How to Raise More Money with Donor-Centered Fundraising

Post on 21-Apr-2017






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How to Raise More Money with Donor-Centered


There are two ways to raise more money: get more/bigger gifts from the donors you’ve already got and go find new donors.

Both of those get incredibly easier when you’re donor centered.

Being donor centered means you pay more attention to the donor than you do to their money.

In other words, you value the relationship over the donation.

It’s like the goose that laid the golden egg – take care of the donor and they’ll keep giving.

When you’re donor centered, you’ll actually attract more donors, like moths to a flame.

It seems like more nonprofits would practice donor-centered fundraising, yet so few actually do it.

Why is that?

My theory is that they’re too busy trying to keep their head above water.

Staff are trying to just get through the day. They’re overworked and underpaid, and have more on their plate than they can possibly get done.

And most people, when faced with that, just slug away at the “to do” list trying to get things done instead of stopping to make sure they’re working on the right things in the first place.

What if you only did the things on your list that deepened relationships with your donors?

What would change?

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