:~,::::-+_--.·~'H'11urmer~Ph,.!';~':::::~~~~~l~~:'f~~~I~.!-r~o~I~II~,e~vr~al~ll~u~t~~~~£_~!~iS~~~ir~"~te~.p~'~>J:ili('ial1' ta{·~Ung a

• '1'h('o 1 ."lmll SOOI1 havo him home,' sbe said gaily, '

He shouk his lwnd. . _ "1 fear bot, P he SRld gravely. "Wll1

it ~iQ:f!~~tc~:~~p,ointwent to you if

''If he does not come," she repented, look nr. at him with 'Wol1'dor and pain. "Paul wlll ndt ",main an bour ~way froul, ruo, when be has the doctol"S

I tlditor.- ":F'lI$:Z,t \ ~~:Ir; ia.~_ when you 1'8V8d over my cooking.)' , ! ed :01', aN YOll _ .. ____ .

"Nuver! I knew from the day I se' for four } c.lrs--'-'--=·Waa';i""gt'01. eyes on yon 'vading across a mnrl pud. dIe that you could never cook. Yon

this exhib,t

"I d,.m't see why JOu should go back to VllSSllt. Few V'oung"ladlc8 ~ro more aooom· 'P~181Iod or botter educated. A.ll your friends, myself IDcludect:J~lve In to you au the matter qt ~tnnllTiar In particular. HOlla to 8C1! rOil

,s uauru next Sunday, my d~iU" lItUe koney­Buckle."

Mr. nows.r sal and looked at mo like one terrillett.-----

HAnd, aIr • .\ OU often flin~ ouli tbe s;ze of my faet. ~ 1 atlmlt -thev are as large again as I should havo orderud from n dealer, although I wear No. 3'8 with fl grllfLf(foar-orcomfol·~Letnle say, howover, that your mothQf wenrs 6' .. you. three .,.te,.. D'S, and the tl'i'o gIrls you kept oompany wit.h before we met won!' fl1ll~sized 6'8 with very brond

Bllid the irnte fnthor. bonno­iog from h'iJ seat. "My d~lUghter man', a common stroct luJLorerP Neverl"

"Father." calmly interposed tT16 dllUghter. "you fOl'~et rOl1r:;lelf. De-ar Dennis is not a common laiJorer." - "'Vh:ftls -lJ-e. tlle=--rt?" 7

"For the pa.st. weBk ho has' been shJ}VJl!lng S[LO\T ofIJ.ile .!ltle\Vnll~ ~h ... -.--'-~=C::;=CC-~

"Come to lUy arm"!, tUV' sweet ohild. You ara wiser than L No\v I cnn dIe in pell.ce. knowing that my dau~htor will be surrounded-by the JUXllrioS- to which ~she hi'S heen n~ct1st{)mijlr."

Antipeace reig"lIcil within the pa.Ia­tb,l manslon.+ "hile the, WilH11'l!l' '1d a,


Only One Place Open. I Omaha Mnn-Live in NewYort

I sappose yon had 11.. pretty tough timo during the bl zzn.rd.

New York Man-For two days there w*sn't :\ store in my blOT'k opeq. Sn{)w was' p Jed up tOil and t,.enty feet in front of the doors. 1 sleep ill my plllce of bus'ness nnli JDlg4d have stl\.fved if my ct\stomers had. not d~~ their ws. .. · to the door.

'·Your..:...c118tomers ?" ~~~~~~_ go_Lffio.Yela_ and.1lr~

tennel to'...flle frout entranca before I got up.'" I

"Well. thnl was kind. By tho 'way, whnt bllsincp are j:Oll inP" -

HI keep a saloon. tI_ Omaha

~ofl'oboromro and CotH':lifSfyti TestTmon)'..

{ient~;·4!r L~w'IiI Donn.13 b ... .ft1lt "DJl~ lllpool J:QI), and IIIl1nDl _ th.' tbo b41" Orb!. RoWn· ~on w!::o Wt:>II n. pnM <n'l}!:F1fl on CT'Utcluo., 4nd ","u !l'Ql'lld lW fit hrobs 011 10 18&1, th, olJl'o I:4J um~ ~n_t. '1'h4o l"bUD« nu.n hu bRD II.nd itl nVIT UWodl.llltrtUl<nU..t lll.bor, tluI CIIM eo.rt:llldy ~~ the dMcy ot at ,boobs 011.

lIB, OEO. C. 6IlGOOD.~'"



~;b~~=",:K,02l ... ~.tl.ll.tlaewo.rJ4.

8I2'0.&&0.000 .. WK, F. ACLEN,

G(lner41 A.¥f!nt.

NEB ..


P Tn, as follow9' Mnrcb 6th a.nd 20th, Aprd 3d Mid 24th, M!ty 8th and 22<1, and J una 5tb. Full infurmation Il"V' en Iw {"aIling: on or addressHlg G, N, C1ar­ton, P:ulI;.engf'I' Hnd Tleket Agent Wllbal:lu InilwlIJ, 15u!J FnrlloZll fjtro(ll;, OmA,Ila.


Mr, Carlisle hi n"w in bls thtrd term as Speakor, aud when be blls completed It Kentucky v.HI havo had the Spc!1\{ershlp twenty.tbrell ,J'ca.ra

The averag-e tIme of 8,001) New Ymlt busl· nes!! meu at their 11own·IQWIl luncbeon Is ei/l'ht minutes. This 16 u. mnttor of lOCOl'd In a 1t.'11dlug restfLtll'llUt.

PhYlit('lnU.' "'C!I.'" The phYBil ians in Lowell, who

the MOXie NmYe Food pllluL on lind Ilervous exhllulltiOTl, 1n III nllmber IIlreudy rl'pol'ted, hu.vo a Mr,,_ Bruck, of Barnet, Vt" n. JIf'lplr·sK. A ~hR. Cholley, 18 ~trcot, Lowt'll, wila \1 ue !lot expected live ltfl gol,pull'8t !'OPll!ll,lity Hprlllj,iH hont the fHct .that it 8ulillOtUtCIl atimuiHnis /tilt! tonl('~ without IlIlrm, Elnd IInpnrtfi gl'('ltt

powers ut- I:!lIrllll'llllce. The apo1lref""arfclt art'! be !1"J,;ed for I~ eV('l',vwhol'c. Lftrge com· PflDW" lLrc f(lI'miu~ fur itlS lD.II.lInfu.otUl'e all ever thlil \'forld. ____ _

The newCllt Hllver glove lmtionfl htHO a. terlllHI hall, l'/I('kut Il,nd flhipponl eut3pended IrOID thelll by threo Mlllali dlll.I1lS.

SUFJI'Fmil:I~B- }O~ROM Coulf"UIi, 80IU~ TRUOd, etc., should try "BrowlI'e Dronchlal Troshml,H n rlimpltl btl\;. allre remeuy. S91d only in boxel!l. PrlCo::][; II:Bute:.

,-Fonf Rheep a.~rl ten h'iIR!lela of wheat eet· bled 1111 Jowf!, hreach ul promial' JoIuit.


1·00 Doses ThlMtlnotO "ca!eblluo ne only but Is orft'Oll Mli

trueQll,llvflIood'a511r D II lallllrtlll'l, whIch IS1hl' O· ar Vtr,. llt •• 1 'PTIIlIl: medl- , ~~:!!~~'~!~~~'.!"J~~,~~.~~~~~~'~~~t!i ehUHII,,,,ti.l o~tl pIlTJ.o.er. ; '! NoW. reader, prove It, Tall:tI.\.>otfl.bcmcandm ..... ure ttl cont~nt.. YOt'l ",Ill I\nd It tit bold one "'.11-drad leup"'ontull. NoW" re.d tb.e dlreollon ... aft. rOil wlJll1nd that tb, .Tcra,e do •• for p./I",nt or .1 • ., 1IIlLq:OI 1& leu tha1l .. t{,"}'Iooniui. Tbul tb • .,1-dence lit thit pllcal!ar Ittt'Dgtb: p4 economy ot UoolJ', Slu.parllla" «IMcluli,ft Il'.ui Unlu.'lfol'abla

"YecUnl 1.nJ:uld Ind dlu1. haTlnlt DO appetite and llll 1mbllloA to work, 1 totlk Hood', SlrUp .. -

;~I~~ .:~bfO~lt:O::~~1 r::~:I\~ ~~II~U~e~tlt:u:enr~~~~~ I IUlythlng ello," A. A.. 1t1ll:1~k. Ullca, N. Y. [

"M, 11'11. IDd 1Il"clt were ,"olb ceneraU,. run , dow" IIDOd'. Safl!\parnl. brou/rht UI fIIut.r til., C;·:C:".::-:·l";::~ _~Cl' '-""'."".':'::'~ ':"::':-_~.:::-::::: tlted feclLn., 111.4 made us lui like ,ouilI" ,Iopl. I,ala, It hal tlon* :Ql.ore flit \III lhao. allot" • .,. medt· clnea tOletbe,." RICD ... ..." li ... WIUiUJ&IIT, -'-mitt-,.111 .. LOlllrlalllxul..H. Y. '

eTRIC"J:'L y V:8a.:EJT..A.BLE.

; ~ht~i~t ~2r~lt1. UIISHo;t.N. '" ~MG;E,d, -Etllt·';·~;'--·-

.... hi;.t cir~~ltti~~C'ot~~y· p~~;;c~

. .• . W~rne coputy. _.,_ "'!l1fil;ial Paper of Town and County~_ - '1.'1IDlfs·IlA\-;:.-=z(P Irrt;w -1 ~H",-

Emperor Fred(~rick jssjnkill~ rnpid-• ! I! 'Jr, and his 'Ieath .. is hourly exp,·cted.

~.',.Jt~. ---Malrh-"';;-Art,~'ld; th~-~~ied Englil;b

,JtO~tand crifiS is dead.

!' the '1",;/ ,:fli<'~'!li Nlahrara has been orderer! re"lOved t" O'N eil I by '~~e: Interillr Depnrt.ment.

The dem'';;~tie 'p"perse~hihit All

ilt:d:ietyas to the condition of Blaiue's health thut i, pI,"itiv.ly pOlOfu!.

, .I). large cVllting@t froOl Iowa pro­poses to arfUY itself in tull white bat' and hickory cluh. and storm the Chi· cngo convention r',r Allison.

The Omaha ministers have attack­ed HUJ1(}ny base ball playing in thnt city, eight of them having preached on that sobject laBt Sunday.

'rhe Oklahoma bill that h"d been Bet for one of the days "Bcd up in the .. e~ent 6.lbustljring operations iI~ the house, is dead for this Be88ion.

Oue of t.he most'emphntic evidences

The author of tii~·NtfIi~ ""'tariW-bili chmplnins .hecl1tlse the reyuhlicans took the tarilroffplaying card8 and left tweJlty per Cf>nt on' biblf'J3. '\1'hy ."oold he complai .. ? It.1s "imply the a~mission (juty free 01 au artidle the demoGmcy use "great deal, .and lev­vjng .a,_~Jui'y ~I~_ ~~~. \~ith which tl_1ey h:!v!~ ;.;imply a ~.pcaking acquaiutance: ~ . . .

The Central. Lau(lr.Luiop, of New York, ill order to make the the business employing non· union w()rkmen i1Iore effective, pledged all its membete to!tb.tain from the use of liqucir for two weeks. The-·pledge might he extended to nn indefinite period to their great adysntage.

The Omalia . Reputn1cim Omaha to bmld "grain pall.ce

'Vou1.d respectfully. inform the public that they" are nQw prepaJ_cd to

attend to the '


Address them at



'carpenter CONTRACTOl~


Shop on Main St.

lall ill imitation of the Sioux City HIVE palace. 'Why not get something 0;' 'ginnl and build it out of hogs. If'I.oHl-I..,n~II-',\-I,"·ltl" _ru-..p_ four footed variety is not 11111 U • 11<" Omahogs, and make the STRINGER & DAuan:RTYt Prop's, fi,ature of the display the "Omaha N urthern Railway,"- .

The debate on the Mills tarii!' bill began Tuesday and the country can depend on getting several millions dol)nr8 worth of enlightenment on the qtl('~ltion ill the forty days or more the debnte is expected to oecupy .

Work Guaranteed. Shop firflt door south ef Perty & Warne!'s Barn.

Dealer in

Bnnk~, Statinn'i, of the arriv.al of spring i. the "pJ>ear·I~;"~;:'R:HP::~:I'-'~"';;~"~~H~·lS",~!7'l~\'.I;;-rftltll~~~lm~nfm ftnt'ft--ft~ .. --

.... ___ .anr;lLoLs,,1ij>.j·aLMltJ.mll<HI-<!ay-m-illt' dailies descri";n/! the baee haH games.

After flJib1l!lterit,g;llno days, to pre­"ctlt'considerntibri of the direct tax

:...:r"uriping bill, tho southenl briga· I , • dl~r9' brought 1he uortbern demo<!tats

t? : time, lu)(l cunl'poned au uncondi~ .tional B1I1'I'end,·r. If the dcmocmti(;


,I '''',11

"--~ --j

F .. LILLJESE Ii' ··'I,:,,;:j',,; . . '. Trade a Large New.St?ck of'

BOOTSNObANDd'S"SHO~·~, • J---o . ",I," .

,c- , - k. t all and examine gdoils and Markee at such Low Prices that will secure ra~ld sale ab~d a~ you a c , . ' ... ,

price before buymg any! mg m the

BOOT AND SHOE LINE: ' .. ·i .- .-- ==========-


Harrington Bros.' New Sprin Goods, 'I

-~AIexaIi([ettIie Tailori .-.• ;-;;'7.-.~·.~·~_~. -- •• ;- ;--;~-•• :-:. -.~-;.; .• " .•.••... _ •• _ •. ,_: •.•• :_ ...•..... _ ••••... : ••.• J .. . ~ ___ ._._ .. _.,_ '.._=o;~.;::,;;.=k=-:::-

AnnonncoB to tho People of Wnyne, llillt he ill]," ol)Qned a

--'Teffilant Tailor Estaijlishmer~ In Davies' building "'ith n Inl·ge.a\;d line line of

Imported and Domestic-:-Wo·Olens And is ready for busin"",;, Fit and \V orkmanship g-ual'anteed~

Please give him a call. ALEXAND

F armors Aottention NMWP.fllilfl S-we:e Beam _Stirr:in.!J-P!nWs,--!wo=-sil-lij-Stir-~

arrows and""CornCultlvators . , ,. For Sale·- .-~ r .

-A heavy froBt liist;;jg~t. See the card 01 B. F Feather.

Good weaUier for farm work.

A warm, gentle rain' would be accept-able. ,_

An elegant line of cookies at P., L. Miller's.

An alliance was organized at Saturday n.ight.

al e:~l~~i~~r ~~~~:~8n~f t:~ cOo~!"n~~~~h~~: \V ilkinson Hwan's.

.:: ~8 :~~d~~~rB:t:rtd:;~rc~n~J: !~~:: The county officers Bre taking things W. E. HO IV AltO. easy now, business being light.

_____ c_o._s_U_P~_"f_P_U_bl_lC_In_'tru_c_tl_on_._ --1-to;B;;U~Y~i.in:;g~-sO :;u~r wall paper direct from fae-Oats 20 c. the--latest pn-t-torns andflew-

F~r bargnins in millinery go to Bon & Sw~n.

A sudden blow last evening sent dust into the air. ' •

If you want to get a first-class paint, buy the Sherwin-Williams. Joh-n E. Mc~arland.

WheM 55 c.

COrD 30 to 85. Plant trees. Theatre to-night

want' to get a first-class It will make you Iighkhearted and buy the' Sherwin-Williams. give you clear mind. to we.roUl· bargains E. McFarland. in 1,M,. Wilkinson & Swan. "

Good weather for farm work.

Oash for potatoes at P. L. ![iller'B.

The, small grain is about ~ll in. The croquet seallon lipproaches.

Clean up the rubbish in tbe alleys. '}Io-nday next is Arbor D-ny. Plallt

trees. --.. ' Painters, carpenters and masons nfe

all busy. J. H. Roman &; Co, arc preparing plans

for a' large elevator. ·The Valley House is undergoing a

thorough cleaning, papering ·a.nd pllint­ing.

R. B. Boyd has sold the property for­merly occupied by J. H. Ga.rner, to A Klever. '

Plowing for corn is the order of the dav, and our correspondents seem to have caught the fever.

The annual conv~ntion of the 7th dis trict of the 'V. C. T. U. wiil convene In Wayne, May the 211d and 3rd.

The breaking plows will soon be going. fmd a good many thousands of acres will be-added to the crop area next year.

In conscquence of the absence of the pastor there wiU be no servicei'!. at the" Presbyterian ch.urch next Sunday. morn· ing or evening.

Edwards and McCulloch Lumber Co., have been fitting up a largelumber.sbed, and arc filling with a fine stoek. Call and look it over and get prices.

I am now killing-fl.s fine_a. be.ef as h.as ever been put on

About three hundred of Our 8ub8crib~ era who are badly in arrears would con­fer a great favor o:p. thisoftlce by settling up their accounts.

A number of our business men are "cussin" the transfer at Sioux. City . It takes about ten days to get a~shipment of goods from there.

The May Bretonne COPlpany open a nights engagement at the -opera this eveninu. _I The company is

said to be R good 9013.'

A patron of the Mason scbool wishes us. to say that Mont Spa.hr has givcn·-bet­ter satisfaction in that sohool tban any other teucher they have ever had.

- The pupils of ~ .. 1iss Train, RSiisted by one or two froro Norfolk wBJ give her a

com~~,~~J~~~HrfcJ:~e:h~ri~~oe:}ng Ad~ missiurt 25 ccnts.

, I;'

'or'WalLPapel'.~---.- ,

MARRIED. J OlIN;.soN-Pn~scoTT :-A t the residence

of the bride's mother, Mrs. E. ''F. Rcn· nick, in Brenna precinct. on Sund!~y April 14tb 1888, Ericl< T_ John'S6n, and Mii:ls-Etfie.Frescottj:...Rev ... ·\Vw. GOnit-ofti&:; inting~._ _ The

}hDTGAADT-JASPERSON:~At 'Vayne, I 14th 1888, by E. Martin. Counl)'

Martin Midtgaadt and Mis. Mag. Jasperson, al~ of ·Wayne county.


AplUL 14th, 1888, -- Convention called to ordet. by D. 'V. C. Hood. county chairman. :Mr. Hood elected chairman, and G. 'V. Riley secre· tary.

Mr. Hood stat.cd the (lbJect of thomeot ing to be the selection of to represent ,"Vayne oratic state Co!~v"m2·,o~!"'?IU.I .. -J'~ •. L~.

On motion John ano Ij.ilcy elected as such delegates.

Adjourned, sine-die. , G. W._.ltn,EY, 'Secy.

BORN--To .John Markley and wife, of Carroll, Wednesday, Aprii18L<, adaugh· ter.

W ALT>:R"~To c. W. Walters and wife Friday Ajlril18th, • son.

Linn Sugar ~ured bnn18 'at MmCl'~ Star

Grocery. . I·' GrMs sced of aU kinds for sale l),,-Con· --fO>.UMl-h'l.

nor & Hughes. i' Don't fail to see my line of wall

paper before purchasing.' Jdhn E. MeFarland. I

. Complete line or Dinner Sets • .kt Har-rington Bros. ~ ~ :-

~'inc line &f(,!:"'tch ~ngb.m. 'It Con·

Wen chmned Russlnn seed flhx for sale by .J. n. RomAn & Co.

Germa;t Millet !ccd for s610 at·17S:c1ts per ~_l!.stl~l~ ___ W_~ J!. _ ~n.Q~r~!t!eyc. I

Quick Meal gasoline Linn Bros._

-. '-* The warm sun ot: last }"riday -. ·the caster lilie~ -out by thousands

in \\,111)llne. Best quality of Steers,anu the best-hogs, llSCtl, J. H. 0011<·

\Vayne lias done prelfy" w-e11 -;-"-';001-""-;,,,.­want to see some ele~

designs for celiiri£decora­call at John E. McFarland's.

:1 '"il

the pra.irie.

A thousand tons of rubbish, more or Icss, went up, fn flame and smoke last ·Ji'rid1\y-evetling'c-- - -- -.--

The Society of ChristifiD Endeavor lUeets at the l-'rel)byterian.. church tOlllor· !'Ow evaning at 8 :00 o'clock. '

C. C. Bosteder is bringing In some fine shade treos. They were grown from sced he p'lsu ted several years ago.

An extensi-ve useDf the paint brush

matter of planting'ttees, but has one tb ird enough. Plant trees, of them. If you get them too thick they ar.e...easiLs rClD1lY.eL_~_

'Vo have heal'd a good many guesses as to the propositipn of land broken up bst yeal'cooopared tothe areapreviousl.v in cultivation. The gues~e8 .range from one tenth to as high as one fifth.

-nround--t-O-wu -would brig-hten- thing.s. .u",po<r p"-Y-Inellt,--grently and improve the appearance the place.

_Arrcat--ELod_fine...the-_llU1-U -wlw <lriV,"l-I'HW-n_ over sidwalks.'1 It is nn outrllge on prop­erty O-wnerslto permit their walks to be broken up in thIs manner.

'Ve take pleasure in recommending the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hui!' He­newer as safe and reliable for re::ltoring

.~~~~~~~~~:~i·~:·~:·~{~l-~~~:~i···o·ver---' -.c;::,-A~~,~~~:~:;;;.s~;~~,C;~;i.~:;:.:~:;:~:[ fl",'iinn,+Jq'flllcawm:o,:.a in the fltreets and vacant lots. In a few Jears bl'uc grass sod. now practically un-attainable, will. be n drug in the -ma.rket.

lHH·tlc county cOlltinueJ-!.er progress to the po­liition-o-f-the best fi-e-rse-·cou·nty- in Ne· Lrasl.:;n. 'Va,ne puhlic 8('110018 will ce}('-

'A perfectly sound body and fI. minu un- bratc Arbo'r Day on Monday, at 2 ;00 P. impaired are possible only. with pure ttt the Presbyterian church. The ex· 'blood. Leading medical authorities en, will consist of d(~cl!lmationB, mu-dorseAycr's Sarsaparilla 11S the ue~t blood' etc., ahd at the conclusion of the pro purifying medicine in eXIstence. It Vllst, gramme, the different departments wil, ly lIlCrelines the working Ilnd prouuctive march to the Rchool-ground where trees

powers of both band and bra.in. (:t~lc~:c~~~~ll~~: Wln\tS;!~~dl'~~l~ll~I~~~~r:J~ T~!%~:m?t~~S~'~ s~~u~~i~f:d~~s l~~l~~~ "\Ve wish some of our neighborillg con-amount of $1500 for the .luly .race mect- tcmpontries which call themselves "The ing started out to g~t thirty names .8.l North Nebmslm" this, that,or the other, $50. each. They foulld it such easy BIU}' 01' some other equally high sounding but jng that they run the amount up to $260.0 indefinite names. would drop them R~}d in nn hour, 1J.nd huve since increased It aSi'mlllC those of the towns they rep-

$ 00 resent. and reprefolellt well. There m""IlY to 31 . have been 11 time when they reprf'-&,ented

There are many places around town au e.ntire section of the state, but they where dead grass, scattered h!ly and do not now. straw, and rubbish of all kinds are_just aching to have SOUle one carelessly drop There seems to be some misapprehen­a lighted cigar or mutch and start a fine SiOD of the di::;position made of the mon­confiagratwn. Clean up the Ulle\'H ey reeeived from saloon licenses. The ,'ards;--.!J.~hl.l...ru4bi$h,iH UllsigbJlY_Q.nd_mny first five hundred rlollnrs from nny Ikcnse Pbedang.erous. goes tothe sclwol fund-of -tlre- district.

Any amount over that snm, if levied I1S The .example. Qf Brenn·a. pricinct is 1\ licellsp also goeR to the sclwol fund,

preparing to build a puhlicA hall for but where un oceupation tax additional to religious and s(}Cial purposes is one that the licenRe, isJevlCd, the amount of the should be followed by all the better set- tax goes iilto the vlllnge fnnd. tIed precincts ill the county. Such a Do'n't fail to see my line of wall buHding will dnmuch to cultivate the so-ci.llif. of the precinct and mlll<e it. peo· paper before purchasing. john-E. pIe better flcquainted with eael! other McFarland. Brenna nlready claims to be the most ~o-dILl precinct in the county, and the clann ,\Yhen the win·d !luddenly changed.

is probably well founded. ,. ~~~~h;~i~i~~~~~ :l~:e ~ut~~:h ¥~e~ We notice tba~ pur exchanges ar,6-_re,_ bad been burning the evening before and

turning thanks to congres811Ul.n Don~ey had apparently died out suddenly.sprang for some eiegantly printed and bound into vigorous life and t;parh:s and glow, copies of the memorial addresseR deHv- iug cmilH went flying through the ail'-in ered in congres/i in honor of two de- every direction. For a time it seemed ce&sed members of tb8tbody. They liB though W-ayne would baye a midnight mAy return thanks puhlicly, but we will confiagrll,tion, and it WitS only the tOWI~'S venture a nickel or t\VO that when . custoll1a~y good luck that prevent~d It.

:~fe~8i~~~n:f!e ~1l;~~ t~:~~!~C~'~~~~{h:~:~ While there may not be as many build I mark "Some mor.e of that confounded ings put up in _'!y"'ay~e .thil-l year as in

(or ective, depending un the s,1me previous years .• t IS probable that truck." of building in t.he

A meeting of Ow Wa.vne Dl'iving Pllrk Associl1tion was held at the office of J,t'3· Britton Saturday afternoon, and !Lrrangt'­ments mode for holding It meeting in J?­]v robably the 3,4. nnd 5; nt 1e1l!;t Jll th~ ~eek of the 4tli, that day to ·l)~ on.c of tlH~ days. !tis expecte.d thllt lL clr?lit will be formed with Norfolk and Crelgh­lon. and thllS more and bette~ hoy"e.~ be ?nduced to come. The f(~ll~wlllg officers wcn3: elected fnr the enSUing r enr :

President, A. B..: Sinler: Trcll:~;ure.r, A.


E. E. Perrine We\lt to Creighton Mon­day,

Fred. Hinrichs wlA in Norfolk last night.

Dr. Crawford. returned hom the south IIlst night.

n Philleo went to Sioux City and Omaha Tuesday.

A. A. Hflzzl\rd of Councll Bluffs, is vis­itiog.J. A. Lindly.

F. Woodall, of Plainview, wasin town the first of the week.

Frank M. N ortbrop is attending court at :stanton this week.

Mr. Gmter,' of Clarl, & Cartor, Win· side, was ill town Moni:iay.

'My said i,-!yon do- -uot--ll-eed- the Ma_nifQI~l~ Mr. Alden pUblishes books for tlw pur­pose of ,developing and improving tbe in te1lect" and not to give shape to the leg8. Do you stick to your ponderolls, un­wieldy volumes; they are well ndapted to the p'Ul'POSC for which you nse tt t~yclope­dilt; but tbe dafbty volumes of the Mrmi· fold-how delightful to handle, and how benutiful to behold-arc made with a view to cuse of reference Iwd cOllveni· ence o-f consultation, Hlld cnnnot be suc­cessfullv converted into 11 substitute for trousers 8tret~hers." '

The fifth volume of the Mnnifold Cy­clopedia, which hllS jnst been published, tnOl'c than Blls:tl1ins the good reput,l\tiou of the previOlis issues, llein~ especially, more full in its vocabulary, Ilnu the en­tire workmanship, both liter!lry ILOll me­chanical, apparently being of a higher gmdc It iH ccrt!linly not only a won­derfully cheap, but It thoruughly execl­lent Cyclopedin. foralulORt any eoncciv able that of 11 "trolH;cn; ·The ~~'='" ';;O-u,'ITr"oi""n-",efy'TIlTl,,""""

H""~ _______ - ----j-mec-to-8ny-P. M. Corbit hl\s transferred his Jares

and penates to his new residence.

Clint Slaterh!ls gone to Omnha to take a CO\lrSe iu a commercial college.

David Cn~Ini_ngbJlln is nttending _the meeting of the pre~byterv at Poncl~.

MrA. Buffington and daughter of Chi· capo is visiting her brother. J. D.

Hev. F. P. BaJ;;cr left this morning to the meeting of the presb) tery at

Mrs. Woodrow left :Monday evening for Albion to visit her daughter. Mrs. PJttenger,

\V. Q. Summcrs, of Malvern, Iowa, waB vi')iting li"is daughter, Mrs. J:8. Lew-is, last we(~k. .

Mr. nnd Mrs. A. G. Uowardleftycster­day morning for a visitto lheir old bome, Watilron, Iowa..

S .• 1. Morris, of D~\Vjtt, IdWtl, an old time f!:ielld of P. M. Corbit,"visiteJ with him over Sunday.

Notice is "_'._"_""-,,,.,'"_': 'J"H' """"""",.. ~~f~~ri~~~O make !)l'Oof in support of his claim. and that Baid proof will be

Elmer Johm;oh, who ~!l.S in Le .. (s made before Clerk District Court at ~tore lust summer, wiJl..-:he~ebjlld tbe ",Vayne. Neh., on June 9th, IHK8, viz:. counter there again this coming_smn- Martin St )bel II If 8304 mer. for t11e W t"S W..l-and f"W~" ,.

W,.II. Aiken •. of Altoana, Pen~'Ylvn. 1-1. };ast. . ' nil}.. 1m o\r\-thnc friemrof E. J. Nnn.l!lc H-e nl~me8 the fo!lowmg wttneS8(JR and DllVid Cunningham, hUB -becu vislt· ~l'o~e b~$ enntlun.ollli reHltle.H{;C npnn, '1\' jlha.pin..i ~~.cret::l'Y, _JI1-.,. l~I~~t~n\r .

i'l:utive committee. LV,' ,1. P(mJ, ill.

Fr""iel' and F. L. ~eeJ~ .. ~ 'The executive commlttee_ was

iug them this week. - - '·1 eult.lvQ.tlOn of. Hmd land, VIZ: ____ ~_~ ___ ._ If. B. Vroman, pf Wuyne,

and I ba\'e ·_'just received anothIT,.' ~L .J; Uoot. '!:. m"Hi.,;lpli. ~li-~",·"o"k·lhe large illRl-·etegan-ras50rtIlleul of ~m::~-t~~~;y~---·-;-;-- ,

• wall paper. John E, M<;Far~,~nd, JOUN H. MARI(LE~:

HOUSE.-The honae roet at 11:45 this morning. Thelc,!.....-tslative dnyof Weilnos· dllY coili1nning- Dema.tHl for thoJ·c,!..."1l.· In1' order formally opened the- seventh day of the contest over the t11reo~ tax btll. l.1nto in the n.ftern~on 8 ,":ote was taken npO]1 110 motIOn t-o a.dJonrll, 1U (Il'tler that a test mi .. dlt lJO lUlv1e t)~ the ~~l'tlll,;th of the cumllllt.mf',g "" 'l1lOafIirmfttno vote "a~ 80, the Rame fl.':! J::e~t~l·,luX. _ The ne..!rltn 0 ft'll off. from 11){) ycstt'rd~.v to 141; to (la\ u nnmh·'r of leM'('!-I of 1\]). seUce h:~;l)llg' hecm gr(tntotl "-t 8:00 the S<'l 'eunt at·,Lrms uppeared a.t the hltl' of th-e}lOU!:i('. hn\'ln~ 1Il (:m::;t~)ay La.\'dol.'. of IUm0l8, "Ito excuwd 1m; nhM'llCt~ .hy saYl1l,..{ 110 had been n.t home all~WC11n:.{ COl'H'spowlents, III eXl'cctnbon tlH~,t t~e

InrlO'pt"·o·,.1 !.ltnatWll m the homm woulll remlun nn· changt'd Dunll-\" tho aftel'lloo? n. IUO·

tlOD {lanw from the ~h)mOcr.,tlU SldJftlmt the lumBo adJourn, I\w1 aft~}· I' C,1lOl'HS of Y('11B flom tho dt'mocratlc 81(10 Ilnd .sLonts of nny from tho repllhlicf\llS.,. the

!lvel Df tho spealwl' hnng- In DlHHlll'. ~'Le repuhlicans. fenrfnl that the honse wOl1ltl be dec1:I.red adjollrnl"'d, rose nnd rUBhed to the front, shonting for the yeas and nnys T.I\e confll1uon WM BO

-tr<-.c-"'''p·-j grenfth"atthe S6l'V1r.es 6f----tl-ie .erg"""":fl'!hc<rlcdll1mtion~-'l'It,"~e;il'ect o/-th"-o,'e,,,­at-arms and 1l1f~ mRCe of 9iIice were called in and order finally re!'twrell. ffhe mo­tJ~n to ndJonrn was defon.te<l-Y(>BB 00. nays 121. Atthm honr (1:4I)a..m.) there is no prospect of o.nndJournmeut auu re~ cess.

W • ..-k Baln" Do~om Day Co D.,. lu IJo,h ftt'g."",v

SlI!f.lTl'l.-A m~,...:-e from the prest· dt'ut, with the draft of a. Inll for ihe

L n,ovcn,w" of the withdrawa.l of lauds for tha benefit O'f c....,r~un 1'lJilroltds, was presented to the 800n.OO Bud refer rod to the eomollttee on pnhho hnda A nnmher of privnto pellston bIBs were pMs~l(l, a.f.Wr w hielt- t,h~-fIOOMe- l'estunod the ooul-ntitlmtiotl of the pIonro pnon moni{\. hill. all the nmoll(lmonts


SENA111.-The senate oonfirmed the'T"'_ .. _~,_~ nomination of Jlueu r;: Ratlivone;-to"be conslll generf\l at Daris, by Do vote of 44 to 8. A aocret session of ten minutes WM sufficient to dispose of the matter. 'VIten the door8 reopened Afr. 1\Iernll addre~t'led the senate on the prf!side~t'B

after Wllich tho senate COll!'lld-for the


:M1l'1l.bER IN Nl!lBRABKA.

10 A.-npd ... llandf'd Demon ern-b. lib 'I:ed. "U~ "'0 Den.b.

COLUIDlUS, Neb, Aprtl 10 -[Specml to tJle Omaha RepublIcan ]-Alherl Dumkee, the red handed demon who fiendlshly clnbbed Ius V"lte to death lRst the serg('tmt at Rrms sud Ins dt })nhe~ mght .... '"as rUll down lU the uudcrhntsh searcll1n~ for nlls ut mf'nlhen:; fr{ ni. 5 on the north bank of the LOllP rHol J

four lUlles west of thIs Clty, at 4 0 clock tIns afteD hy DetectIve John Huber and Frank \.ndHsou nnd snfely lod';l d III the steel ca.ge oftlle county Jml

1ho n.ccouut ,'Ored Jon last nt -"ht, Bnd exclllsrvoly In to dllY's Repab

~)8 in the lURID correct l'he son Charles Dnmkce hns hvell III tIus county tInca yems, for tho last two on n. fmm of He rent<. four ",eflt of He 18 n.

The steamslllp Cachomwre from Mar SmneR, wIth 1 411 ItaJuUl cllu,;ra.nta IS detrunecl at qUl\rautme m New York harhOl, h1tVlUg' one Cf\Re of .amnllpox on bonrd 'I be Htclt1l1f>lup Cu;cnssIL\ fl m 011\a ow hnB 460 Rtcarage pnssonger tho Erll't from L" erpool 2 m tho W"rra hom Bunnen 31j1 the Rclllednm flom AmKterdnm 4-29, the AUBhnha from Italy GOO loud, 3,492 ellu.!rauts

The pJacmg on recora 1I1 Washmgtion of two chattel mortgages: on tho house holn efi'(l( tB of ex Semetary Gcorgo M RohOf{Qn has gIven rlSO to cOllsl<lftrR.hie ~OSAIP In reaard to Ins tinnnmal affaIrs 1he Jl.ttentlOll of Mr Rohesoll was called to these rnmors and he fuud flaJlldy that he- owed mOl'B money than be 'Wus a.ble to pity ll1st now,... hut he hOI cd he wOllld he able to dlsc11argo tn()st of Ius ouliJ"atlOns



,·Pul"a"br.ed.Frbru:m_Dl'aft( ... ~rCJIlel·g , ' ANI) ENCLI$H SHIRE . , " YJ,dtOl"/! Il.hv1lJ'S wolcome, 'C!lll uml Heo our horses ol'send for clI.tpJogue.



Blinds, Paint, Paper,


" n~~lnli pllrJ6nsed th.c yard formerly ()ecu"l~d hy Pbilleo & SOD.lus£Ij •• t of the 'iBHY'al.a~lHm, sOlicit a SbUl'c of your pntron.ug~~ Cnlland I:we LIB. <-<..:-'_

M,l OCTAVR FUE;r.!.ET. at the age <II 76 ye!lr.'i, s reported t·) Ue engaged on another novel.

M. GREVY is now in serene and hap. Py BlJirlt'''';''~.!1d.J8, busy arranging his ~peccbes fl)l' puulication.

LUCAS, the man who recently shot Lou,au Mielwl. hag aRkcri for her for~ ~ivelless, atlll slw hR'i Requ;e8cou~

JA!ln:s \vrr,Lcn. of P'Jrtl~nd. M~., was fiUllLl- ~:JUO and sell!otwed to eit.!hteen mouilia la jiLil. for 1 qllor-selling last week.

'rUE shatt will po.'llpone his visit to EUrQPo until next vear, 80 that he Ca.n attcntl thu illteru~tioual exposit,on at Paris.

E~UL OI,LIYIER, Nu"oleon.'~ prime mini."Iter when Lbo FL'/lIlCe-Pru;s'ian war of 1870 b~gaii-. is \vrltillg a hi~tory at its-cause.'t.-

MISS AONES.MCCU:LLAN is the young· est "newspapIH·m:.Ill" ill Nebraslm. She is but 15, and ialooal editor of 111.e Sew. Q1'a Democr!#.

Mn. GLADSTONE haq written to Signor Jacini a.pproving the latter's pamphlet advocating the neutralization of the holy .a ..

'(ou Oarry A whole medicine chest-in-yoUl' -pockef1j:­with one box of Ayer's Pills. As they operate directly on the stomach and bowels, they indire~tly affect every other organ of the bbdy. When tIre stomach is out of order, the head is affected, digestion fails, the blood· be­

- comes impoverished, and you fall an eagy victim to any prevalent -disease.. :rr~iSH M. E. Boyle, Of -Wilkesb-arre, Pa,. puts the whole truth in a nutshell, when she says: "1 use no other medlc~e than Ayer's Pills. They are all that anyone needfl, antI just &plendid to-save ~money in doctors' bills."

Here is an instance of

A Physician wbo lost his medicine chest,.. but, having at band a bottle of Ayer's Pills, found himself fU,l1y equipped.-J. Artison, M. D., ·of San Jos6, Cal., writes:

H Some three years ago. by the merest accident, I was forced, so. to s_pea~._ to- prescrioe AYerTa-Uathartic plIls -for several sick men among a party of engi. neers in the Sterra Nevada mountains, my medici.ne ...chest baving been lost in crossing a mQuntain torrent. I was surprised and..delighted at the action of the Pills, 80 much 80, indeed, that I was

- led to a fu~t r trial- of ttiem.~aswelt'as--­of your C rry Pectoral and Sarsapa.­rilla. I h e nothing but praise to offer in their favor,"

John W. Brown, M. D., of Oceana, MRs. MAOKAY ,talks of buying a res- W.Va.,writes: "IprescribeAyer'sPills

idence in tho Scotch Highlands. Mrs. In my practice, and finll them excellent. ~~C?~.f.L:l:".,g!_v~~ ~.~!.~a_l'_te _~~~~o~~._i~.!l:~_B:r. ~ urge their general use in families." ly evorythir:~.~~e~ desh'es. T. E; Hasting~, ]1.1. D., of Baltimore,

Md., writes: II That Ayer's Pills do can. DR. KOCH, the bactel'lologist, already trol and cnre the complaints for whicb

n,"privy counoilor. has been mB;de pby. they I are -dcRigned, is as conciusively sician general, oQe of Lho bighest proven to mil as anything possibly can be. 'fessionw. ·l·auks-lii Germany-.- ---- E.c---l--~FIre\ya,re-~he best cathartic-alld-ape:ri.

ent within the reach 01 the profession."

J. H. BUOfl!.l.f\'1

Pi a noIL:!1 GL'G Ed .. U-L<".cwc--J.J.-.. -..... ,'-"


M?bel Buchanan,

Music·:- Teacher.

HOTI~aJ Si[ll, Carri3[G & fi:namerrtal

Aye r.'-" ~ ........... ~.---t-.;:::;:~ PREPARED BY

REAL -" Eg+ATE -

. '~~L __ -=: .. ~,~:·:=:~!f~r_~'cc~~e~t,-~~y_~~~-Neb. :~B:'~,~~~~~ !~-s-~~-o~-;~~~~~~[lI:dn~~I~C --!11'-c-a(-ro--S-'I-P-a-ll-I-!-j--:I-"-II'-~-'10-'-j' ,-p, '" A YN". Il;i~~;~~~;I":=. -~HILLEO & SON,. Bewlllg-~::hjIlOS.n;l~es~etu~:r.t·:~: 0' ' ;\nl"h,:dl~l:lLllIJij \\

~l;~;-''::::--''?'::-'''::'=-'-'-:'''-''-'-'''--=-'::'''''':---I-~-- --- If mttit---tt+. - .. -.---- --Im:.mrr:iri",''''C0~cci;:;ii''''cciiiiii, ·.;':i~ii,'~·

'?--;-:l~··JIlr':'i!'I.:i ...•• m·.be··· .... Drea,e.r~_l'n a:lll~imnd8. ~~.'[.'. .' . . ,.

PRESIDENT ELIOT, of Harvard, saya that·bo-,tt.nppt''''''"ot· all k,nd.-ut in. tercollegiate _ oOlltest.s, aUlI would abolIBb thorn if lie -hltd· the poivel' to do Dr. J. C. Ayer & CO'I t,.oweU, Mass.

Sold by all Drltgl£lst~ .

appointed a mesSlcnger in _, navy d~pal'tllJeDt at WashingtoD, at ~

8.laryof $820 B year. moering Cnrs on night tmin,.

I·._~: __ J -- ,-- , "EMPEROR --W-=-. -AY-··-send-s & --Le~H--t-h.llll ~rEX I-IO-U U.S_t 0 St. PHU} by . Call and see liS befol'e l)llrchIlSill~ Elsllwl!ere. present to eacu of hi. great grand- the f"sllllnil. ihLiI\, frolll 8iollx Cil)'.

children every Saturday night. He Connecj.ion mndc in Gnion Depot w:tb ,:,,==,,==~,==~~===oo,m:.:.=.=_,'lU=·=hll='=Iil=U.=I!='b=b=U=ll=d!=U=g= •• ::'=t='ld=.=M=~=U:;:,te=.=t=. ======= I shows almost' femini'ne am~ction fo[ ~AND~ ~~'~~iIBi~i{f~.t [~~~1fV~~'I~t~. r';' their tath~r. Pl'inoe ~_llliam.

JOfIN S. LEWIS, JR .• ""c~cc Ma-1ilifliiittfrcfora:ifitUe,rleri rr 2

-'Harness -:- and -:- Saddle.s :'i;'I'!+jd'~~~~t ~iul~;eon;bs, Bl'lIshes, Blankets, Tl'nn]ul ValiSe!!,'

GadSden county. -Florid~. h-a-ve-a- tamHy Prloea 1:lle Lovv(~~~~ of- t·.he I-i::lnd: of nineteen ciloldl't:lll, fifteen boys and

"'1",,-ihw: ," _-:.:~~~=-=.-=-=~:-::: ___ . ______ ._._~ four girls. The olde~t child is 21 ~ - -- - -- --~---- - years nnd the yonngest 6 mC'nths of

~'Jtt_~~I()J(M 4~J(lBTS. I J~. F ...... _~~~L._· ___ .. _1_·_ge.

~laCkSml· ths 1 PROF. MAHY W. \VHITNEY, who DJ.u • Back s mi th, takes Prof. Marl" lI1:LchoU's pl.ca al

c..:.,,-":LI~:·-~." !: II",.,; .. " l'~b~"lka. Va.ssar colle~tl, Is all nlumna ofVusaar,

, "'II#~!~f~~~:;;~?~ $PECI'LTY Plow '~~~NE~~;~;;~'JYQrk ~~:}~~s~:;~::;:":!:~~::~"~ ~~e~h:t'~::.: --~~~;:.:T :,L~9L~t~u~D~I~lj'!'<>b."tch' __ u_ A Specialty. __ _

.• r:;':IE. McFlu·.laud. PERllI HYACIN'fH 811 d lately that If I I tho CIHtrch of Rome would gIve up ,I, rD' • t . P, W,:. O]'vlAN, inf.ilibility. allow pI'iosts 10 marry. Rud 11 I I ~lIlg rnlS render cbufession voluuLn,ry. it wonld, : ,,~., '0 , AUC·tl·'·O· 'ne' ·er'. rallytoilssid."lIIl thetl, ••• uLers Rnu I ;' i " " I all tho lukowann."

',' ,',' --J)eaJ.. 1II'SinWaU-Pllpel',. TIIREE jn,li.sol 'D~n cal lin!! them-l\ly ~~rvhws el\n nb\'tlys .-

I~al~ Side Maio Street. Corller a,'d. uy <1Illllng tilth. IbuAL!> solves the ':giddy young girls" started I ~l:. I 1 QJl Sntllrduj'fOl' a six wouks l trip ~'t'o , 7WA:YNE,N EBRASKA. WAYNE. N~c>.,~",,,.~ql'Ol'hl •. TIz.-T"""scril'/ adus: "Tue


Unimproved Land~

======--==== It,,lios Hre Mrs. Pliss Wi!liams. of Monl· Money Fu'rnishcd when Pa;pers are 'iT' ' ... ,:.. . - clah·. N. J .• 82 years old; Miss Jeputh. ' Mdt

'j .• ·'H E 0 IT. I Z E.N.S· ··8,A·N K. :~;~i~~~i,.oiI~::~~:~~i ~:,~a~o:·tl. cl~v~ -~ 0 ;;~;~y!Ol. . 68 years. They will ~i.!1.;.:Calob W.

·i,·!'!i"1U·h!:!:i~·!]H ,'. (tNCO:RPORATED,'j ." . I Harrison. of New"rlC; N. J .• at hi. Ifycu wish to geb a L~alion Ihe Best ' .. ' '!!II'1 ."i·"!""ip:~jl'l5: lJ peA P IT A L ~7 5;: winter home at Rock Lodge... 0 y Terms, O~'"

",1:.~~·tl~;.:I.;.L:,i" ,:,,:,'! "I!!&' .. ','" ..... , • 't',,'OpO. DR. ABA GR~. conslderab)e ,Cull on or Addr.,." .. ,

ii!jii;ifj.' .. lli.i!I'.il."~i:i.';ill;i!I!:rl:.!!::ii."I'·H ...... '.l .... :: .. ·.·:l!RP.L .. V.Iijl, 1!iI~~~~ .. Q .• l ... !.'I. ! fnnd of.h,lmol'. One slllrimer not long NORTHROP &' WELCH, ' 'li~·i·~.·'~·ilq~lUI,llH.1i1(lert, . .. D. C.'lIIMN,:Cnshier. _. 00 was wllh his pupils looking at

..• ·· .• i,·.I~," 0' o· ·.N, 'GRll'SLEY, Vice p. rea't. C. 13.' 1~li"~NClj;J 1'0 Ass't Crish. llitbVloniiinwilllo··,',-iili-tliollot,(,il. I l-col\!-·g)OleElens. woro-very ': I':'" ,<,,: ':,' " ", -~----- ·~::tR:.:morrcni:'·[S;-~ Dl·~_Gl'IlY. 1'(Igarl.liug them

----A.ttOHH.';yS-llt-I,".W.----: . WAnm, N~lnl.ABJ~A, ',' i IfV.;~~:.:Sweht,~.el; " : A. A. Welch, . Jmnes Pllul, D. C. l\fnin. for a mOlDOUt. remarked:

i,;:,li~ii.;JiJ~:;'~ :l!l~lh·son.o.rl~Yl,CY, . " A. L. TI)ckcr.. . :0, B: Fl'~,:ch. ~r,; nil I have to say Is tbnt if-the JONES .. & ELI~IS. '" 'jlmv~~Y" Q'I'I and Ii) Lolln on the most Favorable Terms. ohiluren otIsrael hung their harps on

.', I;'"~ tha willows of Babylon whell they sal Ll' very- .. ..n-nd-. C/ill 'And SaeU s. down to woep. as Lbo soripLures tell -'"

l.iJ:weral iBankina Business Done. ~~:::S~;:~_l:::!!r~be:;o::w,s. e~·· 'Stable' . !.!Jt) only eX.lllple now loft in tha UnitoI! . ' I

I ' • D. C. l\L\lN, Caj:thi(lt. SLates & "oal aristocracy. 'I'lley do :;"~H~=~:-:;========~· """. = .. ,." .'-=:-''''=~=+.ru~lTItU]JiJll\":u'~iffitr:iimos;-t---::--'-:c..:::...-·c _L __ ~.;

do~nor & "HU, g: h .. a's, ~~~: .nou~~.e:~":~~:i~~~~~, ~;~:~:':~1I~~1~ - property. Lo m.ko Ihbm tho wotllthi.st

Dcnl~r8 in comUlunity in tile coulllry. llcsid~s

'RMM:ACHINERY ", ~agOns"Oarr~t\gE)S~

' .......... , .... '. and."i:~·,BindefS, '.' I: . "i"'; :." I·." 'i' '" ,"c' •• "

thl) laud reservation, which uolon~8 to them by 8 titre hanl to assm:. they h:wo about $7.00J,000 bo."u'ing [) pOl'

ceut. ,interest in the bands of the ~v:el'nment. They 1\r6 paid about 41250.000 R yoar ill oash. The entire

numbel'~ onlV 1.600. 8.0 tb.t Ibe,' . the ~ioh.~! budy ot pe~

the'· country.


THIS _o.OOD .OLD. ST.AND~SY Moompllshea tal eyerybody exactly whsl1so1atmcd Iklrit. Ouoo! the ressons tor the great popularit,'of the !tustang Liniment Is found In Ita unlTeI'Ml R-ppilcability. Everybodyne-eds Bueh n.medlolno.

The LumbermaDneedsltlncMeo(~dent. Trw' I1ou8ewlfe neE'ds It for genetllollCLll,1.lq use. Tbo Cu.unlernecds It tor his tcamsnU(l his own. The lUcchnnte needs It always on biM W<'>.rlt


The Fnrmer needs I~ ~n his uoue.e, hts stable, nnd lils-stock yard. ,J

The Steamboat mnD 01' tbo nC4J.tn~lln need9 1t In Uberal supply ailontllnd n.'1bcre.

The HOl"su.fnncler needs u .... a is b13 best trlend and so!cst reliance.

TlIe 8lollk.llrowe~needB It-It w111 savo hhn tllOusnnt1s o,t pollara and a world.ot tronble.

Tho Railroad mnn needs It Md wlll need rt &0

long Il'i' hlalUe Is a~ound ot 1lt.'Cfdllnts and dangers. Tbd lln.ck\VoodtnllaD n<lodsit. Tller~OIIIiUOth.

Ing like It as an antldoto tor the <If:ulge to'lUe, 11mb and comtortwhich surround the plone r. -The lUe.l·cbant needs II; I\bout ht$ stor amo~s

his' 'empjpY1?es. Ao,Xlldenm will happen, a~d when theso como the Mustang L1ntmen~ is wantl;ldj Monce.

Keclt 0. DoUle in ,hi) lIou&c. 'TLs tbe;.,. best 0' economy.

Keep nD!)Ul0 in the Factory. Itsfm,medlau

U;~j~~~l8~ o~~~~~~;n~f~~:,:J}!:~~ f~I:~I,~::t~~: une _\l'beD_ ~ .. nnt:c.d,--___ _

RICHLY HI~wm"l.;C!l uta tJl(>I'1) ~'ho TUfl.(\

thi!l Ulitl thou nd : thuy II ill fmel hLlllclnthllJ ('lUpl('.\·llI"lll tjULt will

not take thOin frOlll tIH'ir lJlllll{'~ Hml :C;'ullilioB, Too lJt'OtitR ur~ largo mu1 fHl1l' flJit' (',errilHlufitr:­ous peirsoll, llll.my hJlve nmd(l tllHbbrp llOW ~lHl~) g several btmdrcd duitm'" tt llWHtll. H if; (I(UW (m IUIV one to 1l111ko~;) IUH.! UlnVfLro,,, who i~ _wiilingtoworlr .. 1':1tlWl" bOX, YPlll) I tttl not n(leded; we fitnrt· Y().l. ' . l' N{) Blleclnl tl.hilit,yr(,(]llu:mi: )·011.

itnBw!llJIl>! lmyotw, \\rritutolls pal-ticnlaxl'l, wbie11 \Y(' Hutil itt". Bon & Co" Pot1ilund, Mll~n8.

ARBUCKLESi -Dftme-en- a -paokage of·GC).li'J .. li;J'&-j, ... '~·---, gtl.atanroe of excellence.

ARIOSA OOF1;'EE- is kept l!I all 1\rsr-ol .... stores from the Atlamio to tlw PadUa.-

COFFEE Is never good when e~oBed to tih.; a~.;-. Al wa ys buy this brand in hl&rmai:.r: • ~ { sol11ed ON~ POUN'D PACK)!.C '1-:-:::

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