How To Be Healthy

Post on 29-Mar-2016






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Informational text about healthy living


How to be Healthy


Asena Ideus

Table of Contents 

INTRODUCTION ....................................................................3 YUMMY IN MY TUMMY .......................................................4 OOPS…I SPILLED THE WATER!........................................5 TIME TO GO OUTSIDE .........................................................6 LET’S GO BACK INSIDE........................................................7 DID YOU KNOW?...................................................................8 GLOSSARY...............................................................................9 



Health is very important. If you ever need to know anything about being healthy this is the book for you! You can also read this book for fun. Turn the page if you are interested.

Yummy in My Tummy 

Do you eat healthy? Eat healthy foods like grapes, apples, meat, vegetables, honey, and all bran cereal. For breakfast you should eat cucumbers, tomato, bread, cheese, salami, turkey, and butter. If you don’t like that breakfast eat all bran cereal. For lunch, eat a healthy sandwich and a healthy salad to go with it. For dinner, eat rice, chicken, and potatoes. Now that you’ve been told how to eat healthy, be wise and use it!

Oops…I Spilled the Water! 

Do you drink water? Drink water and you’ll be healthy. Water tastes good. It’s really the truth. Drink water everyday. Drink lots of water. Drink about 8 cups of water each day. Water does not have a taste. BE WISE AND DRINK WATER NOW!

Time to Go Outside 

Do you go outside and play? If you do or don’t here are some ideas you can do outside. You can play tag, play freeze tag, play team tag, cops and robbers, shark, hopscotch, walking, running, jogging, baseball, football, basketball, tennis, swimming, soccer. 

Why don’t you go outside now?

Let’s Go Back Inside 

Don’t just sit here reading this book. Get up and play! You can also exercise. Inside you can play Wii, piano, jump rope, hop, run, play tag, lift weights, play tag, play hide‐and‐seek, walk, or jog. 

Be wise and exercise!

Did You Know? 

Did you know that the tomato is a fruit? Smiling and laughing will make you live longer. Too much fruit is bad for you. A woman lived up to 103 years old because she was stranded on an island. She had to eat fruit for her whole life.

So now you know.



Shark: It’s a game when the tagger can touch two colors and can touch the ground but can’t touch one color. 8 cups: It’s when you drink 8 cups of water. Cops and robbers: It’s a game that you have to play with others. Half of the kids will be robbers the rest will be cops the cops must make a jail. They must catch the robbers and bring them to jail. Once a robber is tagged by another robber the robber who was tagged is free. Wii: A fitness game where you actually have to move. Stranded: you are stuck there and you can’t get out.

Now you know words by heart.

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