Howard Davidson Arlington MA - Pampers stages surprise for ‘mom’s first birthday’

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Howard Davidson from Arlington Massachusetts is marketing guy who helps brands connect with target audiences. Howard Davidson writes about about advertising, social media and marketing with a touch of sarcasm.


Pampers Stages Surprise for ‘Mom’s First Birthday’

byHoward Davidson, Arlington, MA

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

A sweet and staged surprise from Pampers Japan totally steals hearts in

their “Mom’s First Birthday” ad.

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

Pampers Japan and agency Leo Burnett Tokyo/Beacon Communications pushes the premise that there’s no person who’s more sleep deprived and sensitive than a mom who’s recently given birth – even if her kid does look like something from National Geographic. Have you ever heard a mom say her kid wasn’t the cutest baby ever?

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

If you are a mom, a dad or anyone who has an ounce of emotion, you’ll be moved by this ad campaign. Don’t worry. You won’t need a diaper. The ad shows three moms heading to their baby’s annual checkup, discussing with the doctor how worrisome the first year of motherhood was for them, and how relieved they are to get a clean bill of health. Meanwhile, each woman’s husband decorates the hallway outside with pictures of mom and baby.

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

Each woman tearfully wanders the hallway before reaching her husband outside, who gives her a cake. Even a cynic like me can admit that the spot’s earnestness – albeit contrived – scores points. I’m not going to so far as this article in the Parents section on HuffPost, in which the author claims, “We need so many tissues.”My one major gripe with this spot is that it is nearly four minutes long.

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

Each of the three mothers in the ad’s story says and does the exact same things, so it is highly repetitive in nature. Sit me down in an editing bay and I’d get this spot down to 90 seconds.

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

It’s too long, there’s too much phony emoting, etc. Still, considering the ad’s target market, Pampers hit the nail on the head (or babies’ butts) with this one.

Slide By :- Howard Davidson Arlington MA

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