HSTW MMGW/TCTW Southern Regional Education Board Connecting Industry and Classroom Best Practices— A Recipe for Success Ivy Alford, Director of State Services.

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Southern RegionalEducation Board

Connecting Industry and Classroom Best Practices—

A Recipe for Success Ivy Alford, Director of State Services for School Improvement, SREB

Louise Williams, CCRB/NMPED


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Session Objectives

Identify current industry-based best practices within FACS Courses

Connect those industry-based actions with Elements of the NM TEACH Observation Rubric

Identify actions that teachers can implement immediately to support both industry and administrative expectations


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More than a check-list or a score –

Using observations to improve quality instruction and promote student success


Southern RegionalEducation Board

More than a check-list or a score –

Using observations to improve quality instruction and promote student success



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Engaging Teachers in the Language of the Rubric

Allows for common understanding Reaffirms definitions and expectations Provides insight for future support


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Our Focus Today

Using the NM TEACH Rubric to Determine

Individual and Collective Next Steps for Success


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Thinking about Growth

You can never GROW from where you THINK you

should be; you can only GROW from where you

actually ARE.



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Quick Overview

NM Observation Domains

Planning and


Creating an Environment for Learning

Teaching for




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Big Picture




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Domain 1Planning and Preparation


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Key Elements of Domain 1

1A Content

1B Cohesiveness

1C Outcomes

1D Resources

1E Students

1F Assessment

Focus on Planning


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Student assignments are the best predictor of student



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Percentage of Students Meeting College- and Career-Readiness Standards



# of Students 2,670 4,481

Reading 63% 38%

Math 58 40

Science 62 36

Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment


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Students’ Experiences with AssignmentsIndicators Used to Define Rigorous Assignments

Had HQ Assignments

Had LQ Assignments

n = 2,670 n = 4,481

1. Develop a logical argument for your solution to a problem or project.

67% 11%

2. Make inferences from information provided to develop a solution for a problem or project.

77 16

3. Use math to solve complex problems related to my CT area.

73 21

4. Apply academic knowledge and skills to my CT area.

90 35

Source: 2012 TCTW AssessmentNote: No Rigorous CT is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CT.


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Students’ Experiences with Assignments Indicators Used to Define Rigorous Assignments

Had HQ Assignments

Had LQ Assignments

n = 2,670 n = 4,481

5. Apply technical knowledge and skills to new situation.

90% 33%

6. Develop and test hypotheses. 54 5

7. Complete an extended project that requires planning, developing a solution or product and presenting the results orally or in writing.

72 16

8. Use computer skills to complete an assignment or project in their CT classes at least weekly.

60 29

Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment Note: No Rigorous CT is demographically matched to Had Rigorous CT.


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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%160







School Reading Scores By Percent Students Having HQ In-

tegrated, PBL Assignments

Percent Having Rigorous CTE Studies



g S


Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment


Southern RegionalEducation Board

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%160







School Mathematics Scores By Percent Students Having HQ In-

tegrated, PBL Assignments

Percent Having Rigorous CTE Studies




s S


Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment


Southern RegionalEducation Board

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%160







School Science Scores By Percent Students Having HQ, In-

tegrated, PBL Assignments

Percent Having Rigorous CTE Studies





Source: 2012 TCTW Assessment


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Interviews with Studentsat Five Schools

Percent Students with

HQ Assignments

School A from Top Q4 of 163 63%

School B from Top Q4 of 163 60

School C from Top Q4 of 163 57

School A from Bottom Q1 of 163 23

School B from Bottom Q1 of 163 13


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Examples from School A Q4

Digital Media - Wrote and published an e-book titled A Student’s Perspective on Public Education, which required learning new software, researching primary sources, interviewing sources, writing to publication standards, developing and testing hypotheses and collaborating with others.

Drafting and Design - Created a complete set of plans and CAD drawings of a summer home renovation project for a real client; required learning new software, interviewing a client, creating renderings, researching building codes and presenting final work for client approval.



Southern RegionalEducation Board

Examples from School B Q4

Health Assistant – Senior project - Choose a disease and create a 3-D model comparing healthy and damaged nerve cells. This project required researching, analysis of information, writing a paper, interviewing adults, presenting to an audience, creating visual aids, and using technology.

Culinary Arts – Menu design senior project – Plan an entire menu for a restaurant of choice. All dishes had to fit a theme, be original, and taste tested (gathered data). Preparation cost was calculated. Menu had to have a balance of items including gluten-free food and dishes for people with common food allergies. Gluten food allergies had to be researched before the dishes were developed. The menu had to be artfully designed to match the restaurant theme.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Examples from School C Q4

Landscape Design – Design a plan for landscaping a property assigned by the teacher. The design was required to reflect plants for the area’s climate, root systems (how big they would grow), maintenance and appearance. The plan had to be drawn to scale and provide a detailed cost estimate.

Electronics – Designed a digital clock circuit from scratch, which required programming chips, testing, troubleshooting, and redesign.


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None of the seniors from the Q1 schools could describe a project that required four or more of the criteria to complete.


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Interviews of Students at School A in Pennsylvania Validates Student Survey

# of Indicators Involved in Assignment

1. Designed a commercial kitchen 7 of 8

2. Completed a forensics analysis 8 of 8

3. Completed clinical work at a nursing home

5 of 8

4. Designed a car for drag racing 8 of 8

5. Designed a computer game 4 of 8

6. Designed a graduation announcement 4 of 8

7. Completed a cosmetology internship 4 of 8


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Interview of Students at School A in Pennsylvania Validates Student Survey

# of Indicators Involved in Assignment

8. Studied cerebral palsy 6 of 8

9. Interned at a hotel 6 of 8

10. Studied spray tanning 4 of 8

11. Completed a landscaping project for a local restaurant

8 of 8

12. Designed and built a radio 8 of 8

13. Planned a wedding event with a set budget

6 of 8


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Focus on the Assignment

Quality Instruction focuses on a cycle of learning in which students progress through a sequence of steps that lead to a product.

A series of disconnected activities (i.e. random vocabulary, generic worksheets, read-alouds, etc.) will not ensure that students are prepared for Common Core expectations.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Criteria for a HQStudent Assignment

A HQ assignment may require students to: Yes No

May take several days to complete and involve a blend of learning (classroom lab, team and independent learning) along with enabling learning activities.

Requires students to use higher-order thinking skills to

think critically and problem solve;

exercise judgment; and

research, design, build, test, evaluateand revise.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Criteria for a HQStudent Assignment

A HQ assignment may require students to: Yes No

Conduct background research by reading textbooks, technical documents, articles by experts, etc.

Frame or refine the project/problem.

Develop possible solutions.

Prepare a design or work plan for completing the project.

Develop a logical argument for a work plan or design.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Criteria for a HQStudent Assignment

A HQ assignment may require students to: Yes No

Apply core academic skills to complete literacy, math and science.

Prepare written and oral deliverables that meet expectations as a first report.

Maintain a reflective daily/weekly journal/notebook.

Learn to use technology and software to complete a project.

Learn to apply technical knowledge and skills.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Criteria for a HQ Student Assignment

A HQ assignment may require students to: Yes No

Produce authentic work that would be expected in a workplace.

Specify how they will be assessed on the

completed project;

end-of-project written exam; and

demonstration of 21st-century skills.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Criteria for a GoodStudent Assignment

A good assignment may require students to: Yes No

Reflect on what they are learning and see a connection between academic and technical studies and potential further study — a job and a career.

Have both formative and summative assessments with feedback and opportunities for relearning and revision.


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Key Elements of Domain 1

1A Content

1B Cohesiveness

1C Outcomes

1D Resources

1E Students

1F Assessment

Focus on Planning


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What Content?

What Standards?


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1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.

2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills.

3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being.

4. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason.

5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions.

6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies.

8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management.

10.Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals.

11.Use technology to enhance productivity.

12.Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Food Products & Processing Systems Career Pathway (AG-FD) Develop and implement procedures to ensure safety,

sanitation and quality in food product and processing facilities.

Apply principles of nutrition, biology, microbiology, chemistry and human behavior to the development of food products.

Select and process food products for storage, distribution and consumption.

Explain the scope of the food industry and the historical and current developments of food products and processing.


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Hospitality & Tourism Career Cluster® (HT) Describe the key components of marketing and

promoting hospitality and tourism products and services.

Evaluate the nature and scope of the Hospitality & Tourism Career Cluster and the role of hospitality and tourism in society and the economy.

Demonstrate hospitality and tourism customer service skills that meet customers’ needs.

Describe employee rights and responsibilities and employers’ obligations concerning occupational health and safety in the hospitality and tourism workplace.


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Restaurants & Food/ Beverage Services Career Pathway (HT-RFB) Describe ethical and legal responsibilities in food and

beverage service facilities. Demonstrate safety and sanitation procedures in food

and beverage service facilities. Use information from cultural and geographical studies

to guide customer service decisions in food and beverage service facilities.

Demonstrate leadership qualities and collaboration with others.


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Family & Community Services Career Pathway (HU-FAM) Use formal and informal assessment practices to create

and evaluate a prevention and/or treatment plan. Identify community resources to provide family and

community services. Communicate effectively to gain support from the

client’s family and other support groups. Comply with laws and procedures that govern abuse,

neglect, confidentiality and other health and safety situations.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Quick Overview

NM Observation Domains

Planning and


Creating an Environmen

t for Learning



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Domain 2Creating an Environment for Learning


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Quick Partner Question

What are current industry expectations for: Environment Communication Customer Service Procedures Organizing Larger Work Crews Preparation Clean-Up Etc.


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Bottom Line

How can we replicate on the job expectations and use them as a structure to support learning in our classrooms?


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Key Elements of Domain 2

2A Environment of

Respect and Rapport

2B Physical Space

2C Culture of Learning

2D Classroom Procedures

2E Student Behavior In the



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Your Activity

For each Element of Domain 2: Identify a FACS

Best Practice that could be found in an industry setting


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Collecting Ideas

As we review the Best Practices for each element: Take notes about what you already have

in place Identify next steps that could easily be

implemented this semester Identify long-term next steps


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2A and 2B

NMTEACH 2A: Creating an environment of respect and rapport

NMTEACH 2B: Organizing physical space

Classroom interactions, between teacher and students, and among students, are as follows:

• Are polite and respectful.• Demonstrate knowledge of

cultural and developmental differences among groups of students.

• Disagreements are handled respectfully.

The classroom is safe as follows:

• Learning is accessible to all students.

• Teacher ensures that the physical arrangement is appropriate to the learning activities.

• There is posted evidence of student learning.

• Teacher makes effective use of available physical resources, including technology.


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2C and 2D

NMTEACH 2C: Establishing a culture for learning

NMTEACH 2D: Managing classroom procedures

The classroom culture is characterized by high expectations for all students. • The teacher establishes norms and

participant structures in which students can learn with and from each other, i.e. student grouping, student presentations, and peer editing.

• Teacher conveys content relevance. • Demonstrated commitment to the

subject by both teacher and students.

• Students demonstrate pride in their efforts.

Little instructional time is lost.• Effective classroom

routines and procedures.• Teacher leads effective

routines for transition.• Effective use of supplies.


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NMTEACH 2E: Managing student behavior

Standards of conduct are designed to create an atmosphere conducive to learning, with a focus on self-discipline, respecting the rights of others, and cooperating with one another.• Standards are clear to students.• Teacher holds students responsible for maintaining

behavioral standards.• Teacher response to student misbehavior is

appropriate and respects the students’ dignity.• Teacher response is consistent.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Key Look Fors

2A—Respect and Rapport

•Interactions between teacher and students•Interactions among students•Respect is provided to all student groups

2B—Physical Space

•All students have equal access to the learning activity•Physical arrangement encourages engagement•All students can see and hear

2C—Culture of Learning

•Student groups are used to increase engagement•Teachers and students demonstrate excitement•Students are proud to share work with the teacher and/or observers

2D—Classroom Procedures

•Full use of instructional time•Smooth transition from activity to activity •Materials are readily available and organized

2E—Student Behavior

•All students are held to the same conduct standards•Misbehavior is handled consistently and appropriately •Behavior issues do not take away from engagement


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Domain 2 Summary

By supporting industry expectations and running our classrooms with a “business mind,” we can support effective practices on Domain 2.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Quick Overview

NM Observation Domains

Planning and


Creating an Environmen

t for Learning



Domain 3

Teaching forLearning


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The Intersection of Domain 1 and Domain 3


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Team Challenge:

Define Your Assigned



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Engagement Rigor Assessment

Remember that your definition must be framed in the context of a classroom

Provide a working definition and 2 examples to support your definition

3 minutes


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Key Elements of Domain 3

3A Communicating with Students

3B Questioning

3C Engaging Students

3D Assessing Learning

3E Demonstrating


In theClassroom


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3A and 3B

NMTEACH 3A: Communicating with students in a manner that is appropriate to their culture and level of development

NMTEACH 3B: Using questioning and discussion techniques to support classroom discourse

Teacher uses clear communication employing a range of vocabulary to ensure learning expectations are comprehensible to all students. Teacher allows for student clarification and feedback.

The teacher’s questioning techniques elicit a deep response and allows for sufficient time for students to answer through active engagement with peers and teacher.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

3C and 3D

NMTEACH 3C: Engaging students in learning

NMTEACH 3D: Assessment in Instruction

Activities, assignments, materials, and grouping of students are fully appropriate to the instructional outcomes.

Assessments are consistently used in instruction.• There are clear goals and

performance criteria, communicated effectively to students.

• The assessment strategies are aligned to the goal and criteria, and elicit evidence during instruction.

• Teacher uses adaptive instruction including descriptive feedback.

• Student involvement occurs through self and peer assessment.


Southern RegionalEducation Board


NMTEACH 3E: Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness

Teacher promotes the successful learning of all students.• The teacher adjusts instructional plans and makes

accommodations for student questions, needs, and interests.

• Teacher utilizes a variety of strategies.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Experts will…

1. Review the descriptions for each scoring level (Ineffective Exemplary) for the assigned Element.

2. Create a summary to help FACS teachers understand the Element.

3. Identify two FACS “look for” items that support scoring the Element at the Effective Level.

4. Identify two actions that teachers can take to move from Minimally Effective to Effective.

5. Identify one Professional Development Tool that will help teachers with your Element.


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Critical Actions for Teachers3A Communicating with Students

•Clearly state directions for activities•Use academic vocabulary

3B Questioning and Discussion

•Use a set classroom procedure to support questioning (Cold Call)•Create higher order questions in the lesson plan•Use procedures or class norms to ensure that all students answer and or participate in discussions

3C Engaging Students

•Connect new concepts to prior knowledge•Connect activities to learning goals•Group students to enhance engagement

3D Assessment •Use proximity to review student artifacts to check for understanding•Create summary questions that are connected to the day’s learning goal

3E Flexibility •Re-group students or change activities to address challenges with new material•Provide small group or individual re-teaching support


Southern RegionalEducation Board

Quick Overview

NM Observation Domains

Planning and


Creating an Environmen

t for Learning




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DOMAIN 4: Professionalism


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Key Elements of Domain 4

4A Communicating with Families

4B Participating in a

Professional Community

4C Reflecting on


4D Demonstrating


4E Growing and Developing


4F Maintaining

Accurate Records


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ConnectionsPDP Competencies NM TEACH Domains

1. Demonstrates knowledge of content

2. Utilizes a variety of teaching methods

3. Communicates with and obtains feedback from students

4. Comprehends the principals of student growth, development and learning

5. Effectively utilizes student assessments

6. Promotes positive student behavior and a safe environment

7. Recognizes student diversity8. Demonstrates a willingness to

examine and implement change9. Works productively with


Domain 1—Planning and Preparation

Domain 2—Creating an Environment for Learning

Domain 3—Teaching for Learning

Domain 4—Professionalism

Everything is



Southern RegionalEducation Board

Quick Overview

NM Observation Domains

Planning and


Creating an Environmen

t for Learning




Southern RegionalEducation Board

In summary…


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Thank You!

Ivy Alfordivy.alford@sreb.org

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