How to Marketing U. on the Internet and in Life

Post on 14-Sep-2014






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Some thoughts on how you may come across to others in your marketing efforts! "Anyone in the sales and marketing field knows that self-branding in their industry adds value to their worth." Unknown


Part One.

Some thoughts on how you may come across to others!

By Bryan Long

Part One.


”People don’t by products, they buy you.”

They are not aware of you.

Potential customers cannot connect with you if they don't know about you. It may be time to evaluate why your marketing is not working.”

Are you targeting the right market with your message?

Marti Barletta said, “The shortest distance between you and business success is marketing to women.”

They don't understand the benefits you offer.

If you asked your potential customers what benefits you bring them, would they know?

They don't feel you bring them a perceived value.

Potential Customers will not buy from someone that they perceive as not providing a solution.

They don't see how you can meets their needs.

“If you want to make yourself rich, solve problems.” Donald Trump

Why people don’t buy what you sell.

Here’s the truth: You don’t buy yourself!Turn on your believe in yourself and

others will be drawn to you.

“Anyone in marketing knows that self-branding adds value to their worth.”

How are you connecting your brand presence together to attract more potential clients?

Business Cards, Business Events, Linked-in Groups?

Aldrik Kandenburg said, “To be outstanding get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

Everything you want from yourself, life and marketing is currently outside of your comfort zone!

Customers do not do business with your marketing, instead be the person your

potential customer wants to do business with!

And remember this, social media is a tool and nothing more.

Stop throwing the next band aid on your broken marketing idea’s when really the issue is you.

Work on yourself more than you do your marketing and become a customer magnet!

You are the brand, so who are you to your potential customers?

The Lexicon says, 'A brand name is more than a word. It is the beginning of a conversation.'

The number one goal of your presence is to create conversation!

Part Two.

Part Two.

Stop Selling and Start Sorting

“Not everyone is your customer.”

“Band Aid Marketing is where you hide the real you from your potential customer

because you are afraid of being successful.”

An Excerpt from Band Aid Marketing

Some people (BEG) for the sale because they don’t know who their customer is.

While other people sort, because they know who there customer is not.

“Most business professionals do not think in terms of, if there solutions match their clients needs.”

Posturing is childish. Stop posturing and start taking the sale away.

Do not bring your needs to the marketplace. The customer can tell when you need the sale.

Seth Godin said, "Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them more able to get where they’d like to go."

This can only come from one person. Self Confidence!

“No matter what, having a professional brand is paramount these days.”

What is your brand known for, begging or sorting?

Part Three.

Part Three.

Piggy Back Marketing

“What makes Piggy Back Marketing work is you are pulling potential customers

from a wide range of branding locations to one centralized message.”

Your Customers will not come from one single activity, but a multitude of sources.

The key here is to have the right amount of sources where you can capture your

potential clients visual (emotional) attention!

“You don’t have to be great to get started, but you do have to get started to be great.” Les Brown

I like what Lemony Snicket says about waiting. “If we wait till we’re ready, we’ll be

waiting for the rest of our lives.”

Two brick layers were asked what they were doing. The first one said "laying bricks", the second one said,

"I'm on a team and we are building a cathedral".

What is your marketing attitude? Are you just here hoping someone will talk with you or are you actively

connecting with others locally and online?

Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Do not measure success by today's harvest. Measure success

by the seeds you plant today.”

How many seeds are you planting today, especially with your current business contacts,

so you can attract referrals?

“Failure is the tuition you pay for success.” Walter Brunell

If your not failing in your marketing, your not going to be successful at it either.

“Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop a hundred, sixty or thirty

times what was sown.” Parable of the Sower

You must plant first to get the rewards you want.

“Marketing takes a day to learn, Unfortunately it takes a lifetime to master.” Phil Kolter

“People know you for what you’ve done, not for what you plan to do.”

Your personal work ethics will determine your results in the marketplace.

“The Older I get the less I listen to what people say and the more I look at what

they do.” Andrew Carnegie

What is your marketing reputation? Are you a talker or a doer?

“When performance is measured performance improves.” Blain Harris

If you want better marketing results, change the way you think about what marketing is and then go do it.

T Harv Eker said, “Until you show you can handle what you’ve got, you won’t get any more.”

Poor result come from poor planning. If you want more from your marketing,

improve on your planning skills.

Seth Godin said, “You have everything you need to build something far bigger than yourself.”

Piggy Back Marketing is simple to do. Simply copy cat your current efforts on the right sites

and watch your organic SEO rise to the top.

“Too many years of self inflicted head knowledge has lead me to the crossroads of marketing ignorance. Now that I know that I don’t know myself, people or proper marketing concepts, its time for a personal change.” Bryan Long

Many Thanks to: Marti Barletta, Donald Trumph, Aldrik Kandenburg, The Lexicon, Band Aid Marketing, Seth Godin, Les Brown, Lemony Snicket, Robert Louis Stevenson, Walter Brunell, Parable of the Sower, Phil Kolter, Andrew Carnegie, Blain Harris, T Harv Eker.

Copyrighted May 2014 The Bryan K. Long Company

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