How to Introduce Yourself Quickly

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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At a networking event or company meeting, you sometimes have to introduce yourself quickly. Presentation skills coach and professional speaker Gilda Bonanno explains how to introduce yourself with confidence and ease so you can make a connection to your audience, whether it's one or one hundred people. Get more public speaking and networking strategies from Gilda's e-newsletter:


How to Introduce Yourself Quickly

by Gilda BonannoPresentation Skills Coach & Professional Speaker

Sometimes you have LESS than 60 seconds to introduce yourself

A QUICK introduction is NOT your “elevator speech”

(an elevator speech is longer)

When do you need a QUICK introduction?

At some networking events, you stand and give a quick introduction:


Or when presenting to company executives, you give a quick introduction: NAME, ROLE, DEPARTMENT & LOCATION

A quick introduction sounds easy, but often people… stumble, fumble & mumble

Don’t waste the opportunity to make a good impression

Remember the following guidelines when doing a QUICK introduction


What will you say?

(think about what matters

to this audience)


Out loud

Practicein front of the mirror

Practice saying your introduction without filler words…

I mean…



Like really…

I guess…Um…

Ya know…Sorta

Communicate Self-Confidence

If you don’t communicate self-

confidence, then how can the audience be confident about what

you say?

How can you communicate


Speak loudly, slowly & clearly enough

to be heard and understood

Remember, it’s the first time the audience is hearing your name

Remember, it’s the first time the audience is hearing your name

(though you’ve heard it all your life)


Smiling helps you look relaxed& communicates warmth and sincerity

Make eye contact

If you don’t have time to look at everyone- pick a few key people

Stand up straight

Shoulders back, head up, weight evenly distributed on both feet

If you’re seated

Sit up straight, keep hands on the table & feet firmly on the ground

These guidelines also apply if you’re introducing

yourself to one person

instead of a group

And here are more guidelines

for introducing yourself to one person

Shake hands firmly while making eye contact & smiling

Listen to the other person’s introduction and comments

Focus on the person you’re introducing yourself to

Give your business card if asked - or ask permission to give it

(and receive theirs respectfully)

Here are some examples of quick introductions

"Good morning. I'm Denise Wallace, the Customer Service Supervisor at the Dallas Call Center.”

Example (within a company):

"Hello, I'm Xavier Boyd. I'm a sales representative covering Western Canada. I sell durable medical equipment like canes and wheelchairs.”

Example (within a company):

"Good afternoon. I'm Andrew Milne. I own and operate Print Plus, a full-service print and copy store in White Plains.”

Example (outside a company):

“Hi, I'm Amira Sen. I'm a tax consultant in Brooklyn specializing in small businesses.”

Example (outside a company):

Follow these strategies to

introduce yourself QUICKLY with confidence

and clarity

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