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Hypothesis on Ulysses, Antonio Mercurio

Lucija Perkov, EJ 1-5

Interdisciplinary Study of Culture and Tourism, Juraj Dobrila University of, Pula

Department of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirkovic”,

Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Lucija Perkov

Interdisciplinary Study of Culture and Tourism, University of Juraj Dobrila, Pula.

Email: lperkov@unipu.hr

Mentor: Sunčana Tuksar Radumilo, prof.

Pula, 27-01-2014




Keeping in mind this initial theme that introduces the reader to the story that Ulysses

will tell of his odyssey, to me it seems only right to think that if we want to understand

Homer’s poem on a deep level, we must also consider that Ulysses’ journey after the fall of

Troy is a decision to leave the maternal dimension, and enter the paternal one with more

conviction. This time it is a radical decision, and it leads him not only from the maternal to

the paternal dimensions, but from the earthly one to a cosmic one, from the biological

father to the cosmic father. Ulysses’ return after Troy is like a deep regression that brings

Ulysses back to his intrauterine experience, to the intrauterine incest that had kept him tied

to his mother ever since that phase of his existence. He does this so that he can free himself

of this bond forever. The monsters that Ulysses encounters along the way are monsters that

he already met in his mother’s womb, and especially Polyphemus, the Laestrygonians, the

Sirens, Scylla, Charybdis, in some ways Circe and Calypso, and last of all the Suitors. Ulysses

must re-experience every aspect of the maternal dimension, relive it in all its drama and all

the pleasure that it can offer, so that he can then detach himself from it completely. He must

face the mother who devours and the mother that seduces and castrates, who wants to

devour his life and use him for her own needs. He must unmask his unconscious complicity

with this devouring and castrating mother, and he must muster all the courage he can find to

free himselfof her. This is an enormous task, much more real and challenging than the one

Hercules faces with his 12 labours. We must particularly underline one important aspect: the

gods ordered this regression. Zeus ordered it, and Athena and Hermes are always present

during the most crucial moments. It is a voyage through the abyss of the past and at the

same time, it is a flight towards infinite spaces impossible to imagine. Why is that Zeus and

Athena so intensely want Ulysses to make this journey and accomplish this passage? Here,

going from the maternal to the paternal dimension no longer means simply moving from the

sphere of influence of his mother Anticlea to that of his father Laertes. Here the passage is

even bigger; Ulysses must contact the Cosmic SELF so he can fulfill the purpose that he has

been assigned, the creation of secondary beauty, which the cosmic forces by themselves

cannot achieve. Their forces must combine with human forces to make it possible. It has to

do with the passage of Ulysses from this universe to other universes, something he can do

only with the immortal energy that secondary beauty is made of, a synthesis and

condensation of many types of energy combined together. All this cannot happen without

yet another, even more radical passage: to shift from the status of a mere victim of the many

woes the gods afflict on him, to that of an artist that knows how to transform his own life

and the life of the universe. Thus he can open up to all the infinite universes that are beyond

the limits of this universe.

Poseidon, the god of the sea, of water in general and the powerful symbol of the Great

Mother, is right when he wants to hinder Ulysses’ journey. The true reason behind

Poseidon’s hatred for Ulysses is not to vindicate Polyphemus, whom Ulysses blinded, as it

appears at first sight. The more significant reason is that Poseidon, the Great devouring

Mother, the mythical figure of the Ouroborus as described by E. Neumann, was himself

blinded and deceived by Ulysses while in the shape of Polyphemus. And not only does

Ulysses manage to leave the cave in which Polyphemus held him prisoner, but he manages

to free himself of the suffocating power that surrounds him, and prepares to leave the

womb of this universe and fly towards other universes, as the Cosmic Self wishes him to do.

Poseidon with his trident is the symbol of the phallic mother who believes she has the right

to life or death over her children. How can one not hate this type of mother, and worse, how

can one not adopt the defense mechanism of identifying with the aggressor? But we cannot

build life on hatred and on defense mechanisms. They hold up for a while and then fall to

pieces. Life must be based on love and not on hatred and guilt. Ulysses manages to solve the

problem at its core. For ten years, he travels by sea so he can meet the monsters created by

repressed hatred. After that, he travels by land until he finds complete forgiveness, radical

forgiveness. Forgiveness towards others and towards himself. Forgiveness towards his

mother and towards himself for having hated his mother for so long. Finding total

forgiveness means creating concordance between the conscious I and the unconscious I. In

this manner, there is peace and serenity, the beauty of life and, if there is concordance

between an I and a You, between an I and Others, between an I and the Cosmos, there is

secondary beauty. Ulysses finds it, and because of having found it, he ages happily.When,

during the massacre of the Suitors, we see Telemachus beside Ulysses, we see not only a son

who is fighting alongside his father. We also see Ulysses fighting alongside the Cosmic Self.

He is fighting to overcome the limitations that the laws of physics have assigned to this

universe and thus allow Life as it exists in this universe to fly off, now in immortal form,

towards new universes. It is a bit like what happened in remote times, when life, which had

developed in the oceans in vegetable and animal form, took an impossible flight, and

invaded the yet unexplored spaces of earth and sky. Ulysses with his powerful bow is a

symbol of Life, who shoots an arrow with absolute precision through the twelve axes, one

after the next.




Imajući na umu da ova početna tema uvodi čitatelje u Odisejeve pustolovine činilo mi

se da bi i meni i čitateljima najispravnije bilo shvatititi Homerove pjesme dubokoumnije, te

nužno uzeti u obzir da je Odisejevo putovanje nakon pada Troje ustvari odluka za

napuštanjem materinje dimenzije, ali ujedno i uvjerljiv ulazak u očinsku dimenziju. Ovaj put

donio je radikalnu odluku, koja ne samo da ga vodi od majčinske do očinske dimenzije, nego i

od zemaljske do kozmičke dimenzije, tj. od njegovog biološkog do kozmičkog oca. Odisejev

povratak nakon pada Troje vraća ga u unutarmaterično iskustvo nakon kojeg slijedi

unutarmaterični incest, koji ga na neki način vezuje za njegovu majku od te faze njegove

egzistencije na dalje. Odisej se odvažuje na putovanje kako bi raskinuo te spone jednom

zauvijek. Čudovišta s kojima se na tom putu susreće su ustvari čudovišta s kojima se susreo

još u maternici, osobito s Polifemom, divovima ljudožderima, Sirenama, sa Scilom i

Haribdom, Kirkom i Kalipsom, a naposlijetku i s proscima. Odisej iznova mora doživjeti svaki

aspekt majčinske dimenzije i proživjeti ga kroz vlastitu dramu i sva zadovoljstva koja pruža,

kako bi se u konačnici u potpunosti odvojio od tih aspekata. Mora se suočiti s majkom koja

proždire, majku koja zavodi i kastrira, u cilju da u konačnici proguta i njegov osobni život, te

ga koristi za vlastite potrebe. Odisej mora razotkriti svoje vlastito nesvjesno sudjelovanje u

odnosu s majkom koja ga rastrgava i kastrira, te mora skupiti svu svoju hrabrosti da se

oslobodi od tog odnosa. To mu predstavlja golemi zadatak, veći nego Herkulovo suočavanje s

dvanaest kušnji. Potrebno je istaknuti jedan važan aspekt: bogovi su naredili ovu regresiju, tj.

Zeus ju je naručio, ali su i Atena i Hermes prisutni tijekom najkrucijalnijih trenutaka. Odiseja

je putovanje kroz ponor prošlosti, ali i u isto vrijeme let prema nezamislivim beskonačnim

prostorima. Zašto Zeus i Atena ipak žarko žele da Odisej uspije na svom putovanju? Odlazak

iz majčinske u očinsku dimenziju više ne znači samo promjenu sfere, od utjecaja njegove

majke Antikleje do ujecaja njegova oca Laerta, već prolazi kroz nešto veće: Odisej mora

dotaknuti kozmičkog sebe da bi mogao ispuniti svrhu koja mu je predodređena, stvoriti

sekundarnu ljepotu koju kozmičke sile same po sebi ne mogu postići. Njihove snage moraju

se kombinirati s ljudskim snagama kako bi se to omogućilo. To se povezuje s Odisejevim

odlaskom iz ovog svemira u druge svemire, što može učiniti samo uz besmrtnu energiju koju

crpi iz sekundarne ljepote, koja je napravljena od sinteze i kondenzacije mnogih vrsta

energija u kombinaciji. Sve to nemože se dogoditi bez jednog, još radikalnijeg poteza: pomak

od statusa puke žrtve koju su bogovi opteretili poteškoćama, do umjetnika koji zna

transformirati vlastiti život, ali i život svemira. Na taj način on je u mogućnosti otvoriti se

beskonačnim svemirima koji se nalaze izad granica ovog svemira. Posejdon, bog mora i

općenito vode u pravu je kad želi omesti Odisejevo putovanje. Pravi razlog Posejdonove

mržnje prema Odiseju nije nametanje pravde zbog toga što je oslijepio Polifema, kako se čini

na prvi pogled. Mnogo značajniji razlog je taj da je posesejdon ustvari Velika proždiruća

Majka, mitski lik Urubor, koji se je oslijepio sam, prevaren od strane Odiseja dok je imao

oblik Polifema, kao što je opisao E. Neumann. Osim što se Odisej uspijeva osloboditi iz pećine

u koju ga je Polifem zatočio, već se uspijeva osloboditi od zagušujuće sile koja ga okržuje te

se sprema napustiti utrobu ovog svemira i poletjeti ka drugim svemirima, kao što to

kozmičko „Ja“ želi od njega. Posejdon sa svojim trozupcem simbol je falične majke koja

vjeruje da ima pravo odlučivati o životu ili smrti svoje djece. Kako ne mrziti ovaj tip majke ili

još gore usvojiti obrambeni mehanizam poistovječivanja s agresorom? No, ne možemo

graditi život na mržnji i obrambenom mehanizmu. Nakon toga on putuje Zemljom dok ne

nađe potpuni, radikalni oprost. Oprost prema drugima i oprost prema sebi, tj. oprost prema

sebi i prema svojoj majci koju je toliko dugo mrzio. Pronalaženje ukupnog oprosta znači

stvaranje sklada između svjesnog i nesvjesnog sebe. Na taj način stvara se mir i sklad –

ljepota življenja koja se stvara podudaranjem svjesnog i nesvjesnog sebe, između svjesti

drugih i između sebe i kozmosa u kojem obitava sekundarna ljepota. Odisej pronalazi

traženo i stari sretan jer je to uspio. Kad tijekom masakra nad proscima vidimo Telemaha

pokraj odiseja, ne samo da vidimo sina koji se bori uz oca, već također vidimo Odiseja koji se

bori uz Kozmičkog Sebe. On se bori da predvlada ograničenja koja su zakoni fizike odredili u

ovom Svemiru i na taj način omogućava životu koji postoji u ovom svemiru da odleti, sada u

obliku besmrtnog, prema novom svemiru. To pomalo nalikuje događaju iz davnih vremena,

kada je život, razvijen u oceanu iz životinjskih i biljnih oblika, preuzeo nemogući let i „napao“

još neistražene prostore neba i zemlje. Odisej sa svojim moćnim likom simbol je života koji

ispaljuje strelice s apsolutnom preciznošću mimo dvanaest sjekira, jednu za drugom.

The aspect of words

The aspect of word Maternal

Denotation Relating to or characteristic of a mother or


Polysemy Related through the mother's side of the family

Pronunciation mə-tûr nəl′

Connotation Of mother, relating to, derived from, or

characteristic of a mother

Socio-cultural associations Caring is aspect of the maternal dimension

Synonym Motherly

Collocation Maternal love

Maternal bond

Lexical chunks Maternal instinct

Word grammar Adverb, noun

Word formation Maternalisam, maternalistic

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse She's got maternal affection for her guest.

My maternal uncle is doctor.

The aspect of word Steep

Denotation Having an almost vertical slope or pitch,

or a relatively high gradient,as a hill, an a

scent, stairs, etc.

Polysemy Extreme or incredible, as a statement or


Pronunciation stiːp

Connotation Dangerous, slope, trundle; a hill or a road

where you have to be careful.

Socio-cultural associations Steep road

Synonym Infuse, permeate, bury, engulf

Collocation Too steep, , steep and cheap, pretty


Lexical chunks Pay a steep price

Word grammar Adjective , verb, noun

Word formation Steeped, steeps, steepness, steeply

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse The road going straight up means you're

facing a very steep challenge, but to

remember there is no challenge you can't

face if you use all of your abilities.

The aspect of word Paternal

Denotation Relating to or characteristic of a father or


Polysemy Related through the father's side of the family

Pronunciation pə-tûr nəl′

Connotation Of, relating to, derived from, or characteristic

of a father

Socio-cultural associations To be protective

Synonym fatherly

Collocation Paternal care

Lexical chunks Paternal family

Paternal education

Word grammar adverb

Word formation paternalisam (noun)

paterrnalistic (adjective)

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse A paternal bond refers to the relationship

between a father and his child.

The aspect of word Erroneous

Denotation Ideas or information that are wrong and based

on facts that are not correct.

Polysemy Incorrect, wrong

Pronunciation ɪˈrəʊniəs

Connotation Something what is false.

Socio-cultural associations Something what is done wrong.

Synonym inaccurate, inexact, untrue, untruthful, false,


Collocation Erroneous zones

Lexical chunks Erroneous assumptions

Erroneous impression

An erroneous

Word grammar Adjective

Word formation Erroneously, erroneousness

Register Formal

How word is used in discourse Scientists sometimes make erroneous


The aspect of word Conviction

Denotation A fixed or firm belief.

Polysemy The act or process of convincing.

Pronunciation kuh n-vik-shuh n

Connotation the act of convincing

Socio-cultural associations the act of moving a person by argument or evid

ence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course


Synonym Persuasion, assurance

Collocation Power of conviction

Lexical chunks Conviction for....

Carry conviction

Word grammar Noun, adjective

Word formation Convictional

Register Formal

How word is used in discourse No clever argument, no persuasive fact or

theory could make a dent in his convictionin

the rightness of his position.

The aspect of word Marvel

Denotation Something that is veryimpressive

Polysemy To feel and express great surprise or

admiration at something

Pronunciation mɑːrv ə l

Connotation /

Socio-cultural associations Something extraordinary, innovative, amazing

and astonishing

Synonym Fhenomenon, sensation

Collocation Living marvel

Lexical chunks What a marvel day

Word grammar noun , adjective

Word formation marveled, marvelously, marvelousness,


Register Informal

How word is used in discourse Marvel thing happen, he won a battle.

The aspect of word Radical

Denotation Arising from or going to the root or source.

Holding especially political views that deviate

drastically and fundamentally from convention

al or traditional beliefs.

Polysemy basic, essential; original, innate, ingrained

Pronunciation rad-i-kuh l

Connotation It emphasizes the idea of going to the root

of a matter, andthis often seems immoderate

in its thoroughness or completeness

Socio-cultural associations radical ideas; radical changes or reforms

Synonym complete, unqualified, thorough; drastic, exces

sive,immoderate, violent

Collocation /

Lexical chunks Radical change

Radical ideas

Word grammar Adverb, noun, adjectiv

Word formation Radical, radicalness , radically

Register Formal

How word is used in discourse Radical is a person who has radical ideas

or opinions.

The aspect of word Sink

Denotation To fall or drop to a lower level.

Polysemy A basin for water.

Pronunciation Sĭng k

Connotation To have fail.

Socio-cultural associations To drop or fall slowly.

Synonym Pass, dropp down

Collocation Sink deep into it

Lexical chunks Sink into

Didn’t sink at allWord grammar Noun, verb

Word formation sunk, sinking, sinks

Register Formal, unformal

How word is used in discourse

He listened to what Langeron said, as if remarking, "So you are

still at that silly business!" quickly closed his eye again, and let

his head sink still lower.

The aspect of word Regression

Denotation The act of going back to a previous place or sta

te; return or reversion

Polysemy /

Pronunciation ri-gresh-uh n

Connotation reversion to an earlier or less advanced state or

form or to a common or general type

Socio-cultural associations defensive reaction to some unaccepted


Synonym Retrogression, reversion

Collocation Regression toward

Lexical chunks A regression of symptoms

Word grammar noun

Word formation regressive – adjective

Register Formal

How word is used in discourse A regressive tax is a tax imposed in such a

manner that the tax rate decreases as the

amount subject to taxation increases

The aspect of word Intrauterine

DenotationWithin the womb

Polysemy /

Pronunciation in-truh-yoo-ter-in

Connotation located or occurring within the uterus.

Socio-cultural associations located in uterus.

Synonym /

Collocation Intrauterin life

Lexical chunks /

Word grammar adjectiv

Word formation /

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse The Food and Drug Administration has

approved the intrauterine device Mirena.

The aspect of word Encounter

Denotation A meeting, especially one that is unplanned,

unexpected, or brief.

Polysemy /

Pronunciation ĕn-koun tər′

Connotation encountered an old friend on the street

Socio-cultural associations To confront in battle or contention

Synonym meeting

Collocation Encounter yourself

Lexical chunks Encounter many obstacles

Encounter with...

Word grammar noun

Word formation Encounter - verb

Register formal

How word is used in discourse Perhaps the biggest shock most students are

bound to encounter once they

reach college involves majors.

The aspect of word


Denotation To pass over or through a surface or medium with a continuous


Polysemy To clean or to move quickly something.

Pronunciation swːp

Connotation To search for and remove (electronic eavesdropping devices) from a place.

To search thoroughly.

To pass quickly across, as when searching.

 To move swiftly or broadly.

To win decisively in contest.

Socio-cultural associations

Cleaning with a broom.

Synonym Clean, mop

Collocation Sweep the board, chimney sweep

Sweep of feet

Lexical chunks Sweep aside

Sweep down

Sweep under

Seep account

Word grammar Noun, verb

Word formation Sweept, sweeping

Register Neutral

How word is used in discourse

A membrane sweep is a way of bringing on labour when you're overdue.

The aspect of word Womb

Denotation A place where something is generated.

Polysemy Be inside something

Pronunciation wo̅o̅m

Connotation An encompassing, protective hollow or space

Socio-cultural associations Any place or part that holds, envelops,


Synonym Core, the belly

Collocation Womb of problem

Lexical chunks Mother womb.

Word grammar Noun


Word formation Womb


Register Formal


How word is used in discourse A drop in the level of the womb during the last

weeks of pregnancy, as the head of the fetus

engages in the pelvis.

The aspect of word Detach

Denotation To separate or unfasten

Polysemy /

Pronunciation dĭ-tăch′

Connotation Remove from association or union with


Socio-cultural associations To send on a special mission

Synonym Separate, disconect

Collocation Detached house

Lexical chunks Remain detached

Word grammar verb

Word formation Detachability – noun

Detachable- adjective

Detachably – adverb

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse Detached from reality and looks like a draft of

yet another utopia.

The aspect of word Devouring

Denotation ardently or excessively desirous; e.g. To

consume food really fast and inaproppriate

Polysemy Eat fast

Pronunciation dĭ-vour′

Connotation To destroy, consume, or waste

Socio-cultural associations To swallow

Synonym Eating, destroying, consuming

Collocation Devoured by jealousy

Lexical chunks Devour like a....

Devour greedily

Word grammar verb

Word formation devourer - noun

devouringly - adverb

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse As scavengers and predators, gulls are known

to ravage the nests of sea birds, devouring eggs

and young when sea food and refuse is scarce.

The aspect of verb Profound

Denotation Entering deeply into subjects of thought or

knowledge; having deep insight or


Polysemy very serious

Pronunciation prə'faʊnd

Socio-cultural associations The profound depths of the ocean.

Synonym meaningful, sagacious, deep

Collocation A profound thinker

Lexical chunks A profound silence

A profound thougts

Word grammar

Word formation

Adjective, noun

Profounder, profoundest

How word is used in discourse And like so many people, 9/11 affected me dee

ply and changed my life in aprofound way.

The aspect of word Muster (mŭs tər)′

Denotation To cause to come together;


Polysemy Call (troops) together , the courage to do


Connotation To bring into existence or readiness;

summon up

Socio-cultural associations To assemble or gather

Synonym ally, summon, come up

Collocation Pass muster

Lexical chunks muster out, muster in

Word grammar

Word formation

Noun, verb

Muster, mustering, mustered

How word is used in discourse The club can muster 20 members.

The aspect of word Crucial

Denotation Extremely significant or important

Polysemy Important, necessary

Pronunciation kro̅o̅ shəl′

Connotation involving a big decision; of the greatest


Socio-cultural associations very important

Synonym decisive

Collocation crucial questions

Lexical chunks Crucial moment

Crucial decision

Word grammar Adjective


Word formation Crucially


Register Formal


How word is used in discourse At the crucial moment, his nerve failed.

The aspect of word Abyss

Denotation An immeasurably deep chasm, depth, or void

Polysemy Hell, hopeless

Pronunciation ə-bĭs′

Connotation The primeval chaos out of which it was

believed that the earth and sky were formed

Socio-cultural associations the lowest or most hopeless depths

Synonym dephts

Collocation Abysses of space and time

Lexical chunks Bottomless abyss

Word grammar noun

Word formation /

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse Lost in the vast abysses of space and time.

The aspect of word Synthesis

Denotation The combining of separate elements or

substances to form a coherent whole

Polysemy /

Pronunciation sĭn thĭ-sĭs′

Connotation Reasoning from the general to the particular

Socio-cultural associations synthetic reasoning

Synonym Combination, integration

Collocation Reasoning, seperating than combining

Lexical chunks Synthesis of the approach

Synthesis of elements

Word grammar noun

Word formation Syntesize –verb

Syntetic – noun, adjective

Register Formal


How word is used in discourse Cholesterol synthesis can also be turned off

when cholesterol levels are high.

The aspect of word Condensation

Denotation Condensation is the process by which water

vapor in the air is changed into liquid water.

Polysemy The act or process of making something

(such as a piece of writing) shorter : the

act or process of condensing something

Pronunciation kän-ˌden-ˈsā-shən

Connotation Opposite of evaporation.

Socio-cultural associations Liquid being changed into gas

Synonym Compacting, compaction, compression,

constriction, contracting,

squeezing, telescoping

Collocation Taught-condensation

Lexical chunks A condensation of ...

Found condensation

Word grammar Noun, verb

Word formation Condensation, condensing

Register Formal, informal

How word is used in discourse When we heat the house in the

winter, condensation forms on the


The aspect of word Afflict

Denotation To distress with mental or bodily pain;

trouble greatly or grievously.

Polysemy a. To overthrow; defeat.

a. To humble.b.

Pronunciation ə-ˈflikt

Connotation /

Socio-cultural associations To cause suffering or unhappiness to;

distress greatly.

Synonym Vex, harass, torment

Collocation Be afflicted with

Lexical chunks Afflict some parts of ...

Afflict men

Afflict society

Word grammar Verb, adjective

Word formation Aflict, aflictive, afflicted

How word is used in discourse  So performance anxiety must afflict writers as

well as actors.

The aspect of word Aggressor

Denotation A person, group, or nation that attacks first or

initiates hostilities; anassailant or invader.

Polysemy Initiator

Pronunciation ə-grĕs ər′

Connotation One who starts a hostile action.

Socio-cultural associations One that engages in aggression.

Synonym Invider, rider, attacker

Collocation /

Lexical chunks Potential aggressor

Since the aggressor

Word grammar Noun, adverb

Word formation Aggressor, aggressively

Register Formal

How word is used in discourse The Baron was the aggressor by raising his stick

at me.

The aspect of word Hatred

Denotation The feeling of one who hates; intense dislike

or extreme aversion or hostility.

Polysemy /

Pronunciation hāitrĭd

Connotation Intense animosity or hostility.

Socio-cultural associations A feeling of intese dislike; enmity.

Synonym Enemity, odium, antipathy

Collocation Ignorance can breed hatred.

Lexical chunks Full of hatered

Hatred fills

Word grammar Noun

Word formation Hate, hatered

Register Formal

How word is used in discourse Hatred, for the man who is not engaged in it,

is a little like the odour of garlic for one who

hasn't eaten any.

The aspect of word Concordance

Denotation A harmonious state of things in general and of

their properties (as of colors and sounds);

congruity of parts with one another and with

the whole.

Polysemy An index of all main words in a book along with

their immediate contexts.

Pronunciation kon-kawr-dns

Connotation Being of one mind, harmonized.

Socio-cultural associations It can describe things that are in harmony.

Synonym Harmony

Collocation /

Lexical chunks Concordance of the ...

Word grammar Noun


Word formation Concord


Register Formal, neutral

How word is used in discourse Her eye fell upon a concordance, lying where s

he had left it on that evening of indecision

and perplexity.

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