How to migrate OpenCart to OpenCart with LitExtension

Post on 08-Jan-2017






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Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

OpenCart migration tool by LitExtension help web developers and online business owner transfer data from cart to cart successfully.

OpenCart to OpenCart migration:

How it works?

How is it?

Free installation Lifetime update

30 days money back 24h fast support

1 year support 1 time purchase

unlimited usage

Which data migrated?

Customer Review

Product € Tax



Customer password

Custom field

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension









1. PreparationOpenCart to OpenCart guide

• Permission to upload files to OpenCart source store

• Permission for third IP to access OpenCart source store

• PHP Compatibility: PHP 4.x or later.

• Back up OpenCart (optional but recommended)

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

2. SetupOpenCart to OpenCart guide

2.1. Extract the ZIP file downloaded from LitExtension store to get 2 folders ‘cartmigration’ and‘cartmigration_connector’

2.2 Install Cart Migration

Cart Migration is a Web Application which can be installed on OpenCart source store or OpenCart target store or a third party server..

• Step 1: Access to the destination you need to install Cart Migration tool by using FTP program

• Step 2: Upload ‘cartmigration’ folder to your server. Open folder, choose ‘app’ then ‘etc’ and edit numeric value to ‘777’ for permission

• Step 3: Create an empty database in your server

• Step 4: Access to ‘cartmigration’ folder via browser and fulfill the database configuration. Click ‘Setup’ to finish.

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

2. Setup2.3. Install ConnectorInstall Connector for MagentoSteps 1: Access to OpenCart store by using FTP programStep 2: Upload the folder ‘connector’ to OpenCart root folderStep 3: Test the connector by accessing http(s):// Connector is set up successfully if getting message “Connector installed”.Step 4: For security, open connector.php in ‘connector’ folder, find this very first line: define(‘LECM_TOKEN’, ‘123456’);And change “123456” to another string which used to enter to the Migration Form (Cart Token) and acts like “password” to prevent unauthorized data access to your source store.Install Connector for OpenCartFollow similar steps with OpenCart as in Connector setup for OpenCart source store above.

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

3. MigrationOpenCart to OpenCart guide

Return to, you are now at Step 1 of migration process.

The migration will go through 3 simple steps. Just hit “Next” when you finish one step to advance.

Step 1: Source Cart and Target Cart Setup

Source Cart setup

Fulfill information in the setup table:

– Cart Type: Choose ‘OpenCart’

– Cart URL: Your OpenCart URL

– Token: The token string which has been configured in connector.php

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

3. MigrationTarget cart SetupFollow similar steps with OpenCart as in Source Cart Setup– Cart Type: Choose ‘OpenCart’– Cart URL: Your OpenCart URL– Cart Token: the token string which has been configured in connector.php

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

3. MigrationStep 2: Migration Configuration• Select suitable Languages, Order Statuses and Currencies for OpenCart store.

Languages Mapping: If your Source Cart is multilingual, corresponding languages (or storeviews) should be available in Target Store. You may need to create additional languages in Target Store to avoid data loss.

Currencies Mapping: Assign Source Cart currencies to proper Target Store currencies. Creating currencies in Target Store may be needed.

Orders Status Mapping: Assign Source Cart order statuses to proper Target Store order statuses. Creating additional order statues in Target Store may be needed.• Select all data you want to upgrade OpenCart.

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

3. MigrationAdditional Options for OpenCart to OpenCart migration:• Migrate recent data: In case, OpenCart is still live and continue getting new data

during migration process, this option helps to migrate recent ones only without starting over again.

• Clear current data on Target Store before Migration: All current products, categories will be cleared in OpenCart if you choose this option.

• Migrate categories and products SEO URLs: SEO URL of OpenCart source store will be preserved in OpenCart target store, allowing keeping Pagerank.

• Transfer images in product descriptions to Target Store: Download all images in product description into OpenCart so that it won’t have to refer back to NopCommerce or anywhere else for images.

• Preserve Customer IDs on Target Store: This will help to preserve your old Customer IDs for easier reference.

• Preserve Order IDs on Target Store: This will help to preserve your old Order IDs from OpenCart to OpenCart

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

3. MigrationStep 3: OpenCart to OpenCart MigrationThe migration will take place automatically in this final step. In order for it to progress, you should not close your browser of remove Source Cart Connector.

After the migration is completed, click on “Clear Cache and ReIndex Data” to finish.

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

4. ResumingOpenCart to OpenCart guide

When a problem occurring on the migration process, Cart Migration Tool provides the ability to resume the process:

• Automatically resume on the spot: the tool will automatically resume after a failure until all data is imported.

• Manually resume: you can refresh the page to go back to Step 1 and click on “Resume”, this is helpful when you want to temporarily stop migration and resume when you want to.

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension

That’s all about migration process which can be carried out yourselves. Technical knowledge and skills are not necessary to use LitExtension shopping cart migration tools. Hope that with this detailed guide and attached video, online store owners don’t hesitate to try live demo and decide to use OpenCart migration tool – optimized solution for your online business.

Shopping cart migration tool by LitExtension


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