Human Roots

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Human Roots


  • Ancient Big Game Hunters of Europe and their descendantsFred Hamori April 27, 2006

    IntroductionThe earliest settlers of Europe, which displaced the local Neanderthal man, were hunters and gatherers who came into Europe from 40,000 to 30,000 years ago from the direction of Asia, but their ultimate origin was from Africa. Their racial type became the major element in the central and eastern European types of today. They are represented by the Aurignacian culture finds of early Europe. Around 25,000 years ago another invasion also occurred, whose culture is known as the Gravetti culture. The coming of the ice age in Europe reached its peak from 22,000 to 18,000 years ago and isolated various pockets of humanity, which helped contribute toward the evolution and unification of the different major language families of Europe. The northern and eastern European group becoming the ancestors of the FinnoUgrian language family. Some also call the early phase of the FinnoUgrian languages by the name Uralic and include in it the Samoyedic languages of western Siberia, while others consider them to be from an Asiatic ethnic group that changed their language after intense contact with the FinnoUgrians, after the ice age. The archeological record of the Ukraine during the Ice Age shows a fairly dense settlement of hunters, who hunted big game. They are believed to be the ancestors of the FinnoUgrians. The group concentrated on large animal hunting, such as mammoth, which at the time was a prestigious way of living. Normally they hunted the weaker animals and the stragglers of the herds.

    After 10,000 BC a new age started, known as the holocene, which brought about major climactic changes and the end of the Ice Age, with the warming trends in Europe that favored larger human inroads into the continent. The change in climate brought about new plant and animal life and also lead to the large scale death from desease or the changes in habitat for the large mammals like the wooly mammoth. This caused large scale movement of the hunters searching for the disappearing big game, toward the retreating ice cap as well as toward the unexplored north east. Groups of them eventually trekked across northern Siberia and some even reached north America over the Bering Sea land bridge, where the death of large mammals eventually also occurred, probably for similar reasons. Many FinnoUgrians however adopted to smaller game, fishing, and food plant gathering, requiring more intensive hunting and fishing to survive. TheFinno Ugrians were a highly mobile boat nomads, which became differentiated in language by the major water systems that they inhabited in northern Europe, from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea and spreading toward the Ural Mountains and beyond. The Ural Mountain areas were not their source of origin, as was thought in the past. The east vs western separation brought about the first major dialectical change in the language of the Finnic group and the Hungarian (Ugric) group. This became most pronounced around 2000 BC, however there is every indication that it started with the retreating of the glaciers and the spreading toward the east of the North Eastern branch of the Ugrians, causing a slowly accelerated change, with new adaptation to a new environment.

  • Archeological sites in today's Ukraine, north of the Black Sea and Caspean Sea, which illustrate the northward movement of the big game hunters, who were the ancestors of the Finno-Ugrians.

    In Western Europe after the "Wrm" period, the Atlantic phase was the warmest and wet between 5300 and 3000BC, following the flooding of the Black Sea. In Siberia however the climate was warm and dry between 7600BC and 5300BC. After 3000BC the climate changed again by cooling then after 2200 and 1400 there was a warming period, and around 1200BC the weather became dryer. With warming weather the steppes became dry causing the migrations ofpeople in search of forage for their animals. At this point the northern Ugrians started moving further north, since lands became too dry and couldnt be cultivated. Then again the weather changed to colder and wetter, followed by the Sub-Atlantic weather change which was colder and drier again. Even though they originally had a plant cultivating way of living, their homelands became the taiga. So they were forced to keep adapting to the old hunter fisher life of the past. The evidence that the Ob Ugrians indeed had a higher culture in the past is proven in the archeology of Ust Puluy, which is a bay inlet to the river Ob. It was a holy place for the Ob Ugrians. From the 4th century BC to the 2nd Century AD a homogeneous culture existed here along the river Ob and the Irtis, Isim and Tobol. Besides the many wooden and bone tools there were also lots of bronze utensils found. They were part and parcel of the Andronovo Bronze Culture.

    Around 8000 BC there was another major invasion of Europe from the Near East, in the Neolithic "new stone age". Theappearance of the IndoEuropean, languages occurred around 5000 years ago probably by way of Anatolia. Today they represent the majority of the languages of Europe. It was believed by some experts in the past, that the incoming IndoEuropeans brought farming into Europe, however the analysis of their names for agriculture, grains and words for bread bear witness against this, as do the lack of agricultural elements in their early mythology. They were cattle herdersmore likely. It seems that some other now extinct groups spread agriculture across Europe and were later adopted in areas easy to farm by the locals. These groups were later absorbed by the IndoEuropeans. Various explanations were given for the widespread of the IndoEuropean language family, at the expense of the others, but many of these ideas are far from provable and some are downright illogical. It appears that the majority of Europeans still carry the genes of the earlier hunters of Europe, rather than the genes of the later invaders, even though their original language have changed to IndoEuropean. Their earliest known settlements are known from the Balkans as the ancestors of the early Greeks and nearby Anatolia, as the now extinct Hittites, whose language was the earliest Indo European dialect to be recorded. Spreading northward across central Europe and then westward, while a group stayed in north central Europe and later split into a Slavic and Baltic language family while the Western group into Celtic and Germanic. Latin and Greek moving south along the coast. All of these groups incorporated a lot of the local populations into their ethnic elements and also enriched their languages with words from these languages as well as adopting many gods and goddesses from them.

  • The theory of Hungarian archeologist Gyula Lszl was that based on linguistic palenteology, the homeland of the Uralic languages roughly coincides with the Swiderian Culture of north eastern Europe, which is shown in vertical linesabove. He placed the oldest Hungarian homelands west of the Urals, from where the Ob Ugrians also spread toward Siberia. There are of course problems whenever a large culture area is equated with any one language family, which implies that they had no contacts with other groups. The situation may not be that simple, even though it may work to a considerable degree at times.

    Genetics 2It is believed that the earliest settlers of Europe were the Finno Ugrians in the east and the ancestors of the Basque in the west, and these two groups represent the highest concentration of the two major European Y chromosome haplotypes. EU18 in the Basque is the highest at 88% and EU19 is highest among Hungarians, with 60%. The two language groups Basque and FinnoUgrian are quite similar in type and do share vocabulary also, yet they have been separated by a huge time span and are not considered to be related. They probably entered Europe from the same areas at about the same time. Their time of separation may be well in excess of 10,000 years, possibly from before the onset of the Ice Age, which isolated them into an eastern and western region. Another major eastern language family is called Altaic, whose three major branches are Turkic, Tungusic, and Mongolic, while Korean and Japanese are also contested as members. The branching of Turkic is rather recent, so many of their languages are understandable by others, howeverthere is an old Turkic dialect that survived in Eastern Europe called Chuvash, which had many early interactions with the local Finno Ugrian languages. This Chuvash language belongs to an ancient "r" criteria dialect, whereas most Turkiclanguages are from Asia with a "z" criteria dialects. This means that many root words which have R in Chuvash use Z for the same letter in eastern Turkic. It is argued as to which came first, but I would bet that the "r" version is the early western form, since shared words with languages like Sumerian that are very old, have the "r" version and not the "z". The ancient ties with Altaic can be best explained by the origin of Altaic languages from eastern Europe, from the steppes of today's southern Russia. In their adapting to the changing climate they started herding sheep and eventually horses, which gave them the mobility to spread throughout central Asia all the way to the frontiers of China.

  • The chart represents the typical average Y Chromosome haplotypes found in various nationalities of Europe. Unfortunately not all nationalities are listed, because of lack of material or space in the chart>From: Szab Istvn Mihly, "A Magyar Np Eredete", Budapest 2004.

    Their spreading into Asia, after the taming of the horse, brought the proto-Turks increasingly into contact with Asiatic mongoloid people, which over time effected their genetic makeup, the further east they lived. This is probably the way in which Altaic languages were spread to the Siberian Tunguz and far eastern Mongols. This theory postulates that the Mongolic and Tungusic branches of the Altaic languages before this time were different, and that their language today probably has many traces of their older pre-Altaic words. Words and characteristics of speech, which cannot be found inthe older Finno-Ugric-early Turkic languages of Old Europe. While the majority of the Finno-Ugrians moved north in search of big game, there were several southern groups that adapted to the new conditions and also adopted animal herding, then horse domestication and later also agriculture. Historically the Greeks knew of a people in this region known as the Cimmerians, who fit this description closely. Linguistically nothing can be proven about the Cimmerian ties, since we hardly know anything at all about their language(s). Perhaps this group could be also called the "southern Ugrians" for now, until a more meaningful term can be coined to replace it.

  • This map is from a very interesting article on early Uralic languages, which contrasts the very old theory based on somefalse presumptions on the rate of spreading (of agriculturalists not hunters) to the newer one he presents:

    The Early Language and Culture of the FinnoUgriansThe early FinnoUgrians were big game hunters during the Ice Ages, and this was a very prominent and successful way of life at that time. This allowed them to spread throughout most of northern Europe, but not all the way into the Arctic at this time. However after the Ice Age these animals moved north and due to the major climactic changes started to die out due to various diseases, caused perhaps by the climate change. The FinnoUgrians can be characterized also as water nomads, who traveled in the northern waterways, predominantly along the shores of the sea and along rivers and streams in their small boats, rarely crossing major mountains. Following the Ice Age, the Finno Ugrians continued as hunters and gatherers. Their way of life was very similar to the North American Indians of the north eastern woodlands, whose main dialects were also separated into different disconnected water basins. They were hunters and fishermen, who used nets and weirs and who also caught other small animals like birds in large nets that were strung across trees. The animals of the south, the polar regions or the far east were originally naturally unknown to them. The key animal names that remained in Hungarian from FinnoUgrian are relatively few and sometimes have a very generic meaning. Many of the large domestic animals, besides the dog and horse, were from Turkic languages or Iranic or other IndoEuropean. The following examples are not a complete list of known names, but just a sample.

    animal herd *chure [csor-da] horned animals *sharwes, [szarvas]moose "humped" *tee [teve =camel (turkic also changed to camel)]female sheep/goat *es'e [sz=heiffer, z=deer]goat *eja dog *ktta [kutya] this is the most common form,hound *empe [eb] snake *kije [kijo, kigy]ant *kue (also kue) [hangya]horse *luwe [lov, l] In Ugrian only!butterfly,flitter *leppe [lepke]kunte *beaver [hd] -believed to be from Turkic, but also found in American Penuitan.marten *uke [nyszt]rabbit *numol [nyuv-ol >> nyl] m>v>blkworm *perkke [frg]fox *ropa [p>v ravasz, r-ka] porcupine *ije-le [siul>szgy >sn]rodent/mouse *iere [egr]termite *uke [sz ]bear *opa ["grandfather"]

    The bear was sacred to many FinnoUgrian tribes and its name was totemic, and its descriptor name varied. The old name of it was totally lost, because it was taboo to use it. The name of the bear in Hungarian is "medve" which was

  • influenced by Slavic, but could have originally come from the old FU words "*mete"=honey + "see"=eat-er, which otherwise would have become "mz-ev" in Hungarian, instead of "medve". Similarly the elk was also called by it's characteristics horns, rather than it's original name, since it was a totem animal of some of the southern tribes. Hence the name "horned" *s'arwes becoming szarvas, was only a rough descriptor. Both of these animals were associated with heaven and had constellations named after them. The big dipper was called the constellation of the stagg. This is also found amongst the North American Indians.

    Various bird names and fish names are also known. Some of these names are also found in Altaic languages.

    woodpecker *kar [har-kly]swan *kotte [haty]raven *kul-ke [holl]bird/waterfowl *lunta [ld=goose]swallow (bird) *pch-ke [fecske]waterbird,grouse *paje [f, fuv-at]wood grouse *padht [fajd]grouse/partridge *padht [fogoly]crane *tar-ke [dar]wild duck *waich [vcs-k] crow *wr [varj]falcon,eagle *tsash-ku [sas ]the fly *leche [lgy] bee *mektse [mh]mosquito , midge *neme [nyv]louse *tje [tet]fish *kala [hal]fish type *kech [keszeg]type of small fish *kor fish bladder *kwla [holyag]

    Food Plantsonion *kome [hagyma]eincorn wheat *ime-tt [evet]millet , flour *kelee [kles]groats, cereal meal *keer [kenyr=bread]

    SocietyThey lived in a slightly stratified societies, which did not have kings or noblemen or high priests, which would enslave and control the assets of their community, forcing the lower classes to live in squalor. Although there was a difference of higher class clans (mos) and lower class clans (por). The origin and explanation of that distinction is still argued today, but it already existed in old Sumerian, which came from this region. The term Hungarians use for themselves, which is Magyar originated from their ruling clan only following their settlement in Hungary and this is derived from the archaic FinnoUgrian term "mos" or according to others "man's'e. n's' becomes gy in Hungarian followed by the ancient collective/plural designator "eri". Earlier recorded variations of the name confirm this transition over time. Occasional captured foreigners were also used as servants/slaves (*orja), who eventually became part of the family. Theterm slave is perhaps an overstatement for the meaning of the word, because it wasnt a permanent fate for these people.For example the Hungarian term "cseld" means servant, but a variation "csald" means family. This word is originally Slavic in origin, but the link to "family" is strictly from Hungarian. The FinnoUgrians were separated into clans, and large families, who lived in different regions and often lived in communal large houses by the whole extended family, governed by the eldest competent male and female "chief/head" of the family. Indications are that the females had considerable freedom, which is reflected in mythology in which the goddesses also had important function. It is true however that eventually many of the eastern Ugrians were influenced by early Iranic traditions, which tied lots of taboos to women, which had to do with their so called impurity during menstruation. There are no memories that this ever occurred with Hungarians, whose main pre Christian traditions recalls the queen of heaven, called Boldog Aszony, who was the goddess of fertility, birth, bounty, agriculture etc, while the god of heaven Isten is probably derived from spirit "iz" of the sky "ten". Hardly any other memories of the ancient religion survived in Hungarian, indicating that it was probably modified under the influence of early eastern Christianity. The situation was quite different amongst the northern FinnoUgrian people who were Christianized much later, while some still cling on to old taboos and their shamanistic beliefs, even if the religious belief is now shared and watered down by Christian influences.

  • It was a highly cooperative-socialistic society, which took care of its own relations, when sick or out of luck, rather thanconstantly punishing the poor and the weak, as in western societies. Family meant the extended family and the clan. Thegreatest tragedy was the loss of one's clan ties, one's support network. The clans may have had to defend their territory against nearby competitors. Historic references indicate that Finno-Ugrians were generally very peaceful, and such territorial problems were uncommon, but still must have occurred especially after the encroachment first of the Altaic -Turkic people from the south east and much later by the Slavs from the west. Their early contacts with other Europeanswere at first trusting and non aggressive, with lots of interactions and because the changes to their detriment occurred over a long period of time, after both groups interacted and benefited from each other. Many tribes were eventually absorbed and or slowly moved or adapted as the spreading of agriculture pushed the hunters out of the south-central regions of Europe. Hunters by nature required very large territories to survive and cannot live in concentrated groups. The lack of concentrated populations prevented armed resistance to the early spreading of farming communities of the later foreign invaders. Perhaps this was done in a peaceful manner where to a hunter it was much easier to just adapt or move to new hunting grounds rather than to protect a now depleted area against a much more massive population. The possibility of new diseases introduced by a society that lived concentrated must be also considered, with the devastatingresults that we have seen in America, among the American Indians, who first came into contact with Europeans. Since the EU18 FinnoUgrian haplotypes do share an ancestor genetic branch with American Indians, it is even more likely that similar problems were encountered from the people of southern origin, except it didnt occur at such a massive scale in such a short time period.

    There is evidence however that the languages of northern Europe did adopt many terms from the older FinnoUgrian populations that they displaced and the future indo European language groups are based predominantly upon the geneticdescendants of the earlier FinnoUgrians whom they converted. All of this indicates a peaceful conversion rather than massive conquests. This picture is totally in contrast to the idea of a warlike invasion of the "Kurgan People" who quickly enslaved everyone forcing them to speak their language. The people of Europe were not primitive and would have been able to resist such pressures, and indeed they must have. The claims that no FinnoUgrian substratum is shown in Germanic is a very false and biased picture, because no attempts at an in depth study of this has been made, while most shared terms with FinnoUgrian and IndoEuropean is automatically assumed to be from IndoEuropea. The simple fact is that one finds if one looks and if there is a bias against an idea then the occasional accidental discovery is also often ignored. The glimmering of change against this early nationalistic attitude is observable at times, but one has to look extremely hard to find it.

    Terms for towns and buildings

    FinnUgor ki==dwelling (hely)EmeGir/Sumer ki_ =place, town,earth; kal-am = place, land (of Sumer);EmeSal/Sumer =place, land (of Sumer)[this also shows the lost L N ]Magyar/Hung hely =place, town;Vogul/Mansi kwel,kl =house;Finn/Suomi kyl =house,village (arch);Estonian kyla =village;Penuitan kewel=house/Penuitan (Californian);

    ALTAIC gul=home/Osman; kl=hut/Ewenki

    FinnUgor kota == house , room (of house) , tent , family~clan EmeGir/Sumer gd=nest; (ku)e 3=tent; _e_, __ house; git-lam=m.spouse;EmeSal/Sumer _ ~ ga_ =houseMagyar/Hung hz=house, room, family; haz-a =homeland; hz-as=married;Ostyak/Khan xot=houseCherem/Mari kdhe =summer houseVotyak/Udm ka_, ko_, korka =house (kor=beam of house)Zuryen/Komi ka,ko, kerka =houseMordvin kudo =houseFinn/Suomi koti =home; kota=hut, cook house;Estonian koda =summer houseLapp/Saami goatte=tent, hutEtruskan catte=cabin [b/b 128];kate-kril =return home; ceus =family, community;

    ALTAIC kent=village/Turkish; Etruscan > Latin > Germanic and Romance languages borrowed the casa/house terms replacingthe original IndoEuropean term "domo" (domicile) in some language groups.

    FinnUgor lakka = shelter, eaves, roof (house)EmeGir/Sumer ?dak-kan =living quarter (dh>d? rather than *l>d)Magyar/Hung lak =renters quarters(arch) > apartment>abode>dweling,dwell;Finn/Suomi lakka=attic, protruding eaves;

  • Estonian lakk =deck,shade,long hair,mane;

    FinnUgor dje =(or adh'e) bed , sleeping place (house)EmeGir/Sumer _da-g=resting place; u-de=dream ; (nd, n_ =bed,lie together;)Magyar/Hung gy=bedVogul/Mansi a-t=bedVotyak/Udm wa-s=to spread sheets, coverletsZuryen/Komi vo=bed cover, feltFinn/Suomi voodi=bedEstonian voodi=bedALTAIC *=tent, house ;

    FinnUgor owe == opening > window , door EmeGir/Sumer ab_ =window, niche; ?abul=gate;Magyar/Hung ab-lak=window (luk~lik >lak =hole,opening) [Supposedly Slavic] Vogul/Mansi aawi=door;Ostyak/Khan ow =door, window space, mouth of a river, blow holeCherem/Mari ama-sa, oma-sa, op-sa (w~m) =door;Finn/Suomi ovi=door

    Estonian ava-ta=entrance; ovi=door;Samoyed ia=/Ee; =door/Selkup;FinnUgor padhe == wall , dam EmeGir/Sumer bad 3 =wallMagyar/Hung fal=wall (dh >l)Vogul/Mansi pat,pa=dam,weirFinn/Suomi pato=dam,wallLapp/Saami buoo=dam,enclosure,weirALTAIC *p'do=wall/Altaic; padi-ral=wall/Tungusic

    FinnUgor pent == cover , close , lid , roof > *pent-ele= roof (house)EmeGir/Sumer bad 3 = top, as in kur-bad 3 = mountain top/roof;Magyar/Hung fed~fd=to cover; fed-l ~ fd-l=roof, cover, lid ;?pad-ls=attic;Vogul/Mansi pat- =to hide; pnt-l=roof;Ostyak/Khan pent- =to cover, close, shut,;Votyak/Udm pod- =shut the door;Zuryen/Komi pd- =to close, shut; pd-lal=to close, shut, cover;Etruskan pen-na, penu-na, pee, penz-nas = to cover;/Alinei

    FinnUgor we == switch , shaft , frame , lattice > town (house)anc Siberian wos = townEmeGir/Sumer _u=support, foundation, _u 8=base blk] Magyar/Hung vz= frame,structure; vac-ok=primitive shelter; vessz- =shaft, switch, a shoot;Vogul/Mansi _o, uaseOstyak/Khan _uaeCherem/Mari ase =shaft, beamLapp/Saami v-os=frame of buildngEtruscan vei(s) = lattice like weir for catching trout; (vejsze)

    FinnUgor lppe ==(lppe) cover , roof , bedeck, primitive shelter-home (v)EmeGir/Sumr la_l =cover, hang, ;Magyar/Hung lep=cover,inundate; lep-ed-=coverlet; lla=curtain(dial);Vogul/Mansi lpi =cover, bedeck;Ostyak/Khan tp=sleeping tent; shed for drying fish; ip=sleeping tent;Cherem/Mari lebh-dhe=deck; lep,tep ; lews=roof,shelter,shed,coverlet;Votyak/Udm ip=cover up, roof over; ipet=roof; cover,tent;Zuryen/Komi lep, leb =edge,rim, shelter;Mordvin leb, lepLapp/Saami liehppa=tent of the most simple construction; primitive shelter;

    Because most of the early technological innovations in Europe originally started in the far south in Mesopotamia, the last and most isolated northern FinnoUgrians were usually the last to learn of them and the last to benefit from them. Yet by the time of the Andronovo Culture of eastern Russia [2000BC] around the Ural Mountains, the working of

  • copper and bronze started to spread amongst them, mainly from the east. The use of copper and bronze was not simply an import item from the east, but included the tools to form the metals also. Various such moulds and tools have been found by archeologists. The Andronovo Culture spread out from the area of the south eastern Ural Mountains to eventually include areas north of Iran and the Altai Mountain areas. They are often claimed to be all Iranic Scythians, but in fact these areas are historically FinnoUgrian in the north west, Altaic in the east and Iranic in the south, with several language dialects of these groups represented. The early Scythians however in the early phases were not Iranic but Turkic in origin, who were displaced later by the Iranic Sarmatians [Strubna Culture]. This however is far from an accepted fact yet, even though some of the evidence points that way. The metal names of the Finno Ugrians probably come from this Bronze Age period of history, which we call the "Andronovo Culture" complex and appear to be imported names from the direction of the Caucasus Mountains rather than from Iranians. Yet if all of the Andronovo Culture was truly Iranic (Ossetic) then the terms should all be Iranic also. This is not the case however. The Bronze Culture of the Caucasus had an even earlier bronze age than Eastern and Central Europe and bordered on the territory ofthe early Cimmerians, who spread it north. Similar metal names were also found in Sumerian, which brought it south with them to southern Mesopotamia, from the Caucasus Area, as they slowly migrated south from the north. Their myths of origin was from the mythical northern "Tilmun", from beyond the headwaters of the great rivers of Mesopotamia.

    FinnUgor wolne == tin [Eastern & central FinnoUgrian area only]EmeGir/Sumer _an-na=tin; unu 2 =adornment, jewelry;Magyar/Hung _n_ =tin [#w > blk] Vogul/Mansi _ln =gold, silver, jewelryOstyak/Khan _olna =leadCherem/Mari wuln=lead, tin

    FinnUgor krte == metal > iron > knife (metal) EmeGir/Sumer gur 10,14=sickle; gri,gir 2=dagger,knife,sword; gu~ku=metal;EmeSal/Sumer [g>m dialectical change]Magyar/Hung kard =swordVogul/Mansi keer =ironOstyak/Khan koert=iron, metalCherem/Mari krt-e =ironVotyak/Udm kort =ironEtruscan xaru, xaru-n =cutter,smasher[az96]; ma-xaira =curved saber

    FinnUgor ratu == copper (metal) [Usually thought to be a loan word, explained from IE word red.]EmeGir/Sumer u-ru-du=copperMagyar/Hung rz=copper; ( -t>z)Finn/Suomi ratu-a=copper

    FinnUgor sarae == gold , shiny , radiant (color) EmeGir/Sumr _ara 4=shine, bright, clearMagyar/Hung _ar-any =gold; sr-arany= yellow gold; _r=shine,blaze;Vogul/Mansi tar-i =copperOstyak/Khan lor=brass, copper;Cherem/Mari rti=gold;Votyak/Udm zari=gold;Zuryen/Komi zari=gold < from Ugrian;Mordvin sr'ne =gold;Etruscan atran-anes=gold (ta at metathesis)

    Generally thought to be an Iranic loan word, but the etymology is compatible with FU also

    and common in FU and not in IndoEuropean. This was probably a fairly early name sinceeven Hurrian has a similar word for it "hiarune?". The Dravidian term ap-arany =refined gold is also quite similar but, could be a loan from Iranic. The important thing to consider is that the word can be explained or etymologized from Ugrian also. *kwor=sunlight, shine > _r=shine blaze + nukke=material. So the complete form in Hungarian would be ra_+any-ag, where the trailing archaic adjectival suffix -ke was dropped as it normally has been in most words, and only remaining occasionally as -og in a few adjective based words.

    FinnUgor wa-ke = iron ? very valuable metal, as iron was very rare. EmeGir/Sumr g-us-kin =a very valuable metal, some think its gold, others unsure; (gu-us-kin); kin=valuable stone, gu=metal.Magyar/Hung vass =ironVogul/Mansi we =tin,lead;Ostyak/Khan u, u=iron,metal,gold;

  • Zuryen/Komi ozi =tin;Finn/Suomi vaski =ore, copper, bronze;Estonian vask =copper, "messing"Lapp/Saami vik, vieke = copper;

    Iron was known and used fairly early, but in a very small amounts at first. It was rare and precious at firstprobably taken from meteoric rocks.

    FinnUgor jo == planing iron , shaver , to scrape , shave EmeGir/Sumr gur 10,14 =sicle < shaver,cutter; gur 5=separate,divide; [j>g or blk]Magyar/Hung gyal=wood plane, gyal-ul=shaves off; [r>l] nyr=shave(j~gy~ny early Medieval dialectical variations)Vogul/Mansi iarr =to plane, scrape, shave; ior=plane, scratch;

    Northern UgriansThe Ugrians at one time occupied most of the western portion of the Urals mountains and there they also adopted the horse cultures that developed in the region. Even the northern Ugrians also adapted several features of this culture. Due to their northern position and the following severe geological weather changes their territories became too cold to continue this way of life, and they went even further north-east to find better hunting grounds to compensate for this loss. They crossed into Asia. Further cooling of the climate eventually trapped them into a polar lifestyle. Even though they were originally horsemen also and have common words for chariot, horse, saddle with Hungarian, which means that their northern spreading had to be only a few thousands of years ago, when these things became known. Much laterin time these northern Ob Ugrians also absorbed a sizeable eastern Mongoloid ethnic group which came from the south east in Siberia, the Samoyeds. They probably also came in contact with the Kets who are believed by some to be the ancestors of the Huns, who spread from here toward the boundaries of China. Hunish linguistic data from early Chinesehistoric documents show an affinity to this language type. The Samoyeds who came from the east and changed the racial characteristics of the Ob Ugrians over time. It has often been claimed by the Hungarian FinnoUgrian scholars thatHungarian also went north with the ObUgrians, and later moved south. However there is no trace of any Siberian Mongoloid features or genetic markers between them, as is found amongst the Ob Ugrians, nor any sign that they were ever familiar with the plant and animal life of the arctic The ObUgrian languages also changed so markedly that the grammar and morphology of Hungarian is closer to other FinnUgor languages rather than Ob Ugrian. The Ob Ugrian vocabulary shares some extra words with Hungarian that are not found amongst other FinnoUgrians, but its grammar is much simpler and less similar to Hungarian than are other FinnoUgrian languages like the Permian branch.

    It is very strange and unreasonable, that these Ob Ugrians are often claimed to be the most representative of the old FinnoUgrians, when in reality they are the most unlike most FinnoUgrians, genetically, culturally and linguistically. Their main uniqueness is that, they have preserved a very ancient and primitive way of life the longest, which in the very distant past was common to most people of those times. For that reason, they are used as a prime example, by people who want to emphasize the primitive and belittle the FinnoUgrians in general and also to push them out of Europe and treat them as late interlopers. In this way they can usually be ignored in any historical study of Europe, and they most definitely have been ignored over the centuries, making it easier for the growing Slavic Russian Empire to take their lands and force their ways and religions upon them, just like the Americans have marginalized the American Indians. Because of their long isolation, the Ob Ugrians preserved the ancient cults and myths of the distant past, like noothers, as well as the terminology that went with it.

    Indications are that the Ob Ugrians were a much larger people in the past and many of them spread into the far east in prehistoric times and even crossed into western north America, founding the Penuitan language family in America. On the eastern shores of Asia we find such groups as the Yuka-gir, which is a marginally FinnoUgrian language with many shared words, that are often listed in major FinnoUgrian comparative dictionaries. Their closest relatives in America arethe Californian Penuitan language family of central California, however even the Maya and the Mound Builder culturesof south central USA are also members of the Penuitan Indian language family. An unusual belief of these cultures is that many have memories of white skinned gods. The early Spanish invaders have found some islands of the coast of Mexico that had white skinned Indians on them. Another even stranger coincidence is that the Ob Ugrians living on the edge of eastern Europe, in time became a mixed race that resembled the North American Indians to such a large degree that their racial designation became "Americanoid". This is a mixed type between Caucasian and northern Siberian Mongoloid elements. Some of their features are actually totally uncommon among eastern or southern Mongoloid groups, even though they live closer to the American continent.

    Southern Ugrians

  • I am using the term Ugrian, which in many ways is a historical misnomer, simply to tie together the various languages that are labeled this way today, plus a few that are thought to be isolated but seem to me to be related also. If I invented a newer terms, it would not be recognizable by anyone. The uniqueness of the southern Ugrians is that they have had to survive a very long history of invasions from the east as well as from the west, along with many contacts with the early southern cultures of the Near East, and the Mediterranean coast while at the same time their northern relatives lived much longer in an undisturbed state. The consequences of this was that most of the southern FinnoUgrians have disappeared from history.Some like the eastern Kamas, Koibal, Karagas, Taigi, Khakas, Motor, and Tuva became Turkicized and some later even Mongolized. The western Merja, Muroma, Meschera, Valdai Finns, Ryazan-Peskov and Vote became Russified. These were only the latest casualties and not from ancient times, since the Slavs only began to spread out from central Europe in the 600s.

    FinnUgor Tribes in the 800s

    Hungarians According to Hungarian legends, the Hungarians never went far north with their Ob Ugrian relations and dont have anytraditional recollections of such an event or any far northern cultural or racial features that tie them to the northern FinnoUgrians, such as the common TAT-C genetic chromosome type. They never mixed with any northern mongoloid people, like the Lapps and Samoyeds. and retained their horse herding and riding and herding culture along with basic agriculture. After their separation from the northern Ugrians they probably went further south and came under stronger Iranic and Turkic influence. Their early agricultural terms are not related to IndoEuropean which indicates that the people further south were not Indo Europeans at the time, despite the often claimed Iranic language of the Scythians. Instead these words are claimed to be related to Turkic, of the western Chuvash type. At this point their ties to their northern Ugrian relations became almost broken, even though there were still ties to the other western FinnoUgrians through trade, during the Andronovo Culture's bronze age, when they spread metal working among the FinnoUgrians ofthe west from the east.

  • Andronovo Culture Areas, started along the Eastern Ural Mtns and had 3 phases.1.Sinastra-Petrovka Culture 2000-1600 BC2.Alakul-Federovo Culture 1500-1300 BC3.Sargary-Alexeeva Culture 1200-1000 BC.

    According to Hungarian legends, their area of origin, or ruling center was from the area west of here near the Azov Sea,which is a large semi enclosed inlet of the Don River to the northern Black Sea, whose peninsula is the Crimea. They probably moved there from the north east, near the south western part of the Ural mountains and the river Kama, where some small group of them survived, long after the main body of the Hungarians had left. They were later found by the Hungarian friar Julianus, who was an emissary from Hungary, in the 13th century, just before the coming of the Mongols. He wrote that they still spoke perfectly understandable Hungarian after hundreds of years of separation. The Mongol attacks dispersed them and the area later became Turkicized by the Tatars. This place was later called Magna Hungaria "the original Hungary" by the mapmakers of Medieval Europe. The assumption that this was their original homeland of course had no proof, only that there was a tribe of them living in that area once, just as there were other Hungarians living south of the Caucasus Mountains, under the geographic name Sabartu Asfalu.

    It is from their contacts in the area of the Sea of Azov, that Hungarian tradition mentioned in the "Legend of the Stagg", associates the Hungarian people with the later Scythians and then later, with the Huns, simply because these nomads later came from the east and ruled over them and intermixed with. In the case of the Hungarians, this mixing didnt obliterate their language, but it did introduce a lot of new words from the new groups, such as titles of rulers and ruling institutions, and several domesticated animal names, horse equipment as well as the words for plough, apple, pear, wheat, oats, peas and more. Considering the fact that the Scythians are believed today to be Iranic, it is very strange thattheir influence was so much less then the Turks and Huns who only came west supposedly after 400AD. This is a drop in the bucket in comparison to the Scythians who were there for over a thousand years. The explanation is that only a small portion of the so called Scythians were Iranic and the rest were a western branch of the early Turkic people.

    Several southern FinnoUgrians of the area were later absorbed by these Turkic languages or at least also acquired a lot of new words from them. Perhaps some were even absorbed by Hungarians. According to the Hungarian "Legend of theStagg", from this period, the ancestors of the early Hungarians mixed with two other major groups, one of which were the northern Iranian Ossets, who were also living near the Southern Ural Mountains once and were known as the Alans by the Hungarians. They were known to be fair skined, light hair color, unlike most Iranians and more like the northern Finnougrians. It is normally the Ossets who are claimed to be the Sarmatians mentioned by the early Greeks, and who have became the prime examples of the so called IndoEuropean Scythians. This is a false idea, since the Sarmatians were but one branch, perhaps even a very mixed and unique branch of the Iranic people. The majority of the so called Scythians I believe were early western Turkic groups, most of whom eventually became absorbed into the many local peoples of the area that they once ruled.

    Then there were the later Huns, coming from Asia in the late 300s, who were very small in numbers in proportion to the

  • people of their huge empire, according to Hungarian archeologists Pl Liptk, who studied the graves of this period in Hungary in detail. Many of the leading clans of the Avar Huns were found to be mixed Mongoloid, but the vast majorityof the people under their rule, the soldiers and common people were Caucasians. According to some (***) old Slavic Chronicles the Ephtalite "White" Huns were claimed to be white skinned, living in towns and cities and had their own alphabet, rather than being the typical "nomads" and the often used and abused term "barbarian", which at that time only meant foreigner or non-city dweller in Latin. The term is normally applied to any alien type in early Europe and has nothing to do with cultural level or religious beliefs. It would be misleading to assume that the FinnoUgrians didnt already have a very long history living near various Altaic groups, long before the far eastern Huns arrived. It is from the white Hun language that the chief offices of state in Hungarian derived from. The Hungarian leadership was under atripartate system, with the Kende =head of the royal house and head of the religion, the Gyula was the main political power and the head of the military, the Horka was the chief judge and ruler of the common people. Hungarian also seems to have the earlier Scythian terms for these same institutions, which today are thought to be common names, rather than titles. The works of Herodotus (500BC) explain the Scythian names of the three sons of the first Scythian, the "son of god" = Targita- as Leip-oxis, Arp-oxais, and Col-exis. The three leader titles can be linked to these names also. Names like rp-d, the head of the military of the Hungarians, was known as Jula in Hunish, Lev-edi (Leip-ox) the head of the royal clan and religion, and Kola-xi which was the same term as the Hun Gyula, the commander in chiefof the armies. This last term was also shared by the later "mixed" Kazar Turks, and the white Huns, who conquered northern India and are referred to locally as Gol-as and also as Ku-jula. The terms are also found among the early Etruscans, whose orthography uses the Z instead of the DJ, resulting in Zilat (Gyula), Comte (Kende), according to Mario Alinei. The Kazars Turks were of a very mixed origin and partly originating from local people, rather than just the eastern Turks, who represented mainly their leadership. They are normally remembered for the fact that their leadersadopted the Jewish faith, to retain their independence from Christian and Muslim domination, which always came with a high cost.

    It is very likely that the early Scythians were actually also western Turkic group, due the very early influences that Altaic languages had upon Hungarian and the other Ugrians, which saved some very archaic terms from proto Altaic words in their vocabulary. If they weren't present in Europe at a very early age none of this could have happened, since the early ObUgrian spreading into Asia took a very northern route and most never came back to share the new vocabulary they may have gotten there. The Turkic inroads were on the steppes much further south of the early Ugrians,so they wouldnt have come into contact until much later. I wonder whether the majority of these ancient western Altaic tribes were absorbed or mixed with the southern Ugrian tribes, because few of them survived in the interim period before the demise of the Scythians at the hands of the "Indo European" Sarmatians and the coming of the Huns and the eastern Turks. One of the Turkic tribes, which did survive and which is quite unique among Turkic languages in its phonetics, and even in its vocabulary is Chuvash. It is precisely this dialect that a lot of Hungarian loanwords are relatedto. Others like the extinct early Bulgar Turks and Kazar languages are also suspected to be partially related to it, although all of them were influenced by the later eastern Turks that returned from the east with the Huns.

    It is believed that these Huns originated from the "Hsiung Nu", who ruled a vast area north and east of China for a long time, until their conquest by the Chinese, which caused their western migrations and their shorter lived successive empires in north eastern Iran, north India and then in Europe. They appear to be a special branch of the Turkic people that went to live in eastern Asia then returned later. The precise reasons for their eastern migration aren't known, but may have something to do also with climactic changes, that dried out the steppes? Turks are a genetically mixed people,with Caucasian and some oriental features. In Hungary their presence is usually associated with the "Turanid" type, found amongst the various Turkic elements like the Cumans and Petchegens, that allied themselves with the incoming eastern Hungarians and settled in Hungary also. Their racial characteristics represent less than 5% of the population today.

  • The greatly tauted victory over the Huns at Chalons, can only be described as a draw, since next year Attila marched on Rome itself. Following the so called victory, the Huns stayed around longer and then returned home without any hindrance from the Roman alliance. That doesn't sound like a victory.

    Early Hungarians that lived in the east are mentioned by several early Turkic documents and rock monuments, and tied to various Turkic empires of the ancient past. They however were probably an eastern branch of the Hungarians, which over time were absorbed by the Turks and lost to the later Hungarian nation forever, just as another Hungarian group living in Subartu in north eastern Mesopotamia in Great Armenia was lost eventually a few hundreds of years after the movement to retake control of Hungary. They were last visited by the Christian friar Otto, as an emissary of the Hungarian king.

    Hungarian graves of the period of their settlement into central Europe from the nearby Ukraine and Transylvania, are pure Caucasian types, and the same can be said of the early busts that represented the early Hungarian kings. Even though the Arpad house kings are claimed to be descendants of Atilla there is not a shred of eastern mongoloid traits in them. Their ally peoples however were more mixed. (***) Hungarian archeologists who worked in Southern Russia andbecame familiar with the Scythian remains there, have claimed that the closest match to the typical Hungarian types are the remains of the early Sarmatian Scythians, who were also the ancestors of the Alans and not to any of today's northern FinnoUgrian nationalities. The Alans are often tied to the eastern Iranian Sarmatian branch of the IndoEuropean language types, who also moved to Europe and were for a long time remembered as the leaders of the Poles, and the Chroatians, from the east. These two Slavic nationalities are now the closest racially to Hungarian EU19 male chromosome types, besides the FinnoUgrian Udmurts, showing their ancient origins from eastern Europe. The long and fruitful interaction of Hungarians with these neighboring nations also could have caused this to a lesser degree.The Sarmatians had major settlements in the Carpathian Basin, where Hungary is. Branches of them however moved west under the leadership of the Huns, during their western campaigns lead by Attila and stayed behind rather than returning after the battles.

  • 1000 AD Europe, where Hungary is an independent kingdom, which would not submit to the "Holy Roman Empire" under German rule. Although they tried to conquer the kingdom several times they failed. Hungarians however raided Germany and Western Europe as far as Spain until the defenses of the west were able to adapt to foil their tactics. The greatest losses were due to lies and deception when the Germans asked for their aid and then attacked them.

    The Romans also conscripted some of the Sarmatians into their cavalry and settled them in early England. We can presume that some of them were from the "Caliburnus" tribe of smiths, that gave the name to the sword of Arthur, "excalibur" along with several of the key characters of the members of the knights of the Round Table and the traditionsof the sword of God in the rock. They were the founders of the new style of armored heavy cavalry and the associated customs of chivalry. This group is better remembered under the name Alan in England and in southern France the area and a dialect known as "Cat-alan". We have mentioned them several times already in this article. They originate from east of the Ural Mountains and lived as far south as the Aral Sea at times, eventually a small group settling in the Caucasus mountains and known as the Ossets.


    The ancient religions of all of mankind have a lot of commonly shared features, and most of these are related to the oldest religion of mankind, shamanism. We can find it from Africa to Early Europe and the Americas and Australia. These basic features are later transmuted by the later religions, but can often be recognized to be from their earlier shamanistic origins. Shamanism believes in the ties between all living things along with the guiding spirits of the

  • ancestors. It is "spiritualism" in its most basic form. Spiritualism not just of humans, but also totemic animals, the earth,the sky, the wind and the whole cosmos. Therefore it was not unexpected to have a hierarchy of gods starting from the greatest "universe" down to the smallest things, associated with heaven, the sky, the sun, moon, earth, stars, the atmosphere, wind, the mountains, rivers, water, fire, as well as the ancestors of each clan. There was an uncountable number of guiding spirits from the simplest and smallest things to the largest.

    Not much remains from the earliest phases of this religion, except the variations among the later FinnoUgrians of the north, who only adapted Christianity in the last few hundred years and even then maintained for a long time many of their shamanistic taboos and customs. Very little of that however survived in Hungarian, following over 1,000 years of Christianity. What did survive were religious terms mainly, which seemed to have been modified by Christian influences. Hungarian religious terms are predominantly of eastern origin and only European when unique Christian terms were needed that couldnt be translated.

    The creation of the world, heaven and earth united, was from the heavenly sea, which was common in many ancient traditions. This heavenly sea can be interpreted to mean the cosmos. The great mother of the physical world was called ANKE Patay, who was simply renamed as AN-KI in Sumerian and was interpreted to be a combined form of AN meaning heaven and KI meaning earth and place. In evaluating these terms it becomes clear that both have earlier FinnoUgrian etymologies because the god of heaven is AN in Sumerian , which came from FinnoUgrian *saNe, where the lead S is often dropped, which results in Sumerian word for heaven, sky while Sumerian "Ki" came from *kil'a meaning place. In looking for an equivalent of these names in Etruscan, it is easy to recognize that the god of the highest sky or heaven, was also called "Ani" by the Etruscans. This became the Latin god Janus (ianus), who gave his name to the month of January in the Etrusco-Roman calendar.

    The sky and heavens: Numa, in ObUgrian represented the highest chief god known as Numi Torem. In the Finnic group the lead N was replaced by Y (J) and the name became Juma, Jumala, Jumal. In Etruscan this became Uni, whichin Latin became Juno, the queen of heaven and the chief goddess. In Sumerian Nammu was the mother of the old gods, the celestial sea, the universe, which is the source of all. It is still only a conjecture whether the Latin Numa, could have come from Etruscan, which is linked to the descendant languages of FinnoUgrians. In both Sumerian and FinnoUgrian the term num means high.

    The air god Ilma, was the son of the sky god, who was the source of the great god of the Finns, called "Ilma-rinen", who taking on one of the main functions of the air god, as creator, became the blacksmith of the gods and over time lost his main ties with the wind which is clearly in his name. In Hungarian the internal "m" often becomes "v", and the metathesis of the lead syllable created the word for air-atmosphere in the form il-ma >> le-ma > leve-g =air. The very same word in Sumerian absorbed the l, by the adjacent nasal m, resulting in Imi which also meant "wind" and is the source of one of their famous wind gods that we still are familiar with becoming En + IMI + ra, which is the source of the Sumerian wind god *en-imi-ur-ta >*n-im-ur-ta >>NinUr-ta and also Nimrud, of the Bible. In his Assyrian form Nimrud also became a sun god, because he was already associated with the heat of the southern wind in Sumerian times. The wife of Nimrud in Assyrian documents already used the name related to Hungarian Eneh, Enuta name, alongwith the Sumerian BAU name showing a totally unexpected consistency of legends, which imply some kind of ties with northern Mesopotamia.

    In FinnoUgrian there was another term, which also meant warm breath/spirit/soul which normally was associated with all living things, however in Sumerian, this became their generic word for "breath/spirit" as well as "wind", and thus it became the name of the chief god of earth, the air god, in the form of En "Lil", from the FinnoUgrian word "*leile". He was the chief god after An lost his preeminence, and was also a major creator. Under him were also several wind gods, like the gods of the north wind, south wind and so on. It is no wonder that under Biblical influence the Hungarians associated their ancient national god with Nimrod, since their wind -spirit god Nemere already reflected a similar word that also allowed the name to be interpreted also as the "progenitor" of the people, the nation. The Sumerian word mer 2, mir 2 meant storm and wind in Sumerian. Therefore this idea wasnt as new as it may seem, since even the early Armenians recorded that the local "Madjars" (Hungarians), living in Greater Armenia in the Middle Ages are believed to be the descendants of Nimrud, who supposedly lived in ancient times in northern Mesopotamia, where the Assyrian cities of Nimrud and Ninus (his son) recall his cults. (Modern Encyclopedia of Islam) The name is simply a modification and variation of the older Ugrian clan god, whom the ObUgrians already had as the god of hunting, forestsand protector of man, under the name "Menke" and which the early Hungarian called also called Mn-rot, rather than Nimrud.

    In Sumerian mythology Nimrud was the husband of the goddess Bau, who was a very prominent old goddess of the Sumerians, known for her healing, childbirth, the source of food and plenty. If we ad the Sumerian word "dug" to her name, which means happyness and sex, then it results in the Hungarian word with the same meaning, plus more (Bodog> modern Boldog) She was to Hungarians their chief goddess, the protector of families, the giver of life, the protector ofmothers and the childbirth as well as the patroness of agriculture. The only possible link to her name besides Hungarian is the Mordvinian mother goddess Pak-se Patay, which uses an archaic term *pakke found in a lot of related languages and referring to the bursting forth of life from the seed or becoming pregnant, as in the Hungarian "fak-ad, fog-ant". No other memory of her name exists amongst the northern FinnoUgrians, who normally call the great mother goddess by

  • terms like Kaltes or Kildis-in, which is similar to the Sumerian Gal-ama meaning "great mother", which was probably another name for the goddess Bau. The Finno Ugrian term "kl" means dawn, to arise, to ford-cross over, etc just as Sumerian "Gal-am" can have these same meanings. She is also known by the Etruscans as the goddess "Cel" as well as "Thes-an". This same term is found in Hungarian "kel-et" and means east, the place of the rising of the sun, while "Kel" means to arise. In Ugrian mythology Kal-tes is the wife of the chief god, the god of heaven, and she is the giver and ender of life, and the goddess of fate.

    Most of the early Finno Ugrians weren't yet familiar with the ocean and their name for sea or lake were much the same. Therefore none of them had anything equivalent to the Sea God, but they did have water and river gods that sometimes evolved to become Sea Gods in their later homes. Similarly the Sumerian god En-Ki is sometimes associated with the sea god by people today. He was also called EA and referred more to the source of underground fresh water, called "engur" and the source of rivers, than to a saltwater sea. The Sumerian term EA is quite similar sounding to the FinnoUgrian term "yo(ki)" meaning river. Similarly the Etruscan sea god "Neth-uns" was originally the god of springs and wells, before becoming a sea god in Italy. The word appears related to Hungarian "Ned" which means wetness, moisture. Later it adopted some of the Greek symbolism related to Neptune, due to strong Greek cultural influence in their region of the world. Hungarian borrowed the term for sea from Turkic to differentiate a large sea "tenger", from a lake "t" and never developed a Sea God in spite of the fact they lived for a long time next to the Caspean and Black Sea. Finnish also has various water spirits, but these weren't sea gods. They also adopted a foreign word "mer" to mean sea, rather than use the old FinnoUgrian term for a large lake/sea "*towe".

    The Sun and the Moon gods had many names in different groups. The Sumerians called the Sun god and time god Utu, since the name also referred to time and day "ud". In Turkish "d" also refers to the sun and time, as in Hungarian "id" is time. In Etruscan time is "itu" and is the source of the Latin term for a division of time "ides". The Etruscan sun god or the god of the sunrise, was called Cathe and is derived from the Finno Ugrian word for dawn, morning "kdhe ", which became (dh>l) "hol"-nap in Hungarian, meaning tomorrow, the coming sun rise.

    The curious thing about the sun and the moon names are that their names are often swapped in different major branches of these languages. For example in FinnoUgrian the word for moon is "kunke" while in Altaic-Turkic "kn" means sun. Similarly the word "nay" in FinnoUgrian refers to fire, light and the sun and is the source of Hungarian word "na-p" meaning both the sun and day. Yet in Sumerian the same word Na11=light, fire but is the name of the father of the sun, which was believed to be the Moon God, in the reduplicated form of "Na-na". The closest FinnoUgrian equivalent of the Sumerian usage of the NaNa name is the Mordvinian moon god "NA-zar-om Paz". The Sumerians didnt have a symbol for the phoneme "Y" and often dropped such trailing liquid sounds. The other Sumerian name for the sun god was "en-Zu", which simply meant the "wise lord", based on another common word esze=mind,smart in Hungarian. In most FinnoUgrian mythologies the Sun was a young male and the Moon was an old woman, while in Sumerian there was a couple, husband and wife, representing the moon.

    In Sumerian the moon god and goddess also had two famous daughters, the beautiful goddess of love and war Inana and her older sister, the queen of the underworld Eres Ki-Gal, the " queen of the great earth". KiGal also mean the lower earth or underworld, a concept of the description of the world contrasted with the upper realm of heaven, were common with FinnoUgrian mythology and was symbolized by the earth goddess whose Ob Ugrian name was Joli Tarem, which meant exactly the same thing as Sumerian. This creates a suspicion that perhaps the Sumerian word Gal was pronounced in two different ways, as Gal=big and Jal=below. In general it was found that FinnoUgrian protowordswith J are translated to G or sometimes dropped in Sumerian equivalents. While it is generally thought that Eres Ki Gal was separate from the goddess of the earth, known simply as Ki=earth,place, her name implies that they were the same once. Her younger sister Inana representing the fruitful, sensual, troublesome young woman and the older sister Eres KiGal, the older and mature and trapped, jelous earth goddess, from whose womb all the buried seeds germinate and arereborn in the spring. The term "eret" in northern Mesopotamia referred not to a queen or lady but to "germination" as it does in Hungarian "ered". However "eres", may also be a distortion of "ur-asz-ony" meaning lady or lord-lady, as is normally called in Hungarian and not to be misunderstood with just any lady, but a queen. The Sumerian Emesal dialectterm for lady /queen is gasan, which in old Hungarian was identical in meaning with "aszony". The Modern Hungarian equivalent of the Sumerian Inana is the modern Ilona, who is also the queen of the fairies and also called Magyar Ilona in fairytales. There are many place names that have her name it them. This is also related to the Finnish Ilma-tar goddess. Her other Hungarian name was the goddess "Szp Aszony", who was also a beautiful, but trouble making, just like Inana. In Hungarian as well as Sumerian, the L and N at times can be exchanged, allowing such duplication as "danol and dalol" =sings. Such a change would allow Ilona to become Inona or Inana. In Etruscan the closest equivalent of Inana is the goddess Turan, whose name is quite similar to the designation for gods/goddesses of the ObUgrians, known as Torem. She was the goddess of love, health and fertility and her name appears to be simply an archaic name meaning "goddess". Actually the Scythians also seem to have called their god as Tar, if we assume that thefirst Scythian he created by the sky god "TAR-Gita-us" simply indicated the, clan of god, the nobility. Just as the Sumerians had another sister to the goddess of love, associated with the underworld and the dead, the Etruscans also had theirs, which was called Ar-tume, the goddess of the night and death, and who was the predecessor of the Greek Artemis, which they borrowed from their northern Thracian neighbors. Both were also from the Scythian Artim-paz which was mentioned by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. The etymology of "tume, teme" refers to burial and the

  • dead in FinnoUgrian, Etruscan and Sumerian.

    The god of waters EnKi is strangely linked with the god of wisdom in Sumerian mythology. The two originally dont seem to have any reason to be united and probably weren't. His various names certainly dont indicate a similar concept at all. "EnKi" means the lord of earth, not of water. He was also the co-creator of plants, animals and mankind which normally was the domain of the chief god, the air-sky god. There are also versions of the Sumerian myths that indicate that the Air god indeed was also considered the creator, which also brings into conflict the idea that EnKi was originally considered the creator. If we concentrate on his main characteristics however we are closer to the truth and original form. Ea the watergod, seems related to "yo(ki)", the designation for river and water in FinnoUgrian. Similarly as the allknowing wisdom god and magician of the Sumerian gods, his name is also quite similar to "Yav", the designation of healing shamans in Hungarian. Trailing v sounds are often deleted and can become "YA". This term is also related to Turkic *Yay-c'i, which referred to shamans that not only practiced healing, but were prophets, healers, and magicians. The prophets or fortune tellers, in Hungarian have another variation in pronunciation which is "Y-s", where the "s" ending is but an adjectival marker, so that the root word is "Y". This also fits quite closely with the function of EA, the magician of the Sumerian gods. The magical spells and the teachings of the gods were given to humanity by Enki and were called "Me"s. The word Me in Sumerian means many things, but based upon the word for telling as well as the proclamation and instructions of the gods and the methods and arts of civilization. The situation is nearly the same in Finnougrian mythology, where the following words nearly overlap in sound and function.

    FinnoUgrian mona =to tell, to saySumerian me- =to say, to tell; eme =languageHungarian mon-d=to say or tell

    FinnoUgrian mac^e =to tell stories, religious instructions.Sumerian me- =the instructions of the gods

    Finnish mana =admonish, bewitch.. (a demonization of the old words)Hungarian mese =fairy tales, religious tales originally.

    Vogul/Mansi manse=myth

    Ostyak/Khan mans =tell a tale, story(originally mythology)

    Cherem/Mari mana-m=order, say, speak

    Mordvin mua-ms=bewitch, ruin by witchcraft

    Finn/Suomi manaa =admonish, warn; bewitch, curse, wish evil to;

    Estonian mana=abuse,curse,slander, indicate, give to understand;

    Lapp/Saami muone=appoint,order,prescribe,conjecture

    Samoyed man=to talk

    Penuitan monse=to tell,advise,inform;maccaw=to speak,talk,lang

    FinnUgor mus ==charm, enchant, magic (religion)

    EmeGir/Sumr ma-ma =sorcerer,incantation; me =the god given words & creations; mu=speak;

    Magyar/Hung mv-sz =entertainer, mese=a story,fairy tale, m(v) =creation; ?ima=prayer;

    Vogul/Mansi mul- ,mut- = offer to the gods, prayer; ml=curse, enchant;

    Ostyak/Khan mut=pray; mul=the magic words;

    Cherem/Mari mu=prophesy; mu-ed- =divine, prophesy, conjure, practice magicALTAIC m>b b

    Normally Enki gave these willingly, but sometimes the "me-s" of civilization were taken by trickery from him, by the enchanting lovely goddess Inana. It is a strange fact that the early Sumerians, FinnoUgrians and the Etruscans viewed the many human inventions as the gift of the gods, and not as an invention of man. All new ideas came from gods, and making it possible to be made. The family ties of Enki, the water god, has several similar gods and goddesses in FinnoUgrian languages.

    The god of spring, resurection, rebirth, death and shepherds in Sumerian was known as Dumuzig, which later became Tamuz. In FinnoUgrian the reconstructed word for spring is *towke, however it is also seen that in several languages a nazal sound (n or m) is used instead of the W. The Hungarian word for spring "tavasz" could have derived from "tamuz", because of the m~ w alteration found in old FU languages. In general this word refers to the warming of spring or the flooding it causes. Besides this archaic link to the word for spring, there is also a historic reference to this ancient god in the old Transylvanian-Hungarian Chronicle. The "legend of Chaba", writes of the protector and savior ofthe Transylvanian Hungarians and supposedly he was the youngest son of Atilla, called Chaba, who behaves much like

  • Dumuzig and comes back more than once from the netherworld, to save his people. In the legend, Chaba "the shepherd"of the people, prays to his god "Damachek", which is all too similar to the old Sumerian name "Damuzig", to be coincidental. This name remained into the Middle Ages in various sayings and curses, shortened to Dama . (refer to dr Bobula Ida, The Sumerian Legend of the Stagg.) Among other things Damuzig was also a shepherd and a shepherd king, whose other names Saba also meant shepherd in Sumerian and are the same in meaning as Csaba or Csobn, which in Turkic and old Hungarian meant shepherd. The old FinnoUgrian word for sheep is *use, while the Sumerian Emesal dialect form is "e.z", while pa or ba is just a variation for head/chief/leader. This term has ties in other languages as well, even in old Iranian, from which Slavic borrowed it to mean just clan chief "dzupan". In Sumerian myths Dumuzig is taken to the underworld every fall by force and with him the plant life dies, due to lack of water and in spring he returns and the plant life comes to life with the spring floods.

    It is not at all inconceivable that Dumuzig originally was a god of death and resurrection, and his name isn't so much from the word for springtime when things get flooded, but from burial. This word is in common with Sumerian, FinnoUgrian and Etruscan in the form of "teme", and having a wide range of meaning from burying the dead to stuffing into a small space. Tying this meaning to the end of winter and his "resurrection" or return from the underworld results in his dual nature. The following examples illustrate the usage of the word, Etruscan teme-ra is grave, Hungarian teme-t is a cemetary, Sumerian ki-tum=burial place (ki=place), Samoyed dimi=to seal up and so on. Etruscans also had several underworld deities, but the chief one was called Vol-Tuma, where "vol-" refers to the inside, inner world of the grave "tuma" and the associated underworld.

    In Sumerian mythology Dumu-zig, the god of death and resurrection, also has a younger sister, the daughter of EnKi thewater god, who was called the "goddess of the reeds", since the Sumerians also lived in a marshy environment, much like the FinnoUgrians, except for a huge difference in the cold vs hot weather. The young queen of the reed stems, is well known in Hungarian fairy tales, and is also known as the daughter of the water god Vahti in Finnish mythology/Kandra Kabos, Magyar Mytologia, pg88 The reeds were important and had hundreds of uses to early man from baskets, fences, roofs, huts to types of reed boats.

    The world was believed to be divided into three major regions, the upper world or heavens, the middle earth which is our world and the underworld. The three regions were believed to be connected by the "world tree" which acted much like its axle. The underworld was the home of the dead, but also some gods also returned there regularly, in association with the cycles of the day and the cycles of the seasons. The term for devils or the masters of the underworld have a lot of common terms in these languages.

    The FinnoUgrians called the devil "kolja" and death "kola", and the two were interrelated with death and sickness. Similarly in Sumerian the underworld devils were called "gala" and the underworld had many names, including "hal-ib", the world of the dead, or "kur-na-gea" the land of no return. One of the giant devils was called "kur" in Sumerian mythology. There were other names for the ruler of the underworld such as the Finnish "manala" which in Hungarian was called "mano" and seen as a dwarf like devil. Etruscan also had common terms for the devil with FinnoUgrian, since Cul-su was a demoness who guards the entrance to the underworld, while the male Mani-a was the guardian of the underworld with Man-tus.

    FinnoUgrian kolja =devil, evil spirit

    Sumerian gala =devil of the underworldEtruscan cul-su =a guard to the entrance of the underworld.

    Finn kolja=devil; kuole-ma=death.Estonian kol'l'=devilVotjak kil =devilZrjen kul'=sicknessVogul kul'-ater =the king of the devils, kul=devil; /8pg125Ostjak kolj =devil/3pg197Zrjen kolj=devil/Brczy 107/3pg197Cheremis ker-emety =devil /8pg125,126Hungarian hal-l=death [k>x>h], /19Hungarian kr=harm, damage; kr=desease;/19

    Finn manala = a devil of the underworldHungarian man =a devil of the underworldEtruscan mania = a guardian of the underworld

    The interpreters of the gods and spirits were the shamans, because according to legends the people over time lost the ability to communicate with heaven, and so the giant mythical eagle of heaven was sent down and impregnated the first shamanes, dwelling under the trunk of the world tree, whose progeny afterwards were the male and female shamans. It is no wonder then that the Etruscan goddess of wisdom was borrowed by the Romans as the goddess Minerva. The shamans were much more than religious leaders, but were doctors, teachers, philosophers and prophets. They were the carriers of ancient knowledge, and some of their names clearly reflect this. There were different ranks and types of

  • shamans. Not all shamanistic religions were found only among primitive people, although they were able to maintain it easiest due to their long isolation. Japanese Shinto and Korean ChongoJo are both shamanistic state religions, which aren't pushed exclusively on the people, but are respected for being the carriers of their traditions and culture.

    The chief shaman was the one with the most knowledge.

    Uralic/FinnUgor *tumte=able, can, see /1,v3Hungarian tal-l=to find, uncover, discover.Hungarian tud =know, able, can /1,v3 [mt>nt>d]Hungarian tlt-os=shaman, wise man /1,v3Hungarian tud-os =scientistFinn tuntea=feel, sense, know/1,v3Samoyed tumta=able, can./1,v3Votjak tuno =shaman; tod=knowledge, acquaintance, memory/1,v3Zrjen ted=wise/1,v3Sumerian tal-tal =knowledge, experience, wisdom/28

    Etruscan trut ? l>r, =haruspex

    In early Hungarian references there were 7 ranks of shamans mentioned, with their names, that dealt with a range of specialties from weathermen, doctoring (arvis), to singing/ceremonies (harsny), to predictions or even black magic. Shamanism is known to adapt to newer religions because its teachings are not based upon a lot of dogmatic tenets, but rather its a way of doing and solving things. Its link to the spiritual realms isn't through ancient books or ancient prophets, but immediate and direct. If the adopting religion isn't outright set against the shamans they coexist, since the shamans provide a lot of valuable social work, as well as healing. Since Christianity persecuted them, they went into hiding and in time disappeared from the scene except for a very few, who could still perform basic services in a Christian guise.

    The Manysi Creation MythTranslated from Magyar Mitologia, exerpts on FU mythology.

    In the begining "Numi Tarom" (the main god of the "upper world", ie. heaven) brings into being the

    sun god and his wife and suspends them with a silver chain from his home in upper heaven and the

    lower world, which was a great eternal sea. (Similar to Sumerian AN & KI, the upper and lower realms of

    sky and earth, except land doesn't exist yet.)

    These two hung in the great expanses of the air (or void) and above the (cosmic) sea, being moved

    from place to place my the movement of the northern and southern winds.

    The male (sun god) preyed to Numi Tarem, to let down from heaven enough earth for the area of their

    abode. Numi Tarem heard their plea and lowered down to them some of the requested earth. The birthing

    time for the woman approached and a son was brought to life. The name of the boy was Elmpi (the son of

    air). The boy grew up and visited his grandfather Numi Torem, through the 7 layered silver mountain

    passes. (Refers to the 7 levels of heaven so common in FU mythology. In Hungarian mythology the highest

    level of heaven is referred to as a golden land, where all things are golden colored or radiant.)

    Elmpi ask his grandfather Numi Tarem how to live between the water and the sky?

    The seven braided (hair) Numi Tarem teaches Elmpi to bring up earth from the watery sea.

    He provides him with the skin of a water bird, with which (he dons) and flied down upon the sea and dives to its depths to bring up earth.

    However because the sea was rotating and won't allow the earth to stay above it.

    To stop the spinning waters Numi Tarem gives his silver buttoned belt to Elmpi to wrap around the sea, to stop its spinning and

    allows earth to be stabilized. The belt and its buttons become the Ural Mountains, the home of

    the people.

    Elmpi agains goes up to visit the sky god, Numi Tarem and is given instructions for creating mammals,

  • birds, and from snow he creates man. He then brings fishes from the sky as food for man. Fish is thus a

    gift of heaven. Then the art of hunting, the making of bows and arrows. The tying of nets for fishing

    and bird catching, he teaches to mankind. Then he teaches mankind the institution of marriage which

    starts the growth in human population. To balance population growth, he brings down from heaven

    Kulyater, the prince of the dead. (He later become more evil, perhaps due to foreign religious influences.)

    This is to balance the number of people who die with the number that are born. One should give

    space to the other.

    According to the Finnish creation myth, a duck siting on the knee of Impi (like Elmpi), builds a

    nest while Impi, the daughter of the air god, is asleep. Into the nest she lays seven eggs. All but

    one of the eggs is made of gold except one is of iron. When Impi awakens she shakes off the eggs

    which are broken and from them are created the sun, moon, stars, the vault of heaven and from the

    iron egg the earth.

    In the myths of the Cheremis of Kazan. Keremety in the form of a male duck is swimming in the

    great (cosmic) sea, while Juma (god of heaven) wants to built dry land commands him to dive

    under the sea and bring up earth from its bottom. Keremeti does as commanded and dives under

    to bring up earth in his beak however he doesn't give all of it to Juma. A portion of the earth

    he hides inside his mouth. When Juma breathes on the earth then he spreads it upon the water,

    it grows and Keremety starts to spit out his hidden dirt from his mouth which then created

    large mountains upon the flat earth. (Variations of this in some Hungarian versions,

    where the dirt caught in the "devils" mouth while god created the earth also disfigured him

    and what was spit out were


    Excerpt of the legend of creation from the Hungarian sagaThe Saga of the Legend of the Stag,

    as collected by Adorjan Magyar

    The seeds of the Holy Sea break out of your shell.

    The eternal sea's waves are waving, and rolling.Their waves are rocking and their foam is hissing.There is no earth yet anywhere, but in the immeasurable heights, above in his golden house, sits the greatheavenly father on his golden throne.

    He is the old, white haired and white bearded god of eternity. On his black robes there are thousands of sparkling stars.Besides him sits his wife, the Great Heavenly mother. On her white robes (palast) there are thousands of sparkling stars. She is the ancient material of which everything is made. They have existed from eternity in the past and will exist for all eternity to come.

    In front of them stands their beautiful golden sunbeam haired son, the sun god Magyar. The boy asks from his father: "when shall we create the world of the humans my dear father?".

  • The Eternal Sea just waves and rolls.It's waves are rocking and it's foam is hissing. The old gray haired heavenly father lowers his head .He ponders the question a while and a little longer, then he lifts his white haired head and talks to his son.

    -- My dear sweet golden haired son, let us create then for the humans their own world, so that they, who will be your sons shall have a place to live in.

    -- How shall we create such a world, my dear father?

    -- This is the manner in which we can create it: In the depths of the waving, blue Sea of Eternity are thesleeping eyes (seeds), sleeping seeds [sem=eye/small seed] the sleeping Magya's [ Mag=seed, Magyar=man].

    Descend therefore to the depths of the Great Sea and bring up the sleeping seeds and dreaming eyes, so that we can create a world out of them.

    The son follows the direction of his father, he shakes and turns himself into his image of a golden bird,into a golden diving duck . [The duck was the Ugrian totem]

    Then he flies down to the expanses of the Endless Sea.

    He swims for a while on top of the water, and he is rocked by the waves of the sea for a while.He then dives down into the depths of the blue, searching for the bottom, but was unable to reach it.Out of breath he was forced to resurface.

    He swam on top again, rocked by the waves, he gathered his strength, for a long time. After taking deep breaths he submerged again into the blue depths, diving deeper, into the darkness, slowly releasing his air, which like vibrating pearls rose to the top and popped on the surface of the rolling sea.

    However now his beak hit the bottom of the sea, into its sand. He took some of it into his beak and like an arrow, he shot up to the top of the water with it From the surface of the sea bed, he brought up the sleeping eyes/seeds, silver white "gycske" [small eyes?]. The sleeping eyes awoke, the sleepy eyes opened and grew up and became living beings.

    Links to both the Finnish Kalevala and the Sumerian "Barton Tablets"containing the Sumerian creation myth can be seen here.

    In the Finnish myth the diving duck lays the eggs on the lap of the daughter of the god of the sea who is sleeping on the surface. Awaking from her slumber the eggs break and from their shell is the heavens, stars and earth created.

    The Sumerian myth is often misunderstood but Line 15 of the Barton Tablets says:A ENGUR-KU-GA-DUH-NUNUZ-E meaning

    "Seed of the Holy Sea broke out of her egg."

    Hungarian mythology also claims the origin of 7 branches of the Hungarian people,who probably were followers of 7 different "national" gods once long ago Remnants of this idea are noticed in the 7 national/tribal leaders in the 9th century, many of which appear to be also related to ancient Mesopotamian God names!?

  • This may indicate the remnant of the tradition that their rulers are but the earthly representatives of the traditional ancient god of the group, even though this may have been forgotten by then, even if the traditional title was still used. By the 9th century most Hungarian were eastern Christians.

    In this sense, the Sumir mythology talks of the "7 good seeds" This referred to the ancient 7 great gods, who were born from the great black cosmic mountain, which later is also sacrificed in the creation of the world. The legend of KUR.

    The concept of KUR is so vast in Sumerian, just as in Hungarian that mountain, time, black, circular, enclosure, enmity can all be derived from the root word. Therefore the meaning can have many ramifications for this very old myth. In the matriarchal branch of these people the myth is changed to originate life instead from the eternal material of Numa, the Universal Heavenly Sea goddes, rather than from a patriarchal Cosmic Mountain.

    This name is also found in the Ugrian's Numi Torem (the heavenly creator), which is male however and is in the heights of heaven rather than in the depths of the material sea goddess.Finn-Ugor mythology therefore has saved both variations of the ancient creation myths. The Altaic people seem to have memories of the heavenly father Tengri instead of the matriarchialSea bed. This too has its Sumerian ties since the word for God in Sumerian is Dingir instead of Tengri. [Polynesian Tangaroa =Sea God]

    Excerpt of the legend of creation from the Hungarian saga The Saga of the Legend of the Stag, as collected by Adorjan Magyar

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