Human & Nature

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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PowerPoint Presentation

Compiled by: Dimos Derventlis

This unique object is a rainbow-colored geysers geothermal (hot spring showers) located in Washoe County, Nevada. Its location is approximately 32 miles from Gerlach. Height of only 1.5 meters, but if measured along the existing mound beneath the geyser has a total height of 3.7 meters.

Fly Geyser is actually not a natural phenomenon that occurs naturally. Originally the geyser accidentally digs wells in 1964 to explore geothermal energy sources. When the wells had to be closed again, it seems closure effort is not going well. Mineral wells began spitting constantly. The minerals accumulate around the geysers and eventually settles into the growing mound of travertine

Colombian River Cano Cristales. This river is amazing fully colorful, when Macarenia clavigera, the plant species that covers the bottom of the Colombian river Cano Cristales, blooms, its red flowers transform the site into a lush explosion of pink, red, yellow, blue and green for a few weeks from September to November. Cano Cristales, located in the Serrania de la Macarena in Colombia

Deadvlei is a white clay pan located near the more famous salt pan of Sossusvlei, inside the Namib-Naukluft Park in Namibia. Also written DeadVlei or Dead Vlei, its name means "dead marsh" (from English dead, and Afrikaans vlei, a lake or marsh in a valley between the dunes). The trees died, as there no longer was enough water to survive. There are some species of plants remaining, such as salsola and clumps of !nara, adapted to surviving off the morning mist and very rare rainfall. The remaining skeletons of the trees, which are believed to be about 900 years old, are now black because the intense sun has scorched them.[2] Though not petrified, the wood does not decompose because it is so dry

Every March the fields just outside Amsterdam turn from sandy patches into carpets of lime green sprouts as the first signs of spring emerge. By the time the season is in full swing, the area is swathed in red, pink, purple, orange and yellow blooms, a sight that truly looks like something out of The Wizard of Oz.

Danxia landform is formed from red-coloured sandstones and conglomerates of largely Cretaceous age. The landforms look very much like karst topography that forms in areas underlain by limestones, but since the rocks that form danxia are sandstones and conglomerates, they have been called "pseudo-karst" landforms. Danxia landforms cover several provinces in southeast China. Taining County, Fujian Province, has very good examples of "young" danxia landforms wherein deep, narrow valleys have been formed. As the landform gets older, valleys widen and one gets isolated towers and ridges.The danxia landform is named after Mount Danxia, one of the most famous examples of the danxia landform

650 feet beneath the Russian industrial city of Yekaterinburg lies an abandoned salt mine. The cave looks like a surrealistically painted pantheon from an ancient civilization. However, the psychedelic pattern is a naturally occurring phenomenon. The bold stripes that decorate the cave walls are made up of layers of a mineral called carnallite, which is used in plant fertilization and can appear in a variety of colors.

The Derweze area is rich in natural gas. While drilling in 1971, Soviet geologists tapped into a cavern filled with natural gas.[1] The ground beneath the drilling rig collapsed, leaving a large hole with a diameter of 70 metres (230ft) at 401510N 582622E. To avoid poisonous gas discharge, it was decided the best solution was to burn it off.[2] Geologists had hoped the fire would use all the fuel in a matter of days, but the gas is still burning today. Locals have dubbed the cavern "The Door to Hell".[

. Lake Hillier is a pink-coloured lake on Middle Island in Western Australia the largest island from the Recherche Archipelago, a group of about 105 islands. A narrow strip of land composed of sand dunes covered by vegetation separates it from the ocean.The tiny lake only spans 600 meters wide, but the pink color is just unmistakable and downright weird. What youre seeing around it is a ime of white salt and a dense woodland of Paperbark and Eucalypt trees.Read more at

. On Oct. 4, 2010, the northwest corner of the dam at the No. 10 reservoir of the Ajka alumina plant collapsed, flooding the nearby towns of Kolontar and Devecser with 35 million cubic feet of red mud. The mud is a waste product of the process by which bauxite is refined into alumina, a form of aluminium oxide. As a result of the spill, 10 people were killed, more than 100 injured, and many left homeless

In the far east of Russia, on a peninsula called Kamchatka, are stunningly surreal-looking ice caves that are formed under incredibly interesting conditions. Fire and ice are involved, or volcanoes and glaciers. As EPOD states about one, "It was formed by a stream flowing from the hot springs associated with the Mutnovsky volcano. This stream flows beneath glacial ice on the flanks of Mutnovsky. Because glaciers on Kamchatka volcanoes have been melting in recent years, the roof of this cave is now so thin that sunlight penetrates through it, eerily illuminating the icy structures within."


Ozzy Osbourne

Dreamer, track 15



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