Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Розвиток системи вищої осіти для вдосконалення соціального партнерства з метою підвищення

конкурентоспроможності у галузі гуманітарних наукHigher Education System Development for Social Partnership

Improvement and Humanity Sciences Competitiveness15.01.2010 - 14.07.2013

Importance and effectiveness to improve the mechanism of

social partnership in humanitarian sphere: the employer’s view

The improvement of social partnership and the system of higher education aimed at training of competitive specialists in humanitarian sphere is an extraordinary urgent and very difficult task.

Higher education in Ukraine is autonomous and rather withdrawn, closed centralized system which functions according to its own logics of internal regularity, its pattern, very sluggish, and very dependable on national regulation and centralized financing.

Training of higher qualification specialists in Ukraine doesn’t practically depend on a labor market and employers’ view. In fact qualifications boundaries for specialists’ training, syllabus standards, their corresponding to the requirements of modern technologies and labor conditions are given to the teachers of higher schools and don’t depend on a society’s view.

The quality and required quantity of specialists don’t depend on entrepreneurs and

employers. The nomenclature of specialties isn’t determined in public, in complex

coordination. Both the Ministry of economy, labor, and education and the Cabinet of Ministers are closed for the society’s influence and practically they don’t take into consideration the world tendencies occurring in the development of economy and means of production. Particularly it is typical for specialists’ training of ideological direction to which direction specialties of humanitarian sphere belong to.

As it is known, practically humanities are completely financed by the government, and this financing is very limited under modern conditions. In comparison with the directions of specialists’ training in the sphere of engineering and natural sciences specialties where they have some material basis having been left from the soviet times, the specialties of humanitarian sphere in fact don’t possess any modern basis for practical training and they don’t have any opportunity to compare the level of specialists’ training with the society’s requirements, not speaking about the future tendencies of the world development.

On the other hand, as the public discussions on TV and the discussions during

the “round tables” show that the employers are not interested very much in participation of specialists’ training of necessary qualification.

The employers are kept away from the educational system by law, largely, they don’t want themselves to cooperate with educational establishments and they rather badly understand the mechanisms, supposed forms and the results of such cooperation. In general they consider the Universities as “hangers on” their neck, but in case if they have such agreement relations they consider them as production forced expenses. Within the framework of the program “.

The development of higher education system to improve the social partnership aimed at the increasing of competitiveness in the sphere of humanities (TEMPUS IV)” a seminar of entrepreneurs and employers has been held.

But the most important thing is that there are not necessary structures

and effective forms of cooperation between higher education and employers, though everybody realizes the necessity to create them.

Moreover, there is no normative base which might stimulate the employers to participate in University’s life and to develop their syllabuses.

There are no such structures and efficient forms of collaboration between Universities and employers at the regional and national levels, although everybody realizes the necessity to create and develop them.

The Federation of Ukrainian Employers declared more than once that it is necessary to draw together standards of higher education and production demands, and besides it is necessary to reconsider the structures of national order and to improve the list of specialties.

At last, from the student’s point of view the employment situation in

Ukraine is rather far from ideal and more and more this situation is approaching to European one where only 1/3 of all students graduating from the Universities can find the work on specialty for the first after their study.

The main task is to coordinate the efforts of the state, Universities and employers because this task has very great, prior significance to improve and increase the role effectiveness of higher education in the development of the country.

That’s why the experience of International cooperation within the

framework of the program “Tempus” is very interesting. First of all, it allowed realizing and clearly forming the task of cooperation in the East –Ukrainian area, and secondly, it allowed testing new forms if interactions between University departments and employers to increase the quality of training and specialists competitiveness of a humanitarian sphere.

In October, 5, 2010 we held the “round table” where the teachers of the chair “Philosophy of culture and study of culture” of V. Dahl East-Ukrainian National University and the employers of Lugansk region were present. The aim of this discussion was to realize the depth, scope and all spectrum of the problem of the interactions between a higher school, society and employers. The theme of this discussion was “To increase the effectiveness of interactions between higher schools, labor market and enterprises for the improvement of training system and specialists’ employment of specialty “Science of documents and information activity”.

Co-chairman of this discussion was General Director PO “The union of

employers’ organizations in Lugansk region” N.I. Deinegin and the leader- coordinator of “Tempus” project “The development of a higher education system in order to increase the effectiveness of social partnership and to increase the competitiveness of humanities” was the chief of the chair “Philosophy of culture and study of culture”, V. Dahl East-Ukrainian National University, Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), Professor A.P. Voevodin.

Before the discussion the preliminary analysis using employers’ questionnaire to see how well they are aware of this problem had been made; and another aim of this questionnaire was to find out if the employers were satisfied with the level of specialists’ training. Moreover, the most important aim of this questionnaire was to clear up how the employers understand the position, state of documentation- information activity, and also to see if they are satisfied with the level of its development, with demands made to the training of specialists working with information and documents.

The exchange of opinions revealed that the entrepreneurs and

employers were poorly informed about the character and quality of specialists’ training in humanitarian sphere. In particularly, Executive Director PLC TD “Almateya – Lugansk” A.N. Grigorenko said that information which is given to the employers concerning the graduates on specialty documentation- information direction today is not enough. New more perfect ways and channels of such informing are necessary.

Without such possibilities the majority of employers won’t be aware of specialists of a given specialty. Then the question was asked: how well our employers understand the essence and the problems of society’s informing, the changes occurring in the matter of labor which are the results of labor changing; can we consider that the employer realizes and feels the “pressure” of information greatly. The best answer was given by the General Director of PO “Union of employers’ organizations in Lugansk region” N.I. Deinegin who stressed that in the whole the employers in Lugansk region don’t possess enough information on the information essence and the problems.

Entrepreneurs solve the current production tasks and they don’t always

see new possibilities which information carries and gives them. Here, we feel the lack of employers’ general information culture, having its own objective reasons. Taking into consideration the importance and urgency of the discussed problem, and also urgent demand to create and have close links, ties between specialists’ training and real requirements of enterprises in high qualified specialists’ training it was proposed to conclude “The treaty on the cooperation” between “The union of employers’ organization in Lugansk region” and the chair “Philosophy of culture and study of culture”, V. Dahl East- Ukrainian National University.

As the result of this discussion, general conclusions (both positive and negative effects from the improvement of social partnership), propositions and recommendations on its development have been made jointly.

The positive effects are: 1) constant monitoring of educational process, syllabus quality and syllabus of some

disciplines, formation of rational understanding for employers, production, and a society in the whole who must realize and imagine the necessity of competitive future specialists;

2) the education process must go out beyond the closed frontiers and social isolation, develop close ties with places of future professional activity, individual specialists’ training;

3) 100 per cent graduals’ employment, region’s requirements planning of necessary qualification specialists;

4) permanent syllabus due to the development of scientific- technological progress, appearance of urgent timely themes for scientific research, introduction new results into productive and educational process;

5) essential assistance to maintenance the chair and the University material base in the whole;

6) the possibility to compare and contrast the educational systems in different countries and borrow positive elements for introducing them into our educational process;

7) the possibility ( the place) for discussion urgent important educational, theoretical and pedagogical problems in public.

The employers approved the possible scheme for uniting efforts and the interaction of state bodies, research establishments, universities and employers on

the labor market in Lugansk region proposed by A.P. Voevodin.

A lot of meetings and sittings were held with teachers, students and employers who participated in the project together with the chair of “Philosophy of culture and study of culture”, V.Dahl East-Ukrainian National University. Besides, the meetings of teachers and students with the employers were held within the framework of “Fairs of vacancies” during which the particular ways of improving specialists (in the sphere of documentation) training have been discussed. New changes and corresponding corrections into syllabus have been done, students’ questionnaire has been held aimed at finding out if all these changes played the positive role in changing and increasing the quality in specialists’ training.

The participation of employers in the final, graduation exams as the Chairmen of State Examination Commissions (Deinegin N.I., Kacherovskiy A.F., Sviridova L.P.) has made great substantial contribution into the increasing of competitiveness and quality of students’ training (specialists in the sphere of documents).

Treaties on collaboration of the chair “Philosophy of culture and

studies of culture” of V. Dahl East-Ukrainian National University

For the period of project realization “Treaty on collaboration” with the chair “Philosophy of culture and studies of culture” of V. Dahl East-Ukrainian National University has been concluded and documentary validated with such organizations as:

Public organization “Union of employers‘ organizations in Lugansk region”

Lugansk building technical school of railway construction Lugansk higher vocational school of information technologies Main cultural governmental board of Lugansk regional state

administration Lugansk regional universal library named after A.M. Gorky Lugansk regional art museum named after Artyom Faculty of philosophy and studies of culture, Southern-Federative

University (city of Rostov –on the Don, Russia)

Basic places where students of specialty ‘” Science of documents and information activity “ have their production practice.

Administration of Lugansk City Council General, judicial, and economic departments of Lugansk regional state

administration Administration of Lugansk Regional Council Lugansk regional chamber of commerce and industry “Nadra” bank Plc “Lugansk locomotive works” Lugansk regional universal scientific library named after A.M.Gorky Lugansk regional youth library Lugansk regional art museum named after Artyom Lugansk city museum “ Lugansk history” Employers’ participation in the work of state examination commissions

Branches of the Chair “Philosophy of culture and studies of culture”, V. Dahl East-Ukrainian National University

For the period of participation in the project “Higher Education System Development for Social Partnership Improvement and Humanity Sciences Competitiveness” on the basis of “Treaties on collaboration” the employers and the staff of the chair have created and opened the following branches:

Main cultural governmental board of Lugansk regional state administration

Lugansk regional universal library named after A.M. Gorky Lugansk regional art museum named after Artyom

Employers’ participation in the work of state examination commissions

By order of Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science for the period of time that the project “Higher Education System Development for Social Partnership Improvement and Humanity Sciences Competitiveness” is valid such Chairmen of the State Examination commissions have been appointed from a number of employers as:

Kacherovsky Alexander Fedorovich – the chief of the general department of Lugansk regional state administration

Sidorenko Lyudmila Petrovna – the head of documentary supplying administration of executive body of Lugansk regional council

Deinegin Nikolay Ivanovich – General director of public organization “Union of employers‘ organizations in Lugansk region”

Alterations in syllabuses

With the aim to improve theoretical and practical training of graduates studying on specialty “Culture” and to develop their professional competitiveness which is in great demand on up-to-date labour market the teachers of the chair “Philosophy of culture and studies of culture” of V. Dahl East – Ukrainian National University have made and introduced some appropriate alterations into syllabuses of specialized, graduating chairs and prepared two specialized modules of disciplines:

“Information technologies and cultural process”

“Cultural communications”

Positive results of participating in project

Regular, constant monitoring of educational process, syllabuses quality, subject curriculum; formation of rational images on necessary competitiveness of future specialists on the part of production, employers and society as a whole;

Coming out of educational process beyond the social isolation, close connection with places of future professional activity, individual specialists’ training;

The possibility of 100% graduates’ employment, planning of regional demands in specialists of necessary qualification;

Permanent reconsidering of syllabuses according to the development of scientific technologies progress, appearance of timely, vital themes for scientific researches and introduction of new results into the production and educational process;

Sufficient assistance to strengthen material-technical base of the chair and the University as a whole;

The possibility to compare educational systems in different countries and borrow positive elements for their introducing into the educational process;

The place for public discussion of urgent educational, theoretical and pedagogical problems

Negative consequences from the project realization are not expected.


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