
How to speed up


Your AdWords

#ATYC - Ask The Young Cow

Every Wednesday 1pm UK

Agenda…Where do you start?

• What is the AdWords Editor?• Installing AdWords Editor• Connecting your AdWords Account• Exporting Campaigns• Inputting Data into Export CSV• Importing Campaigns

What You need to know

What is AdWords Editor

What is it?AdWords Editor is a free, downloadable Google application for managing large AdWords accounts efficiently. Download your campaigns, make changes with powerful editing tools, and then upload the changes to AdWords.

Use bulk editing tools to quickly make multiple changes.

Export and import files to either share proposals or make changes to an account.

View statistics for all campaigns or a subset of campaigns.

Copy or move items between ad groups and campaigns.

Keep working even when you're offline.

Installing AdWords EditorHow to install the AdWords Editor…



Installing AdWords EditorHow to install the AdWords Editor…



• Windows or • Mac

How to connect your

accountWhat’s the process?

1 2

How to connect your

accountWhat’s the process?

3 4

How to connect your

accountWhat’s the process?




Exporting Campaigns

How to do a simple export…

Go to the Account menu > Export > Export Whole account, campaign, current selection, current view. Select CSV (.csv) as the file type. Your account information is saved as a CSV (comma-separated values) file that you can view and edit in any spreadsheet editor.

Exporting Campaigns

Exporting with images…

If the account includes images that you want to export, go to the Account menu > Export > Export Whole account, campaign, current selection, current view and select CSV files with images in zip archive (.zip).

Editing the export fileWhat do you need to edit on the export file?It is best to edit the export file as an excel spreadsheet file as it allows you to use formulas to speed up your editing.

When editing the export file you will only need to edit the following columns…• Campaign• Ad Group• Max CPC (Cost Per Click)• Headline• Description Line 1• Description Line 2• Display URL• Final URL• Keyword

Editing TipsUseful editing tips…

1. In our example spreadsheet download we have an example of 3 keywords, if you have more you need to make sure you copy the entire row so you can place a new keyword. If you don’t copy the entire row it might not import correctly

2. You then need to right click on the number row below and click “Insert Copied Cells”

Importing CampaignsHow to import campaigns…

Select Account > Import.Choose From file ... to select a file, or Paste text to copy and paste CSV data.

Importing CampaignsHow to import campaigns…

Google AdWords editor will then show you an overview of the file you have imported.

The file we uploaded had 1 campaign with 1 Ad Group so this preview shows it has imported correctly so far. You can scroll down to view more details.

Importing CampaignsHow to import campaigns…

1. Once you have clicked review changes on the previous screen you can see your file imported below to see if it has imported correctly.

2. If it hasn’t imported correctly you can reject the file by clicking “Reject” at the top of the editor. If it has you can click the button “Keep”

Click Import. You can still revert the import later, if needed.

You now have an insight on the Google AdWords editor, this tool is available for you to produce campaigns at a more productive pace without spending all your time on AdWords.

If you’re determined to make these work, we’re here to help you!01902 213326


#ATYC - Ask The Young Cow

Every Wednesday 1pm UK

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