How to overcome fear as an entrepreneur

Post on 13-Jan-2017



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How to conquer and overcome

your fears as an entrepreneur

Bold Beautiful Blissful U

Created by:

Janette Getui

6 Simple tips to help you

overcome and conquer fear

Tip 1Surrender to the desire of becoming an entrepreneur with a full heart!

Tip 1

Most entrepreneurs start their journey expecting to have all the cards just right and under their control.

Once they realize this just can’t be – frustration, anxiety and doubts kick in, which accelerates fear!

Surrender to the desire of becoming an entrepreneur

Tip 1

You don’t need to have everything figured out this red hot minute!

You don’t need to know everything that you will do or how you will do it.

Simply acknowledge, listen to and align with that inner voice and that desire that’s been burning in your heart to dare to dream boldly and follow that dream of becoming an entrepreneur.

Surrender to the desire of becoming an entrepreneur

Tip 1

Write out on a little “post it” note and stick it where you can see it just after you wake up and before you retire to bed: “Yes I accept my desire in

eager anticipation”

Surrender to the desire of becoming an entrepreneur

Tip 2Work on your core beliefs and renew your mind

Tip 2

Become aware of your money story, your beliefs about success, your self-image, and what you think and believe about growing a thriving business.

Without an increased awareness of the kind of thought patterns and belief systems that are active in your mind, you have very little chance of staying bold, strong and persistent in your business growth.

Work on your core beliefs and renew your mindset

Tip 2

Fear increases or decreases based on your conscious awareness and the kind of mindset you’re wearing…

Nothing is more important than embarking on your new adventure under the right mindset, so that it reflects and aligns with the objectives you have instead of working in opposition to your desires.

Work on your core beliefs and renew your mindset

Tip 2

Grab some paper and start gaining some clarity on the belief you hold. What is your feeling around money?

What is your feeling around becoming rich and successful?

How difficult do you think success needs to be for you?What do you think might hold you back from prosperity?

Work on your core beliefs and renew your mindset

Tip 3Know there is no “perfect time” or “ better conditions”

Tip 3

Where you are is the perfect place for you to start. The perfect starting point and the perfect time is always going to be – right where you are now.

Stop looking back at the dead past or fretting over the unborn future. Stay in the present, look for what you have now no matter how little and boldly get moving!

Know there is no “perfect time” or “better conditions”

Tip 3

There are many businesses that started out in debt, with little money, with lots of money, with little experience, with lots of experience, with no experience – all sorts of circumstances.

Where you are, is the perfect place for your soul to unfold, to expand and to express!

Know there is no “perfect time” or “better conditions”

Tip 4 Focus on your alignment, passion & purpose

Tip 4

Fear, doubts, overwhelm and that whole family of negativity only reside in our mental homes because we have disconnected ourselves from Spirit.

Learn about your body, mind & spirit connection and invest a little time, effort and money to master the art of being in your flow and in alignment.

Focus on your alignment, passion & purpose

Tip 4

When you keep your mind absorbed in the unfolding of you inner potential and discovery of your soul’s purpose, any and all obstacles that will come your way as you grow your business will have no option but to give way.

Let your entrepreneurship be based on following your bliss not an escape out of the current job that you can’t stand.

Focus on your alignment, passion & purpose

Tip 5 Practice prosperous thinking

Tip 5

This is something much of the world still needs to awaken to!

It is more than just positive thinking and motivation, it is a frame of mind and a habit that leads to transformation and prosperity.

Practice prosperous thinking

Tip 5

Learning how to train your mind into prosperous thinking sets you up on a sure path for victory.

It maintains you in a state of expectancy and faith and more importantly, it helps you avoid falling into the deadly trappings of “ I can’t” or I’m not good enough.

Practice prosperous thinking

Tip 5

Educate and empower yourself so that you can become a prosperity junkie.As sacred teachings promised, whatever you’ve got – life will keep ensuring you have an abundance of it. That means good stuff and bad.If you get used to being in a prosperous state now, your business and life in general must yield to prove you right.

Practice prosperous thinking

Tip 6Practice a lot of self-love, self-care and gratitude

Tip 6

Make this a priority no matter what stage of life you’re in and you will always fall on the winning side of life.These states are perfect for nurturing the ordinary and turning it into extraordinary.

Take time to meet all your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs by finding balance in all you do.

Practice self-love, self-care and gratitude

Tip 6

All my clients and the members of our online entrepreneurial community have realized the impact this has on their level of creativity, productivity as well as their stress factor.And in truth …nothing can cure fear except perfect love!

Practice self-love, self-care and gratitude

Above all else learn to open your mind to receiving more of the goodness that life wants to offer you and just enjoy the journey!

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