How To Beat The Sales Numbers Game Model

Post on 15-Apr-2017



Self Improvement



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How To Beat The Numbers Game

I've had a lot of sales jobs.

Some were pretty fun, most were pretty boring.

A lot of what my friend called "junk jobs."

Meaning they have some kind of gimmick, and they go through hundreds of applicants a week.

They convince you it's easy to make a killing, but the downside is they'll ONLY pay based on commissions.

I've seen a lot of well thought out scams.

Products that aren't really products, but the guys who came up with these are doing pretty good.

They figure if they "hire" a hundred people a week, they might get a couple to do pretty well.

So from the pure "number theory" angle, they're getting a couple of "natural salespeople" on a weekly basis.

This means they don't have to spend any time of training, since they're not really "training" they are "sorting."

This "numbers theory" works from a lot of angles.

If you're selling door to door, or picking up girls at the mall, or sending out resumes.

So long as you keep your "numbers" high enough on the front end, you'll eventually get success on the back end.

This requires no skills.

No development.

Just taking the person you are, right here, right now, and spending a lot of time and effort to find the PERFECT match.

Send out enough resumes, and eventually you'll find the PERFECT job.

Perfect partner. Perfect house, apartment.

Problem comes with the "enough" gets way up into the thousands.

Or the tens of thousands.

It also requires taking a good hard look at what you define by "perfect."

And what you are willing to do to get it.

For example, let's say you were offered the PERFECT job.

But it required you move 3,000 miles away.

In reality, there is no such thing as "perfect."

It's more like gradients between "really good" and "really lousy."

So when people are playing the numbers game, they're looking for something (job, partner, sales, etc.) that's not perfect, but "good enough."

It's hard to admit this to yourself.

But you don't HAVE to play the numbers game. Or ONLY the numbers game.

To be sure, if you want a decent romantic partner, you ARE going to have to talk to a few people.

But instead of seeing each person as a simple "good enough" or "not good enough," you can see them (or it or whatever) as a LEARNING


Every job interviewer that DOESN'T hire you can STILL be fantastic way to improve yourself for the next one.

Every girl or guy that rejects you can be a GREAT WAY to improve your approach next time.

So instead of sorting through as many statistical "numbers" as possible.

You can have an unlimited amount of experiences from which you can improve yourself.


Every day, take something that DIDN'T go how you wanted it to.

Then reevaluate what you said.

Look at some of the language patterns in Covert Hypnosis.

Then figure out how you COULD HAVE done better.

And then do THAT next time.

Do this, and every single "number" will be YOU increasing your skills.


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