
  1. 1. How to Build an Engaging Web Presence
  2. 2. How to Build an Engaging Web Presence (Through Better Relationships)
  3. 3. Delight people through consistent value. How do you build an engaging web presence?
  4. 4. Delight people through consistent value.
  5. 5. Delight: Remove hurdles.
  6. 6. Delight: Delivering the unexpected.
  7. 7. The kind of people who are going to follow you through word-of-mouth are way more valuable than the kind of people who are going to follow you because of a hashtag. Sean McCabe
  8. 8. Delight people through consistent value.
  9. 9. Your users are people. They are the stars of the show. James Buckhouse
  10. 10. Consider real peoples circumstances.
  11. 11.
  12. 12. Talk to people like people talk to people.
  13. 13. Delight: Delivering the unexpected.
  14. 14. Delight people through consistent value.
  15. 15. Going viral is not the best way to grow an audience.
  16. 16. The goal is to build an audience, not be seen by millions. Sean McCabe
  17. 17. Delight people through consistent value.
  18. 18. Delight people through consistent value.
  19. 19. People dont buy products; they buy better versions of themselves. Samuel Hulick
  20. 20. Delight people through consistent value.
  21. 21. How to Build an Engaging Web Presence (Through Better Relationships)
  22. 22. We all want to do the right thing.
  23. 23. Dont tell us how; tell us what.
  24. 24. Easy changes arent always easy.
  25. 25. Heres the thing; its not about you or us. Its about the people in your audience.
  26. 26. Chase your big break or try to go viral. Miss releasing scheduled content or put out content just to meet your schedule. Give up when you dont see success overnight. Think all easy changes are easy. Dont:
  27. 27. Delight people. Treat people like people, not users. Schedule when youll create and release content; have a pipeline of content. Communicate honestly with your agency. Do:

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