How to train my dog

Post on 05-Dec-2021






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Remember your dog is a very sensitive animal akin to a child. I always reckoned that my dogs had brains about equivalent to that of a three year old child and just as sensitive if not more so. If you use that as a yardstick then you are halfway to having an obedient dog.


Untitled documentHow to Train My Dog Here are a few tips about how to train my dog.
1. Remember your dog is a very sensitive animal akin to a child. I always reckoned
that my dogs had brains about equivalent to that of a three year old child and just as
sensitive if not more so. If you use that as a yardstick then you are halfway to having
an obedient dog.
2. Always be firm with your dog when you are trying to set up parameters. Of course
you can have fun with your dog and it is important to do so, but you must always let
your dog know you are the boss. It is in a dog's nature to look to their master as the
leader of the pack. That's what you have to be - the leader of the pack.
3. Be sensitive to the needs of your dog. Dogs vary in temperament. When you are
training your dog try to become aware of his temperament. Dogs, like humans have
their idiosyncrasies and you must become aware of these little foibles.
4. It is probably most helpful to have a vet look at your puppy or young dog to check
if his physical condition is ok. You cannot train an unwell dog! Sometimes young
dogs may have ailments that are not visible to the layman's eye but will easily be
spotted by a good professional. Just as you would bring a young child for a medical it
is equally important to have the expertise of good veterinary surgeon readily
available when required.
5. As with young children praise and reward go a long way when you are trying to
train a dog. I have had dogs all my life and I learned how to train my dog the hard
way. When I was young I had to rely on the accumulated wisdom of older
generations which in the main was not as enlightened as that of modern
practitioners. Dogs were treated very harshly indeed in those days but I was
fortunate in that my parents were more advanced in that department. Of course in
those days dogs knew their place whereas many of today's pets have become rulers
of the roost!
If you want a dog Supernanny then look no further,Problem solved. Don't waste any
more time reinventing the wheel.
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