How to increase office efficiency

Post on 17-Feb-2017






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How to increase office efficiency

Why do you need to increase efficiency?

Increasing office efficiency can have lot’s of benefits to your company such as:•Boosting employee happiness•Saving you money•Creating more space in your workspace•Giving you a safer working environment•And of course, more gets done!

Think upwards Have a look at your walls, are you using the space as well as you could be? Built in wall storage is a great idea for a lot of offices. It’s a great place to store all the things that rarely get used. With sliding doors you can make these look very tidy which is important if you meet clients in this area.

Clean up! Make a list of what you absolutely need to keep, legally. Once you have set all these aside, get rid of all the useless, outdated rubbish you have lying around your workspace. You’d be surprised how much bigger the room will look after a good clear out.

Who’s in the office?Think about who you need in the office and when, you probably don’t need everyone in at the same time. If you can let employees work from home on set days then you can reduce the number of desks needed in the office. This will give them the space they need to work and will increase employee happiness!

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