How to Quit Your Day Job and Stay Home...assistants now as well. Sell on eBay - I’ve been selling on eBay for over 18 years; highly recommend it as a source of income. Here are my

Post on 27-Aug-2020






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How to Quit Your Day Job and Stay Home

A quick guide to helping you see, that if you want to stay home with your kids, you CAN!

Written by Sarah Titus

Creator of

© 2017 Sarah Titus, LLC.

All Rights Reserved.

Hello friends! I’m so glad you’re here!

Let me introduce myself by saying that I'm not like most bloggers. I'm an all or nothing person, self-taught,

and full of passion for helping others. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and am not afraid to put myself out

there, because I know who I am in Christ, and I'm thankful that you have joined me in this journey.


Do you long to be a stay at home mom?

Does it kill you each time you have to leave your precious little one(s) in child care?

Are you frustrated that someone else has more time with them than you seem to have?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, my dear, you are in the right place!

It breaks my heart every time I hear a mom who wants to stay home with their little ones but is not able to.

For some women, being able to stay at home is simply not an option. Maybe she's a single mom or

her husband desires for her to work. Maybe their budget truly does not afford for her to quit her job.

But for many women, the thing that stops them MOST from staying home with their kids is inside of

them, not on the's fear. Fear of not being able to make it financially. Fear that she will be

bored at home. Fear that she'll lose her independence. Fear of cutting back on the luxuries of life. Fear

of being ridiculed for her decision.

And so, when someone like me comes around, who abolishes all of that, and says to them, "Yes, it really

IS possible for a single mom to stay at home with her kids; I do" or "Yes, it really IS true that it's more

cost effective for most moms to be at home, rather than work outside the home, I've done the math and

have talked to numerous women in such cases," they are skeptical. I understand. I understand our

culture. I understand that we are taught by society that we are bad if we stay home. Lazy, incompetent…I

know the lies the world spits out. I know because I hear it within my own family!

But, I stand here to tell you, "It's possible!"


Because I live it. Every. Single. Day. And I believe that if I can do it, you can too! Where there's a will,

there's a way.

If you REALLY want with all your heart to be at home with your kids, and you're willing to rearrange

some things in your life to make that happen, it is absolutely possible, and I encourage you, not to let

anyone outside of God and your husband if you are married, tell you that you can't.

I've been 'lucky' enough to be in a position where every single person I knew at one time, had told me to

stop fooling myself and get a job.

People that I care about. People that I love. People in my own family.

And you know what? I held on to the promise of my convictions. I was all alone against the world, but I

had a secret weapon. God. He allows me to stay home. To love what I do and do what I love and He has

used that to show me that moms around the world, need that encouragement, that approval, that it's okay

to be at home with our loved ones. I know that sometimes with myself, I want to do something, but I still

need to hear that it's okay by a friend. Somehow our minds just need that permission to be who we really

want to be. I want to be that person for you.

So, what do you say? Will you join me as we walk together, getting you to the place that you so

desperately want to be?

If you said yes, please keep reading. The material contained in this email, could be the first step toward

changing your life forever.

Step 1: The first question you need to ask yourself is, "Do I have any debt?" If you do, then welcome to the club. :)

When I became a stay at home mom, I had tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. I really had to

figure out another source of income, and you might be in that situation as well. It might seem hopeless,

but it's not! :)

Step 2: Find a reliable source of income

There are many scams out there for work at home jobs, I get it, BUT, there are also many fantastic work-

at-home companies that you can make great money in. There are several lists on my blog of reputable


Click below to see those pages:

Where to start - you’re just starting out and feel overwhelmed. This shows you many resources and options for you to get started in the path that’s right for you.

10 ways to earn income from home - a great guide to show you many of the options you have

Have you considered blogging? - Within my first year blogging, I was making $10k/month. Within my second year blogging, I was making $23k/month. Blogging is definitely life changing for many people! Here are all the things you’ll want to consider to see if blogging is right for you.

20 companies that offer legitimate work-at-home - while there are certainly scams out there, there are at least 20 companies you can trust! Here’s my list (I’ve been in Network Marketing 6+ years)

Affiliate marketing - you are ALREADY referring your friend to your favorite products, why NOT get paid for it. Pat Flynn of SmartPassiveIncome has the best teaching tool available and you can get it for free

Virtual Assistant - this is where you are helping others complete tasks online. It is very simple to get started. Here’s my newly released #1 Best Selling Book on Amazon of how to get started as a Virtual Assistant from someone who’s not only BEEN a Virtual Assistant, but who has a couple assistants now as well.

Sell on eBay - I’ve been selling on eBay for over 18 years; highly recommend it as a source of income. Here are my top 7 tips to sell on this platform.

Sell on Craigslist - most people don’t know the secret ins and outs of making MORE money with their stuff on Craigslist. Having lived in many different places and completing thousands of transactions, this extensive guide will help you learn how to make more money on your stuff!

40 things to sell right now to make money - many of these things you may not have even thought of!

You can also do things that allow for your children to be involved: cleaning houses, babysitting, being a

medical coder/transcriptionist, professionally organizing, and so on. Be creative. What are you good

at? What do you like to do?

Step 3: Calculate the costs

If you want to build a house, you need to properly budget everything in. You don't want to get the frame

and foundation up, and not have enough funds to complete the home. Likewise, you'll need to know how

much you can live on. How much are your bills and expenses.

Step 4: Comparison charts

So, you know how much you need to earn to pay your bills. Fantastic. Now, you'll need to make a

comparison chart of how much you ACTUALLY earn working outside the home, and how much

you'd make if you worked inside the home (if you will need to work at home).

Here are some basic ways that add up to a lot and most people don't realize they save when staying

at home.


Wow, we all know how expensive that can be! My little ones are both in school and it would STILL cost

me $820.25/month for both kids for before/after school child care! The average child care for an infant

in the US is a whopping $1,000/month. Seriously, how do parents who work afford that? Say, you have

12 kids. No way! Donald Trump couldn't even afford that! It's totally a joke, but you get the idea. Child

care is super expensive!


Food costs are a lot less because you have the time to cook, rather than being so tired after work, you

just grab fast food. Plus, because you're nourishing your body with better food, you'll visit the doctor



Will you need a second car when you stay at home? How much does gas cost you each month? How

about wear/tear on your car, oil changes, maintenance?

Tax Write Offs

If you’re self-employed (work at home jobs such as those found in Step 2), there are a lot of things you

can deduct on your taxes. Things like meals at restaurants if you talk about your business with a client or

friend, your cell phone, internet, business travel / gas, sometimes even a portion of your rent can be


Work clothing

This generally runs between $600-$1,000 per YEAR!

Less overall bills

When you stay home, you will have more time to clearance shop, coupon, comparison shop, and all the

other things you need to do to save money but don't currently have the time to do. Lower medical


Seriously, daycares and schools are basically just petri-dishes for germs. Everyone is always getting

sick, the flu, lice, you name it, it's there. You can avoid that altogether. You will be less stressed as well,

so your medical can go down as well. Stress is the leading cause of MANY health concerns.

Diapers and Formula

Daycares do not allow cloth diapers or breastfeeding of your children and you can save $200-

$250/month by making those small changes.

Less temptation

You are less tempted to shop, play keeping up with the Jones's, etc. Priorities shift, and your life is just

a whole lot simpler.


If two parents are working, you're also not likely to qualify for many programs out there, such as WIC

(Women Infants Children) that gives vouchers monthly for free food for your children, and LIHEAP. They

are the power energy assistance program that pays $80-$300/year on your power bills, which as a stay

at home mom, you'll need because by being home more, your power bill will go up slightly, but it's all off-

peak hours, so not horribly bad. Still something to figure in. Another great discount is the Lifeline

discount by your phone company ($12-$20/month). You are missing out on more free money than you

think by not being able to take advantage of all these 'low income' discounts.

Let’s compare…

Here are some simple calculations for you, based on a $10/hour job. If you make $15-$20/hour, just up the income portion:

Income: $10/hour x 40 hours a week x 4 weeks in a month = $1600


- $160 taxes

-$250 diapers/formula

-$200 saving money & not spending as


-$20 medical -$25 LIHEAP

-$20 Lifeline phone credit

-$75 clothing -$250 food (including WIC)

-$1,000 childcare (one child)

-$100 gas/maintenance

-$300 tax deductions

-$800/month = how much you REALLY make per month working that job you hate so much is in

the negative!

So, just to make it equal to staying home, you'd have to earn an income of AT LEAST $2,400/month.

Just by staying home, you will be adding $800 to your income using these figures! If you have more

than one child, I don't even want to see your totals! :(

Doesn't make much sense to work, does it?

Here's another great article that explains how a mom is able to stay home with her three children.

Now, it’s your turn! Included below are some printables that you can use to determine if staying home is right for your particular situation and needs.

Thank you again for your commitment to your family.

Be sure to follow me on Twitter and Pinterest as well, where you will see exclusive things not included

on the site. :)

© 2017 Sarah Titus, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Comparing Bills

Work Outside the Home Stay HomeIncome

TaxesDiapers/FormulaNot spending as muchMedicalLIHEAPLifeline phone creditClothingFood (including WIC)ChildcareGas/MaintenanceTax deductions


Bill Payment Tracker

Due Date Bill Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Debt Payment Tracker

Debt Type Starting Balance Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov DecRemaining


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