How To Skyrocket Giving In Your Church This Summer

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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How to Skyrocket Summer Giving

Question Of The DayWhat should Casey’s DJ name be?

Why does giving slump?

Seasons•New Year•Pre-Summer•Summer•Fall•Holiday

Seasons•New Year•Pre-Summer•Summer•Fall•Holiday

ReasonsThey forgot

Reasons“They’re not going to miss my gift…”

Reasons“I’ll catch up”

Reasons“I don’t carry cash”

The SolutionRecurring Giving

What will happen in your church• You will have more

consistent givers this summer

What will happen in your church• People become more


What will happen in your church• Giving will increase

What will happen in you• Peace about payroll

What will happen in you• Confidence to take risk

What will happen in you• Freedom to accomplish


Automation trumps determination

Only 25% of churches prompted

recurring giving

$600 $50 ____

Automate The Important

Do a four-week digital giving campaign

Set a goal

What’s the benefit for the donor?

What’s the benefit for your church?

Say ItSend It

Week OneSunday: Say It

This is a sample announcement that can be used in your services. It introduces the initiative to your congregation and explains the interest card. A few years ago, my wife and I decided that we needed to do a better job of saving money for retirement. So we made the decision to save a little bit more each and every month. We were excited, passionate and even determined to do better. But you know what? A funny thing happened. We got to the end of the month, and somehow, we were out of money. Crazy how that works. Even though we wanted to save – even though we were determined to save – it just didn’t happen. So we decided to make it automatic. At the first of the month, right after we get paid, we set up an automatic payment from our checking account to our savings account. The deposit went in regardless of whatever else was happening. Saving was important to us so we decided to make it automatic. Along the way, another funny thing happened. We managed to still break even at the beginning of the month. I think this is Biblical because the Bible talks a lot about something called “first fruits.” If something is important, we should do it first. For us savings needed to be important, so we needed to do it first and we needed to make it automatic, removing feelings from the process. Here are XYZ Church, we’re so grateful for the generosity of so many people who financially support the mission and vision of the church. This idea of making the important automatic applies to giving as well. I want to be generous as well as be wise, so in addition to saving automatically, I also give automatically. Every time I get paid, I automatically give a percentage to this church. It’s automatic. As we get ready to head into the summer months, I want to talk about how you can automate the important as well. We’ve set up our website in such a way that you can create a profile and set up regular, recurring contributions. Online giving is safe, secure and 100% free. It’s a great way to be intentional about honoring God and being generous. Many of you give when we pass the offering plates and that’s great – you can keep doing that. But I want to challenge you to automate it because it’s important. So here’s the deal. In your handout, you’ll see an interest card. Go ahead and take that out now. It says, “I want to try digital giving…send me the link.” If you fill out this card and give us your email address – you don’t need to write amounts or anything like that – I’ll send you the link tomorrow. I’ll include all the information and the instructions and you can set it all up from your computer. Think about taking this step, and later on the service, when the offering buckets are passed, drop in the card. If it’s important, then consider making it automatic. We’re so grateful for your generosity.


Week OneSunday: Say ItMonday: Send It

Send this email to everyone who turned in a commitment card. Be sure to send it as soon as possible after receiving their card.


At church yesterday, you asked us to send you a link that would help you automate what’s important. Well…here’s the link.

When you visit the giving page on our website, you can set up a recurring donation tied to your bank account or credit card. You can change the amount, frequency of the donation, or use a different account at any time. It’s safe, secure and easy to use.

It’s a great way to automate what’s important and help our church maintain ministries for your family throughout the entire year. If you’ve got any questions, or need any help, feel free to call 668-544-3089.

God bless,


PS – Here’s the link.


Week OneSunday: Say ItMonday: Send ItThursday: Send It

Blog Post

Pastor’s Blog Don’t blog this word for word…let it serve as a guide. Add your own reasons and personality. Title: Why I Give Online to First Church

In addition to being the founding pastor of Oak Leaf Church, I’m also a financially contributing member. I give at least 10% of my pre-tax income to my church, and I wanted to share some of the reasons why.

First, I believe in the mission of this church. I’m proud to be a part of a church that cares about reaching people far from God. I’m proud to be a part of a place where the mission is to reach people for Christ and help them follow one day at a time. Every time I hear a story about a family put back together or a teenager who decides to follow Christ or a man who finally gets back in church, I know that my contributions played a small part in that. People’s lives are being changed and this church is a part of that. Jesus said that our treasure would follow our heart, so because my heart is with this church, I want to financially support it.

Secondly, I want to be an example to my children. I’m so tired of hearing people complain about the younger generation…they are just following our example! I don’t want selfish children, caring only about their iPods, clothes, cars, and friends. I want my kids to care about other people. That’s not gonna happen by accident…I have to be intentional about modeling that. I cannot tell them to care about others and then spend 100% of my paycheck on our own needs and wants. Parents, we’ve got to be responsible for teaching our kids to be generous, and we can’t do that if we are not generous ourselves.

Thirdly, I give because God commands me to give. In the Old Testament, God commanded his people to tithe, and obedience wasn’t an option. In the New Testament, Jesus talks a lot about giving and money. Paul writes about money. He tells Christians this: “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Every month, we automatically give to our church because that honors God. We want to honor God, even when it’s difficult, even when things are tight. There have been times that we’ve gone without something, but we never cancel the contribution to the church. I’d rob the mortgage company before I robbed God.

I do all of this online. I set up a profile on our website and chose to make my monthly contribution automatic. It’s convenient, and it keeps me from forgetting to do what’s really important to me.

I want to encourage you to automate the important by setting up your online giving profile today.

Systems > Silver bullets

What’s included?1. Audio coaching2. Written coaching3. Letter to database4. Four emails5. Blog post

What’s included?6. Announcement script7. Commitment card8. Logos9. Screen graphics10. Bumper video

“When we first started with online giving, we were receiving 10% of our offering online. If we had to take a Sunday off for weather purposes, we would sweat it. We weren’t putting anything back into the future.From our first Automate The Important campaign to now, our online giving has grown to 70-75% of our total offering. Today we feel confident.

If you want to fund the vision and see the mission God has called you to accomplished, it takes money. You can’t afford not to implement Automate The Important.”

Bobby Williams, Lead Pastor - Ridge Church

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