How to publish your own book in the amazon kindle

Post on 18-Jan-2015






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How To Publish Your Own Book In

The Amazon Kindle

We all grew up reading stories of adventures and fantasy. While some liked the mythical world created by these books others may have liked

real life recounts by famous people. The fame and money world famous

writers enjoy is something which encourages one to try to become the

next Shakespeare or Milton.

However, all these fantasies and dreams get crushed the moment they meet real life unable to get their books published. Amazon Kindle is providing

a great opportunity for people who want to become writers but are unable to find a platform to publish their books or even experienced writers who want to get more exposure for their works.

Joining and publishing your own novel in the Amazon Kindle is absolutely FREE

and you only need to pay a royalty of 70 % of the book (If you have priced it between $1.49 and $6.99) and 35% for

75p titles.

Why Publish Books In Amazon Kindle?

Also with more and more people buying Kindle books and preferring e-books to the conventional paper-back

books, there is a huge market for e-books.

Publishing your first book can be very easy. All you need to do is to just login to and register (the

registration process is completely FREE). After you are registered, you

need to go to the ‘Book Shelf’ and click on ‘Add a new title’.

Steps To Publish Your First Book

In the following page you can select the title of your book, choose book cover, add the story, and quote the price and other details pertaining to your book.

That’s all. You have published your first book and it didn’t take you even a bus’s ride to a publishing company let alone

the other complications writers used to face some years back. You can start

marketing your books and spread the word among your friend circle.

Some points to note while publishing your

book in Amazon Kindle

Quote a reasonable price

Do not just quote an exorbitant price for your book. It will repel people from

buying your books and until and unless you are a well known writer it is best to quote the price low. Better you can price

your books at 99 cents which is one of the most sought after price range by

Kindle users.

Use good grammar and language

Although you might be quoting a low price, it however does not mean that you

write whatever comes to your mind without the care for the grammar. You

have to build up a fan base and eventually you can quote a higher price

when you become famous.

Use a good cover for your ebook

Although people are advised on not judging the book by its cover, the same does not happen. So it is best to use an

eye catching book cover which suits your genre.

Use minimum images in the book

Although it is allowed to use images in the book, it will however increase the size of the book. Also the images may

not be rendered in color or in the format you put it. If you want to take advantage

of 70% royalty program, size does matter! They charge you per mb


Write books on Mystery and Romance or better mix these

genres. They are the highest selling genre in Amazon Kindle and hence higher chance of your ebook being


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