How to avoid Stress and Strain?

Post on 20-May-2015



Health & Medicine



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Is Stressgood

or bad?

Ancient saying is “No pain, no gain” some amount of stress for short period is always essential and helps people to motivate in improving their mental/ physical output. But excess stress for long periods play havoc and crush our lives.

What is the real answer

for Stress Strain

There are 3 main reasons stress & strain in today's World, like

Hurry -Worry- Curry

The increased pace in life, domestic goals/ professional challenges/ dead lines/ targets will be digging a person mentally.

Also financial losses,inadequate income, family disputes, official worries, driving in complicated traffic daily morning/ evening make matters worse. Hence modern life every min. is anxious & every day is a war of struggle to achieve & excel. The impact is on the health

Now people of almost all age groups both sexes more urban and some in rural areas are becoming victims of day to day stress and strain of varied degree. What are the effects of stress and strain on the person.

The effects are varied and very many like psychological, physiological changes are noticed. The effects are visible depending upon the age, amount of stress, food habits, life style, family/ friends/ society support to the person. The environment will play a vital role.

Stress is like a pest (white ants) in the body. Idiot Box, Jigsaw Puzzle like traffic, disputes with neighbours, friends, family members, business partners, colleagues, loss of near & dear, financial losses, violence, deprivation increase stress.

Sudden changes, responsibilities, complicated life situations, worries, helplessness, despair, personal worries leads to stress & strain for a person. There is no person who has not experienced stress in his life time at one time or other. It can be handled. Prolonged stress is harmful

Stress causes many problems and variety of complications like hypertension, heart problems, obesity, diabetes, various cancers, prolonged diarrhoea, it weakens body immunity leading to many diseases, disorders. Hence now stress & strain is considered as enemy to mankind

Even children are no exception to this modern social evil. Children who spend more time lonely in the houses, parental disputes/ loss at tender age, educational burden, unbearable home work, inadequate sleep contributes for stress in children. Malnutrition causes stress.

What tension do to body?When body undergoes tension causing stress & strain, the body reacts in many ways to to face the situation. Nervous system is stimulated, hormonal secretions/ functions are altered.

This is medically termed as “General Adoptive Syndrome” this can be seen in three stages in the body. First Stage: This is like a warning stage. To face it and keep stable body secretes a hormone called Adrenaline preparing the body for.

To fight the situation or to escape from the situation. In this stage muscles are stiffened, heart & respiratory rate goes up, eyes are protruded, abdominal distention and many more symptoms are observed. Normally when once we come out of the stress almost all the physical symptoms disappear.

If they are prolonged without respite the person will go to Second Stage.Second Stage:For long-term protection body will take some actions. To face the stress extra energy is needed, for which the level of..

Glucose in the blood has to be increased, for this the blood pressure has to go up. Hence body releases the required hormones. The upper portion of the adrenal gland releases a hormone called Cortico Steroid.

In this stage the body immunity system over works and the chances of getting various new diseases are very high. If this situation is prolonged it causes exhaustion, lack of concentration, washed out feeling, temper tantrums and other varied problems are cropped up. Hence has to be handled suitably.

Third Stage: In this stage the body feels that it has lost all the body energy reserves and Immunity power. Adrenaline and blood glucose levels come down and body losses the ability to fight stress. This increases the mental & physical exhaustion.

More prone to diseases. The protective Hypothalamus-Pituitary & Adrenaline glands looses coordination and results in hormonal imbalance. This results in tired feeling, mental depression. Immunity mechanism will be defunct. The excess fat & cholesterol secreted into blood vessels as a clog

The clog will increase and causes blocks in the blood vessels. Some times depending upon the location these blocks will be fatal. That results in paralysis, IHD, Heart Attack & Brain Stroke.

To avoid this prevention and relieving the stress is very vital. When we observe the initial symptoms of stress we must come out through Food- Dhyana- Yoga- Exercise- Breathing. Among all good eating habits are easy to follow and will give very good results. We must take expert guidance in food intake.

Relaxation Techniques will help a lot. Even take the help of psychologists/ nature therapists to over come stress and its bad effects. Please remember the crucial role of Food in relieving the stress. What are the symptoms & effects of Stress?

Altered mental condition:Anxiety, tension, depression, lack of confidence, self accusation are observed. This can be felt by family members, friendsBehavioral Changes:Lack of concentration, hurry, lack of understanding, improper planning, unable

to do planned work, unable to express the Inner thoughts effectively, disjointed speech and exhaustion are predominant. Physical Condition:Improper gait, increased heart & respiratory rate, indigestion, constipation/ diarrhoea, insomnia, black circles of the

eyes, anorexia, continuous, nagging, vague aches and pains, head aches, pain in the neck, shoulder, back pain. Excess sweating, loss of libido, hopelessness, weeping, fear, wants to be alone, withdrawal/ suicidal tendencies are some of the symptoms.

What are the

Foods to be taken

to fight Stress?

Research have shown that stress is due to many reasons. What ever may be the reason Food can help a lot in relieving Stress. People under stress develop liking towards certain foods & aversion to certain foods. They tend to over eat in stress periods.

Some people under stress take fasting as punishment to family members. During stress body needs extra energy, balanced timely diet to provide the needed nourishment for the body under stress. Hence food is the biggest remedy for people under stress & Strain.

Balanced Diet:People under stress has to take balanced timely diet. They have to consume variety of foods. They have to consume clean, fresh food periodically.Raw Foods:Raw wheat/ rice, dals, lentils has to be

consumed more which provide excellent nourishment to body.

Fruits-Vegetables:See that you consume fresh fruits and raw vegetables as salads in every day food they are the stress busters

Water:70% of body weight are due to body fluids. Consume 4-5 lits of water /day. Avoid water 30 min before and 60 min after food for better digestion. Take only 50-100 ml only with food.

Avoid ice water which reduces the appetite.Fiber: Fiber is the best stress buster, fiber helps in fighting the other symptoms due to stress. It improves whole digestive tracks, relieves constipation and improves digestion.

Vitamins:Under stress B-C-A- Vitamins & nutrients like licopen, beta carotene & selenium are depleted. Hence fruits like orange, Amla, gua, papaya, potato, lime, banana, grapes, sweet potato, tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, onion, mango,

watermelon, maize, wheat etc has to be consumed regularly.Aversion:One should not avoid foods for which he developed aversion due to stress & strain. By taking variety/balanced food you can conquer the stress effectively.

High Fat Diets:Under stress reduce/ avoid high fat foods like cheese, paneer, sweets, lassi, bakery foods, fast foods, tined foods, pickles, deep fried items, chocolates, coffee with sugar, ice cream etc. they trigger & contribute more stress.

Anti-Oxidants:Under stress free radicals will increase radically. To control them we have to take foods with anti-oxidants like fresh leafy vegetables, turmeric, Amla, honey and sunflower oil provide them in plenty.

Foods to Avoid in Stress &


Fried Foods:Fried foods harms body immune mechanism. Under stress they cause more damage to the body.Meat Foods:Meat foods contains animal fat and are harmful for people under stress

Coffee:Caffeine is present in high quantities in coffee, tea, cool drinks, chocolates which increases the adrenaline secretion & harm the body. It will also influences Hypertension & Hyper Cholesterol. Hence consume minimum when under stress.

Fast Foods:Under stress people must avoid fast foods like burgers, pizzas, samosa, chips has to be avoided.Alcohol:It stimulate adrenaline secretions which increases tension, temper tantrums,

insomnia etc. this also weakens body immune mechanism. Hence avoid alcohol.Smoking:For temporary stimulation, alertness people smoke, but in long run it leads to various cancers, hypertension, respiratory disorders and heart problems.

Food Habits:Avoid Prolonged fasting, irregular/ improper foods, fast foods. Take food leisurely in pleasant atmosphere. Don’t take food in work place. Fasting whole day & taking excess food in the night is harmful.

2 White PoisonsAvoid 2 white poisons- Salt & Sugar which reduces adrenaline gland efficacy there by causing mental instability and under going increased stress. Hence avoid salt-fast foods, pickles, fried/ tined foods containing more salt.

What else has

to be done apart from Good Food

Examine your daily living conditions. Don’t aspire for impossible things. Have satisfaction. Sit back to analyze reasons for stress contributing factors in your life & plan to correct them

Discuss things with family members/ friends/ colleagues.

Take up either exercise/ dhyana/ yoga/ breathing controlling under expert advise as long term measure.

Help others, elderly, neighbours colleagues, children without expecting anything in return. Take up a social activity - join / start an NGO. Donate blood, books, clothes, rice, fruits, items to orphanages/ oldage homes. Studies proved people who involve in philanthropy will be more healthy.

Ayurveda is having many herbs mentioned for stress & strain in ancient life sciences texts like Charaka Samhita & Susruta Samhita. Many remedies made of herbs are available today.

5 gms Aswagandha churna with 50 ml cow milk/ Honey

30 ml Aloe Juice with 20 gm Honey Take 2 times daily on empty stomach for 3-4 mandals (120-160 days) is very helpful in fighting stress & strain

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