
How to install the tracking code in

Tracking codes allow you to:

01. See what users doon your website after they click your ads

02. Track conversions (actions that are important for your business)

03. Measure campaign performance and return on your advertising investment

04. create audience lists for retargeting campaigns

01Go to your Wix website editor

02In the right side bar, select "Add"

03From "Add" menu, select "Apps" option

04Once you see the "Apps" menu, select the"HTML" option

05It will show up on your page as an overlay

06Select it, and choose "Settings"

07The HTML Settings tab should have opened

08From the HTML Settings tab, change the mode from "Website address" to "HTML code"

09Once you selected "HTML code" , paste the Tracking code in the HTML/embed code box

10Once the code is there, check the "show on all pages" checkbox from the bottom of the "HTML Settings" tab

11 Press the "Update" option

12The "html overlay" will show up as transparent now, you can close the HTML Settings tab now

13Select the "HTML box" transparent box from your page and drag it until you reach the footer, you will see a message "Attach to Footer"

14Leave the box in the "footer" of your webpage

15Press "Publish" in the top right corner, and you are done!

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