HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE UPDATE AUG 2017 - IOM Sudan€¦ · In August 2017, IOM reached over 161,000 beneficiaries with humanitarian field ac vi es through: 21 Displacement Tracking

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h�ps:��sudan.iom.intEmail: h�ps:��� @IOMSudan.For further informa�on please contact Riad Marrow

from the Bri�sh people


52,470 Reached


• 2 hand pumps, serving water to 600 benefi-ciaries, were rehabilitated in Bela El Serif village, East Jabel Marra locality, South Darfur.

• 49,100 individuals were supported via provi-sion of chlorine, to treat water by chlorina�on, in Bela El Serif village, East Jabel Marra locality, South Darfur.

• 3 hand pumps were rehabilitated to support1,000 beneficiaries in El Lirri locality, South Kordo-fan.

• 2 Ven�lated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines wereconstructed providing proper sanita�on solu�on for an es�mated 320 persons per day in El Nimer Camp, Assalaya locality, East Darfur.

• 9 VIP latrines were constructed in El Fardousrecep�on center, East Darfur, providing proper sanita�on solu�on for an es�mated 1,450 persons per day.

• Baseline survey (ECHO project) was conduct-ed covering 624 households and 26 water facili�es in Tawilla locality, North Darfur.

• WASH Study ac�vi�es were conducted includ-ing training for 40 surveyors, followed by 4,000 household surveys, mapping of 53 water sources, and 1 focus group discussion in Abu Shouk camp, North Darfur.

Rapid Response Fund


• 31,138 direct and indirect beneficiarieswere supported by Rapid Response Fund via emergency WASH and ES/NFI assistance in South Kordofan and Central Darfur respec�vely.

• Mercy Corps – Scotland con�nued supportto 17,683 newly displaced IDPs and affected host community members via provision of WASH assistance in Abu Kershola, and Kadugli locali�es, South Kordofan.

• Triangle Genera�on Humanitaire supported13,455 beneficiaries in Um Dukhun locality, Central Darfur with ES/NFI support.

Reached More Than

Individuals 10,000


• IOM in coordina�on with SMoH and partnerscon�nued suppor�ng 4 nutri�on clinics in West Darfur, 3 primary health care facili�es in North Darfur, and 1 primary health care facility in South and East Darfur each, offering the Minimum Basic Health Package (MBHP). These clinics provided lifesaving health and nutri�on assistance, includ-ing medical consulta�ons and health promo�on ac�vi�es, to over 9,000 beneficiaries.• Environmental hygiene, garbage collec�onand hygiene promo�on campaigns are currently ongoing in Kabkabiya Town, North Darfur.

Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) Response:• 30 health workers were trained on surveil-lance and appropriate management of AWD in West Darfur. The trained staff is currently working in 15 facili�es, in Forbaranga, El Geneina, Habila, Mornei and Um Tajook, which rou�nely provide nutri�on and medical assistance to a catchment area targe�ng 30,000 people.• Similarly, in El Fasher, Kebakabiya, Tabit ElSerif and Tawilla 31 staff working in the Isola�on Ward for inpa�ent management of AWD were trained on infec�on preven�on and control.


2,590 • 6 ES/NFI distribu�on and 2 post distribu�onmonitoring (PDM) missions were conducted.

• 118 ES/NFI kits were distributed for newlydisplaced IDPs and for families affected by floods in Dar El Salam and Kabkabiya locali�es, North Darfur.

• 11 Plas�c sheets were distributed for vulnera-ble popula�on in Ardamata and Krinding IDP Camps in West Darfur.

• 10 Plas�c sheets were distributed to supportEl Ferdous Clinic in East Darfur.

• 800 Mosquito Nets and 3,550 bars of soapwere distributed to 400 vulnerable households (200 IDP HHs and 200 Returnee HHs) in Dalami Locality, South Kordafan.

• 2 Post Distribu�on Monitoring (PDM)missions were conducted at Korma IDP gathering site, North Darfur and El Serif IDP Camp, South Darfur.

Individuals were directly supported by ES/NFI assistance

• DTM teams completed 17 registra�onmissions, consis�ng of 3 missions in North Darfur, 1 in South Darfur, 2 in Central Darfur, 5 in West Kordofan and 6 in South Kordofan.• 50,351 returnees were registered at severalloca�ons in Central Darfur, South Kordofan and North Darfur States. This included 8,532 return-ees registered in Rashad and Dalami locali�es of South Kordofan, and 41,819 individuals registered in Rokero, Central Darfur, most of whom had returned in 2016. • A total of 6,028 IDPs were registered, including5,106 IDPs registered in Rokero, Central Darfur, 690 in Dalami, South Kordofan, and 232 in Tawil-la, North Darfur. Most of the registered IDPs were displaced in 2016 from the Jabel Marra areas. • DTM teams also registered 20,690 refugeesfrom South Sudan in South Kordofan (1,529 refugees) and West Kordofan (19,161 refugees at 140 sites).



Individuals based on a reported caseload of 194,260 individuals

IOM SUDAN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE MONTHLY UPDATE August 2017In August 2017, IOM reached over 161,000 beneficiaries with humanitarian field ac�vi�es through: 21 Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) ac�vi�es (17 registra�on missions and 4 tracking ac�vi�es); 7 Emergency Water, Sanita�on and Hygiene (WASH) ac�vi�es; health and nutri�on assistance via 4 nutri�on clinics in West Darfur, 3 primary health care facili�es in North Darfur, and 1 primary health care facility in South and East Darfur each, 1 health campaign and several trainings as part of Acute Watery Diarrhea response; 8 Emergency Shelter/Non-Food Items assessment, distribu�on and post distribu�on missions.

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