How To Use Social Media To Increase Your Real Estate Business

Post on 12-May-2015



Real Estate



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By Shalimar Albanese, Shamrock Financial


How to Utilize Social Media to Increase Your Business

Presented by

Shalimar Albanese

Marketing & Events Director, Shamrock Financial Corp.

Today’s Agenda

Social Media as Word of Mouth Marketing

Why is Social Media Important?

Social Media is not Kids’ stuff

3 R’s of Social Media Networking

Combining Offline & Online Efforts

Measuring Your Results

“Relationships don’t just spring up full-grown; they must be nurtured.”-Ivan Misner


• Credibility is King. Always.• Credibility is doing what you say you will do, every time.• Follow up is the most important component of credibility.• You don’t always know other people’s credibility



• Profitability occurs when you actually start to make money from the process

• Success comes from creating a loyal fan base• Looking to create a long term, self fueling success• Word Of Mouth marketing is not a get rich quick scheme

Common Marketing Methods

People Blocking Your Marketing

People Don’t Need Marketing

Rethinking Marketing

Outbound Marketing• Telemarketing• Trade Shows• Direct Mail• Email Blasts• Print Ads• Radio/TV Ads


Inbound Marketing• SEO/SEM• Blogging • Social Media• RSS• Free tools/trials• Viral Videos • Webinars


Social Media Defined


“Social media uses web-based technologies to transform and broadcast media monologues into social media dialogues.”

“It’s media (content that is published) with a social (anyone can add to it) component.”

Social Media is Inbound Marketing.

Social Media is not kids’ stuff

“I don’t get this social media stuff. What’s the big deal?”• Facebook tops Google for weekly traffic in the U.S.• Facebook added over 200 million users in less than a year.• If Facebook were a country it would be the world's third largest,

ahead of the U.S. and only behind China and India.• Eighty percent of companies use social media for recruitment; 95

percent of these use LinkedIn.• While you listen to these statistics, 100-plus hours of video will be

uploaded to YouTube.• If you were paid $1 for every time an article was posted on

Wikipedia, you would earn $1,712 per hour.• The ROI of social media is that your business will still exist in five

years.**Stats courtesy of Eric Qualman, Author ClickZ Blog

“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?” – Seth Godin, Seth’s blog

Social Media: The New Cocktail Party• Similar to business cocktail reception but free from

restraints of time and space

Traditional Cocktail Party Advice Meet people and start conversations Answer questions-help others Ask questions-trust others’ advice

Social Media Cocktail Party Advice Become a real member of the community Add value to the community Ask and answer questions Other people can listen in easily

3 Types of Social Media



Social Media: Publish

• Publish what you have

• Monitor what others publish, promote it

• Promote flattering content

• Empower your customers to publish

Social Media: Share, Don’t Shout!

• Everyone can publish anything for everyone• Different levels of tolerance for sales and promotion for each

platform (ex. Blogs, wikis, Twitter) & then variations on the norm within those specific communities

• Also different rules for individuals v. business

Three steps to participate without risking your reputation:

1. Ask

2. Tell

3. Answer

Social Media: Share

• Monitor what’s being shared about you (Digg, Social Mention)

• Find where your audience hangs out(Del.icio,us, StumbleUpon, Digg)

• Promote your content and other content

• Promote content your audience will love

Social Media: Network, The 3 R’s




• Post Often. Attention is short lived.• But not TOO often. Multiple posts in a row lose their

power.• Post when important things happen to you.• Be current on current events.


• The post should be important to someone besides yourself.

• Could be an event, business, or insight into yourself.• Means of CONNECTING with other people.• Keep ALL of your audiences in mind.• Be consistent with your branding.


• Social Marketing works best when you GIVE people the same attention you are looking to GET.

• Let other people know you are reading their stuff – respond to posts, pictures and comments.

• “Retweet” the things you like.• Direct Message people to maintain communication but

keep it out of the public spectrum.


Passing Referrals Online

Friend Your Mom

Round Robin Postings

Group Managed and Automated Postings

Passing Referrals Online

• Try passing a referral as a post or a tweet.• It builds credibility for you by showing your generosity.• It builds credibility for them by showing what kind of

clients they deal with.• If it is more confidential, pass the generic referral

publicly and then the details in a private message.

Friend Your Mom

• One of the biggest pitfalls of social marketing is saying too much.

• Sometimes you need to censor yourself.• When you friend your mom, you will be more cautious

about what you say.• You should also follow your best clients and competition

as well.

Round Robin Postings

• Mix it up – you never know who is reading what.• Different posts trigger different reactions from different

audiences.• Sometimes it might surprise you.• Quotes, events, announcements, humor, politics, recipes,

fixes and reactions.

Group Managed & Automated Postings• Allow multiple people access to your company based

profile.• Programs like TweetFunnel allow review of queued

updates.• Programs like TweetDeck allow access to multiple

accounts simultaneously.• Programs like TweetAdder can automate postings and


Marry Online with Offline Marketing • No longer an either/or but a combination!• Online does not replace offline marketing. Instead, online marketing

makes offline relationships easier to build and manage.


Chamber of Commerce membership-Online marketing gives you the opportunity to have meaningful interactions at a chamber event with dozens of people you’ve connected with and built loose relationships with through social media.

Client Birthday Cards- Use Facebook’s birthday feature to receive alerts a few days before they happen. Allows you to use some of the time you would have spent tracking birthdays to send more thoughtful notes to a larger group of people.

Measuring Results

• Blog Subscribers & Visitors• Bookmarks• Facebook Fans & Activity• Video Views on YouTube• Friends on Facebook or LinkedIn connections• Retweets• Votes for blog Articles• Posts in forums• Questions answered on Yahoo Answers

Your Homework

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Shalimar Albanese

Shamrock Financial Corporation

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Shalimar Albanese

Office: 401-228-9627


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