Human capital vs kesuksesan org

Post on 06-May-2015






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Membahas tentang bagaimana mengoptimalkan pentingnya human capital pada kesuksesan sebuah organisasi


Pengaruh Human Capital terhadap Kesuksesan Organisasi

Nuzulul Kusuma Putri, SKM



“knowledge economy”

Faktor kunci dalam produksi adalah manusia, dan manusia adalah satu-

satunya faktor kesuksesan organisasi yang tidak diperdagangkan sebagai

komoditas dagang organisasi

(Holbeche, 2005)


• Selama ini, pengukuran kinerja organisasi hanya diukur melalui pencapaian finansial padahal pengukuran tersebut tidak merefleksikan daya saing yang sebenarnya dari organisasi dan belum mampu meramal kinerja organisasi di masa depan

• Modal intelektual dan potensi inovasi merupakan kunci jangka panjang bagi “kesehatan” organisasi, dan bahwa manusia atau “human capital” merupakan sumber utama dari kedua aset tersebut

PendahuluanNo. Pendapat Jumlah

1. Pendapat CEO tentang tantangan terbesar dalam perkembangan dunia ekonomi saat ini…

Menemukan/ mempertahankan karyawan yang baik 47%

Strategi dan perencanaan usaha 21%

Kerjasama bisnsi/ beraliansi 10%

2. Dibandingkan dengan tiga tahun yang lalu, isu mengenai sumber daya manusia…

Lebih penting 84%

Sama pentingnya 14%

Kurang penting 2%

3. Isu tentang sumber daya manusia yang paling penting adalah..

Menarik karyawan dengan potensi yang paling baik 39%

Mempertahankan/ memotivasi karyawan kunci 26%

Mengatur perubahan 17%

4. Akankah mengembangkan potensi karyawan yang ada saat ini lebih penting daripada menambah ketrampilan..

Setuju 62%

Sama pentingnya 34%

Tidak setuju 4%

Human Capital

Human capital consider all human abilities to be either innate or acquired. Attributes… which are valuable and can be augmented by appropriate investment will be human

capital(Schultz, 1961)

Human capital represents the human factor in the organization; the combined intelligence, skills and expertise that gives the organization its distinctive character.

The human elements of the organization are those that are capable of learning, changing, innovating and providing the creative thrust which if properly motivated can

ensure the long-term survival of the organization(Bontis et al, 1999)

“The definition of human capital is “The knowledge, skills,competencies and attributes embodied in individuals that facilitate the creation of

personal, social and economic well-being” (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2001, 18).

Human Capital

Schuller (2000)

• Inti dari human capital adalah ketrampilan, pengetahuan dan kompetensi yang merupakan faktor kunci yang menentukan kesejahteraan organisasi

Davenport (1999)

• Karyawan seharusnya tidak diperlakukan sebagai aset pasif yang bisa dibeli, dijual dan diganti oleh pemilik organisasi, karyawan juga secara aktif memiliki kontrol terhadap kehidupan kerjanya

Human Capital Armstrong (2006)

Intellectual Capital

Social Capital Organizational Capital

Human Capital

1. Individuals generate, retain and use knowledge and skill (human capital) and create intellectual capital

2. Their knowledge is enhanced by the interactions between them (social capital) and generates the institutionalized knowledge possessed by an organization (organizational capital)

Human Capital Measurement (OECD, 2001)

Three methods of measuring human capital, specifically:

• measures of activities contributing to the investment or formation of human capital; for example schooling, tertiary study, on-job training output or stock type

• measures of human capital; for example individual and group competencies, skills and characteristics

• measures relating to the contribution of human capital to individual and social outcomes; for example future earnings and economic growth.

Human Capital Effectiveness Metrics

• Revenue Factor– links the time and effort associated with the firm’s human capital to its revenue output by indicating

employee productivity

• Expense Factor– links the time and effort associated with the firm’s human capital to its operating expense output

• Income Factor– links the time and effort associated with the firm’s human capital to its operating income output

• EBITDA Factor– links the time and effort associated with the firm’s human capital to its operations’ profitability without the

potentially distorting effects of changes in depreciation, amortization, interest and tax

• Human Capital Value Added (HCVA)– The formula for HCVA is; (Revenue - (Operating Expense - (Compensation + Benefits Cost) / Headcount

(temporary excluded))

• Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI)– It calculates the return on investment on a company's employees

• Human Economic Value Added (HEVA)– It shows wealth created per average headcount in an organization

Kesuksesan Organisasi


“achievement of one’s aim, fame, wealth, etc.”

(Oxford Dictionary)

• Penekanannya pada intensi, stabilitas dan return terhadap equilibrium bagi kesuksesan usaha (Holbeche, 2005)

Kesuksesan Organisasi

Sebelum Abad ke-21• Ukuran kesuksesan lebih tertuju

pada the excellence and entrepreneurship theories (1970-an)

• Lebih berfokus pada kepemimpinan dan pelayanan pada pelanggan (1980-an)

• Mengacu pada learning organization, re-engineering, core competency, systems thinking, agile company dan empowerment theories (1990-an)

Sesudah Abad ke-21• “The 21st century company

has to promote and nurture the capacity to improve and to innovate. That idea has radical implications. It means learning becomes the axial principle of organizations. It replaces control as the fundamental job of management.”

(Holbeche, 2005)

Ukuran Kesuksesan Organisasi Porter & Tanner (2004)

Pengaruh Human Capital Terhadap Kesuksesan Organisasi

‘An organization’s success is the product of its people’s competence. That link between people and performance should be made visible and available to all stakeholders.’

Armstrong (2006)

Inisiatif pimpinan Merasa dihargai/ diperlakukan secara adil

Iklim organisasi yang baik (terbuka)


Kinerja tinggi/ komitmen tinggi

Pengaruh Human Capital Terhadap Kesuksesan Organisasi

Karyawan yang berkomitmen tinggi

Mencurahkan semua energi dan kemampuannya untuk organisasi

Efektivitas & Efisiensi Organisasi


Daya ungkit bagi inovasi organisasi

Nilai (value) yang dimiliki oleh organisasi dapat tersampaikan kepada customer melalui human capital


We stand at the edge of the deepest power-shift in human history. In years past, power equated to manpower and

horsepower. Today, and more so in the future, knowledge and information are power

(Toffler, 1991)

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