Hvar island (赫瓦爾島)

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Hvar Island 赫瓦爾島


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Hvar Island 赫瓦爾島Hvar Island is the sunniest place in Croatia (2724 sunny hours each year) and also famed for its lavender fields. It draws more tourists than any other Adriatic atoll. 赫瓦爾島是克羅地亞陽光最充足的地方(每年 2724 日照小時)。赫瓦爾也是薰衣草田聞名的。它比其他任何亞得里亞海島嶼吸引了更多的遊客。 Hvar town is small but extremely attractive, it is a wonderful place to visit, and a great place to stay in as well if you like your holidays to be a bit more relaxed and refined. The best sights in Hvar Town include its lovely harbour with its pretty little boats (some of the luxury yacht variety, but plenty of simple fishing boats too). It’s very pleasant to walk on the promenade around the harbour in early evening, and make sure you pick up an ice cream pre-walk to complete your enjoyment!赫瓦爾小鎮雖小,但非常有吸引力,如果要讓你的假期要多一點輕鬆和精緻,赫瓦爾鎮是一個很棒而奇妙可以參觀與停留的地方。在赫瓦爾鎮最好的景點包括美麗的海港,漂亮的小漁船(一些不同種類豪華遊艇,很多簡單的漁船)。傍晚時分走在海港長廊的周圍是非常愉快的,漫步之前一定要拿著冰淇淋來完成你的享受! Next to the harbour, you will see St Stephen’s Square (Trg sv. Stjepan). At the top end is St Stephen’s Cathedral (Katedrala sv. Stjepana), built in the 16th and 17th centuries, with its impressive bell tower – look for the differences in each level of the tower.港口旁邊,你會看到聖斯蒂芬廣場和建於 16 和 17 世紀的聖斯蒂芬大教堂,在教堂旁邊,是其令人印象深刻的鐘樓 – 注意鐘樓每個樓層的差異。

Split Port 斯普利特港口

During summer months there are 7 daily car ferry departures between Split and Stari Grad (Hvar Island), the trip with the car ferry takes about 2 hours.夏季每天有 7 班汽車輪渡在 斯普利特 和 赫瓦爾島的 斯塔里‧格勒 之間穿梭,汽車輪渡的行程時間約 2 小時。

The trip on the ferry boat is quite beautiful and being outside on the ferry is much more comfortable than on the catamaran.渡船旅程是很棒的,待在頂層甲板比搭乘遊艇要舒適多了。

Stari Grad ferry port 斯塔里格勒渡輪碼頭

Stari Grad ferry port 斯塔里格勒渡輪碼頭

At the ferry port in Stari Grad you will find bus for town Hvar (20 minutes drive), bus in the other direction departures from Hvar, app. 1.5 hour before scheduled ferry departure.在斯塔里格勒渡輪碼頭有巴士開往赫瓦爾鎮( 20 分鐘車程),從赫瓦爾鎮返回的開車時間是渡輪預定開船前 1.5 小時

Hvar Island赫瓦爾島Stari Grad


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Hvar Castle 赫瓦爾城堡

Hvar Town Map 赫瓦爾城地圖

St Stephen’s Square 聖斯蒂芬廣場the largest piazza in Dalmatia and the main town square. 這是在達爾馬提亞最大的廣場和主要城鎮廣場。

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Rainwater cistern雨水蓄水池St Stephen’s Square 聖斯蒂芬廣場

The bronze doors of St. Stephen Cathedral.聖斯蒂芬大教堂浮雕青銅大門

Renaissance-style loggia and its clock tower, now both part of the Hotel Palace文藝復興風格的長廊和鐘樓,現在兩部分屬於皇宮酒店

The loggia (San Marco terrace)Now is the Palace Hotel reception area. 陽台 ( 聖馬可陽台 )現在皇宮酒店的接待區。

15th century clock tower15 世紀的鐘樓

Arsenal, built between 1579 and 1611, and from 1612 home to a theatre – Croatia’s first theatre, and one of the first community theatres in Europe.阿森納,建於 1579~1611 年之間,從 1612 年即為一家劇場,是克羅地亞的第一家劇院,歐洲第一家公眾劇院之一。

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Arsenal 阿森納

Arsenal side view阿森納側面

Arsenal second floor balcony阿森納二樓陽台

Arsenal second floor balcony阿森納二樓陽台

Trendy bars and restaurants pluggin awnings at the edge of square.在廣場的邊緣撐著遮陽篷的時髦的酒吧和餐館。

From this pedestrianized street walk up Hvar’s steps to a winding path and reach the fort’s entrance. 從這條步行街,沿著蜿蜒小徑赫瓦爾石階爬登,可抵達城堡的入口處。

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Looking at the Hvar castle by the Hvar port由港口仰望赫瓦爾城堡

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Hvar Castle 赫瓦爾城堡

Photo from www

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Hvar castle (Fortica Hvar) was built in the 16th century by the Venetian. 赫瓦爾城堡 - 這是 16 世紀威尼斯人所建。

Photo from www

Entry costs 25 Kuna, but it is well worth it for the stunning views – don’t forget your camera. There’s also a little gift shop here, and a cafe (open in summer), plus a seashell exhibit. 入堡費用 25庫納,居高臨下美麗的景色還是非常值得 - 別忘了帶相機。在這裡有禮品店和咖啡廳(夏季開放),還有一間貝殼展覽館。

Photo from www

Photo from www

Photo from www

Panoramic view of the Hvar town赫瓦爾城全景

Most of the streets of town has been pedestrianized.大多數鎮上的街道已被改成步行街。

Venice's winged lion makes frequent appearances in this town that it ruled for many centuries. In comparison to other places, it looks ugly at here.威尼斯統治了此地好幾個世紀,翼獅在這個小鎮出現很頻繁。相較於其他地方,在這裡它看起來比較難看。

Walk through parts of the old town -- filled with medieval, Renaissance and Baroque mansions. 穿行部分老城區 - 充滿了中世紀,文藝復興時期和巴洛克式豪宅。

Hvar port 赫瓦爾港口

Hvar bus station 赫瓦爾巴士站

You can also take a taxi to Stari Grad ferry port 你也可以搭出租車到達斯塔里格勒渡輪碼頭

Stari Grad ferry port 斯塔里格勒渡輪碼頭

Jadrolinija company car ferry vesselJadrolinija 公司的汽車輪渡船隻

Approaching Split 接近斯普利特

http://www.slideshare.net/changcy0326 Music : My heart will go on~Celine Dion

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