How the creation of Israel led to violence and chaos in the Middle East.

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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How the creation of Israel led to violence and chaos in the Middle East.

Israel is one of two democracies in the ME About the size of New Jersey

◦ 90% of population is urban around coast Massive immigration from Europe, Africa,

Asia, and the Americas◦ Zionism belief Jews should have a homeland

15% are non Jews

Mixed Economy Lack of natural resources

◦ Offset by hard work and innovation New irrigation techniques have transformed the

landscape Israel is a world leader in development of medical

lasers and aerospace equipment 1/3 of population works in education and tourism Dependant on importing basic goods

◦ Coal and oil

Arab-Israeli conflict has defied all efforts for peace.◦ Arabs won’t recognize Israel, Israel rejects idea of

Palestinian state. The constant threat of attack and national

insecurity has lead to decades of unrest!

1979 – Anwar Sadat signs peace treaty with Israel◦ Egypt is first Arab nation to recognize Israel

Other Arab nations were upset with Egypt◦ The peace then is short lived.

1987 – Palestinians are frustrated◦ Tired of living under Israeli military rule◦ Set a series of strikes against Israeli businesses and

began killing soldiers and civilians◦ Became known as Intifada

Israel responds by closing schools in West Bank and destroying houses of suspected terrorists◦ Israel was condemned for actions◦ Felt it was important for national security

Palestinians join underground armed groups◦ Hamas, Islamic Jihad

1990’s – push for peace What about 2 million Palestinians on West

Bank and Gaza Strip?◦ Extreme poverty and hardships

Israel refuses to negotiate with PLO What about immigration to occupied


1993 Israel and PLO recognize each other. PLO will stop attacks Israel will withdraw from occupied territory. Palestinians would have limited self rule in

Gaza and Jericho. Yassir Arrafat became head of Palestinian


Question of Golan Heights still an issue◦ Palestinians protest leads to violence

Terrorists bomb buses, restaurants, shops◦ Palestinians see these as justified, Israelis are horrified!

2002- Israeli troops attack terrorist centers in West Bank◦ Palestinian civilians are killed◦ Arafat claims Israel violated Palestinian human rights◦ Israel claims right to defend itself against terrorism

• Jerusalem– Capital of Israel– Large Palestinian population– Holy city for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam– Palestinians want it to be capital of Palestinian state

• “Right of Return”– Palestinains who left their homes during Arab-Israeli

wars have the right to return to their homes.• Jewish state would be overwhelmed

• Future of West Bank, and Gaza Strip– Jewish immigration has increased

• Both sides see no compromise!

How do you make two groups of people who feel they have been wronged by the other side, and who have a religious justification for their acts of violence agree to end hostilities and coexist in the same territory?

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