HRoot Global HR Services Industry MarketWatch Apr. 2013

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention. The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with flexibility.



HRoot is a leading HR media and Internet company in China whose brands and services include:, a world’s leading HR management website; Human Capital Management magazine, a leading industry journal; Overclass, an elite club for HR professionals; the Annual Human Resources Awards in Greater China, a top-notch industry event with utmost authority, scale and influence; the China Human Capital Forum and the China HR Services Expo, each being the largest event of its kind in the country. It has cloud media platforms with its iPhone, iPad and Android apps in an effort of mobile marketing. HRoot releases the monthly white paper of MarketWatch of Global HR Service Industry, and the annual reports of the “Global 50 Human Resources Services Providers” and the “Top 100 Human Resources Services Brands in Greater China”, each being celebrated as a barometer of this industry.The website of HRoot has some 1.5 million HR professionals as its registered user, and it registers more than 500 million visits each year; HRoot has more than 10,000 people attending its off-line events each year, and 30,000 readers of its publication. HRoot serves over 20,000 customers now, including more than 95% of the Fortune 500 companies in China. It has more than 300 HR services providers, business schools, associations as its ad clients and sponsors, and among them are nine out of the top ten global HR services providers.

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HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by CIS (Competitive Intelligence System) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS seamlessly monitors and tracks trend of developments of HR industries in real-time 24/365. Key data and information covering news, events and transformation of HR providers, competitors and competitive environment will be well collected, edited, sorted and delivered to readers on a monthly basis by our specialists. For more information please visit: .

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers


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About HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


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2. Laws and Policies

3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch is released by Competitive Intelligence System (CIS) developed by HRoot, a leading Chinese human resources media & internet company. The CIS tracks intelligence of over 100 china-based HR service providers covering HR consulting, HR training, head hunting, recruitment, talent assessment, HRO, e-HR, eLeaning, HR media, and HR convention.

The Intelligence seamlessly tracks and monitors trend of developments of HR industry, the result of which is well collected, edited and sorted by our specialists. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch covers intelligence on laws & policies of human resources, news & events, contracting information, financial statement, website traffic ranking, etc. HRoot Human Resources MarketWatch provides business managers with real-time and comprehensive information about competitors and competitive environment so that they make wise decisions and handle ever-changing markets with flexibility.

Currently, the following contents and data are covered in this Intelligence:● Laws & Policies: Monthly updates on major laws of human recourses, polices and information issued or modified by national and/or local governments ● News & Events: Monthly updates on recruitment trends, personnel changes at HR service providers, latest business development, financial statement, major surveys & reports, awards, M&A, and etc. ● Market Events: Monthly updates on marketing promotions by HR service providers, including summits, forums seminars, and etc. ● Contracting Information: Monthly updates on information of clients entering into contracts with information of HR service providers.● Ranking of Market Capitalization of Listed Companies: Monthly ranking of listed HR companies by market capitalization. Data on market cap are calculated from the monthly closing price of companies. ● Ranking of Global Traffic of Websites: It is ranked according to the global traffic of websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected from tool bars by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website.

HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

1 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Shanghai medical insurance cap line to increase to more than 340,000 cap line can still be at 80% ***

(Apr. 1, 2013, Shanghai, / April 1 this year marks the beginning of Medicare Insurance Year 2013 of Shanghai (April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014). To further enhance the level of medical insurance of urban workers and basic medical insurance and basic medical insurance for small towns, the Shanghai municipal government decided that from April 1, 2013 onwards, the maximum payment has risen from RMB280,000 million to RMB340,0000. For the medical expenses above the ceiling line, 80% of the surplus can still be reimbursed.

13 provinces raise minimum wages, Shanghai leads the country *****

(Apr. 3, 2013, Beijing) 13 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, i.e., Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Beijing, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Guizhou, have raised their minimum wages. The minimum wage in Shanghai reaches RMB1,620 per month, making it the highest-paying city of the country. The minimum salary in Jiangxi Province takes a great leap with an increase of 41.4%, a margin higher than that of other provinces. The minimum wages after the adjustments all exceed RMB1,000, and the average percentage of increase is 16.9%.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security: Delay of retirement still pending, not to be implemented before 2015 ****

(Apr. 15, 2013, Beijing) A number of officers from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the state should be taken as soon as possible to increase financial input or the allocation of state-owned assets, as well as improve the pension hedge against inflation, value-added and other ways to make up for the pension gap, and the future whether to implement a delay retirement policy , how to learn from foreign experience, you can not evaluate the too fast, but can not "one size fits all" from the policy, technology, methods and ways of taking into account the interests of all sectors of society, so that it may be effective to promote the reform of retirement policy.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

2 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Employee congress systems will be fully established in enterprises in Shanghai **

(Apr. 15, 2013, Shanghai) The Shanghai municipal government office has replied to the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress on the implementation of the Ordain of Shanghai Employee Representatives’ Congress. The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau will pool joint efforts with the Municipal SASAC, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, Municipal Federation of Enterprises, Federation of Industry and Commerce and other departments to do in-depth researches and offer more guidance to expand the coverage of employees' congresses in all enterprises of all types of ownership, including state-owned, collective and holding companies.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security vows to improve information disclosure **

(Apr. 16, 2013, Beijing) The “2013 enterprise annuity fund management forum” organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security was held today, during which Chen Liang, the Director of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Fund Monitoring Division, stressed at the meeting that annuity fund is critical to the work of the Ministry and the Ministry will improve the information disclosure, and the Ministry would disclose the market performance information on a quarterly basis starting this year. Each division’s data will be announced on its website after they are sanctioned, while the national data will be released by the Ministry. In addition, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will establish credit files and record of violations, which will provide the basis for punishment.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

3 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Ministry of Human Resources and Social tightens grip on talent dispatch service ****

(Apr. 19, 2013, Beijing) In order to further monitor the talent dispatch service, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security prepared the draft of "Administration and Licensing Ordain of Talent Dispatch", and the document is open to public comments from Apr. 19 to May 19. The draft increases the minimum registered capital of companies carrying out labor dispatch companies to RMB2 million, and strengthens the supervision and inspection of dispatch services. The draft is due to be implemented with effect from July 1 this year, which is the main reason for the surge of business volumes.

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Securities requires actions to cope withH7N9 virus **

(Apr. 22, 2013, / Some areas in China have reported human infection of the H7N9 bird flu virus. To crank up the medicare efforts to cope with the H7N9 virus, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Securities issued a notice, requiring relevant organizations to increase awareness to the importance of prevention and control of human infection with the H7N9 virus; ensure timely treatment of affected patients, and reduce the financial burden of patients; timely settle medical expenses; the human resources and social securities departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall improve the communication of information, understand the local human infection of H7N9 avian influenza and payment of health insurance fund, make plans, and report in a timely manner.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

5 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

51job: Senior Software Engineers are in great demand ***

(Apr. 1, 2013, Shanghai, /Beijing News/) The Chinese online recruiter 51job recently released the job board index, showing that in February the demand for IT talent remain unchanged, but the demand for senior software engineers was huge. Nearly 60% positions require bachelor's degree and job seekers with more than two years’ work experience have clear competitive edge. Workplace experts of 51job says that, although moderate salaries and benefits are the main reasons for the resignation of software developers, yet changing job just for better salaries are not good ideas comparable to chronic destruction of their careers.

Robert Walters: Job recruitment ad spending down in China, Asia region ***

(April 1, 2013, Beijing, /Global Times/) Recruitment advertising volumes saw a moderation in China in the last quarter of 2012 amid slowing economic activity, mirroring the sluggish job markets seen across major Asian economies during the quarter, according to a job index released Thursday by British recruitment consultancy Robert Walters. Over the final quarter, the volume of job advertisements placed in China was down 2.8 percent compared to the previous quarter, while the levels across the region fell by 3.7 percent, according to the consultancy's Asia Job Index, which tracks advertisement volumes in Asian economies including China, Singapore, Japan and South Korea. Attributing the decline across the region to general economic uncertainties that impacted market confidence during the period, as well as to job markets' tailing off toward year-end, Mark Ellwood, managing director of Robert Walters Southeast Asia, noted the situation is unlikely to worsen.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

6 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

ADP: Private sector job growth slowed in March ****

(Apr. 3, 2013, /CNN/) The pace of hiring by private employers slowed last month. Only 158,000 jobs were added, according to a report issued Wednesday by payroll-processing firm ADP.This missed the consensus forecast from of 197,000 jobs, and was a sharp drop from February's job growth, which was revised upwards to 237,000 jobs added. The March ADP tally was the smallest since October, when private companies added 148,000 jobs.The main cause of the slowdown was a sharp decrease in hiring by construction firms, which did not add any jobs last month. This is a marked contrast from the previous four months. Construction job growth, juiced by the upswing in the housing market, has averaged 29,000 a month according to ADP. The slowdown reflected in the ADP report was large enough to prompt at least one prominent economist to lower his expectations for Friday's monthly jobs report from the Labor Department, which includes government and private sector hiring.

ManpowerGroup provides hiring insights as economy recovers **

(Apr. 7, 2013, Milwaukee, / ManpowerGroup advised companies that are quickly expanding in growth hot spots to prioritize hiring workers with knowledge and skills demanded across industries, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the overall national March jobless rate was 7.6 percent, down from 7.7 percent in February.Only 88,000 jobs were added in March, 2013 across industries. Professional and business services added 51,000. Construction increased by 18,000. And, health care added 23,000. Also, February's overall new jobs figure was revised up to 268,000 from 236,000, while the January figure was revised up to 148,000 from 119,000.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

7 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Crowdsourcing headhunter Renrenlietou emerges on the scene *****

(Apr. 8, 2013, /21st Century Business Herald/) Mobile crowdsourcing recruiter Renrenlietou announced the completion of its A round financing in which two institutional investors pumped in a total of about RMB20 million. Renrenlietou did not disclose the names of the investors. Renrenlietou adopts the business model of crowdsourcing recruitment, and virtually everyone can be a headhunter. The platform posts latest Job positions daily, and rewards those who can recommend the right people to take the jobs. Once the recommended person is hired, the recommender can get the bonus. Wang Yuhao, CEO of Renrenlietou, told the press, that in March Renrenlietou raked in over RMB one million in revenue, million, and the job completion rate has reached about 20% so far.

51job releases report on recruitment willingness in China in Q2, 2013 *****

(Apr. 12, 2013, Shanghai, /PRNewswire/) 51job (NASDAQ: JOBS), China's largest human resources service provider, today released the “employers recruitment willingness report of Q2 2013.” The report shows that Chinese employers' recruitment will be more active; more than 70% of the employers surveyed said they will hire more employees than they did the same period in 2012. Compared with the second quarter of 2012, 88.2% of employers will increased or keep their recruitment of experienced staff. 85.2% of employers will be happy to increase or maintain their scale of campus recruitment. Medium-sized companies whose headcounts range from 2,000 to 4,999 are the most dynamic; among them the percentage of employers who will increase recruitment reaches 78.0%; employers who will increase their campus recruiting account for 56.3% of the total, showing increase of 21.7% and 11.1% respectively from the first quarter of 2013. A total of 17,152 employers participated in the survey conducted from January 16, 2013 to March 15, covering 59 major industries, and 12 industries surveyed involved more than 500 employers each.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

8 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

The number of university graduate reaches 7 million this year *****

(Apr. 12, 2013, Beijing) This year's college graduates nationwide scale of 699 million people, 19 million more than last year, a new record high, the current complicated and grim employment situation for college graduates, tDeputy Minister of Education Existing in high qualities, developing with unique features to promote the meeting the day before yesterday in the employment of college graduates nationwide in 2013, said he employment has entered a critical period. Due to the macro employment situation in China is facing the economic slowdown, total employment continued to increase and the structural contradiction triple pressure, the downward trend in employer demand for college graduates. In early February, according to the statistics of nearly 500 home units, these units in 2013 year-on-year plan to recruit the number of posts an average reduction of about 15%.

Foreign HR companies accelerate expansion into second and third tier Chinese cities ****

(Apr. 19, 2013, / Antal International’s statistics about the recruitment market in China in the first quarter of 2013 show that China's job market remain highly dynamic in which the rate of recruitment of managerial personnel and professionals has increased this quarter; 59% of the surveyed companies said they plan to recruit managerial professionals. "Antal International attaches great importance to the Chinese market, and our business volume in China accounts for 15% the world total." said Tony Goodwin, Global CEO of Antal International. Speaking of recruitment consulting industry’s competition and development, Goodwin said: "Recruitment consulting Company facing fierce competition in the industry should standardize the management of the company. Companies whose recruitment operations are not standardized will eventually be eliminated by the market." Goodwin said that in the next few years they will adopt a flexible business model, and vigorously develop business in the second and third tier cities in China. Antal International is headquartered in the United Kingdom, and after 20 years’ development, it has established 135 subsidiaries and offices in 35 countries and regions around the world.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

9 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

51job releases results of “keyword search survey” ****

(Apr. 24, 2013, Shanghai, /PRNewswire/) 51job (NASDAQ: JOBS) , a leading human resources service provider in China, today released the findings of the "keyword search survey". When job seekers are searching for job vacancies online, they are very sensitive to "personal development plan" in job descriptions. When employers filter seekers resumes, their top concern is "work experience.” Job searchers and recruiters both choose the location as one of the three major keywords. Although the Internet has become the most important channel of seeking jobs, the survey shows that the "lack of mobility" of personnel is becoming an increasingly prominent phenomenon of talent market. A total of 3,003 employers and 2,753 individuals attended the 15-day online voting.

Mercer: the war for talent to go to the second-tier market *****

(Apr. 26, 2013, / Developing in second-tier cities in China has become a common challenge to various companies. According to Mercer's 2012 China Monitor survey, 73% of companies say they have plans to open branches in second-tier cities, and 48% of them are factories. As companies are beginning to shift their production bases from coastal cities to the central and western regions of China, the talent challenges faced by local businesses have significantly intensified.The migration of enterprises inevitably leads to brain drain, especially high-tech talent and skilled workers hot on the market. In order to attract enough talent to run the new production bases in second-tier cities, companies often raise the salaries to recruit talent. Beginning of 2010, a large number of well-known companies including Dell, DHL, Maersk have been investing in Chengdu, and in the following two years, the average payment in Chengdu increases by about 15%.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

10 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

ManpowerGroup exec Holmes to retire after 31 years with firm **

(Apr. 1, 2013, Milwaukee, /The Business Journal/) Melanie Holmes has decided to retire after more than 31 years with ManpowerGroup, according to a post Monday on her corporate blog.Holmes, vice president of world of work solutions with ManpowerGroup North America, began her career with the company in 1981 as a temporary assistant to the CEO’s secretary making $5 an hour. She’s held a variety of positions with the Milwaukee-based global staffing and employment services company, but her current post is her favorite, according to her blog. Holmes said she is in good health and wants to take advantage of that as she enjoys “this next phase in life.” She does not intend to do consulting or part-time work for ManpowerGroup.

Impellam taps CEO **

(Apr. 8, 2013, Impellam Group plc, a global staffing provider, named Julia Robertson as group CEO, effective immediately. Robertson will oversee the United Kingdom operations of the company including its UK commercial and professional staffing divisions as well as its Medacs and Carlisle Support divisions. Robertson founded Tate, a recruiting business that Impellam’s Carlisle business division purchased in 2000. She was appointed as the divisional CEO of Impellam’s U.K. staffing businesses in 2008 when the Corporate Services Group and Carlisle Group merged their operations.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

11 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Tim Bartlett rejoins Hay Group’s executive compensation practice **

(Apr. 9, 2013, KANSAS CITY, Mo., /Business Wire/) Hay Group, a global management consulting firm that works with clients to turn strategy into reality, announced today that Tim Bartlett has rejoined the firm`s Executive Compensation practice as a senior consultant working from its Kansas City office. In his role, Tim works with publicly-traded and privately-held companies, as well as not-for-profit organizations, as an adviser to compensation committees and senior management. Tim assists clients with all aspects of executive compensation, including: design of compensation, development of compensation philosophies and alignment with business strategies; competitive measurement of compensation using private databases, published surveys, and proxy statements; regulatory issues involving taxation and securities law; non-employee director compensation design; and analysis of company financial performance.

Ambow appoints Marcum as independent auditor ***

(Apr. 10, 2013, /i Wall Street News/) Anbow Education Group today announced the appointment of Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk LLP ("Marcum") as the independent auditor, to replace the the original auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs Limited Company that resigned on Mar. 22. The appointment was approved by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors on April 4, and Marcum will start to work shortly on Ambow’s 2012 financial audit. At the same time the company announced the appointment of DLA Piper to succeed Fenwick & West LLP to resume the independent investigation left off by Fenwick & West LLP on March 22. The appointment was approved by the Audit Committee on April 6.

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7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

12 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Aon Hewitt establishes Nanjing Branch ****

(Apr. 10, 2013, Nanjing) Today, Aon Hewitt, a world's leading human resources consulting firm, officially established its Nanjing Branch with an opening ceremony attended by many of its clients in Nanjing and the Yangtze River Delta as well as the media. This is the six regional office of Aon Hewitt in mainland China after it opened offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu. "We hope that with the Nanjing Branch, we can provide enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta region with integrated service of personnel, benefits, and financial management, " said Liu Yuan, Aon Hewitt Greater China CEO and senior partner. At the opening ceremony, Aon Hewitt also shared with clients the latest results of its personnel risk research report, and provided suggestions on the structural shortage of labor and workers high turnover rate and other critical issues that perplex the human resources market in the Yangtze River Delta region.

ADP opening ceremony held in Shenzhen ****

(Apr. 12, 2013, Shenzhen, /PRNewswire/) ADP, the world's leading human capital management solutions provider, held a grand opening ceremony in Shenzhen, which suggests the formal establishment of the Shenzhen branch of ADP China. Amer Akhtar, the general manager of ADP China, leaders from Futian District of Shenzhen, representatives of ADP customers and media reporters attended the ceremony. At the ceremony, Amer Akhtar delivered opening speech on ADP’s global development and market development strategy in China. "The establishment of the Shenzhen Branch, is an important step in ADP’s development strategy in the China market; the move marks that ADP has officially entered the South China market. ADP will combined with the local situation of Shenzhen, to provide leading HR outsourcing expertise for more enterprises in South China. " Since its entry into China in 2006, ADP has successively opened offices in Shanghai, and Beijing.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

13 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Michelle Bonoan joins Heidrick & Struggles as partner **

(Apr.17, 2013, CHICAGO, /GLOBE NEWSWIRE/) Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (Nasdaq:HSII), the premier provider of Executive Search and Leadership Consulting services worldwide, today announced that Michelle Bonoan has joined the firm as Partner within the Education & Social Enterprise Practice. She will be based in the Los Angeles office. Most recently, Bonoan was Managing Director with an executive search firm in Los Angeles. With more than 15 years of executive search experience, she has led searches across a broad range of clients in education such as: private universities, small liberal arts colleges, and independent schools. She has also worked to place top leaders within social services, the arts and culture sector, environmental and health-related fields.

TeamHealth appoints Michael D. Snow as President *

(Apr. 18, 2013, KNOXVILLE, Tenn., /PRNewswire/) TeamHealth, one of the largest providers of outsourced physician staffing solutions for hospitals in the United States, announces the appointment of Michael D. Snow as the company's president effective April 22, 2013. In this new position, Snow will be responsible for the company's operations, revenue cycle, administrative services, sales, and marketing. He will report directly to Greg Roth, chief executive officer. Throughout his career, Snow has held numerous executive-level positions in the healthcare arena, including president of HCA Inc.'s Gulf Coast Division, executive vice president and chief operating officer of HealthSouth Corporation, president and chief executive officer of Surgical Care Affiliates.

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8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

14 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Russell Reynolds Associates adds Jett Pihakis to the D.C. Office and Jennifer Rockwood to the Chicago Office **

(Apr. 23, 2013, NEW YORK, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Global executive search and assessment firm Russell Reynolds Associates today announced the addition to the Washington, D.C., office of Jett Pihakis as Executive Director in the Nonprofit sector and Higher Education practice. Jett Pihakis joins Russell Reynolds Associates in the Nonprofit sector and Higher Education practice and will focus his search efforts on high-impact leaders for educational institutions and significant nonprofit organizations. Prior to Russell Reynolds Associates, Jett served as Vice President for Programs at Management Leadership for Tomorrow--a nonprofit that addresses the under-representation of minorities in leadership positions within top-tier M.B.A. programs and Fortune 500 companies.

Resources Connection names new head **

(Apr. 23, 2013, Irvine,/Orange County Business Journal/) Professional services firm Resources Connection Inc. has promoted Tony Cherbak to be its new chief executive. Cherbak is scheduled to take the top post on May 28, replacing Don Murray, who has had the role since 2009. Murray will remain with the company as executive chairman. Cherbak joined Resources Connections in 2005 as executive vice president of operations and was promoted to president and chief operating officer in 2009. He was at the Orange County office of New York-based professional services firm Deloitte & Touche LLP prior to Resources Connection. He counts more than 13 years as an audit partner and a few years as partner in charge.

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15 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Monster Worldwide, Inc.: Monster's 6Sense Semantic Search Technology launches in the Netherlands ***

Monster, the worldwide leader in successfully connecting people to job opportunities and flagship brand of Monster Worldwide, Inc.(NYSE: MWW) announced this week that the company's 6Sense® semantic search technology, which is the technology behind Power Resume Search?, is now available in the Netherlands. Recruiters in seven countries can now quickly and precisely find and target candidates who best meet their hiring needs.Monster's team in the Netherlands worked on the 6Sense knowledge base for over two years prior to launch. 48 clients from different sectors participated in the beta phase, which lasted over 8 months, and conducted over 37,000 searches to test and give feedback. This feedback was then incorporated into the knowledge base before the product launched this month. In side-by-side comparisons with competitive sites using standard keyword search technology.

Russell Reynolds opens China desk ***

(Apr. 8, 2013, NEW YORK, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Russell Reynolds Associates, a global executive search and assessment firm, announced today the creation of its China Desk, a new resource dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance on leadership and talent management issues to Chinese firms expanding and acquiring businesses outside of China, and to Western firms operating in a more competitive China market. The China Desk will be headed by Benjamin Zhai, an 11-year search industry veteran who joined the firm this week to lead this initiative. The China Desk will be headquartered in New York and act as a Western-based point of contact for Chinese state-owned and private enterprises and for Western firms with operations in China. Working in tandem with the firm's offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and Shanghai, the China Desk will provide advice on potentially sensitive issues such as assisting Chinese companies in conducting due diligence on the management teams of potential acquisition targets, and helping Western companies compete more successfully for top talent in China, and to develop and retain high-potential Chinese talent.

Pasona partners with prestigious university in Singapore to start “Internship Matching Service” **

(Apr. 8, 2013, TOKYO, / Pasona Singapore Pte. Ltd. will partner with Nanyang Technological University and will begin its Internship Matching Service, a service which introduces NTU students internship opportunities at mainly Japanese companies in Singapore. In Singapore, it is common for college students to intern at companies in order to gain business experience. At the same time, companies widely use internships in order to prevent mismatches in hiring. NTU ranks 47th among universities in the world. The Internship Matching Service that Pasona Singapore will commence aims not only to create internship opportunities for NTU students but also alleviate companies' internship related operations through outsourcing.

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Heidrick & Struggles launches mobility practice ****

(Apr. 10, 2013, / Heidrick & Struggles International, Inc. (Nasdaq:HSII), the premier provider of Executive Search and Leadership Consulting services worldwide, today launched its Global Mobility Practice, co-led by Kelly Kay, Managing Partner Software and Mobility and Michael Flagg, Managing Partner Communications, Hardware, Systems, Semiconductor and Mobility. With the continued aggressive growth of tablet computing, smart phones and devices, mobility is transforming how companies operate. As a result, this has created high demand for a new segment of executives to lead these critical up-and-coming business units. "Corporations from all corners of the globe are eager to crack the mobility code and its potential to impact growth," said Krishnan Rajagopalan, Managing Partner, Global Technology & Services Practice. "The Mobility Practice is on the cutting edge of this sector's evolution. We understand the business acumen required in the next generation of mobility leaders. In fact, our team's counsel and insight to find the right talent, as well as generate future leadership strategies, has already changed the game for many of our clients."

Halogen Software becomes big name on campus **

(Apr. 16, 2013, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, /Marketwired/) - A growing number of higher education institutions have selected Halogen Software as their evaluation, succession planning and learning management platform of choice. More than 80 institutions across North America currently rely on the Halogen Talent Management Suite™ for Education to simplify their performance evaluation process, improve staff development, and reduce administration overhead.University of British Columbia, Wayne State University, Wharton County Junior College, St. Mary's of California, and Cincinnati State have all recently selected Halogen's talent management solutions for higher education. They join a prominent group of institutions using Halogen to evaluate and develop staff, including University of Ottawa, Herzing University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Facilities Group, Purdue University - Food Services Division, and University of Miami.

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Monster Introduces SeeMore semantic search and analytics recruiting platform in France **

(Apr. 18, 2013, MAYNARD, Mass., /BUSINESS WIRE/) Expanding its growing adoption in the U.S. among enterprise companies and staffing firms, Monster, the worldwide leader in successfully connecting people to job opportunities and flagship brand of Monster Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE: MWW) today announced the launch of SeeMore(TM) in France, the first semantic search and workforce analytics recruitment platform available in the French market. Powered by Monster's 6Sense(TM) semantic search technology, SeeMore offers employers a powerful solution to reduce recruitment costs and improve hiring efficiency and effectiveness.

Law office Brodsky & Smith announces investigation of Saba Software *

(Apr. 19, 2013, BALA CYNWYD, Pa., /PRNewswire/) Law office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC announces that it is investigating potential claims against the Board of Directors of Saba Software, Inc. (OTC: SABA) in connection with Saba Software's failure to maintain adequate internal accounting controls to ensure their financial statements were not misleading. In August and November of 2012, Saba Software announced that it would restate its financial results from 2008 through the middle of 2012. In March of 2013, the Company's founder and CEO abruptly resigned. Thereafter, on April 9, 2013, the Company was delisted from the Nasdaq GM exchange. The investigation concerns possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of state law by the Board of Directors of Saba Software for failure to maintain adequate controls to ensure its financial statements were based on accurate information.

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ADP surpasses 40,000 human capital management clients ***

(Apr. 19, 2013, ROSELAND, N.J. ) ADP, a leading provider of human capital management services, today announced that more than 40,000 organizations have selected its cloud-based, human capital management (HCM) platforms. ADP’s unified HCM platforms not only give employers the sophisticated workforce management tools needed to help run their businesses with data-driven information, but they also help businesses manage complexity and comply with the Affordable Care Act and related regulations in the United States. ADP’s HCM platforms help businesses effectively manage all of their core HCM functions – from payroll and benefits administration to talent management – on a single platform.

ADP expands Louisiana presence for businesses managing complex HR, compliance Issues **

(April 22, 2013, NEW ORLEANS AND MIAMI, FLA.) ADP®, a leading provider of human capital management (HCM) services, announced today that it is expanding its Louisiana presence to help small- to mid-sized businesses reduce the administrative burdens of human resources management, stabilize costs of benefits administration, and manage regulatory complexities of Health Care Reform. By opening new ADP TotalSource® offices in New Orleans and Baton Rouge, Louisiana’s business community can now benefit from resources and experts that also help reduce risk through improved compliance and tax management.

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Jobscience brings recruitment marketing to Europe's largest staffing firms **

(Apr. 23, 2013, SAN FRANCISCO, CA, /Marketwired/) Jobscience Inc., the leader in Recruiting Engagement software, today announced plans to expand its business in Europe and has appointed Matt Hill as Director of EMEA Accounts to head up business development in the region. Currently CPL Resources PLC and Hydrogen Group use the Jobscience Recruiting solution to identify, engage and place top candidates across Europe and the technology has become central to these recruitment leaders' businesses.CPL Resources offers a flexible portfolio of recruitment, outsourcing and HR solutions to over 1,500 clients each year. The company provides a diverse range of services in the public and private sectors, including temporary staffing, permanent recruitment, managed services and outsourcing. Hydrogen Group is a global specialist recruitment business, placing exceptional, hard to find candidates in over 70 countries.

YONYOU’s strategy to raise profit ***

(Apr. 26, 2013, Shanghai, /Shanghai Daily/) YONYOU Software will establish a cloud-computing platform this year in a bid to improve profit margin after its net earnings tumbled 29 percent last year, China's biggest enterprise software maker said yesterday in Shanghai. Yonyou has invested heavily in cloud computing technology, which allows users to upload, edit, share and store data in an online platform through various devices. "With the platform strategy (sharing income with partners), our revenue growth rate is expected to slow down but profit margin will improve," said Xiang QIhan, Yonyou’s Executive President. Yonyou has diversified from just selling software to providing enterprise clients software, on-site operation, and consulting services based on its platform. In 2012, Shanghai-listed Yonyou's net profit fell an annual 29 percent to 380 million yuan (US$60.3 million).

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Neusoft pulls in RMB6.96 billion in revenue and 456 million in net profit in 2012 **

(Apr. 1, 2013, Shenyang, / Neusoft Group recently released its 2012 annual report, showing that in 2012 the company pulled in RMB6.96 billion in revenue, an increase of 21.02% over 2011; net profit was 456 million yuan, an increase of 9.41% over 2011. The report shows that the current market is full of uncertainties. In the case of the slowdown of software and information services, Neusoft shifted its business model to promote sustainable development the company to achieve solid growth. The company has strengthened its marketing efforts in mobile Internet, city commercial banks, intelligent transportation, media and other emerging business areas to capture new market opportunities.

On Assignment downgraded by Zacks *

(Apr. 2, 2013, / On Assignment (NASDAQ: ASGN) , a leading American provider of temporary scientific professionals to laboratories in the biotechnology, environmental, chemical, food and beverage industries, was downgraded by Zacks from a “neutral” rating to an “underperform” rating in a research note issued on Tuesday, AnalystRatingsNetwork reports. They currently have a $23.60 price target on the stock.A number of other firms have also recently commented on ASGN. Analysts at Bank of America reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of On Assignment in a research note to investors on Friday, February 15th. They now have a $27.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $26.00.

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Paychex Receives Sector Perform Rating from RBC Capital *

(Apr. 2, 2013, / RBC Capital reiterated their sector perform rating on shares of Paychex (NASDAQ: PAYX) in a research note issued to investors on Friday, Analyst Ratings.Net reports. The firm currently has a $34.00 target price on the stock. PAYX has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at Barclays Capital raised their price target on shares of Paychex from $30.00 to $32.00 in a research note to investors on Thursday, March 28th. They now have an underweight rating on the stock. Separately, analysts at Sanford C. Bernstein reiterated a market perform rating on shares of Paychex in a research note to investors on Wednesday, March 27th. They now have a $29.00 price target on the stock.

Michael Page International given new $5.97 price target at JP Morgan Cazenove **

(Apr. 7, 2013, /Utah People’s Post/) Equities research analysts at JP Morgan Cazenove upped their price target on shares of Michael Page International (LON: MPI) from $5.75 (375 GBX) to $5.97 (389 GBX) in a research note issued to investors on Monday, reports. The firm currently has a “neutral” rating on the stock.Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Investec reiterated a “sell” rating on shares of Michael Page International in a research note to investors on Friday. They now have a $6.03 price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Canaccord Genuity raised their price target on shares of Michael Page International from $5.70 to $6.08 in a research note to investors on Thursday. They now have a “hold” rating on the stock.

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HR Services lift Paychex’s Q3 results **

(Apr. 8, 2013, / Paychex (NASDAQ:PAYX) reported its third quarter earnings ending February 28, 2013, on March 27. Paychex is the second largest payroll processing and human resources outsourcing company in the U.S., with total revenues of over $2 billion. In the third quarter, the company’s revenues increased by 4% to reach $582.4 million. The net income for the company increased 7% to $144.5 million, owing to solid growth in the human resources services division. According to estimates, payroll services account for over 60% of the total value for the company. The total revenue from the payroll services increased to about $393.7 million, an increment of 2% over the last quarter. Paychex serves more than 567,000 businesses worldwide and almost 82% of these constitute employers having less than 19 employees.

Saba Software price target increased to $14.00 by Benchmark Co. **

(Apr. 8, 2013,/ Analysts at Benchmark Co. boosted their price target on shares of Saba Software (NASDAQ: SABA) to $14.00 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Friday, Analyst Ratings.Net reports. The analysts wrote, Last night, SABA announced that it expects to be delisted from the NASDAQ since the company is unable to meet its filing requirements with the SEC due to the ongoing accounting review. Upon delisting, SABA expects that its stock will trade on the OTC Markets Pink Sheets electronic quote system. Shares of Saba Software (NASDAQ: SABA) traded down 4.92% during mid-day trading on Friday, hitting $7.35. Saba Software has a one year low of $7.19 and a one year high of $10.77. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently $8.66. The company’s market cap is $218.9 million.

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Recruiter Robert Walters posts strong first quarter ***

(Apr. 8, 2013, / Recruitemnt firm Robert Walters said today it enjoyed a solid first quarter after net fee income rose four per cent to £46.6m. The group said it has made good progress diversifying away from the troubled banking sector by strengthening its business in other areas including oil & gas and sales & marketing. Investment banks around the world are taking a harder line on pay and axing jobs to cope increased regulatory pressure and tough trading conditions. The company said 85 per cent of group net fee income was now generated outside financial services. Chief executive Robert Walters said the group will not be opening any further offices this year after opening two new sites in Dubai and Ghent in the first quarter.

SThree Plc’s buy rating reaffirmed at Investec *

(Apr. 9, 2013, Utah People’s Post/) Investec reissued their buy rating on shares of SThree Plc (LON: STHR) in a report released on Friday, Analyst Ratings Network reports. Investec currently has a $5.85 (381 GBX) target price on the stock.STHR has been the subject of a number of other recent research reports. Analysts at Jefferies Group downgraded shares of SThree Plc to a hold rating in a research note to investors on Monday, March 25th. They now have a $5.94 price target on the stock, up previously from $5.33. Separately, analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald reiterated a sell rating on shares of SThree Plc in a research note to investors on Tuesday, March 12th. They now have a $4.48 price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Seymour Pierce reiterated a sell rating on shares of SThree Plc in a research note to investors on Friday, March 8th. They now have a $4.48 price target on the stock.

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Monster Worldwide downgraded by Avondale Partners **

(Apr. 10, 2013, New York, / Monster Worldwide (NYSE: MWW) was downgraded by equities researchers at Avondale Partners from a “market perform” rating to an “underperform” rating in a report issued on Wednesday, reports.Monster Worldwide (NYSE: MWW) remained flat at $4.58 during trading on Wednesday. Monster Worldwide has a 52-week low of $4.34 and a 52-week high of $9.63. The stock’s 50-day moving average is currently $5.06. The company’s market cap is $509.0 million.Monster Worldwide (NYSE: MWW) last announced its earnings results on Thursday, February 7th. The company reported $0.08 EPS for the quarter, meeting the Thomson Reuters consensus estimate of $0.08. The company had revenue of $211.20 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $212.47 million. During the same quarter last year, the company posted $0.11 earnings per share. Monster Worldwide’s revenue was down 10.0% compared to the same quarter last year.

Adecco SA stock rating lowered by Bryan Garnier & Cie **

(Apr. 15, 2013, / Bryan Garnier & Cie downgraded shares of Adecco SA (EU: ADI1) to a sell rating in a report issued on Thursday, reports. They currently have €39.52 ($52.00) target price on the stock. Several other analysts have also recently commented on the stock. Analysts at AlphaValue reiterated an add rating on shares of Adecco SA in a research note to investors on Thursday, April 4th. They now have a €43.02 ($56.60) price target on the stock. Separately, analysts at Bank of America raised their price target on shares of Adecco SA from €36.48 ($48.00) to €43.32 ($57.00) in a research note to investors on Monday, March 18th. They now have a neutral rating on the stock.

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TeamHealth's net earnings rises 11% in Q4 **

(Apr. 15, Knoxville, Tenn. / TeamHealth Holdings' net earnings in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2012 rose by 11 percent from the same period last year to a total of 14.7 million. During the fourth quarter of FY 2012, TeamHealth's net revenue rose by 17 percent from the same period last year to 544.8 million. For the entire FY 2012, TeamHealth's net earnings totaled 63.7 million, down 2 percent from 65.5 million recorded for FY 2011. Net revenue was up 18 percent to 2.06 billion from 1.74 billion recorded for FY 2011.

Paychex rises to a new 52-week high **

(Apr. 15, 2013, / Shares of Paychex Inc. (PAYX ) reached a new 52-week high of $36.16 on Thursday, Apr 11, 2013, following decent third-quarter 2013 results announced on Mar 27, an improving job market, improvement in hiring activities and better visibility for revenues per check. The closing price of this payroll service provider on Apr. 12, 2013 was $36.14, representing a decent one-year return of about 16.8% and year-to-date return of about 13.5%. Average volume of shares traded over the last three months stand at approximately 2759K. This Zacks Rank #3 (Hold) company has a market cap of $13.2 billion and a long-term expected earnings growth rate of 9.2%.

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Michael Page a hold amid 'challenging' market **

(Apr. 16, 2013, / The biggest drop in profits over the year came in the austerity-hit euro region, with a 15.1pc fall in the three months to March. Businesses in France and Germany, which operate predominantly in permanent recruitment, experienced “another challenging quarter”, the group said, down 17pc and 27pc respectively. The real problem, however, is that this slide in profits is expected to continue, as Michael Page’s chief executive Steve Ingham admits. “Activity levels remained strong in the quarter, but with difficult trading conditions continuing in several markets, we anticipate Q2 to be a challenging quarter,” he said yesterday.

Team Health Holdings Inc. announces Q1 2013 earnings release date *

(Apr. 16, 2013, KNOXVILLE, Tenn., /PRNewswire/) Team Health Holdings Inc. ("TeamHealth") (NYSE: TMH), one of the largest suppliers of outsourced healthcare professional staffing and administrative services to hospitals and other healthcare providers in the United States, today announced that the Company will release its first quarter 2013 results after the market close on Tuesday, April 30, 2013, to be followed by a conference call on Wednesday, May 1 at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time).

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Insperity upgraded by Zacks to Neutral *

(Apr. 16, 2013, / Zacks Investment Research upgraded shares of INSPERITY INC (NSP) from UNDERPERFORM to NEUTRAL on April 16, 2013, with a target price of $27.70.Insperity, Inc., formerly known as Administaff, Inc., is engaged in providing an array of human resources and business solutions. Services offered by the Company includes Workforce Optimization in the marketplace, MidMarket Solutions, Performance Management, Expense Management, Time and Attendance, Organizational Planning, Employment Screening, Recruiting Services, Retirement Services, Business Insurance and Technology Services. Insperity, Inc. is headquartered in Kingwood, Texas.

Michael Page International Rating Reiterated by Goldman Sachs **

(Apr. 18, 2013,/ Page International (LON: MPI)‘s stock had its “neutral” rating reaffirmed by Goldman Sachs in a research note issued on Thursday, Analyst Ratings reports. They currently have a GBX 459 ($7.04) price target on the stock. Other equities research analysts have also recently issued reports about the stock. Analysts at Jefferies International reiterated a “buy” rating on shares of Michael Page International in a research note to investors on Wednesday. They now have a GBX 500 ($7.67) price target on the stock, down previously from GBX 520 ($7.98). Separately, analysts at Jefferies Group cut their price target on shares of Michael Page International from GBX 520 ($7.98) to GBX 500 ($7.67) in a research note to investors on Wednesday. They now have a “buy” rating on the stock. Finally, analysts at Credit Suisse cut their price target on shares of Michael Page International from GBX 400 ($6.14) to GBX 360 ($5.52) in a research note to investors on Wednesday. They now have an “underperform” rating on the stock.

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Manpower says weak Europe lowers earnings ***

(Apr. 19, 2013, / Inc. has been reducing employment to reduce costs amid falling earnings and revenue, the company's latest quarterly earnings report showed Friday. An unspecified number of the job cuts have been taking place at the Milwaukee headquarters for the world's No. 3 staffing and recruitment company, best known for a corps of temporary workers. Manpower spokeswoman Britt Zarling said the restructuring was too global and complicated to reduce to a single number. Asked about the cuts in the Milwaukee headquarters, Zarling said in an email response: "It's a complex answer because it's a moving target and we are not doing an across the board reduction in force." On Friday, Manpower reported a 41% drop in net earnings in the January-March quarter to $23.9 million, or 31 cents per share, from $40.2 million or 50 cents a year earlier. Worldwide revenue fell 6.4% to $4.77 billion.

SAP's cloud computing push stalls in Asia **

(Apr. 19, 2013,FRANKFURT,/Reuters/) SAP AG's Asian business stumbled at the start of 2013 when top sales managers left the business software company, giving rivals an edge just as customers were switching from hardware to cloud computing. The German company vowed to get its Asia Pacific business back on track after the problems pushed its first-quarter earnings and revenue below analyst forecasts. Its shares fell 2.8 percent on Friday. SAP and rivals such as IBM and Oracle are dashing to meet surging demand for cloud computing, which allows clients to reduce costs by ditching bulky and costly servers for network-based software and storage in remote data centres. With the cloud services market forecast to grow 18.5 percent this year to $131 billion worldwide, according to research firm Gartner, competition is fierce and software firms face a challenge to adapt.

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Cross Country Healthcare upgraded to “Neutral” by Zacks *

(Apr. 22, 2013, / Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) was upgraded by Zacks from an “underperform” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research report issued to clients and investors on Monday, Stock Ratings reports. The firm currently has a $5.00 price target on the stock. Other equities research analysts have also recently issued reports about the stock. Analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald downgraded shares of Cross Country Healthcare from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note to investors on Friday, March 22nd. Separately, analysts at BMO Capital Markets raised their price target on shares of Cross Country Healthcare from $6.00 to $7.00 in a research note to investors on Wednesday, March 20th. They now have an “outperform” rating on the stock.

Dice Holdings releases quarterly earnings result, hits estimation *

(Apr. 23, 2013,/ Dice Holdings (NYSE: DHX) posted its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday. The company reported $0.12 earnings per share for the quarter, meeting the analysts’ consensus estimate of $0.12, Stock Ratings Network reports. The company had revenue of $50.40 million for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $50.60 million.DHX has been the subject of a number of recent research reports. Analysts at Avondale Partners downgraded shares of Dice Holdings from an “outperform” rating to a “market perform” rating in a research note to investors on Wednesday, April 10th. They now have a $10.00 price target on the stock, down previously from $12.00. On the ratings front, analysts at Evercore Partners downgraded shares of Dice Holdings from an “overweight” rating to an “equal weight” rating on Thursday, January 31st.

Zacks reaffirmed “neutral” rating on Manpower **

(Apr. 24, 2013, / Manpower (NYSE: MAN)‘s stock had its “neutral” rating restated by Zacks in a report issued on Wednesday, Analyst Ratings Network reports. They currently have a $56.00 target price on the stock. Zacks‘ analyst wrote, “Manpower’s first-quarter 2013 earnings of $0.63 per share substantially surpassed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.45 and jumped 26% year over year. However, total revenue dropped 6.4% to $4,768.9 million and missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $4,774 million as lingering macroeconomic woes resulted in soft demand for recruitment services. Manpower is now contemplating on exiting lower margin business and venturing into high margin business. The ManpowerGroup Solutions, the company’s high margin business, sustained its growth momentum during the quarter. However, the demand for the counter-cyclical outplacement services moderated significantly during the quarter which is worrying. Going forward, macro headwinds and increased competition is likely to deter the results of the company. “

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Edenred: Benefits not seen as a tool to support business performance **

(Apr. 1, 2013, / Only a quarter (26%) of employer respondents understand or value the role of benefits as a tool to support business performance, according to research by Edenred.Its Engage to perform study, which examined the key priorities for benefits professionals in 2013, found that 69% of respondents said the role of benefits in the reward mix was more important than base pay levels.Respondents are taking action to improve their benefits proposition including the use of personalization, better use of technology, the use of HR policy to supplement core benefits. The survey also found:• 42% of employer respondents intend to review their benefits strategy in 2013.• 33% of respondents said their organization has seen an increase in benefits take-up in 2013 so far.• 77% of respondents said there is no improvement in sight for benefits budgets.• 33% of respondents said auto-enrollment offers an opportunity to increase awareness of wider benefits.

Right Management: “Nine out of 10 American employees say their workplace is more stressful compared to five years ago” **

(Apr. 1, 2013, Philadephia, /Canadian HR Reporter/) Three-quarter (74 per cent) of North American workers strongly agree with the statement that their workplace is more stressful, while 18 per cent somewhat agree. Just six per cent disagree. “We expect, to a degree, that most people would say they are feeling more pressure when asked about such workplace issues,” said Monika Morrow, senior vice-president of career management at Right Management. “But there’s no ambiguity or uncertainty about the latest findings. Nearly everybody thinks stress has grown over the past five years,” Morrow said.

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31 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Hire multi-sector knowledge workers in fast-growth regions, ManpowerGroup advises ***

(Apr. 5, 2013, MILWAUKEE) ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, tells companies that are quickly expanding in growth hot spots, such as North Dakota and Montana, to prioritize hiring workers with knowledge and skills demanded across industries, as the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics today reported that the overall March jobless rate was 7.6%, down from 7.7% in February, 2013. Hot spots are characterized as having the perfect factors in place to accelerate the growth of interconnected industries - such as engineering, manufacturing and construction. ManpowerGroup's "Where the Jobs Are" infographic diagrams which industries are hiring and where. It is based on the U.S. results from the Quarter 2, 2013 Manpower Employment Outlook Survey results.

HayGroup: Majority of the corporate leaders in India are pursuing "coercive" leadership style *

(Apr. 5, 2013, New Delhi, / Majority of the corporate leaders in India are pursuing "coercive" leadership style which is demotivating for employees besides impacting overall organisational performance, says a Hay Group survey. Globally also, leading management consultancy Hay Group said that business leaders are over-reliant on a single leadership style, resulting in demotivaton of employees and holding back organisational performance."The research also showed that 2 in every 3 Indian leaders (62 percent) opt for the 'coercive' leadership style, compared to just 37 percent globally," Hay Group said in a report released Thursday.The conclusions are based on a survey of about 2,500 leaders spread across 80 companies in India. "Compared to the global average of 55, leaders in India are far from the ideal workplace environment, with 70 percent of leaders found creating a demotivating climate for their employees."Both Brazil and China were found to have performed better in this aspect," the report said. Hay Group covered 95,000 leaders in more than 2,200 organisations worldwide.

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Right Management: Firms struggle to align talent strategy with business objectives

(April 7, 2013, PHILADELPHIA) Major organizations increasingly seek to align their talent management strategy with their business objectives, according to a survey of 537 U.S. companies by Right Management, the talent and career management expert within ManpowerGroup. Forty-six percent of the organizations represented in the survey struggle with such alignment, with as many as 18% reporting that there is no alignment with business objectives.“Do you believe your organization’s talent management strategy is aligned with its business objectives?”• 37% Yes, the strategy is aligned to meet our business objectives.• 46% Yes, but the strategy is only somewhat aligned to meet business objectives.• 18% There is no alignment with business objectives.The survey suggests most organizations want to move in this direction but have yet to do so with any confidence.

Glassdoor survey reveals nearly one in five employees concerned about being laid off ***

(Apr. 7, 2013, SAUSALITO, CA, /Marketwired/) According to Glassdoor's Q1 2013 Employment Confidence Survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, nearly one in five employees2 (19 percent) are concerned they may be laid off from their job in the next six months, and one in four employees (25 percent) including those who are self-employed, think it is unlikely they would be able to find a job in the next six months that matches their experience and current compensation should they lose their current job. Those unemployed but looking for work are less optimistic this quarter as 31 percent think it is likely they could find a job matched to their experience and compensation levels in the next six months, down six points from the last quarter.However, despite layoff and re-hire probability concerns, nearly half of employees (45 percent) including those who are self-employed believe their company's business outlook will improve in the next six months, 45 percent expect it to stay the same and nine percent expect it to get worse.

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2012 2011 2010

Lack of high-potential leaders in the organization.

32% 31% 30%

Shortage of talent at all levels. 32% 23% 18%

Low engagement and lagging productivity.

19% 26% 22%

Loss of top talent to other organizations.

17% 19% 30%

Right Management: Employers worried by lack of future leaders **

(Apr. 9, 2013, PHILADELPHIA, /PRNewswire/) Employers continue to worry about the lack of future leaders in their organization ranks, according to a survey of more than 2,000 senior human resource executives in 14 countries by Right Management, the talent and career management experts within ManpowerGroup. For the third year in a row, lack of high-potential leaders was the most pressing concern for U.S. HR executives, 32% of whom put it at the top of their list. Globally, lack of future leaders was also cited as the foremost concern by an average of 25% of employers, evidence that a lack of high potentials is a widespread concern in leading industrialized nations.

What do you expect to be the most pressing HR challenge faced by your organization in 2013? (U.S. respondents)

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ADP: Customer experience is critical ***

(Apr. 12, 2013, Shanghai, / ADP global market director Chris Parr said in Shanghai recently that customer experience is critical for its continued success. The importance of knowing the needs and problems of clients outweighs that of the product itself. He said that China is a very important market for sustainable success, and the entire company is paying close attention and pooling resources for this market. ADP is a well-known services provider, and its headcounts in Asia has reached 340, including more than 200 in Beijing. ADP DSI is attaching growing importance of the Chinese market; over the next five years, I believe that ADP DSI’s invest in the Chinese market will embrace a better future. "Chris Parr said, “ADP will implement the "customer-centric" concept, have in-depth understanding of customers’ businesses and the problems they face, and provide them with effective services.”

HayGroup releases business outlook study 2013 ***

(Apr. 13, 2013, / HayGroup's latest study on the business outlook for 2013 was released this week and reports that leadership teams in the MENA region are being asked to do more with less, as CEOs and Boards push for a new phase of growth, yet organisations face rising costs of doing business. In the study, 700 HR leaders were asked about their organisations' plans for the 12 months ahead. The study finds there is certainly appetite for growth with 46% of respondents reporting that expansion is their key focus this year and only 3% forecasting a reduction in revenue. 33% of those who participated forecast 15% or more revenue growth over the next 12 months and 41% forecast a 5 to 15% growth in revenue. The figures are taken from Hay Group's Middle East and North Africa client database of private sector clients ranging from multinationals to family owned businesses and local organisations.

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Rising work-life balance concerns tied to employee turnover across the globe, finds HayGroup ***

(Apr. 16, 2013, PHILADELPHIA, /BUSINESS WIRE/) More than one in four employees (27 percent) at organizations that are not perceived to support work-life balance plan to leave their companies within the next two years, according to new research from Hay Group, the global management consulting firm. That's compared to only 17 percent of those at companies that ranked among the top quartile for support of employees in achieving a reasonable balance between work and personal life. For an organization with 10,000 employees, a 10 percentage point reduction in turnover over two years would result in savings of $17.5 million (assuming an average salary of $35,000 and an average replacement cost of 50 percent of salary).At the same time, work-life balance concerns across the globe are on the rise, with 39 percent of employees in Hay Group Insight's 2012 normative data indicating that they did not have a "good balance" between work and personal life, compared to only 32 percent who reported the same in 2011. Concerns also persist about the number of workers available to complete the work required, with the majority of employees (52 percent) reporting that there are not enough people to do the work in their area.

Glassdoor: Social media and technology sector offers the highest-paid internships **

(Apr. 17, 2013, / new survey from reveals that the highest-paid internships aren't on Wall Street but in technology and social media. The site, which touts itself as a jobs and career community, found that the top four companies pay interns more than $6,000 a month. VMware, a leading technology firm, ranks No. 1 in internship salaries, at $6,704. Rounding out the top five: eBay ($6,500), ExxonMobil ($6,268), Facebook ($6,084) and Google (5,891). In fact, Wall Street firms didn't even crack the top 10. The highest-paid financial services internships are Deutsche Bank ($4,943), Capital One ($4,930) and BlackRock ($4,698). Goldman Sachs, long considered the quintessential Wall Street firm, failed to make the top 25. It pays interns an average of $3,319 a month-$590 a month less than two years ago.

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HR Magazine: 93% of employees would strongly consider leaving their current employer due to a culture of fear ***

(Apr. 17, 2013, /HR Magazine/)The report UK Management Culture of Fear,seen exclusively by HR magazine, asked almost 1,000 UK workers about performance appraisal processes and results, leadership qualities of direct line managers and overall satisfaction levels. To the question 'would you definitely consider leaving your current employer', a huge 93% responded with 'strongly agree', a big jump from 49% in 2008. According to the research, there has been a large drop in the satisfaction levels of UK employees due to what the report dubs a "culture of fear".Only 2% of respondents 'strongly agreed' they were satisfied in their job, a drop from 21% in 2008. And 72% of workers said they felt their direct line manager did not communicate effectively and concisely until the formal performance appraisal process, up from 58% in 2012.

Randstad: Job security tops the concerns of Hong Kong people **

(Apr. 19, 2013, Hong Kong, /China News/) A recent survey finds that when the Hong Kong people look for a job, the most important concern is not salary but "how stable it is." This year the Randstad award was introduced to Hong Kong by the namesake company, the world's second largest human resources service provider.The Randstad awards were issued to 75 largest companies in Hong Kong in terms of headcounts. and the company interviewed more than 4,000 demographically qualified people (aged between 18 to 65, with secondary education or above) . The survey shows that 65% of the respondents believed that "long-term job security and stability is the primary consideration in the choice of jobs, and it overrides the salaries and benefits, work environment, work-life balance and career opportunities.

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Generation Y choose greater flexibility over financial reward, PwC study reveals **

(Apr. 22, 2013, /HR Magazine/) Generation Y would choose workplace flexibility, work/life balance and the opportunity for overseas assignments over financial rewards, a study published by PwC has found. The PwC NextGen survey of 44,000 workers, in conjunction with the London Business School and the University of Southern California, reveals Generation Y are more likely to stay in a job if they feel supported and appreciated, are part of a cohesive team and have greater flexibility over where and how much they work.This contrasts with previous generations, who place greater importance on pay and development opportunities. The survey found flexibility is a key priority for both generations of workers, with 21% of female and 15% of male respondents saying they would give up some of their pay and delay a promotion in exchange for more workplace flexibility.

Pay gap closes for in-house UK lawyers **

(Apr. 22, 2013, LONDON) Pay in the UK legal sector remains buoyant despite low UK economic growth, according to Towers Watson’s Legal Salary Report. The report shows that the legal sector is increasingly adopting a performance-based approach to pay rather than the traditional post-qualification experience (PQE) model that rewards employees for the number of years served since qualifying. The report also shows that the traditional gap between private practice and in-house pay is closing. Base pay within private law firms is still significantly higher but more generous bonus and employee benefits are found in the wider corporate environment, resulting in total rewards often being more competitive for in-house lawyers.

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2013 ranking City Country 2012 ranking

19 Dubai UAE 29

31 Doha Qatar 42

50 Muscat Oman 47

53 Riyadh Saudi Arabia 56

57 Manama Bahrain 49

83 Amman Jordan 114

106 Tunis Tunisia 90

108 Rabat Morocco 117

117 Cairo Egypt 112

2013 People Risk Index-Rankings of Cities in the MENA region

Aon Hewitt: Dubai the lowest-risk city for employers in MENA *

(Apr. 22, 2013, / has been identified as the city with the lowest people risk in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), according to the findings from the 2013 People Risk Index by Aon Hewitt, the global human resources business of Aon plc. The Aon Hewitt 2013 People Risk Index measures the risks that organizations face with recruitment, employment and relocation in 138 cities worldwide by analyzing factors as demographics, access to education, talent and development, employment practices and government regulations.

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Average CMO tenure through the years (in months)

2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

45.0 43.0 42.0 34.7 28.4 26.8 23.2 23.5 23.6 Actuary is best job of 2013 **

(Apr. 23, 2013, /Wall Street Journal/)The job as an actuary with the Department of Defense provides a good living with a minimum of stress. That partly explains why actuaries have the best job in the United States, according to a new survey by that will be released Tuesday. Biomedical engineer was No. 2 and software engineer, the top job of 2012, came in at No.3. Careers that ranked the lowest included enlisted military personnel, lumberjack and newspaper reporter. (Clickhere to see the full ranking of all 200 jobs.), a career website owned by Adicio Inc., ranked 200 jobs from best to worst based on five criteria: physical demands, work environment, income, stress, and hiring outlook. The firm used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other government agencies to determine the rankings. As in prior years, the 200 jobs were selected for their relevance in the current labor market as well as the availability of reliable data.

CMO tenure reaches 45 months, says Spencer Stuart ***

(Apr. 25, 2013, /Forbes/) CMO tenure continued its upward trajectory in 2012, to an average of 45 months, a gain of two months from the year before—further retiring the storied 23-month hold. That’s according to the latest CMO tenure study by executive search consulting firm Spencer Stuart. CMOs for a variety of reasons are finding themselves in their posts longer than in years past—though still not as long as CIOs or CEOs, who average five and seven years, respectively. Data for the ninth annual CMO tenure study was based on CMO tenure at the top 100 advertised brands. Game-changing technologies, data and “modern” marketing strategies, including digital, mobile and social, have aided CMOs in their quest for recognition in the C-suite as business growth drivers, said Greg Welch, a consultant in the Spencer Stuart Marketing Officer Practice.

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Randolph Barr of Saba Software, Inc. named by ExecRank to Its Top Security Executive Rankings **

(Apr. 15, 2013, REDWOOD SHORES, Calif., /PR carbon/) Saba (OTC Pink: SABA), the premier provider of people-centric enterprise solutions, announced today that Randolph Barr, chief security officer at Saba, was selected by the ranking committee of ExecRank as a “Top Security Executive” for 2012. ExecRank is the definitive ranking service of leading executives from more than 30 professions who have achieved the highest level of professional achievement and peer recognition. ExecRank evaluates thousands of C-level executives to determine the initial candidate pool. These professionals are then run through a 24 variable algorithm that evaluates position-specific performance metrics as well as business results during tenure, experience and other criteria. The final screen is a peer review from executives who evaluate the final candidate list. The announced rankings serve as an objective measure of executive performance.

ManpowerGroup Solutions TAPFIN honored with supplier diversity award by Wisconsin Department of Administration *

(Apr. 18, 2013, MILWAUKEE, /PRNewswire/) ManpowerGroup Solutions' managed service provider (MSP), TAPFIN, the world's largest vendor-neutral and hybrid MSP, received the ACCOLADE AWARD from the Wisconsin Department of Administration. The ACCOLADE AWARD recognizes the State of Wisconsin's private sector partners that have demonstrated superior minority involvement in state procurement and construction-related activities. Since 2005, TAPFIN has had primary responsibility for managing the State of Wisconsin's IT services contract MSP program. TAPFIN consistently exceeds the state's 5 percent minority purchase goal, partnering with minority owned businesses for more than 14 percent of the contingent IT services delivered to the state. In addition, TAPFIN supports its minority-owned business partners through a robust mentoring program that includes business and leadership development opportunities.

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Kraft Foods wins China Randstad Award ***

(Apr. 19, 2013, Shanghai, / The "Randstad Award Ceremony" was held in Shanghai on April 18 by Randstad, the world's second-largest human resources service provider.Kraft food, with its excellent performance in finance, business management, compensation and benefits, and training, stood out in China's consumer goods industry and won the Best Employer Award. This is one of the only two award categories that are relevant to industries. The Randstad Award is the world's largest employer brand survey; this year there are more than ten thousand Chinese respondents participated in the online survey of third-party research firm ICMA, and the respondents were asked to select the 150 largest companies they know of, and reply whether they are willing to work for these companies. The selected composite will be scored with ten important factors to determine the visibility and influence of their employer brand.

New publication scoops top prize at Towers Watson’s HR Journalism Awards ***

(Apr. 19,2013, LONDON) Reward magazine took home the prize for Print HR Publication of the Year at the 2013 Towers Watson Excellence in HR Journalism Awards, held the day before yesterday at The Mall Galleries in Central London, while picked up the award for Online HR Publication of the Year. The judges felt that the two winning publications each combined informative articles with a well-defined style and commended Reward magazine for its strong entry into the market with evidence based stories and clear presentation of data to support their arguments. In the individual categories, the top awards were handed out to freelance journalist Tim Smedley who won National HR Journalist of the Year for his work in the Guardian and Financial Times. People Management’s Digital Editor, Claire Churchard, took the top honor in the HR Trade Journalist of the Year category.

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Kronos recognized for excellence in customer satisfaction **

(Apr. 19, 2013, CHELMSFORD, Mass.,/ Kronos Incorporated today announced that it has received the NorthFace ScoreBoard AwardSM from the Omega Management Group Corp. for excellence in customer satisfaction for 2012. Omega presents the NorthFace ScoreBoard Award annually to organizations that consistently exceeded customer expectations during the preceding year, as rated by their customers.Results from Omega Management Group Corp. show that 99 percent of organizations responded positively when asked if Kronos understands their problem. Additionally, 90 percent of respondents said that Kronos is a leader in workforce management and that they are satisfied with product innovation as well as features and functionality.

ADP ranked #27 on 2013 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for diversity **

(Apr. 24, 2013, ROSELAND, N.J.) ADP, a leading provider of global human capital management (HCM) services, today announced that it has been ranked 27th on The 2013 DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity list. The DiversityInc Top 50 includes companies from a wide range of industries whose leadership, procurement practices, communications and training best reflect the reality of the rapidly changing face of America. This marks the fourth consecutive year that ADP has been recognized for excellence and leadership in diversity by DiversityInc. In addition to its overall Top 50 ranking this year, ADP also ranked fifth in The DiversityInc Top 10 Companies for Latinos, sixth in the Top 10 Companies for Veterans, and ninth in the Top 10 Companies for Executive Women. The full list can be found

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Edenred akes 2013 Employee Benefits Awards Shortlist **

(Apr. 25, 2013, /PRWeb/)Edenred’s excellence in delivering total reward and flexible benefits has been recognised with two of its client schemes making the shortlist of the 2013 Employee Benefits Awards. The delivery of a total reward scheme for City Health Care Partnership has made the shortlist for the Best Total Reward Strategy. Mark Carman, director of communications services at Edenred said:“We are very proud of both these schemes for the positive impact they have had on our client organisations and their employees so is great to see our work recognised by this prestigious industry award scheme.”The winners of the awards will be announced on 7 June 2013.

Top ten ranking of the 2012 Best Employers of Geographic Information Industry in China announced ***

(Apr. 26, / The 2012 Best Employers of Geographic Information Industry in China organized by 3S was announced after four months’ registration, online voting questionnaire scoring, and expert review. The Top Ten were selected among the 100 nominated geographic information industry enterprises.In this list, the South Digital Technology Co., Ltd. of Guangdong won the highest score in expert evaluation and the second in the online voting, defending its "3S Best Employers." It is also the company that received the highest number of resumes on 3S In this year's selection, the number of resumes on 3S was introduced as one of the important indicators for the first time. Xiamen Epgis and AutoNavi are ranked the second and the third on the list.

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HayGroup launches “Win” model on its 70th anniversary ****

(Apr. 9, 2013, Shanghai,/China HR Development Net/) HayGroup, a global management consulting firm, launched on its 70th anniversary the "Win" model, a new management model that will effectively help industry businesses of all industries to be successful. The "Win" model contains three essential parts: strategic performance, organizational effectiveness and leadership effectiveness; each of the three is indispensable. HayGroup will launch the “Employee Performance Forum” as one of the serial events to celebrate its 70th anniversary, and introduce the model officially at the event. This event will focusing on practical cases to prove how the theory is linked to the performance of organizations, and how the "win" model is put into practice.

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The first service outsourcing talent training victory of the Forum held ***

(Apr. 18, 2013, / The "First China (Xuzhou) service outsourcing talent training summit"was held in Xuzhou on April 18, 2013. The event was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Dalian Electronic Technology Exchange Center and the Xuzhou Municipal People's Government, and organized by Neusoft Group Co., Ltd., the Beijing Sanda Economic and Technological Cooperation and Development Center, Industrial and Info Ministry Education and Training (Beijing) Technology Development Center. Guo Jianbin, Deputy Director of The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Software Services, Luo Min, Director of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Dalian Electronic Technology Exchange Center, Liu Jiren, CEO and Chairman of Neusoft Group participated in the event in Xuzhou.

Hay Group to present at the WorldatWork Total Rewards conference **

(April 23, 2013, PHILADELPHIA, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Hay Group, a global management consulting firm, will be facilitating six workshops during the WorldatWork Total Rewards conference in Philadelphia, PA on April 29-May 1, 2013. At this year's WorldatWork conference, experts from around the globe will come together to share the latest thinking in dynamic reward solutions for helping organizations find, engage and retain top talent.On the floor of the conference, Hay Group will be demonstrating several of its reward support technologies at booth #523. Hay Group will also be live-Tweeting from the conference. The Twitter handle is @HayGroupLive. The conference hash tag is #wawlive.

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Adecco employees stage worldwide "Street Day" to address youth unemployment **

(Apr. 23, 2013, TORONTO, /CNW/) Adecco employees in Canada and in over 60 countries will take to the streets on Tuesday, April 30th - dubbed worldwide as "Street Day" - to reach out, lend their expertise, and help improve youth employability through guidance and free training workshops. Every Adecco branch in over 60 countries, including more than 50 branches from coast-to-coast in Canada, will hold special events to engage with youth and provide them with the knowledge, counseling, and inspiration they need to succeed in the world of work. Street Day is just the start of an overall initiative called "Adecco Way to Work". Adecco, one of the world's leading providers of HR and staffing solutions, is launching this international initiative to combat the global youth unemployment crisis.

Right Management supports the Cisco Big Awards 2013 **

(Apr. 23, 2013, Philadelphia) Right Management is delighted to be part of The Cisco BIG Awards – an annual competition for start-ups and SMEs that recognises and rewards excellence in innovation. Over the next 12 months, Right Management will provide up to $30,000 in workforce consulting advice for the winners of the awards answering questions such as "What work models should you use? How do you manage a diverse and virtual workplace? “”What new practices will you need in order to attract, develop and retain the talent you need to support your business in the future?””We are thrilled to be involved in such an exciting project that really celebrates the best innovation emerging from the technology sector,” says the website of Right Management.

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“China Talent Acquisition and Assessment Forum” held in Beijing *****

(Apr. 26, 2013, Shanghai) The “2013 China Talent Acquisition and Assessment Forum”, an event held by HRoot, a leading human resources Internet and media company in China, was held today at the Beijing Landmark Hotel. During the forum. The event features a roaster of speakers, e.g., Deng Xin, a senior consultant of Thomas International, Xing Zhiming, director of Career International, Tang Weimin, deputy general manager of the CIIC talent assessment center, Jiang Jing, director of human resources of Nokia, who shared their thoughts and insights in efficient talent management, innovative recruitment management, team leadership, and campus recruitment with HR directors, managers, trainers, department heads and other human resource professionals.

ClickSoftware on show at ITAC 2013 **

(Apr. 27, 2013, / ClickSoftware demonstrates workforce management strategy for the aged care sector at ITAC 2013 (Information Technology in Aged Care). The workforce challenges faced by community care providers are immense and include staffing a constantly-changing workforce whilst dealing with shortages of aged care nurses, allied health personnel and medical practitioners. In addition, home-based care providers must efficiently manage the workforce's time and cost while delivering high quality care to clients. At ITAC 2013, held from 1-3 May at Melbourne's Crown Conference Centre, ClickSoftware will be showing the world's most comprehensive suite of mobile workforce management solutions for the health and aged care sector. The solution comprises mobility, scheduling and rostering to manage the entire organization. The theme of this 6th annual conference and exhibition is 'Consumer Centric Service Delivery: driving the efficiency gain'.

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50 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

ManpowerGroup wins major vendor contract **

(Apr. 13, 2013, / ManpowerGroup UK has won a major three-year vendor contract for a fully integrated resourcing solution across Europe for CSC, a provider of technology-enabled business solutions and services. The provision of personnel will be delivered by the firm’s Experis brand, a professional resourcing and project-based workforce solutions company to the IT sector. The deal will include the provision of contingent and permanent staff, covering countries such as the UK, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark and Sweden. ManpowerGroup competed with 42 different companies to win the contract. Experis will place 280 contract employees in the UK and another 150 outside the UK, on top of 300 permanent staff.

Geely Holding Group adopts NetDimensions development full learning and talent development system **

(Apr. 13, 2013, Hangzhou) Geely Holding Group employees online learning and talent development system launch party was held in Hangzhou, and Wei Mei, vice president of Geely Holding Group, Wu Gang, Goup IT Director, and members of the Geely team attended the event. Cheng Yinghua, NetDimensions Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. General Manager and members of his team also attended the event, during which they made presentations and reports. Geely, as one of China's top ten manufacturers of the auto industry has made rapid development since it entered the field of cars.

1. About HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch 2013

2. Laws and Policies

3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

51 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Delaware Valley Flowers selects Corporate Resource Services as staffing provider *

(Apr. 15, 2013, NEW YORK, /BUSINESS WIRE/) Corporate Resource Services, Inc. (OTCBB: CRRS), a diversified staffing, recruiting, and consulting services firm providing managed services and trained employees in the areas of Insurance, Information Technology, Accounting, Legal, Engineering, Science, Healthcare, Life Sciences, Creative Services, Hospitality, Retail, General Business and Light Industrial work, today announced that it has been selected as the exclusive vendor for Delaware Valley Flowers in their new Shrewsbury, Massachusetts location.Delaware Valley Wholesale Florist, Inc. began as a small family business in 1959 and has grown to become one of the largest floral distribution companies in the United States.

New York Jets Team with to find new on-air reporter **

(Apr. 22, 2013, NEW YORK & MAYNARD, Mass., /BUSINESS WIRE/) The New York Jets and announced today that the search is on for the right someone to join the NFL franchise's staff as their new on-air reporter. Through and its Cool Jobs program, the Jets are seeking candidates to serve as an on-air reporter for the team's live website programs for the 2013 season. The Jets and Monster launched the search today and will announce the selected candidate at the first home game of the 2013 regular season.

1. About HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch 2013

2. Laws and Policies

3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

53 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Chengdu mayor meets Kenexa's global president in Suzhou ****

(Apr. 3, 2013, Suzhou, / Chengdu Mayor Ge Honglin yesterday met Rudy Carson, vice president of IBM, and global president of Kenexa, in Suzhou. Kenexa is the world's largest integrated human resources solutions provider, and its investment in Chengdu, is bound to make the city a talent hub that can attract, retain and grow personnel in Chengdu, particularly high-end talent to bring strong vitality to all sectors. The Chengdu government at all levels will provide Kenexa with quality services to create favorable conditions to help the company continue to grow and develop in the city.

American Management Association teams with Biogen Idec to create Life Skills Workshops for Hemophilia patients **

(Apr. 17, 2013, NEW YORK, /PRNewswire/) AMA Enterprise, a division of American Management Association, has partnered with Biogen Idec, a global research-based biotechnology company, to develop a series of workshops designed to enrich the lives of people living with bleeding disorders. The program consists of four workshops developed based on input from members of the hemophilia community. The workshops bring together lessons from respected authors, universities as well as community and business leaders to address core life skills. Workshop topics are:Making a Great Impression, focused on how to make an impactful first impression in a number of situations - Express Yourself, designed to help participants recognize and manage emotions to better navigate common interactions and challenging situations - Win-Win Conversations, intended to teach techniques to resolve conflicts and be more persuasive - Positive Assertiveness, designed to help participants identify inner strengths and learn to assert them, including techniques for communicating thoughts and feelings to achieve desired outcomes

1. About HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch 2013

2. Laws and Policies

3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

54 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

American employees fined for obesity **

(Apr. 19, 2013, /Fortune China/) CVS Caremark (CVS) recently made headlines for rolling out a $600 penalty on workers who fail to report biometric data such as weight, body fat, blood sugar, and cholesterol in an annual screening. The controversial move is likely just the start of a new wave of workplace programs that aim to encourage healthier employee behavior through targeted incentives. AON Hewitt found that 58% of the nearly 800 employers it surveyed plan to penalize workers who fail to take appropriate actions to improve their health. Companies are expanding their wellness programs in the face of climbing health insurance costs, which in 2013 are expected to reach an average of $11,188 per employee, up from $7,874 in 2007, according to AON Hewitt.

ManpowerGroup joins one billion people in celebrating Earth Day **

(Apr. 22, 2013, MILWAUKEE, /PRNewswire/) ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, is committed to supporting environmental programs and reducing waste and energy usage as the world today celebrates Earth Day, when people around the world acknowledge our planet and the many actions taken to protect it. ManpowerGroup continues to be recognized for its ongoing commitment to environmental initiatives. For the fifth consecutive year in 2013, the company has been named to the FTSE4Good Index Series for meeting globally recognized corporate responsibility standards.

Tim Cook gets a 94% employee rating on Glassdoor **

(Apr. 23, 2013, / Cook is a well-liked CEO, at least according to employee ratings on Glassdoor, a website that allows employees of any company to post reviews, ratings, and other such metadata about the companies they work for. The current rating of Apple CEO Tim Cook on the service is a high 94 percent, gathered from all the employees who have rated him on the service, a total of 724 as of this writing. While Glassdoor is an opt-in survey system, it is anonymous. If they hated the guy, they’d probably say so. Anonymity plus the internet is anything but overly polite. Glassdoor also has a ratings and reviews section for the company as a whole, and Apple is currently getting a 3.9 out of 5 star rating. There are currently 1,987 reviews and ratings that contribute to this almost 4 star rating.

1. About HRoot Global Human Resources Service Industry MarketWatch 2013

2. Laws and Policies

3. Industry Trends Recruitment Trends Institutional and Personnel Changes Lastest Business Development Financial Status Research Report Awards & Honours

4. Marketing Events

5. Contracting Information

6. Others

7. Appendix 1: Ranking List of Market Capitalization of Human Resources Service Providers

8. Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

55 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Exchange rate, 4/30/2013AUD1 1.0249USDJPY1 0.0101USDEUR1 1.3106USDCHF1 1.066USDCNY1 0.1621USDHKD1 0.1288USDNTD1 0.0339USDGBP1 1.556USD

7.Appendix 1:


RankingCompany Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange

Stock ExchangeStock Code

Mkt captial on Apr. 30, ori. currency

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial on

Apr. 30, USD

Mar. Cap on Mar.

31, 2013 (USD)

Compared with

previous month

1 ADP 安德普翰 NASDAQ Nasdaq ADP 33590.00 USD,mn 33590.00 33590.00 0.00%

2Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc./Mercer 3


NYSENew York Stock Exchange

MMC 21320.00 USD,mn 21320.00 20701.00 2.99%

3 Aon 怡安 NYSENew York Stock Exchange

AON 19780.00 USD,mn 19780.00 19730.00 0.25%

4 Paychex / NASDAQ Nasdaq PAYX 13500.00 USD,mn 13500.00 13600.00 -0.74%



9595.66 CHF,mn 10228.97 9809.64 4.27%

6 Edenred 艾登瑞德 EPANYSE Euronext (Paris)

EDEN 5720.00 Eur,mn 7496.63 7483.54 0.17%

7 Towers Watson 韬睿惠悦 NYSENew York Stock Exchange

TW 5900.00 USD,mn 5900.00 5478.00 7.70%

8 Randstad 任仕达 AMSNYSE Euronext (Amsterdam)

RAND 5460.00 Eur,mn 5820.36 7139.30 -18.47%

9Robert Half International

罗致恒富 NYSENew York Stock Exchange

RHI 4590.00 USD,mn 4590.00 5215.00 -11.98%

10 ManpowerGroup万宝盛华集团

NYSENew York Stock Exchange

MAN 4050.00 USD,mn 4050.00 4360.00 -7.11%

11 SEEK Limited4 / ASXAustralian Securities Exchange

SEK 3640.00 AUD,mn 3730.64 3781.23 -1.34%

12The Ultimate Software

/ NASDAQ Nasdaq ULTI 3030.00 USD,mn 3030.00 3030.00 0.00%

13Team Health Holdings

/ NYSENew York Stock Exchange

TMH 2590.00 USD,mn 2590.00 2459.00 5.33%

14 Health Net / EPANYSE Euronext (Paris)

HNT 2370.00 USD,mn 2370.00 2240.00 5.80%

15Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corporation

博思艾伦 NYSENew York Stock Exchange

BAH 2260.00 USD,mn 2260.00 1961.00 15.25%

56 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

RankingCompany Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange

Stock ExchangeStock Code

Mkt captial on Apr. 30, ori. currency

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial on

Apr. 30, USD

Mar. Cap on Mar.

31, 2013 (USD)

Compared with

previous month

16 Hays 瀚纳仕 LONLondon Stock Exchange

HAS 1310.00 GBP,mn 2038.36 2026.15 0.60%

17Michael Page International


LONLondon Stock Exchange

MPI 1283.00 GBP,mn 1996.35 1966.33 1.53%

18 51job 前程无忧 NASDAQ Nasdaq JOBS 1670.00 USD,mn 1670.00 1714.00 -2.57%

19 Neusoft 东软 SHAShanghai Stock Exchange

600718 9710.00 CNY,bn 1573.99 1752.12 -10.17%

20 Yonyou 用友 SHAShanghai Stock Exchange

600588 9310.00 CNY,bn 1509.15 1785.47 -15.48%

21 Temp Holdings / TYOTokyo Stock Exchange

2181 134390.00 JPY,mn 1357.34 968.94 40.08%

22 On Assignment / NASDAQ Nasdaq ASGN 1300.00 USD,mn 1300.00 1305.00 -0.38%

23 Kenexa / NYSENew York Stock Exchange

KNXA 1270.00 USD,mn 0.00 1269.00 0.08%

24McMillan Shakespeare

/ ASXAustralian Securities Exchange

MMS 1160.00 AUD,mn 1188.88 1128.14 5.38%

25 TrueBlue / NYSENew York Stock Exchange

TBI 845.49 USD,mn 845.49 853.00 -0.88%

26Korn/Ferry International

光辉国际 NYSENew York Stock Exchange

KFY 810.05 USD,mn 810.05 833.00 -2.76%

27 Meitec 明达科 TYOTokyo Stock Exchange

9744 78370.00 JPY,mn 791.54 715.01 10.70%

28 Insperity5 / NYSENew York Stock Exchange

NSP 28.07 USD,mn 718.35 727.00 -1.19%

29AMN Healthcare Services

/ NYSENew York Stock Exchange

AHS 638.77 USD,mn 638.77 694.00 -7.96%

30 Kelly Services 必胜 NASDAQ Nasdaq KELYA 621.21 USD,mn 621.21 692.00 -10.23%

7.Appendix 1:


Exchange rate, 4/30/2013AUD1 1.0249USDJPY1 0.0101USDEUR1 1.3106USDCHF1 1.066USDCNY1 0.1621USDHKD1 0.1288USDNTD1 0.0339USDGBP1 1.556USD

57 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

RankingCompany Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange

Stock ExchangeStock Code

Mkt captial on Apr. 30, ori. currency

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial on

Apr. 30, USD

Mar. Cap on Mar.

31, 2013 (USD)

Compared with

previous month

31 Sthree / LONLondon Stock Exchange

STHR 396.01 GBP,mn 616.19 644.20 -4.35%

32 USG People / AMSNYSE Euronext (Paris)

USG 463.55 Eur,mn 607.53 674.53 -9.93%

33 Monster / NYSENew York Stock Exchange

MWW 573.67 USD,mn 573.67 565.00 1.53%

34 Dice Holdings / NYSENew York Stock Exchange

DHX 514.30 USD,mn 514.30 578.00 -11.02%

35 Kforce / NASDAQ Nasdaq KFRC 459.52 USD,mn 459.52 582.00 -21.04%

36Resources Connection

荟才 NASDAQ Nasdaq RECN 454.05 USD,mn 454.05 515.00 -11.83%

37 Kingdee 金蝶 HKGHong Kong Stock Exchange

0268 3.350 HKD,bn 431.48 421.69 2.32%

38Barrett Business Services

/ NASDAQ Nasdaq BBSI 384.11 USD,mn 384.11 361.00 6.40%

39 Pasona 保圣那 TYOTokyo Stock Exchange

2168 28460.00 JPY,mn 287.45 186.31 54.29%

40 Saba Software / NASDAQ Nasdaq SABA 278.50 USD,mn 278.50 236.00 18.01%

41 CDI Corporation / NYSENew York Stock Exchange

CDI 270.45 USD,mn 270.45 325.00 -16.78%

42Chandler Macleod Group

/ ASXAustralian Securities Exchange

CMG 260.22 AUD,mn 266.70 286.71 -6.98%

43 Synergie / EPANYSE Euronext (Paris)

SDG 201.57 Eur,mn 264.18 247.84 6.59%

44 Impellam Group / LONLondon Stock Exchange

IPEL 168.20 GBP,mn 261.72 279.15 -6.24%

45 Robert Walters 华德士 LONLondon Stock Exchange

RWA 168.05 GBP,mn 261.49 262.28 -0.30%

7.Appendix 1:


Exchange rate, 4/30/2013AUD1 1.0249USDJPY1 0.0101USDEUR1 1.3106USDCHF1 1.066USDCNY1 0.1621USDHKD1 0.1288USDNTD1 0.0339USDGBP1 1.556USD

58 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

7.Appendix 1:


RankingCompany Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange

Stock ExchangeStock Code

Mkt captial on Apr. 30, ori. currency

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial on

Apr. 30, USD

Mar. Cap on Mar.

31, 2013 (USD)

Compared with

previous month

46ClickSoftware Technologies

/ NASDAQ Nasdaq CKSW 238.10 USD,mn 238.10 251.00 -5.14%

47Heidrick & Struggles

海德思哲 NASDAQ Nasdaq HSII 237.10 USD,mn 237.10 262.00 -9.50%

48Corporate Resource Services


FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

CRRS 230.56 USD,mn 230.56 151.00 52.69%

49 Groupe Crit / EPANYSE Euronext (Paris)

CEN 164.38 Eur,mn 215.44 210.62 2.29%

50 WDB Holdings / TYOTokyo Stock Exchange

2475 18890.00 JPY,mn 190.79 124.64 53.07%

51Volt Information Sciences

渥特 PINK PINK VISI 166.33 USD,mn 166.33 170.00 -2.16%

52 Staffline Group / LONLondon Stock Exchange

STAF 103.58 GBP,mn 161.17 137.93 16.85%

53Cross Country Healthcare

/ NASDAQ Nasdaq CCRN 159.76 USD,mn 159.76 165.00 -3.18%

54 Hudson 翰德 NASDAQ Nasdaq HSON 99.06 USD,mn 99.06 120.00 -17.45%

55 ATA 全美测评 NASDAQ Nasdaq ATAI 90.04 USD,mn 90.04 89.55 0.55%

56104 Corporation/104 Job bank


TPETaiwan Stock Exchange

3130 2.58 TWD,bn 87.46 91.45 -4.36%

57 Harvey Nash Group / LONLondon Stock Exchange

HVN 52.88 GBP,mn 82.28 76.57 7.46%


/ TYOTokyo Stock Exchange

4848 6800.00 JPY,mn 68.68 61.56 11.56%

59Computer & Technologies

科联系统 HKGHong Kong Stock Exchange

0046 452.71 HKD,bn 58.31 56.41 3.36%

60 Hydrogen Group / LONLondon Stock Exchange

HYDG 22.84 GBP,mn 35.54 37.02 -4.01%

Exchange rate, 4/30/2013AUD1 1.0249USDJPY1 0.0101USDEUR1 1.3106USDCHF1 1.066USDCNY1 0.1621USDHKD1 0.1288USDNTD1 0.0339USDGBP1 1.556USD

59 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Notes:1.Market Capitalization:Market cap is calculated from the total value of a company's stock, namely total shares of stock times price per share. It fluctuates with stock market. 2.Above data come from the closing prices of local exchanges of the companies on Apr.30, 2013. 3.Marsh & McLennan Companies is the parent company of Mercer. 4.SEEK Limited is the parent company of was formerly named Administaff.6.CDC Corporation has gone private.

RankingCompany Name in English

Company Name in Chinese

Code of Exchange

Stock ExchangeStock Code

Mkt captial on Apr. 30, ori. currency

Currency & Unit

Mkt captial on

Apr. 30, USD

Mar. Cap on Mar.

31, 2013 (USD)

Compared with

previous month

61 Clarius Group / ASXAustralian Securities Exchange

CND 26.43 AUD,mn 27.09 28.38 -4.56%

62 NetDimensions 网维 LONLondon Stock Exchange

NETD 10.85 GBP,mn 16.88 15.54 8.66%

63Hamilton James & Bruce

/ ASXAustralian Securities Exchange

HJB 11.13 AUD,mn 11.41 9.25 23.34%

64 Prime People / LONLondon Stock Exchange

PRP 6.30 GBP,mn 9.80 10.03 -2.31%

65 Workstream / OTC

FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

WSTMF 1.46 USD,mn 1.46 1.17 25.16%

66 CDC Corporation6 中华网软件


FINRA, over-the-counter electronic trading board

CDCAQ 0.00 USD,mn   181.00  

67Humanis Group Limited

/ ASXAustralian Securities Exchange

HUM   AUD,mn   0.00  

7.Appendix 1:


60 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013


8.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

RankCompany Name in Chinese

Company Name in English

Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month

Average Ranking

China-based Website

Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking2

Search English Traffic3

1 前程无忧 51Job 308 50 1,660 34,200,000

2 智联招聘 453 83 1,560 1,820,000

3 甲骨文 Oracle 559 1,123 5,310 16,900,000

4 国际商业机器公司 IBM 582 701 6,680 9,820,000

5 凯业必达 972 NA 2,410 35,700,000 336,219 46155 232 53,400

6 安德普翰 1,816 NA 610 78,300 989,845 143888 114 1,050

7 思爱普 SAP 2,641 7,420 2,870 8,090,000

8 应届生求职网 Yingjiesheng 3,594 426 550 5,640,000

9 埃森哲 Accenture 4,922 15,505 2,190 136,000

10 仕睿 SilkRoad 5,466 38129 302 76,300

11 中国人才热线 JobsDB 5,355 630 687 1,260,000

12 德勒 Deloitte 6,644 40,802 2,850 725,000

13 中华英才网 7,323 1560 1,330 904,000

14 盖洛普 Gallup 11,176 36,421 1,410 74,500

15 安永-企业咨询 Ernst&Young 11,338 59,412 2,660 96,400

16 普华永道-人力资源咨询

PricewaterhouseCoopers Human Resource Consulting 11753 36425 2000 248000 389,458 109,953 179 17,200

17 赛仕软件 SAS 13,032 26,712 1,670 754,000

18 毕马威企业咨询 KPMG Consulting 15,325 58,478 1,500 219,000

61 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

RankCompany Name in Chinese

Company Name in English

Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month

Average Ranking

China-based Website

Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking2

Search English Traffic3

19 赛捷 Sage 17,398 NA 388 523,000

20 / Kenexa 17434 96120 346 46,100

21 任仕达 22,938 NA 485 2,070,000 809,179 50,397 224 576

22 怡安 Aon 21,718 75,142 648 89,700

23 卓博人才网 Jobcn 23,440 2,827 330 845,000

24 / PageUp People 29,440 NA 235 18,000

25 恩富 Infor Global 47,540 12,531 604 46,000 770,704 NA 194 986

26 瀚纳仕 Hays 45,590 136,312 577 6,530

27 金蝶 Kingdee 51,042 4,388 501 258,000

28 世泓 SHL 53,489 NA 199 17,700

29 中智

CIIC-Shanghai 58,176 4,887 158 121,000

CIIC-Beijing 395,436 40,999 31 11,900

CIIC 1,125,603 100,115 181 10,300

30 北森 Beisen 71,068 8,061 102 1,450

31 必胜 Kelly 78,421 NA 847 4,730 1,057,069 NA 37 143

32 威科 Wolters Kluwer 78,143 NA 874 9,730

33 伟事达 Vistage 85,526 NA 209 8,600

34 美世Mercer Human Resource Consulting 88,458 123,105 468 568,000


8.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

62 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

RankCompany Name in Chinese

Company Name in English

Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month

Average Ranking

China-based Website

Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking2

Search English Traffic3

35 博思 Booz & Company 96,285 698,236 267 19,700

36 罗致恒富 Robert Half 101,425 NA 619 170

37 韬睿惠悦 Towers Watson 110,594 NA 577 105,000

38 翰德 Hudson 101,872 NA 515 428,000

39 克罗诺思 99,829 NA 226 14,700 1,080,845 126,115 36 807

40 东软 Neusoft 113,014 9,958 348 23,504

41 第一招聘网 01 Job 112,425 10,214 94 768,000

42 全美测评 ATA 102,769 8,797 70 1,660

43 北京外服 FESCO 122,408 14,518 243 132,000

44 光辉国际 Korn/Ferry International 125,418 NA 356 6,370

45 德科 Adecco 110,609 NA 511 3,480

46 安拓国际 Antal International 135,104 NA 70 532,000

47 雇得易 Hirede 135,213 9,512 38 6,230

48 Hay(合益)集团 HayGroup 150,090 98,210 113 55,600

49 职酷网 Jobkoo 159,036 19,483 120 815,000

50 上海外服 EFESCO 178,401 19,156 222 32,400

51 艾登瑞德 Edenred 188,945 NA 260 1,900

52 思安 Spherion Corp 198,793 NA 118 36,400

53 用友 yonyou 197,425 14,204 505 67,200

54 亿康先达Egon Zehnder International 222,104 NA 113 110,000

55 首优 First Advantage 192,345 NA 74 5,010


8.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

63 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

RankCompany Name in Chinese

Company Name in English

Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month

Average Ranking

China-based Website

Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking2

Search English Traffic3

56 海德思哲 Heidrick & Struggles 222,513 NA 244 25,100

57 泛微 Weaver 258,473 19,520 70 18,500

58 万宝盛华集团

233,891 NA 694 6,800

59 路敏思 Lumesse 264832 129,857 113 3,000

60 史宾沙 Spencer Stuart 238,901 NA 119 26,500

61 蓝步 242,501 NA 141 1,480

62 罗盛咨询Russell Reynolds Associates 233,891 197,104 115 212,000

63 天柏 Talent2 International 385,896 179,256 110 6,450

64 网维软件 532501 NA 74 3,210 2,521,472 NA 56 144

65 易才 CTG 432,208 55,095 71 1,870

66 科锐国际 Career International 625,401 48,351 35 10,200

67 华德士 Robert 615,210 NA 69 2,500 2,511,154 NA 24 6,540

68 安瑞雅 Northgate 625,836 NA 151 1,910 NA NA 53 18

69 MRI Network Worldwide

MRI Network Worldwide 551,323 168,471 124 10,100

70 中华网软件 CDC 815,693 16,915 194 3,590 NA NA 44 3,340

71 米高蒲志国际 Page 126,021 NA 480 109,000 231,894 37,788 363 36,200

72 企顾司 Cegos 838,341 NA 300 680


8.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

64 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

RankCompany Name in Chinese

Company Name in English

Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month

Average Ranking

China-based Website

Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking2

Search English Traffic3

73 云招科技 CloudRecruit 850,401 77,366 6 750

74 安立国际 Amrop Group 953,452 NA 45 765

75 倍智 Tale Base 1,062,563 113,204 20 2,900

76 汇思软件 Cyberwisdom 1,165,261 NA 19 1,325

77 ECA国际 ECA International

1,215,986 NA 41 795

78 中欧商业在线 eCEIBS 994,128 106,802 151 27,600

79 嘉扬 kayang 1,365,289 NA 2 7,250

80 宏景软件 HJSoft 1,351,908 95,241 28 1,510

81 英格玛 Engma 1545693 NA 52 4,690

82 诺姆四达集团 NormStar Group 1,581,425 NA 9 520

83 明基逐鹿 BenQ Guru 1,698,421 21,890 40 27,400

84 一佳一网络科技 power plus 3,274,458 NA 46 764

85 人众人Genesis Education Group 1,967,412 119,523 1,891 89,500

86 赛捷 Sage 1,987,085 NA 23 58,600

87 海问联合 Assess

1,994,875 NA 21 450

88 立德管理顾问 3,128,764 NA 6 821

12,454,405 NA 7 2,870

89 易得训 ExecuTrain 2,365,698 NA 11 19,800

90 太和顾问 TaiHe Consulting 2,391,908 124,434 30 560

91 睿仕管理 Right Management

2,316,167 NA 27 511 6941084 NA 13 343


8.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

65 HRoot Global Human Resources Industry MarketWatch 2013

Notes: 1.Traffic Rank: It is ranked according to the global traffic of the websites, which was the mean of the monthly statistic collected by Alexa. The number various with the daily PVs by independent IPs, and thus indicates the popularity of a website. 2.All links directed by other website doucments are referred to as backward links. The more backward links a website has, the more popularity and support it has. 3.The search engine traffic is counted by the Google Administrater Tool; the number of times a company's website PVs directed by Google also reflects how popular it is.4.If a company has mutiple domain names, its website global traffic is collected from its most visited website.

RankCompany Name in Chinese

Company Name in English

Domain Name

Website Global Traffic 3-Month

Average Ranking

China-based Website

Traffic Ranking

Backward Linking2

Search English Traffic3

92 德博诺 de 2044920 NA 8 61 6,463,123 NA 1 320

93 伯乐管理有限公司 Bo Le 2,907,220 NA 10 3,220

94 薪得付 CDP Group 2,104,937 144,785 18 1,080

95 万古科技 Vanguard Technology 6173969 NA 27 3,600

96 中国四达 China Star 4,089,023 NA NA 713

97 创拓软件 InnoWeaver 7,641,225 NA 1 221

98 善择 China Select 7,078,471 NA 18 387

99 鼎源万家 Insupro 2,790,569 NA 14 781

100 欧信英才 China Team 5,421,580 NA 11 5


8.Appendix 2: Global Ranking of Websites Traffic

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