Hydrogen production from catalytic steam reforming of ......Supported Ni catalysts have been investigated for hydrogen production from steam reforming of glycerol. Ni loaded on Al

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    Hydrogen production from catalytic steamreforming of glycerol over various supported nickelcatalysts

    Nurul Huda Zamzuri a, Ramli Mat b, Nor Aishah Saidina Amin b,*,Amin Talebian-Kiakalaieh b

    a Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), Research Institute on Sustainable Environment (RISE),

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysiab Chemical Reaction Engineering Group (CREG), N01-Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi

    Malaysia, 81310 UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 16 October 2015

    Received in revised form

    4 May 2016

    Accepted 10 May 2016

    Available online 30 May 2016


    Glycerol to hydrogen

    Catalytic conversion

    Steam reforming


    * Corresponding author.E-mail address: noraishah@cheme.utm.m

    http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.05.00360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publicati

    a b s t r a c t

    Supported Ni catalysts have been investigated for hydrogen production from steam

    reforming of glycerol. Ni loaded on Al2O3, La2O3, ZrO2, SiO2 and MgO were prepared by the

    wet-impregnation method. The catalysts were characterized by nitrogen adsorptionede-

    sorption, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The characterization results

    revealed that large surface area, high dispersion of active phase on support, and small

    crystalline sizes are attributes of active catalyst in steam reforming of glycerol to hydrogen.

    Also, higher basicity of catalyst can limit the carbon deposition and enhance the catalyst

    stability. Consequently, Ni/Al2O3 exhibited the highest H2 selectivity (71.8%) due to small

    Al2O3 crystallites and large surface area. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) could

    accurately predict the experimental results with R-square ¼ 0.868 with only 4.5% error. Thehighest H2 selectivity of 86.0% was achieved at optimum conditions: temperature ¼ 692 �C,feed flow rate ¼ 1 ml/min, and water glycerol molar ratio (WGMR) 9.5:1. Also, the optimi-zation results revealed WGMR imparted the greatest effect on H2 selectivity among the

    reaction parameters.

    © 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    Limited amounts of fossil fuels, especially petroleum, and

    concurrent environmental problems associated with green-

    house gases have prompted the world to look for clean sus-

    tainable resources as alternatives to meet increasing energy

    y (N.A. Saidina Amin).84ons LLC. Published by Els

    demands [1]. Among the renewable energy, biodiesel is widely

    used and appears to be promising and feasible to reduce the

    impact on CO2 emissions [2]. One of the main obstacles for

    worldwide production of biodiesel is its production costs [3].

    Thus, production of value-added chemicals such as hydrogen

    from glycerol which is the main by-product of biodiesel pro-

    duction process significantly reduces the biodiesel production

    evier Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • i n t e rn a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 89088

    costs [4]. Hydrogen is considered as a clean fuel of future due

    to its excellent energy storage capacity (33 kW h/Kg) [5]. Also,

    it can be considered as secondary energy source because it can

    be converted to energy (heat or electricity) by combustion or

    electrochemical reactions [6].

    Hydrogen can be produced from thermo-catalytic decom-

    position and single step anaerobic of methane [7e10]. The

    most commonly used technology for hydrogen production

    from glycerol is the steam reforming process, similar to the

    conventional hydrocarbon steam reforming [11,12]. The

    reforming reactions of glycerol for hydrogen production are

    listed in Equations (1)e(5). A two-step global reaction equation

    in which the carbohydrate (glycerol) undergoes thermal

    decomposition is presented in the first reaction (Eq. (1)) to

    form CO and H2. The CO then reacts with steam (oxidizer) in

    the water-gas shift reaction (Eq. (2)) to form CO2 and addi-

    tional H2.

    C3H8O3�����!H2O 3COþ 4H2 (1)

    COþH2O4CO2 þH2 (2)Reactions (1) and (2) can be added to obtain eq. (3):

    C3H8O3 þ 3H2O/3CO2 þ 7H2 (3)Some H2 is lost via methanation of carbon monoxide (CO)

    and carbon dioxide (CO2) as shown in Eqs (4) and (5).

    COþ 3H24CH4 þH2O (4)

    CO2 þ 4H24CH4 þ 2H2O (5)Steam reforming of glycerol has been investigated over a

    wide variety of supported metal catalysts (Ru, Rh, Ni, Ir, Co, Pt,

    Pd and Fe) [13e17]. The activity, product distribution and

    catalyst stability have been found to be dependent upon the

    catalyst composition, support material, catalyst preparation

    and pre-treatment technique and reaction conditions. Appli-

    cation of noble metal based catalysts registered promising re-

    sults (high activity and hydrogen selectivity) in glycerol steam

    reforming reaction. However, the main obstacle for industri-

    alization of this process is the exorbitant cost of noble metal-

    based catalysts synthesis and preparation. Thus, the majority

    of researchers have focused on the low cost materials such as

    copper, cobalt, and nickel. As a result, nickel based catalysts

    have attracted much attention due to their higher activity and

    lower costs compared to the other transition metals [17].

    Nickel is known to have high capability of breaking the

    CeC bonds and promoting the water-gas shift reactions and

    thus increasing the hydrogen production [17,18]. For reform-

    ing reactions, high-surface area catalysts are used [19]. The

    major roles of the supports are to prepare and preserve ther-

    mally stable, well-dispersed catalytic phases during the re-

    action. The supports are typically porous, high surface area

    metal -oxides or carbon [20].

    The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of

    supported nickel catalysts that could deliver stable perfor-

    mance for the steam reforming of glycerol. In an attempt to

    achieve high hydrogen selectivity, the effects of operating

    conditions and supported catalyst properties are studied. The

    catalysts are characterized with BET, XRD and SEM.

    Optimization studies have been conducted by applying cen-

    tral composite design (CCD) under the response surface

    methodology (RSM). RSM is one of the methods to analyse the

    significance or the influence of the factors on the response

    [21]. This method is useful since it can reduce the number of

    experiments and consequently the cost and time consumed.

    The variation of process conditions (reaction temperature (T),

    feed flow rate (FFR), water glycerol molar ratio (WGMR)) which

    could affect the responses (H2 selectivity and glycerol con-

    version) were evaluated within the range. Subsequently, the

    H2 selectivity at the optimum conditionswas also evaluated in

    this study.


    Catalyst preparation

    Calculated quantities of nickel nitrate hexahydrate

    [Ni(NO3)2.6H2O] were dissolved in deionisedwater tomake the

    precursor solution for a total nickel loading of 10 wt%. The

    nitrate solution was added to the supports particles, Al2O3,

    La2O3, ZrO2, SiO2 and MgO respectively. The solution was

    stirred continuously for 3 h and then dried in the oven at

    110 �C overnight before calcination for 5 h at 500 �C.

    Catalyst characterization

    The structures of the catalysts were determined by using X-

    Ray Diffraction (XRD). XRD patterns were measured at Mak-

    mal Sains Bahan, UTM Johor Bahru using standard Bragg-

    Brentano geometry with Ni-filtered Cu Ka radiation

    (l1 ¼ 1.54056 �A). The spectra were collected for a 2q range of10e90� using a step size of 0.05 and a count time of 1 s. Themorphology and elemental analysis of nickel catalysts on

    different supports were observed by Scanning Electron Mi-

    croscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX). The anal-

    ysis was performed in Hitachi S-4000 microscope with a cold

    field emission gun and an energy dispersive energy detector.

    The surface area of the catalyst samples was determined

    using BrunauereEmmeteTeller (BET) method using a Micro-

    meritics ASAP 2010.

    Catalyst performance testing

    The performance of the catalysts was tested in a continuous

    flow process using quartz tube in a fixed bed reactor as illus-

    trated in Fig. 1. For each reaction test, 0.3 g of the calcined

    catalyst was diluted with equal amount of inert silica carbide

    (SiC). The catalysts were reduced at 500 �C in 100 ml/min of10% H2/N2 for 1 h. The bed temperature was heated to the

    desired reaction temperature, in 100% N2 flow as the carrier

    gas. Glycerol and water mixture of 6:1 water to glycerol molar

    ratio (WGMR) was introduced into the vaporizer unit using a

    high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) pump. Themolar

    ration of N2 to glycerol was 1:1.6. As the injector was housed in

    the furnace, the mixture was heated at 300 �C to vaporize itand was subsequently mixed with diluting N2 stream. The

    total molar flow rate of the feed mixture was kept constant at

    100 ml/min. The reaction was carried out at atmospheric


  • Fig. 1 e Catalytic testing fixed-bed reactor rig set-up.

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 8 9089

    pressure. The gaseous products were cooled in a condenser

    (cold trap consisting of isopropanol and water in series in an

    ice bath) and the liquid product was then collected. The

    gaseous products continuously flowed into the silica bed and

    analysed by the gas chromatography (GC).

    The product gases passed through amoisture trap before it

    was analysed using gas chromatograph (GC6890 e Agilent

    Technologies) equipped with TCD with Carboxen-1010 capil-

    lary column (30 m � 0.5 mm � 0.32 mm). The duration of re-action was 5 h and the products were measured online at

    30 min interval. Also, the liquid products in the condensate

    were identified using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrom-

    eter (GC-MS-QP20105 (Shimadzu), equipped with a column of

    rtx-wax (30m� 1 mm� 0.32mm)). The catalysts performanceswere calculated based on the H2 selectivity and glycerol con-

    version. Un-reacted water, glycerol and other liquids formed

    during the reaction were collected from the condenser and

    analysed for determining the glycerol conversion.

    H2 Selectivityð%Þ ¼ H2 moles producedTotal C atoms in gaseous products�1RR

    � 100


    where RR is H2/CO2 reforming ratio. In the case of glycerol

    steam reforming process the ratio is 7/3.

    The glycerol conversion in gas phase is calculated by

    Equation (7) [16]:


    � phase Glycerol conversion ð%ÞTotal C atoms in gaseous productsC atoms in the feedstock


    The selectivity of species i ¼ CO, CO2, C2H4, C2H6 and CH4are calculated based on equation (8):

    Selectivity of i ð%Þ ¼ C atoms in species iTotal C atoms in gaseous products

    � 100 (8)

    Meanwhile, the yield of hydrogen is calculated by equation


    Yield of H2ð%Þ ¼ Gas� phase Glycerol Conversion� H2 Selectivityð%Þ (9)

    Indeed, the main focus of this study is on gas-phase

    products including H2, CH4, CO, and CO2 similar to the ma-

    jority of previous studies in this field [12,16,17,22].

    Experimental design

    Two-level full factorial design (23) was applied in this study

    with three factors that have significant effects on the

    hydrogen selectivity and glycerol conversion from steam

    reforming process. The effect of reaction temperature (X1),

    feed flow rate, FFR (X2) and water glycerol molar ratio, WGMR

    (X3) were investigated at three different levels (low, medium

    and high) and coded as (�1, 0, and þ1), respectively as tabu-lated in Table 1.

    Statistical analysis of the responses was performed using

    Statsoft. Statistica software version 8.0. The mathematical

    models for H2 selectivity and glycerol conversion were

    established by using the method of least squares as given in

    Eq. (9):


  • Table 1 e Experimental design layout in coded variables.

    Factors Symbol Range and levels

    �1 0 þ1Reaction temperature,

    T (�C)X1 600 650 700

    Feed flow rate,

    FFR (ml/min)

    X2 0.5 1.0 1.5

    Water glycerol molar

    ratio, WGMR

    X3 3 6 9

    i n t e rn a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 89090

    Yi ¼ b0 þ b1c1 þ b2c2 þ b3c3 þ b12c1c2 þ b13c1c3 þ b23c2c3 þ b11c21þ b22c22 þ b33c33


    where the responses for hydrogen selectivity and glycerol

    conversion are Y1 and Y2 respectively. X1, X2 and X3 are the

    coded values of the test variables for reaction temperature,

    feed flow rate (FFR) and water glycerol molar ratio (WGMR),

    respectively. The terms b0 is the offset term; b1, b2, and b3 the

    linear terms; b12, b12, and b23 the interaction terms; and b11, b22,and b33 the squared terms.

    Results and discussion

    Catalyst characterization

    X-ray diffraction (XRD)The XRD profiles of Ni/La2O3, Ni/MgO, Ni/ZrO2, Ni/SiO2 and Ni/

    Al2O3 catalysts calcined at 500 �C are illustrated in Fig. 2. Eachcatalyst exhibits, besides the respective support peaks, three

    peaks at 2q: 37.2�, 43.3� and 63.7� which correspond to thecharacteristic of NiO crystalline phase (JCPDS 44-1159) [17].

    Generally, the Ni on the support (La2O3, ZrO2, Al2O3, and MgO)

    is highly dispersed except for SiO2 which displays sharp peak

    of bunsenite NiO. In particular, the XRD spectrum attributed

    to the Ni/La2O3 catalyst did not show clear and large peak of Ni

    due to the high dispersion of 10 wt% Ni on La2O3 support.

    Indeed, a high concentration of Ni is required to saturate the

    surface of the support. Similarly, Cui et al. [23] reported that

    only >15 wt% Ni loading can saturate the La2O3 surface anddetected by XRD. However, Song and co-workers [24]

    mentioned that no lanthanum nickelate was observed in the

    XRD characterization because the interaction between Ni and

    the support was only limited to near the surface catalyst and

    did not form a bulk compound. Intensity peaks at 37�, 43� and63.4� correspond to MgO while those at 74.9� and 78.8� corre-spond to MgNiO2. It was difficult to differentiate NiO peaks

    from MgO because the XRD patterns of NiO and MgO are very

    close to each other and the NiO concentration was much

    lower thanMgO [25]. The spectrum for support ZrO2 highlights

    the main peaks characteristic of the monoclinic phase at 2q:

    28.2�, 31.5�, 49.3� and 50.2�. Finally, the diffraction peak relatedto the bulk Al2O3 is identified to be at 18.75�, 36.9�, 44.2�, and67.3�. Similar to the Ni/La2O3 sample, Ni/Al2O3 also exhibited ahigh dispersion of Ni on the support. Li and Chen [26] reported

    that the diffusion of nickel ions during calcination into the

    alumina lattice sites is limited to the first few outer layers of

    the support, resulting in a material without three-

    dimensional long-range order.

    In addition, the crystalline size of Ni in supported cata-

    lysts is calculated using Scherrer's equation [27], DP ¼ 0:94:lb:Cosq,where Dp, l, b, and q are average crystalline size, X-ray

    wavelength, line broadening (Peak half-width) in radius, and

    diffraction angle, respectively. From the results, Ni/MgO

    with 29.7 nm and Ni/Al2O3 with 3.8 nm possessed the largest

    and smallest crystalline size, respectively while the other

    samples registered almost similar crystalline size

    (14.9e15.6 nm).

    BET surface areaThe textural characteristics of the supported Ni catalysts,

    derived from nitrogen physisorption isotherms and crys-

    tallite size from Scherrer equation are presented in Table 2.

    The highest BET surface area (169.8 m2/g) belongs to Ni/SiO2.

    The surface area of the prepared catalysts increased in the

    following order: Ni/La2O3 < Ni/ZrO2 < Ni/MgO < Ni/Al2O3 < Ni/SiO2. In general, the higher the surface area of acatalyst, the better is the reactivity since higher surface area

    provides larger contact area for the reactant gas [28]. How-

    ever, it is not the only factor affecting the catalyst reactivity.

    This suggests that even though the catalyst has low overall

    surface area it may have the highest amount of exposed

    active Ni [29].

    Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images in Fig. 3 were

    taken to observe the dispersion of the metals on the supports.

    Small dispersion of Ni on the supports was observed in Fig. 3a,

    c and d. Large crystallite of Ni/MgO is evident in Fig. 3b.

    Generally, metals exhibit aggregated particles with small and

    uniform sizes. Also, the images exhibited well developed

    microstructure with uniform colour density. The bright parts

    were identified as Ni-rich area. In SEM images, Ni species

    appears as roughly spherical particles embedded in the sur-

    rounding complex matrix. In studying this interaction, we

    observed in Fig 3e that alumina has a greater capacity for

    nickel ions than the other supports and that alumina interacts

    more strongly with nickel ions. Therefore, the quasi-meshy

    structure may be attributed to the nature of the nickel sup-

    ported on alumina by impregnation technique [30]. This is

    because the strong interactions of nickel nitrate with alumina

    on the support surface form such a new structure. In addition,

    agglomerated nickel particles might contribute stable perfor-

    mance for hydrogen production by glycerol steam reforming


    Catalyst screening performance

    In the present work, Ni catalyst impregnated with five

    different supports (La2O3, Al2O3, ZrO2, SiO2 and MgO) were

    screened at 650 �C, FFR ¼ 1 ml/min and WGMR ¼ 6. Fig. 4adepicts the H2 selectivity of all the catalysts tested. Ni/Al2O3registered the highest H2 selectivity (71.8%) at 650 �C in 5 hreaction time. The catalyst overall activity increased in the

    following order: SiO2 < MgO < ZrO2 < La2O3 < Al2O3.


  • Fig. 2 e XRD patterns of a) Ni/La2O3, b) Ni/MgO, c) Ni/ZrO2 d) Ni/SiO2 and e) Ni/Al2O3.

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 8 9091

    Furthermore, the small crystallite size of Ni/Al2O3 (3.8 nm)

    increased the catalyst activity for steam reforming of glycerol

    compared to the other supports. This observation is related to

    the dispersion of relatively large crystallites of nickel oxides

    Table 2e BET surface area and crystallite size of catalysts.

    Catalyst BET surface area (m2/g)a Crystallite size (nm)b

    Ni/La2O3 20.3 15.5

    Ni/ZrO2 31.0 15.6

    Ni/MgO 67.8 29.7

    Ni/Al2O3 123.4 3.8

    Ni/SiO2 169.8 14.9

    a Obtained from BET method.b Obtained from XRD analysis.

    responsible for the coke precursor adsorption [32]. Ni supported

    on Al2O3 catalyst has higher weight and atomic percentage

    with good selectivity of hydrogen for the reforming process [33].

    The smaller particle size of the catalyst led to higher catalyst

    dispersion and large surface area of the supported nickel -oxide

    based catalyst. These results agree with previous finding by

    Cheng et al. [34], inferring the most efficient ways to improve

    the reactivity for glycerol steam reforming is to usemetalswith

    high dispersion and large surface area. However, the sample

    with the largest surface area,Ni/SiO2 registered the lowest ac-

    tivity among the supported samples. This can be due to the low

    dispersion of Ni on support (SiO2) and large crystallite size as

    confirmed by the XRD results.

    Fig. 4b illustrates mixed results on glycerol conversion.

    This is because the reaction pathway is complex for each


  • Fig. 3 e Scanning electron microscopy of a) Ni/La2O3, b) Ni/MgO, c) Ni/ZrO2, d) Ni/SiO2 and e) Ni/Al2O3.

    i n t e rn a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 89092

    support and a number of undesirable side reactions occurred

    thus, producing several carbonaceous by-products [35].

    Furthermore, Dou et al. [36] explained high glycerol conver-

    sion with Ni/Al2O3 may be caused by the active support

    catalyst. The glycerol conversion for the reaction at 650 �Cwasin the order:

    SiO2 < ZrO2 < La2O3 < MgO < Al2O3.Table 3 lists the mean compositions of the products from

    these reactions. Ethylene and ethane gases were not observed

    over Ni supported on La2O3 and Al2O3. Methane (CH4) selec-

    tivitywas sensitive to the particle size of supported Ni, and the

    smaller nickel particles favoured lower amount of CH4 [37].

    Although the crystallite size of the Ni/La2O3 in this study is

    relatively large, it is evident its other characteristics attributed

    to the increased activity. Dehydration of glycerol to ethylene

    which usually contributed to rapid deactivation of the cata-

    lysts through coke formation was observed over Ni supported

    on ZrO2, SiO2 and MgO within the range of the operating

    conditions studied.

    Thermodynamic analysis of the water-glycerol system in-

    dicates that at equilibrium the only additional reaction prod-

    uct in the gas phase is methane, the formation of which is due

    to the hydrogenation of CO or also called methanation reac-

    tion (Eq. (4)). Since the decomposition of glycerol to CH4 is

    highly favourable during the reforming process, the Ni sup-

    ported on La2O3 and Al2O3 catalysts must have sufficient ca-

    pacity for reforming the produced CH4 into hydrogen and

    carbonmonoxide (reversed of Eqs. (4) and (5)) and the catalyst

    also must facilitate the water gas shift reaction to convert CO

    into CO2. Some of the major products in the liquid phase were


  • Fig. 4 e a) Hydrogen selectivity; b) Glycerol conversion (Reaction conditions: WGMR ¼ 6:1, FFR ¼ 1.0 ml/min, T ¼ 650 �C).

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 8 9093

    formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetic acid, acetol, and

    propylene glycol (data not shown). Based on the H2 selectivity

    and glycerol conversion, Ni/Al2O3 was the best performing

    catalyst in this study.

    Large surface area, high dispersion of active phase on

    support, and small crystalline sizes are attributes of active

    catalyst in steam reforming of glycerol to hydrogen. How-

    ever, some researchers reported that support basicity is the

    other important factor in catalyst activity. The basicity of

    bulk supports La2O3, MgO, TiO2, and SiO2 were 31, 9.8, 6.2,

    and 3.2 mmol/g.cat, respectively and ZrO2 and Al2O3 only

    exhibited trace of basicity [38]. Bulk ZrO2 and Al2O3 possessed

    more acidic sites than basic sites. In fact, ZrO2 and Al2O3possessed 0.2 and 1.6 mmol/g.cat acidity. Viinikainen et al.

    [39] and Fleyset al. [40] reported that higher basicity of cata-

    lyst can limit the carbon deposition and enhance the catalyst

    stability. The significant effect of basicity can clearly be seen

    in the activity of Ni/La2O3 sample with 68.3% hydrogen

    selectivity. In fact, the Ni/La2O3 registered the smallest sur-

    face area (20.3 m2/g) and the lowest weight percentage (4.7%)

    of Ni on the support. However, it performed the second

    highest hydrogen selectivity among the tested catalysts in

    this study. The La2O3 basicity is essential for better Ni dis-

    tribution on the support surface and to facilitate carbon

    gasification. Also, Mazumder and de Lasa [41] revealed that

    increasing the Ni loading from 10 to 20 wt% decreased the

    total basicity due to the partial blocking of basic sites by the

    impregnated nickel.

    Table 3 e Mean composition of gaseous products (%) of glycero

    Catalyst Glycerol con (%)

    H2 CH4

    Ni/La2O3 70 68.3 0.5

    Ni/Al2O3 80 75.1 4.0

    Ni/ZrO2 57 60.7 1.1

    Ni/SiO2 48 45.9 16.8

    Ni/MgO 73 55.4 12.8

    a Reaction conditions: T ¼ 650 �C; WGMR ¼ 6; TOS ¼ 5 h.

    Ni/La2O3, Ni/ZrO2and Ni/SiO2 were stable throughout the

    reaction period, whereas Ni/Al2O3, Ni/MgO unveiled catalyst

    deactivation with time on stream (Fig. 4a). The deactivation

    may be attributed to the increased crystallinity of support,

    sintering of metal particles, oxidation of metal sites and car-

    bon deposition as have been reported elsewhere [42e44]. For

    instance, Bartholomew et al. [42] reported carbon deposition

    caused Ni/Al2O3 catalyst deactivation. Also, Sad et al. [12]

    confirmed that the catalyst deactivation is mostly due to

    blockage of the active sites by coke precursors formed on

    surface acid sites thereby decreasing the rate of H2 produc-

    tion. Indeed, as we reported in Eqs. (4) and (5), production of H2reduced and CH4 increased via methanation of CO and CO2.

    Thus, based on the results reported in this section, Ni/Al2O3catalyst has been selected in the optimization of the process

    by Response Surface Methodology (RSM).

    Model analysis

    Response surface methodology was employed to analyse the

    interaction or relationship between the responses and the

    variables. The matrix for the experimental and predicted re-

    sults of glycerol conversion and hydrogen selectivity are given

    in Table 4. The H2 selectivity, Y1 and glycerol conversion, Y2are the responses for the tested variables in coded units: re-

    action temperature (x1), FFR (x2) and WGMR (x3). The second

    order polynomial models for H2 selectivity, Y1 and glycerol

    conversion, Y2 are as follows:

    l steam reforming over supported Ni catalystsa.

    Gaseous products (%)

    CO CO2 C2H4 C2H6

    3.5 27.7 e e

    8.3 12.6 e e

    4.3 26.1 5.2 2.6

    8.9 16.2 9.3 2.9

    5.6 16.8 4.6 4.8


  • Table 4 e The 23 factorial central composite design matrix in real and coded units and the experimental response values.

    NO X1 X2 X3 Experimental results RSM predicted results

    T FFR WGMR Glycerolconversion,

    Y2 (%)


    Y1 (%)

    HydrogenYield (%)


    Y2 (%)


    Y1 (%)

    1 600 0.5 3 58.6 74.2 43.5 62.8 74.8

    2 700 0.5 3 60.3 76.1 45.9 61.2 74.9

    3 600 1.5 3 52.9 70.6 37.4 55.8 69.9

    4 700 1.5 3 56.9 71.8 40.9 60.9 72.3

    5 600 0.5 9 74.1 85.5 63.4 73.8 83.7

    6 700 0.5 9 79.6 89.4 71.2 80.4 88.8

    7 600 1.5 9 57.4 72.9 41.8 60.2 72.8

    8 700 1.5 9 73.7 82.1 60.5 73.2 80.2

    9 565.9 1 6 68.5 75.7 51.9 64.6 76.3

    10 734.1 1 6 75.6 81.2 61.4 74.3 82.5

    11 650 0.16 6 74.1 80.6 59.7 72.6 81.8

    12 650 1.84 6 64.4 69.8 45.0 60.7 70.5

    13 650 1 0.95 58.6 69.6 40.8 53.2 69.5

    14 650 1 11.1 72.8 81.6 59.4 72.9 83.6

    15 650 1 6 72.2 80.4 58.1 72.4 80.4

    16 650 1 6 72.2 80.4 58.1 72.4 80.4

    17 650 1 6 72.2 80.4 58.1 72.4 80.4

    18 650 1 6 72.2 80.4 58.1 72.4 80.4

    19 650 1 6 72.2 80.4 58.1 72.4 80.4

    20 650 1 6 72.2 80.4 58.1 72.4 80.4

    i n t e rn a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 89094

    Y1 ¼ �44:0905þ 0:3546X1 � 28:6535X2 � 1:8333X3 þ 0:0655X1X2þ 0:0134X1X3 � 1:1250X2X3 � 0:0003X21 � 7:0177X22� 0:3217X23


    Y2 ¼ 6:8789þ 0:2093X1 � 14:1614X2 þ 0:1187X3 þ 0:0380X1X2þ 0:0058X1X3 þ 0:7500X2X3 � 0:0002X21 � 6:1025X22� 0:1552X23


    These models signified the adequacy between the

    observed and predicted results where the coefficient of

    Fig. 5 e Parity plot for a) hydrogen sele

    determination (R2) value for both H2 selectivity and glycerol

    conversion were closer to 1. The values of R2 were 0.868

    and 0.966 for H2 selectivity and glycerol conversion as

    shown in Fig. 5 indicating that 86.8% and 96.6% of the

    variability in the responses can be explained by the models.

    The empirical model is adequate to explain most of the

    variability in the assay reading which should be at least

    0.75 [45].

    The analysis of variance (ANOVA) as tabulated in Table 5

    was used to check the F-values by comparing it with the

    tabulated F-value. The tabulated F-value was used at high

    confidence level (95%) in order to obtain a good prediction

    model. The F-values for H2 selectivity and glycerol conversion

    are 4.39 and 18.93; respectively, higher than the tabulated F-

    ctivity and b) glycerol conversion.


  • Table 5 e Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for quadratic model.

    Sources Sum of squares(SS)

    Degree of freedom(DF)

    Mean squares(MS)

    F-value F0.05

    H2 selectivity model

    Regression (SSR) 915.13 9 101.68 4.39 >4.1Residual 139.02 6 23.17

    Total (SST) 1054.15 15

    Glycerol conversion


    Regression (SSR) 444.62 9 49.40 18.93 >4.1Residual 15.66 6 2.61

    Total (SST) 460.27 15

    Fig. 6 e Pareto chart of a) hydrogen selectivity and b) glycerol conversion.

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 8 9095

    value (F0.05, 9, 6 ¼ 4.1) by rejecting the null hypothesis at 0.05significant level.

    The significance of each coefficient is determined by Pareto

    chart (Fig. 6). The greater the magnitude of the t-value and the

    smaller the p-value, the more significant is the corresponding

    coefficient. As illustrated, the largest effect on hydrogen

    selectivity and glycerol conversion is the linear term ofWGMR

    (X3), with the largest t-value (4.4702, 9.0880) and smallest p-

    value (0.0042, 0.0001) at approximately 99% significant level,

    respectively. Linear term of FFR (X2) could also be regarded as

    a significant variable in H2 selectivity at 98% significant level

    since p-value < 0.05. Meanwhile, the linear term of FFR (X2), T(X1), quadratic term of FFR (X2

    2), and WGMR (X32) are significant

    in glycerol conversion at 98% and 97% significant level,


    Variables effects on the responses

    The empirical models were plotted as a three-dimensional

    surface representing the responses of H2 selectivity, Y1 and

    glycerol conversion, Y2 as a function of two factors within

    the experimental range considered. In the presence of 6:1

    WGMR, the elliptical nature of H2 selectivity (Fig. 7a) and

    glycerol conversion (Fig. 7b) can be observed. The contour

    plots indicated the interaction of FFR and reaction

    temperature was significant on H2 selectivity and glycerol

    conversion. Higher H2 selectivity and glycerol conversion

    could be attained at higher reaction temperature and lower

    feed flow rate implying endothermic reaction [46]. Fig. 7c and

    d illustrate the interaction of WGMR and FFR at temperature

    650 �C on H2 selectivity and glycerol conversion, respectively.Increment of H2 selectivity and glycerol conversion with

    increasing WGMR and decreasing FFR can be observed from

    the figures. Meanwhile, H2 selectivity and glycerol conver-

    sion increased with increasing WGMR and higher reaction

    temperature at FFR ¼ 1.0 ml/min as depicted by Fig. 7e and f.With increasing WGMR and higher reaction temperature, the

    production of CH4 was completely inhibited due to water gas

    shift reaction [47]. Generally, high temperature, low pres-

    sure, and high water/glycerol ratio favour hydrogen pro-

    duction. Indeed, methane was decreased and carbon

    formation was thermodynamically inhibited under these

    conditions [12].

    Optimization of hydrogen selectivity

    Based on the full quadratic model, the H2 selectivity was

    predicted at optimum conditions in order to obtain high H2selectivity in glycerol steam reforming. The optimization

    using CCDwas conducted based on the variables in the range


  • Fig. 7 e The response surface plot of hydrogen selectivity and glycerol conversion as a function of aeb) FFR and temperature,

    ced) WGMR and FFR, eef) temperature and WGMR.

    i n t e rn a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 89096

    of experimental design. The optimum conditions predicted

    at temperature ¼ 692 �C, FFR ¼ 1 ml/min, and WGMR 9.5:1,respectively corresponded to 86.0% of predicted H2 selec-

    tivity. Triplicate experiments were carried out at these op-

    timum conditions to confirm the accuracy and validation of

    the regression model. The H2 selectivity for the observed

    value was 82.3% indicating a 4.5% error between the

    observed and predicted values. The error is considered small

    as the observed value was within the 5% of significance level.

    The results in Table 6 confirmed that 86% hydrogen selec-

    tivity obtained in the current study is better than the ma-

    jority of previous results. Sad et al. [12] reported 100%

    hydrogen yield in a double bed reactor by application two

    catalysts in series, but in a single bed reactor the hydrogen

    yield was only 78.8%.


    Glycerol steam reforming for hydrogen production was con-

    ducted over Ni supported on La2O3, Al2O3, ZrO2, SiO2, andMgO

    catalysts. Ni/Al2O3 was found to be the best catalyst with

    maximumhydrogen selectivity (71.5%) was obtained at 650 �C,FFR ¼ 1 ml/min and WGMR ¼ 6. Large surface area (123.4 m2/g), small crystallite size (3.8 nm) and high dispersion of Ni on

    the support were the main reason which increased the ac-

    tivity of Ni/Al2O3 sample for steam reforming of glycerol

    compared to the other supported catalysts.

    The optimization results revealed that the water glycerol

    molar ratio (WGMR) has the greatest effect on the hydrogen

    selectivity and glycerol conversion compared to reaction


  • Table 6 e Comparison of the current study with previously reported results.

    Catalyst Tem (�C) WGMR Glycerol con (%) H2 Ref

    Ni/Al2O3 650 6:1 80 Selectivity 86% This Study

    Ni/(Ca/Al2O3) 550 3:1 54.1 Concentration 85% [22]

    LaNi0.9Cu0.1O3 650 3:1 73 Selectivity 67% [17]

    Pt/SiO2 350 e 100 Yield 78.8% [12]

    0.5Pt/SiO20.5Pt/TiO2(Double bed Reactor)

    350 3:1 100 Yield 100% [12]

    NieFeeCe/Al2O3 450 e 94.06 Selectivity 64.04% [16]

    Ni/La2O3eSiO2 (P þ I) 600 e 79 Yield 3.8 mol/mol [48]

    i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n en e r g y 4 2 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 9 0 8 7e9 0 9 8 9097

    temperature and feed flow rate (FFR). Also, the optimization

    results revealed that steam reforming of glycerol produced

    86.0%maximum hydrogen selectivity at the optimum reaction

    temperature 692 �C, 1 ml/min feed flow rate, andWGMR 9.5:1.


    The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Min-

    istry of Higher Education for supporting this project under the

    Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) vote number

    78422 and RACE grant vote number 00M32. Furthermore, one

    of the authors (NHZ) is thankful to the Ministry of Science,

    Technology and Innovation for the National Science Fellow-

    ship (NSF) scheme.

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    Hydrogen production from catalytic steam reforming of glycerol over various supported nickel catalystsIntroductionExperimentalCatalyst preparationCatalyst characterizationCatalyst performance testingExperimental design

    Results and discussionCatalyst characterizationX-ray diffraction (XRD)BET surface areaScanning electron microscopy (SEM)

    Catalyst screening performanceModel analysisVariables effects on the responsesOptimization of hydrogen selectivity


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