How i create my magazine using photoshop

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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A2 Coursework


How I Create My Magazine Front Cover Using

Photoshop.By Amy Haley.

Step One.

I first started by opening Photoshop and creating a new A4 blank page, this will be the solid background for my magazine cover, I was going to use a gradient colour but then I like just have a fresh solid white as a background colour it makes everything stand out more and look more eye-catching.

Step Two.

For my second step I decided to create a pink banner running across the top to advertise freebies and posters inside, I also choose to add the Nickelodeon logo as my program is shown on the Nickelodeon channel this will be something common and familiar for the viewer.

Step Three.

I then went about selecting an image from the ones I shot for my magazine cover, I then cut out the background like before using the Rectangular Lasso Tool to give my image a sharper edge, I placed my character in the centre to draw the reader in, I also made the image large so it captures the reader/buyers attention among the other magazines.

Step Four.

For step four I added on my title/logo I dragged and duplicated the layer from my DVD cover so the colours and text were identical, I also added a barcode in the top right hand side to make it look like a real buyable magazine.

Step Five.

For step five I thought out the buyer and what benefits they would receive when buying this magazine so I added a WIN! Competition to the front of the magazine, this would entice the reader to buy the magazine if they would have a chance to meet the cast.

Step Six.

I thought about my target audience of teenage girls when adding a ‘HOT GUY SPECIAL’ to my magazine it would also entice them to buy the magazine if they could get a poster of there favourite male actor from the show, I put this in the bottom right hand corner because it’s a good eye-catching slot where your just about to put it down but see the last interesting thing that could make the buyer purchase this magazine rather than another.

Step Seven.

Also thinking about my target audience of teenage girls I thought there had to be a fashion page amongst this magazine I placed this at the top left hand side as it was important for my target audience to see there was a page that covered girly things like fashion, being able to dress like the celebs.

Step Eight.

For this next step I thought about one of the evaluation questions of linking my work together, so the next thing I decided to add to my front page was a link with the magazine and releasing on the DVD, this also attracts the buyer to buy the DVD when it comes out.

Step Nine.

For this next step I related my magazine to the program advertising there to be learning tricks inside the magazine, this would be something my target audience would be excited about and differs from other magazines out there that arent offering to learn things from the programs they watch.

Step Ten.

For the last step of making my magazine I decided to do an exclusive interview which would mean the buyer would have to buy this magazine to read the exclusive interview as no other magazine would be offering it, this attracts the target audience.

Final Magazine.

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