How to About MathSciNet Subscribe/PurchaseEmail: MathSciNet® presents a fully searchable database with many tools designed to help navigate the mathematical sciences

Post on 15-Feb-2021






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    The premier gateway to scholarly literature in the mathematical sciences

    Since 1940, Mathematical Reviews (MR) has served researchers and scholars in the math-ematical sciences by providing timely infor-mation on peer-reviewed articles and books. The database of more than 2 million items contains reviews, abstracts, and bibliograph-ic information for much of the world’s math-ematical sciences literature.

    How to Subscribe/Purchase:

    Consider joining a MathSciNet® Consortium

    • Consortia participants receive significant sav-ings over single subscriber pricing

    • Consortia pricing is based on “mathematical activity” and the number of subscribers

    • Over 2,000 academic institutions currently subscribe to MathSciNet® in a consortium

    For current subscription rates, a spreadsheet is available at:

    Customer Service is also available to answer questions and for ordering at:

    Phone: 1-800-321-4AMS (4267)

    Fax: 1-401-455-4046


    MathSciNet® presents a fully searchable database with many tools designed to help navigate the mathematical sciences litera-ture, including:

    • reviews written by a community of experts

    • bibliographic listings dating back to the early 1800s

    • links to articles, journals, series, books, and book chapters

    • linked reference lists

    • citation information on articles, books, journals, and authors

    • uninterrupted access via global mirror-sites

    About MathSciNet®

    For a free 30-day trial, visit:

    UPDATED: 2013


    Enhanced Author Profile Pages

    Authors may now update and add to the infor-mation on their MathSciNet® Author Profile pages. By logging into their AMS account, authors can edit their email address, create a link to their home page, or upload a profile picture. Any MathSciNet® entry containing an author name will link directly to this newly enhanced page, where users can also access the list of papers this author has written or reviewed.

    Mobile Access—Take MathSciNet off Campus!

    Your institution’s AMS electronic subscriptions are now available from anywhere. Learn how to connect at www.

    NEW! Electronic Mathematical Reviews (eMR) Sections

    You can now stay informed of new research published in your subject area by subscribing to the electronic Mathematical Reviews (eMR) section of your choice.

    To learn more about new enhancements and features go to

    New Features!

    Direct Links to Series, Books, and Book Chapters

    Using DOIs registered by publishers, MathSciNet® now contains direct links to Books and Proceedings. Where appropriate, the Journal link below the bibliographic data has been replaced by a Series link. The Article link has been replaced by a Book or Chapter link.

    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database

    MathSciNet® contains bibliographic data and direct links for Ph.D. theses published in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics from the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database, the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses in the world.

    MathSciNet® Tutorials

    In response to requests from users and librar-ians, MathSciNet® now offers tutorials on how to get the most out of searching. Users are helped to take advantage of the rich structure of the databases underlying MathSciNet®.

    Broad-Based, Interdisciplinary Coverage

    Catering to the robust nature of mathematical discovery and to the interdisciplinary nature of mathematical science, the literature covered by MathSciNet® includes articles and books in all the mathematical sciences and other disciplines.

    Powerful Search Functionality

    Researchers using MathSciNet® may search by author, title, and other criteria to access reviews, all works by a given author, citations backwards and forwards, information on journals, all papers by a reviewer, and links to individual articles when available. Users can find a wealth of information, such as research output by individual, subject, and institution over a period of years.

    MathJax: Displayed Mathematics

    MathSciNet® now features MathJax, an open source JavaScript display engine for math-ematics that works in modern browsers. MathSciNet® will display typeset mathematics directly in web pages.

    More great features!

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