How to raise fund for your volunteer travel?

Post on 27-May-2015






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If you are interested in volunteering but don’t have enough savings, no worries! Fundraising is a great way to make your dreams of volunteering abroad in your preferred destination, a reality.


If you are interested in volunteering

but don’t have enough savings, no

worries! Fundraising is a great way to

make your dreams of volunteering

abroad in your preferred destination,

a reality. Raising the fund for your trip

requires commitment and planning.

By following these simple steps you

can make your overseas adventure a


How To Raise Fund For Your Volunteer Travel ?

1.Go Online-Create a Personal Blog/Website

If you truly want to spread the word about your fundraising ideas, go online, start blogging or create website today.

2.Be a Social ButterflySocial media platforms enable you to

spread awareness to your

volunteering cause. It is the easiest

way to promote your events, website

or blog on social channels like

facebook, twitter, linkedin

engage donors, volunteers or

supporters. If you don’t have a mass

of followers, you can build a

community on Twitter, Facebook and

Google+ to reach out your potential


3. Set up an Online Fund-raising page

The World Wide Web opens up

fundraising sites to far from your contact.

You have to set up a profile, invite all

your friends, use pictures and videos.

Here is a list of crowdsourcing or

fundraising websites from where you can

raise fund online:

4. Sell Yourself and Your Volunteer Program

Advertise your volunteering plan in

your social club, sports club or gym. If

you are a student or college goer,

prepare a plan of the particular

program, print it out and paste it’s

copy on your school, college or

university notice board. You can also

circulate the enclosed press

announcement to publications like

your local newspaper, alumni

magazines, church bulletins, or any

organization bulletins.

5. Plan Ahead & Start Saving

To have such a life changing

experience, you have to start

saving. If you are planning for a

long trip volunteering then you

should plan 6 to 7 months before.

Start as early as possible and keep

in mind that fundraising will take

time and effort. Try to cut out your

weekly luxuries, make your weekly

saving calendar.

6. Ask For Direct Donation & Write well-Targeted Letters

It is a good idea to approach small

or local business and

communities for your sacred

purpose. To do so write well

targeted letters to them,. You can

also invite them to your online

fundraising sites and request

them to join you on your social

networks. While writing keep it in

mind that letter or emails should

be short and simple.

7. Start Close to Home

One of the easiest way to

spread the word about your

fundraising efforts by sharing

your excitement with family and

friends. Make a list of friend and

family members, speak to them

about the cause to volunteer

and explain the details of your


Have Fun

A successful fundraising depends the more time you give yourself and the less stressed out you will be. So start early, stay organized and have fun.

Contact Details

To get more details…Explore Our Website http://www.volunteeringsolutions.comContact

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