How to build a thriving ad-supported digital business Ryan Willumson Co-Founder & CRO, Industry Dive.

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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How to build a thriving ad-supported digital business

Ryan Willumson

Co-Founder & CRO, Industry Dive

What are we covering today?

Product•Editorial approach•Technology investment•Positioning – advertising vs. marketing

Revenue•Building a healthy sales culture•Hiring•Selling your product




Product Approach

Understand today’s digital user habits

– Laptop – lean forward– Tablet/Phablet – lean back– Phone – quick glances and multi-tasking, though

increasingly getting deeper lean back engagement

Content is king, but add your value


Charging comes with a cost…

To me, it feels like ad-supported is out of favor, but…

•Going from $0 to $1 the hardest•Quality: Low barrier to entry for high level readers•Quantity: Wider network of readers

…Ryan ’s ad-supported businesses


Product Identity

What is your product’s identity?

•Honda or Acura? VW or Audi?

•Engaged audience + higher end products = premium perception & pricing

I would rather be viewed as the Acura or Audi


Ad-Supported Digital Organization

Where you invest


These departments dominate head count and are the lifeblood of ad-supported digital organization


Editorial Investment

• Myth: Digital can only support lower quality editorial

• Myth: Ad-supported media have worse editorial teams.

• Fact: The best digital and ad-supported organizations support a healthy, robust editorial operation.

• Fact: You can have the best sales team in the world, if they don’t have a good product, they can’t be successful.


Technology Investment

• Digital requires investment in technology department

– At Industry Dive: ~25% of workforce

• Tech workforce

– Leaders: CTO, Creative Director, Data Scientist (all coders)

– Developers are builders, products improve quickly– Designers make stuff pretty & easy, readers love

them– Data Science is foundational, cuts across entire

business: editorial, sales, audience dev. Increases enterprise value.


Drive Revenue from…Marketing

• Buyer: “I don’t do advertising”• Buyer: “We haven’t seen great returns from banner


• Avoid loaded words, they are potentially narrowing:– Advertising– Native advertising– Budgets

Marketing broadens the conversation, strategy


Build Product for Digital Budgets

Common digital marketing budgets

•Lead Generation

•Content Marketing

•Thought Leadership



…Always tie your digital strengths back to products


Selling the Product


Build A Healthy Sales Culture

1.Seek out talent – experience not necessary

2.Digital organizations require energy

3.Recognize your team controls the culture, not you

“Culture is like a sculpture revealed by what you chip away. Unlike a block of stone, though, you can add and chip iteratively, which means you don’t necessarily have to be Michelangelo.”

- Andy Dunn, CEO of Bonobos


Build A Healthy Sales Culture

Build team atmosphere– Help your fellow man/woman– Comparing against teammates fosters

bitterness– Don’t bring a high performer into problem


In practice:Celebrate team wins and losses publiclyCelebrate individual wins publicly, losses privately


Hiring & Training is like Investing



Find people that are about to do it

•In most cases, raw talent is better than experience•Something to prove = good•Time investment up front, but long tail of returns•Evaluation period: 3 months and be decisive

Good vs. bad hires can swing millions in revenue


The Salesperson Archetype

Many think: “Sales is for a very specific type of person”

1.Smooth talker, great at verbal communication2.Motivated by money3.Extrovert4.Good at “convincing”


Who is good at selling digital?

Great news! Lots of different kinds of people can be good at and enjoy selling marketing solutions. My check list:

1.Intelligent and thoughtful2.Very, very good writer (do a writing test during hiring!)3.Motivation: Success (not money)4.Hard worker5.Verbal communication skills6.Think on their feet


Selling digital marketing

Mindset: consultant Ask open ended questions Sell the high level, not the details Think big Think ahead Cut bad deals off at the legs Own your products strengths & weaknesses Find the right customer


Mindset: Consultant

“I don’t care if I get the deal,

I just want to help.”


Ask Open Ended Questions

Typical call:

Intro – Questions – About Us – Questions – Next Steps

Ask Wide open questions:

What do you do?Tell me about your digital marketing?Tell me about your team?What do you think?Where do we go from here?


Sell the high level

You never hear:

“Yes, I’d like to buy any car that gets over 30 MPG please”“Yes, I’d like to buy anything that gets 1% click rate please”

Sell the high level first:-Your audience story-Organizational expertise-Market trends-Tie back to client’s digital strategy


No Bad Deals!

Resist temptation to overvalue revenue

“Just this once” bad deals have organizational tax:Trains client Trains sales repAnnoys execution teamTakes time away from better deals

“Just say no.” Explain the business reason, they usually understand. The majority of the time, they still buy.


Own Product Strengths & Weaknesses

Phrases that are ok to say:

•“This product won’t be great for lead generation.”•“This product will require a good deal of work from your end, so I just want to make sure you’re ok with that.”•“I’m not sure this product is the right fit for your goals.”

Clients crave expectation setting. You have a variety of products that serve different client goals. Pair them.


Find the Right Customer

Marketer: “The execs in my industry still read print.”

Ryan: “OK bye!”(Um…prior situation contains gross exaggeration for narrative purposes)

Seek out customers that:Believe in digitalAre currently spending or want toHave a budget for your products

…Then work on renewal/upsell


Execution / Client Success

Usually ad operations and branded content execution

•Sales needs to set up for successful execution•Specs, due dates, and reminders – over communicate•Help clients avoid common pitfalls – bad subject lines, broken code, weak copy, and more.•If there is a problem, empathize and (usually) make good even if it wasn’t your fault

…Top notch execution is key to renewal


Find Balance in your KPIs

Build KPIs around the buying journey

•Early – New contact calls/emails (micro-marketing)•Investigation – Initial Meetings•Consideration Set - Proposals•No KPI for contracts

Tip: If you’re pressing late in the sales cycle, fix earlier issuesTip: Limit what you measure, complexity kills productivity


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