How to Sell Out Your Event in 10 Minutes

Post on 09-Jan-2017






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JUNE 2016

JULY 27, 2016 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST



Kelvin Newman - Founder of BrightonSEO




How it all started Once upon a time, I decided it would be cool to get a group of SEO mates together in a pub to talk shop.

The idea was to share ideas and chat about all the interesting stuff that we can’t really talk about with anyone outside the industry for fear of them falling asleep.

Word got out and more people showed up than we expected. So, next time we booked a larger room… again, more and more people showed up.


We realised we might be onto something A free industry conference, talking about real issues, with practical advice from people who actually know what they’re talking about. brightonSEO was born.

Since then we have seen the conference continue to grow into the beautiful, if scarily large, thing we have today.

Taking place at Brighton Centre, we now have over 3,500 delegates scrabbling for tickets from all over the UK and further afield.

Of all the Search conferences in the UK & Europe, we reckon it’s biggest and also the most fun (but then we would say that wouldn’t we).


Branching Out With such a high demand for tickets we decided to branch out.

2012 saw the launch of the Content Marketing Show in London (now sold to the Content Marketing Institute) and in 2013 we launched MeasureFest followed by Biddable World, Completely Email and Affiliate Huddle in 2014.

Most of our conferences are free to attend, with an option of paid training workshops the day before (for those that really want to get their hands dirty).


What makes out events special

We’re about having fun, about being real, and, most importantly, educating as many people as possible on the ever expanding, fast-paced industry that is Digital Marketing.

If we had to sum our mission up in one sentence we say “Helping Digital Marketers meet, learn and do their job a little better”




I’m willing to make a prediction…



More events fail due to poor

marketing rather than poor event




You may recognise some of these reasons



“People didn’t know about the event”


“Bookings were a little slower than we expected”


“We didn’t have a big enough budget”


“Our competitor is too established”


These are reasons, they’re excuses



But they can be




We can sell out every event we organise, if

we have a right approach



So no more excuses



But I have good news…



Ultimately we just need to persuade people to




Someone has written the perfect book about being





Six Key Principles of Influence.


Reciprocity People tend to return a favour.


Give before you take.


How do you help them do their job?

(while still doing yours)


Commitment and Consistency

If people commit, orally or in writing, to an idea or goal, they are more likely to honour that commitment.


Get the small buy in first, maybe a webinar or a



“So you’re coming along again” !


Social Proof People will do things that they see other people are



“We’re recommending this because your

competitor is doing it.”


“We’re expecting attendees from…”


Authority People will tend to obey authority figures, even if they are

asked to perform objectionable acts.


Credentials in your proposal, Credentials on your email, Credentials



Make the Hippos* your friends.

* Highest paid person’s opinion


Liking People are easily persuaded by other people that they



Making them like you is as, if not more, important than

programming great content.!


With every conversation, email, piece of direct mail, etc

think, how can I build our rapport?


Scarcity Perceived scarcity will generate demand.


Frame around opportunity cost.


Never extend your earlybird or beg people to



If you’re trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their

language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think.

We try to write in the vernacular.

David Ogilvy


SEO Tools useful to the event industry

They’re mostly free too!



Google have come up with an acronym to describe this



Zero Moment of Truth



ZMOT is that moment when you grab your laptop, mobile phone or some other wired device and start learning about a product or service you’re thinking about trying or



A busy Mum, looking up head lice treatments on her mobile phone as she waits to pick up

her son at school.

An office manager at their desk, comparing laser printer prices and ink cartridge costs before

heading to the office supply store.

A student in a cafe, scanning user ratings and reviews while looking for a cheap

hotel in Barcelona.

A winter sports fan, pulling out a mobile phone to look at

video reviews of the latest snowboards.


We can research and understand these moments

using free tools.


Keyword Planner Tool!


Which gets more searches?


Which gets more searches?




Which gets more searches?


Which gets more searches?

7,480,000! 20,400,000!


Which gets more searches?

beach wedding dresses

designer wedding dresses


Which gets more searches?

beach wedding dresses

designer wedding dresses 22,200



Google Insights


Which month of the year is the most popular to search for Gym



OK, what about a slightly harder one…


What about the second most popular month for

Gym Membership?



What about Contact Lenses?








Answer the Public




Buzz Sumo


Which got more shares?!


Which got more shares?!




None of these tools cost a penny

But could teach us a lot

about potential customers




Thank you @kelvinnewman

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