How Health Works Sample eBook

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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How Health Works Sample eBook


  • 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse



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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    From the How Health Works series of advanced cleansing

    What we really should have learned in biology class.

    The Advanced Cleansing Series Overview

    Welcome to the series of advanced internal cleansing modules. Each of these four e-books is designed to:

    1. Walk you through a sequence of advanced cleansing and rejuvenation programs that have proven to profoundly increase the health and function of your body.

    2. Make the process motivating and easy to understand.

    By advanced, I dont mean better, or more complex, or intel-lectually superior, or something that needs a college degree to teach or practice. They are only advanced in the sense that they are best done after conditioning your body by doing the general cleanse outlined in the initial 28-Day Cleanse Course at How Health These advanced cleanses are the next actions you want to do after a basic, all around cleansing program. For the average healthy person, any of these internal cleanses can be done at any time. However, if you have a more serious or chronic

    condition, many cleansing practitioners believe that there is an optimum order to them. The logic and

    sequence is:

    Improve Your Nutritional Intake (the basic HHW 28-Day Cleanse Course Program) No cleanse can be effective until the new food coming in each day is of a higher quality than before. Your first step in health improvement is to dissolve a few of those bad food habits, and start making some better ones. Condition your body for a few weeks, getting it free of the normal toxic load, before starting these ad-vanced cleansing programs.

    Colon Cleanse During a cleanse, our trillions of cells each get rid of metabolic

    waste. Much of that ends up in the colon. If the colon is blocked or not functioning well, that metabolic waste does not leave the body in a timely fashion, and nutrients are not assimilated as well as they could be. This is why the colon cleanse is the first of these advanced programs.

    Yes, this is your Liver.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Parasite Cleanse While initially the very word parasite can scare us Westerners, parasites are proving to be a potential and very powerful cofactor behind ill health. And it only takes one friends vivid story of what they saw come out the next morn-ing to make you a believer. Most parasites and worms live in our digestive tract, but some can get into our internal organs, affecting our digestion, assimilation, allergies, energy levels, ner-vousness, and skin problems. For this reason, the parasite cleanse is first program suggested after the colon cleanse.

    Kidney Cleanse Your two kidneys are responsible for filtering out your bodys metabolic waste and keeping the blood clean. Like any filter, they can get blocked and backed up. Once you understand the implications of backed up urea, ammonia and other toxic by-products, (and that over 15 million Americans have some form of kidney problems) you will want to do this program. All cleansing involves increasing the amount of water consumed each day, so it is critical that we help the kidneys filter and do their job.

    ** Liver Cleanse** The topic of this e-Book! The deepest, most profound cleanse that we can do is a liver cleanse. Since it is the largest organ in our body, and has the farthest reach, most functions, and often the most stored toxins, the liver is the last advanced cleanse suggested. A toxic liver is associated with more symptoms than virtually any other organ, from hormone imbalances, to skin problems, to stuck emotions like anger and irritation.

    A Perspective on Cleansing

    There was a time in the not so distant past when if you saw someone running down the road, you would have wondered what they were running from. You and everyone else would have stopped and staredjogging was not yet a word in the diction-aryand when you finally found out why they were doing it, your first thought was, Thats weird. Theyre weird.

    Even less time has past where you heard about people who went to gyms and lifted iron weightsor even more bizarre, they did some kind of stretchy quiet thing called yoga. Chances are good that you initially looked at that behavior and thought, Thats weird. Theyre weird.

    Today, most people know about the importance of cardio-vascu-lar exercise. They know about the bone-building, mind-clarify-ing, blood-pumping advantages of working out in a gym or doing stretchy quiet yoga.

    Well, guess what. Your organs need exercise, too. They need pumping, and flushing, and cleansing and a way to revitalize from modern life and modern diets. You might currently be a part of the group that hears of someone doing an organ cleanse, and immediately think, Thats weird. Theyre weird.

    But at some point, very soon, you wont think that it is weird. And at that point, I want you to remember this: it wasnt doctors who told you to jog, and it wasnt doctors who told you to work out in gyms. I doubt it will not be doctors who teach you the art of organ cleansing and its relationship to staying drug-free, pain-free and symptom-free.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Why Should You Care about Your Liver?

    One of the major causes of modern-day illness is liver conges-tion, yet we barely acknowledge our role in its care. This lack of understanding is creating an enormous amount of unnecessary suffering, poisoning of the body through pharmaceutical drugs and high cost health care. The worst, though, is the lack of recognition of the large number of symptoms that many people experi-ence that are caused directly by a congested liver.

    The purpose of this e-book is to motivate the reader to internally cleanse the liver and gallbladder, and then show the easiest, and most effective methods for doing a liver and gallblad-der cleanse (also known as a flush).

    Symptoms of a Liver in Need of a Cleanse

    If your liver is congested and clogged up, symptoms can encom-pass fatigue, general malaise, brain fog, lack of get-up-and-go, many digestive problems, allergic responses, low blood sugar, high cholesterol, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, constipation, and chemical sensitivities.

    Signs of a clogged liver also include an extremely coated tongue (where you feel like you can never get it clean), bad breath, itchy skin, excessive sweating, extreme body odor, a bloated abdo-men, right shoulder pain, dark circles under the eyes and yellow discoloration in the eyes.

    Headaches, migraines, mental confusion, muscle pain, poor coordination, and emotional imbalances can often be the result a result of a overworked, toxic liver.

    In Eastern/Oriental medicine, the liver is in charge of the smooth flow of emotions. When it is congested, people can feel overly irritable and angry, and irked by the smallest of infractions. I


    Right side

    Right side

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    believe that most road rage is largely a sign of people whose livers are simply backed up and not functioning. The liver is also considered the element that controls our drive, our initiative, and our decision-making abilities.

    Ive said it before in other articles, but a cleansed liver is a felt sensation. When you take the time to improve the function of your liveeven a littlethe brain and the entire body benefits, and these improvements are palpable, noticeable. Ive yet to meet anyone whos done a liver cleanse and not felt a sense of calm and well-being afterwards.

    What the Liver Does

    Every organ and every cell, in the body gets its nutrients from the liver. So if the liver is not functioning well, everything else suffers.

    The liver is the bodys ultimate detoxifying organ. It cleans your blood, over and over each day. Since your one gallon of blood is responsible for feeding and oxygenating every cell in your body, it makes sense that a clogged liver would start feeding our cells with dirty blood.

    The liver is responsible for getting rid of heavy metals, pharma-ceutical drugs, dyes, and modern-day toxic substances. When you breathe in car exhaust, or an aerosol sprayfor instance, air freshenerthose toxic substances must be processed by the liver and excreted.

    The liver helps metabolize our food. If its clogged, you not only cant utilize carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, you end up storing them. Meaning that losing weight absolutely requires a well-functioning liver.

    The liver creates a very bitter, alkaline substance called bile. Bile, as youll read below, is the detergent of the body.

    The liver plays an important role in hormone modification and inactivation. Both the masculinizing hormone testosterone and the feminizing hormone estrogen are metabolized and inacti-vated by the liver. When the liver is congested, proper hormone balance is impeded.

    Liver Anatomy 101

    I find the best way to learn organ location is to simply look down at your torso; that way, right remains on the right side, left remains on the left (versus looking in the mirror, which reverses everything).

    Take your right hand and place it over your right side of the rib cage. Youre now over the liver. View the image on the next page to get a better idea.

    The liver is located on the right side of the body. Its large (your bodys largest organ at 3-5 pounds) taking up most of the space under that right half of the rib cage. Its upper side runs all along the surface of the diaphragm, which hermetically seals the upper part of the chest (where the lungs are), with the lower part of the chest. The bottom surface touches in on the stomach, the right kidney, and the intestines.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Interesting about those intestines: food passing through the intestines gets absorbed by the intestinal walls. Those walls then feed the absorbed nutrients into the tens of thousands of blood vessels that branch out around the intestines. Where does this nutrient rich blood go? You got it: directly into the liver, to be processed, cleaned, and dispersed to all parts of the body.

    So imagine for the moment that you and I go share a meal of french fries, greasy hamburgers and a two milk shakes. That fat gets dealt with by the liver, which needs to break it down into something the body can use or at least digest out through our bowel movements the next morning.

    This is where bile enters the picture. The liver is responsible for producing all the bodys bile (rhymes with file). Bile is an extremely alkaline, bitter, salty substance that makes fat and oil absorbable. Bile is the detergent of the body, dissolving and absorbing all fats. Fats are where some critically important vita-mins come from (A, D, E, and K). If fats dont get absorbed and digested, they coat other foods and prevent them from digestion and absorption, so adequate bile is critical for the entire digestive process.

    Bile is created in the liver, and then temporarily stored in the small sac-shaped organcalled the gallbladderbefore being dumped into the upper most part of the small intestines (just below the bottom of the stomach). Everything found in the gall-bladder was placed there by the liver. Therefore, a liver cleanse is really a gallbladder/liver cleanse.

    Bile also has another very important job: it neutralizes the still-acidy chyme (rhymes with time), the name given to the broken down food that comes from the stomach and is squished

    Left hand

    Right hand


    Small Intestines


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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    down into the intestines. This neutralization process is absolutely critical, because the only area in our body that withstand strong acid is the stomach. If that acidy chyme isnt quickly neutralized by the liver and gallbladders bile, you experience heartburn, or now commonly called Acid Reflux , Colitis, Crohns Disease, Diverticulitis, Duodenal Ulcer, Gastritis, GERD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome... you get the idea, and are starting to get the critical role that our livers play in our health.

    A side note, which will become more important in the liver flush: if the flow of bile is impeded by inflammation, gall stones, or other blockages, bile can start backing up, and bile poisoningalso known as jaundice or some milder, unrecognized version of itcan result. Jaundice is the body having to absorb backed-up pigments and metabolic waste that normally gets dealt with by bile. When bile backs up, these orange-yellow pigment waste products back up into the blood and body tissues. Every alcoholic Ive known has yellowish eyes. Their liver is no longer able to process their bodys waste products.

    There is a tube, called the Common Bile Duct, that connects the liver and gall bladder and it flows directly into the first section of the small intestines. This tube is also shared by the organ called the pancreas (pan-kree-as). The pancreas pours digestive en-zymes into the small intestines from this tube (at the rate of 1.5 to 2 quarts per day). These enzymes are very susceptible to acid; if the chyme is too acidic, or there isnt enough bile to neutralize the acid, then these pancreatic enzymes dont survive, and diges-tion and absorption suffers. This is a great example of how the functioning of one organ affects the functioning of many others. Our health problems are not organ problems. They are ecology problems, affected by the entire bodys eco-system.

    In the picture below, the liver has been lifted up, so that you can

    see the gallbladder (green) and the pancreas (yellow). You can also see how the gallbladder runs its tube (that Common Bile Duct) directly into the first part of your intestines. The point? Its all connected. What hurts the liver hurts everything else. What improves the liver improves your entire body.


    Common Bile Duct


    Small Intestines

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Advantages of a cleansed liver & gallbladderHeres the short list of improvements:

    Reduction of food, alcohol and drug cravings (this is a very common report from those who do a liver cleanse)

    A reduction of chronic pain (pain free, while others your age come down with joint pain, arthritis, etc.)

    Reduction of chemical and food sensitivities (Ive seen aller-gies cleared up completely after 1 or 2 liver cleanses)

    Weight loss, because of improved metabolism

    Cleaner emotions, while others have road rage, irrational outbursts, excessive drama, etc.

    Better blood pressure

    Better thinking and memory

    Improved bowel function

    Improvement in symptoms like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    What damages the Liver?

    High on the list of things that harm the liver are oral contracep-tives, synthetic Hormone Replacement Therapy, and exposure to the hormones now injected into most USDA meats.

    Most prescribed drugs are particularly damaging, such as steroid creams, estrogen-replacements, anesthesia medicine, methotrex-ate (used to treat psoriasis and arthritis) and statin drugs (for use

    with cholesterol treatment). But really, anything foreign to the body needs to be dealt with by the liver.

    For most people, the biggest damages come just from a modern-day diet, rich is processed foods and highly processed oils (like canola and safflower), dairy, pizza, alcohol, and every day toxic chemicals that were exposed to. Fried foods of any kind wreak havoc on the liver. Notice your emotions the day following a meal heavy with fried foods or dairy; you may find yourself more curt and irritable with others and yourself.

    What occurs over time is that the 50-100,000 tubes inside the liver get clogged up. This causes backupa buildupof bile and other liver products. This prevents these otherwise helpful products from getting into our digestive tract, and prevents the proper cleansing of the blood. This buildup backs up cholesterol, bile salts, and bilirubin (the yellowish bile pigment), which start to solidify. The result is gallstones.


    The term gallstone is misleading, because backed up liver products dont need to be totally calcified in order to be a health problem. Long before that point, backed up bile becomes slug-gish, toxic, and forms into softer versions of a gallstone. This should make sense, if you look at other biological processes in the body. In other words, we should know that gallstones is just the end result of a health problem that started a long time ago. We dont need to wait for the full-blown calcified version before

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    determining that something is wrong, and a cleansing lifestyle is in order. Waiting for a gallstone attack to recognize a problem is as dumb as waiting for a car crash before realizing that drunk driving isnt a good idea.

    Regardless of if backed up liver products are at the stage of stone-like hardness, or soft sludge, all of it means trouble, and all of it is a sign of obstruction and loss of liver function.

    Are they really Gallstones?

    What you expel...are they scientifically trademarked gallstones?

    In any of the following liver flushes, you will passin your next few bowel movementssmall globules ranging in number between 100 and 1,000, and in size between 1/8 and 3/4 in diameter.

    In April, 2005, The Lancet (a British medical journal) came out with a article that denounced these globules as not being gallstones, but just soap stones formed by the oil and lemon, and therefore the entire liver cleansing idea was a myth.

    Two clinical biochemists, Christian Sies and Jim Broker exam-ined some globules brought into to them by a woman who had done a natural liver cleanse, and passed a number of globules the following morning. She froze them, and then brought them into the clinic. Under microscopic examination, the two biochemists said:

    Our patients stones revealed that they lacked any crystalline structure, melted to an oily green liquid after 10 minutes at 104 Fahrenheit, and contained no cholesterol, bilirubin, or calcium by established wet chemical methods.

    We conclude, therefore, that these green stones resulted from the action of gastric lipases on the simple and mixed triacylglyc-erols that make up olive oil, yielding long chain carboxylic acids (mainly oleic acid). This process was followed by saponification into large insoluble micelles of potassium carboxylates (lemon juice contains a high concentration of potassium) or soap stones.

    A search of the internet reveals many health web sites pro-moting so-called gall-bladder flushing or liver cleansing regimes...It is claimed that the next morning the gallstones will pass in the stool...We have shown that these flushing regimes for expelling gallstones are a myth...the record should now be set straight.

    While I found this Lancet article to be an embarrassing example of how to not set a record straight, it does help get the focus of natural liver health care off of the interesting little green globules that get expelled, and back onto

    what the liver does.

    where and how it gets into trouble, and

    simple natural foods and herbs and methods that help gently wash the tissues of the liver and gallbladder.

    Its too bad the Lancet biologists couldnt see some of the glob-ules that Ive seen come out of a liver flush (hard as a rock, and




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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    would only shatter once hit with a hammer), or speak to people who lose their allergies overnight after just one of these simple liver-cleansing protocols. But really, who cares if anything hard or soft or soapy comes out. The key is to find and use the things that get results from symptoms.

    Last, before going into the liver cleanse instructions, here are some excerpts author Dr. Hulda Clark on liver cleansing (re-printed here by permission):

    Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your bodys health.

    Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves diges-tion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do. Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.

    It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a day. The liver is full of tubes that deliver the bile to one large tube [the common bile duct, mentioned above]. The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage res-ervoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.

    For many persons, including children, this biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. [Yet] when the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed, nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gall-bladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified,

    a prerequisite for visibility on an X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored.

    As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels rise.

    Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this way nests of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria.

    So, lets do a liver cleanse.

    Liver Cleanse Protocols

    In searching through cleansing books from the last 30 years, all the liver/gallbladder cleanses follow the same basic 3-step protocol:

    For the week up to the actual liver flush, consume capsules of any liver herb formula and drink liver herbal teas throughout each day. See the section on herbs, below, for some examples.


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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Give the liver a no-fat diet for anywhere between 8 hours and 3 days prior to the day of the liver flush. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver; higher pressure creates more contraction, pushing out more sludge and stoney formations.

    On the day of the liver flush, just before bedtime one evening, prepare and drink an olive oil/ citrus concoction that opens the ducts and helps soften any sludge or stoney formations.

    The next morning, drink a warm salt drink, which rapidly contracts the liver/gallbladder, and quickly helps pass the sludge and stones out in that mornings bowel movements.

    It usually takes at least 4 or 5 flushes before the stool is clear again. The liver/gallbladder flush should be repeated until hardly any stones or sludgy bile material comes out. Note that many people will get the larger stones only after repeated flushes. The interval between flushes can be anywhere between once every few days to a once every few weeks.

    On the next page is the Basic Liver Cleanse, followed by some alternatives that you can add on. Please read through all of them first, so you get a sense of the how it all works. Any of them will do, and theyre all effective.





    This Basic Liver Cleanse (or flush) comes from a combination of the two most well-known liver cleansing authors. Christopher Hobbs, a fourth generation herbalist and acupuncturists, has in my opinion one of the best explanations on the link between PMS, emotional disorders, and a congested liver. His book, Natural Therapy for the Liver, is worth the read. The second author is Dr. Hulda Clark, who wrote The Cure for All Cancers. Their liver-cleansing programs are almost identical, and have a good track record for results.

    The good thing about this basic flush is that it can take place in 24 hours. Its better if you can help the liver-cleansing process by doing a week of liver herbs and teas prior to the day of the flush, but you will get results regardless. A good day to do the actual flush is a Saturday, which will allow you Sunday to rest and relax.

    If possible, for the week up to the actual liver flush, consume 2-4 cap-sules of a liver herb formula and drink liver herbal teas throughout each day. I have used the Ultimate Liver Cleanse herbal capsules (click on that link) and then use any teas that contain dandelion root, milk thistle, stinging nettle, or combinations of them. Consume these herbal capsules and herbal tea for 7-10 days prior to the actual flush. If not possible, dont worry about it. Just do the liver flush itself.

    If possible, for the week up to the cleanse, eat a clean diet. Stay away from pizza, processed foods, and a lot of sugar. Be nice to yourself. Drink plenty of liquids, hot teas, and prepare the digestive tract by consuming friendly bacteria, enzymes, and green drinks and algae (as mentioned in the 28-Day Cleansing Course). If not possible, dont worry about it. Just do the

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    liver flush itself.

    On the day of the cleanse (Saturday in this example), eat only whole foods (un-refined foods) without fat for a whole day. No sugar, fat, meat, dairy, flour products (cakes, cookies, bread, crackers), or fake foods. More raw is better. Check the large salad recipe section in our new book, The 28-Day Cleansing Program, at This no-fat diet will allow the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver; higher pressure creates more contraction, pushing out more sludge and stone formations.

    2:00 PM. Dont eat anything solid after 2 PM. As Dr. Clark says, If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later.

    Prepare an Epsom salts drink. Mix 4 tablespoons of Epsom salt in 3 cups of water, pour into a jar, and shake until dissolved. This makes four servings, 34 cup each. The purpose of this fairly crummy-tasting drink is to open up the liver and gallbladder ducts wide. It acts to help move everything along very rapidly. Note: Initially, the idea of drinking low-quality Epsom salt was not appealing to me. So I tried (numerous times) to use a higher quality sea salt. But each time, it didnt work. Instead of acting as an expulsion agent, my body would just absorb the drink. The purpose of this drink isnt to absorb it. Its to shoot right through you.

    6:00 PM. Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the Epsom salts drink. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth.

    7:00 PM. Squeeze a 1/2 cup of fresh lemon or grapefruit juice. Combine with a 1/2 cup olive oil and put into a jar with a tight lid (for shaking later). Let it sit at room temperature.

    8:00 PM. Drink your second serving (3/4 cup) of the Epsom salts drink. Again, rinse your mouth if youd like. Dr. Clark adds, You havent eaten since two oclock, but you wont feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success.

    10:00 PM Shake your oil/citrus drink well. Drink it down within a few min-utes. Note: I do this while holding my nose; believe it or not, it eliminates about 90% of the taste, and makes the drink go down much easier.

    As soon as the drink is down, walk immediately to your bed and lie

    down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Dr. Clark says, Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Be sure to LIE DOWN IMMEDIATELY! You might fail to get stones out if you dont. The sooner you lie down the greater the number of stones that will be removed. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Dont clean up the kitchen. Keep still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts). Go to sleep.

    Herbalist Christopher Hobbs adds, If you want to turn onto your side, turn onto your RIGHT side, so that the liver is on the bottom side.


    Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. You may go back to bed, or shortly thereafter, drink your 4th and final Epsom salt drink. Expect diarrhea in the morning. Most people will have an immediate sensation to go the bathroom, but not everyone (me included. It usually takes a few hours for things to move along).


    You may eat. Dr. Clark suggests starting with fruit. Christopher Hobbs says to eat softly cooked vegetables and broth during the day. For me, there is no better feeling than to drink simple miso soup (see recipes in The 28-Day Cleansing Program book), and simple whole-grain gruels, made with watery brown rice, and any root vegetable, and some green onions.

    Whatever your Sunday food choices, keep it light. Take naps. Read by the fire or soak up the sun. Make it a really lazy, kind day. By supper you should feel recovered.

    In Dr. Clarks book, she says the following: Expect diarrhea in the morn-ing. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel move-ment. Look for the green kind since this is PROOF that they are guanine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movements sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    COUNT THEM ALL ROUGHLY, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies of bursitis or upper back pains. The first cleanse may rid you [of symptoms] for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, the symptoms will reap-pear. You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill.

    She also reminds us, Sometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol that did not form into round stones. This appears as a chaff floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging the stones.

    Some people find that stool checking is just too gross for them. For me, I find it fascinating; there is something deeply satisfying about seeing the visible proof of your hard work. I suggest a pair of rubber gloves, even some kind of catch basin (like a old colander) to rinse and see what really was stopping you up.

    Thats it! Youve done an official liver cleanse or flush.

    Additions to the Basic Liver Cleanse:

    More Salt Water

    On Sunday morning, drink an entire quart of warm distilled or filtered water containing two level teaspoons of sea salt. Alterna-tively the addition of juice from half a lemon may be used in place of the sea salt. This suggestion comes from Hobbs books, as well as The Master Cleanser book, by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. This volume of salt water is often needed to make the bowels move on that morning following the liver flush. As mentioned above, lowly Epsom salt works better than a high-quality sea salt.

    A Day of Apples

    In Herbally Yours by Penny Royal (Sound Nutrition, 1982), she recommends drinking nothing but fresh apple juice and peeled apples the day before your flush (even 2 days). Apples contain a high amount of malic acid, which is a powerful solvent for stag-nant bile in the liver.

    I have done this prior to liver flushes, and I have gotten great results. It remains one of the most certain ways I have for light-ening up when I notice I am getting too irritable. I personally hate low-calorie diets, but I actually do quite well on a day or two of pure apples and apple juice.

    Drink as much as you want. Water it down if its too sweet. Dont drink it ice cold; serve it closer to room temperature. For someone concerned with yeast infections, apple juice can be replaced by malic acid in capsule or powder form. The apple pre-cleansing procedure is the same except that apple juice is replaced by 1000 mg. of malic acid taken with 2 cups of warm water. You can get encapsulated pure malic acid in any health-food store. Dont be concerned if you get diarrhea; most of what youll see is just old stagnant bile.

    Herbal Preparation

    I highly recommend this alternative (really, its more of an addi-tion). Upon arising each day for 2-4 weeks prior to your flush, simply swallow a few capsules of liver herbal formula. There are a dozen now on the market. I like Ultimate Liver Cleanse herbal capsules , because its pure and simple and inexpensive. The link Ive provided here is for 60 capsules, from Get two bottles, and youll get free shipping (at least at the time of this

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    writing). Then drink a liver herbal tea.

    Herbs good for the liver include dandelion root and leaf, milk thistle, tumeric, yellow dock (especially for skin problems), and good old ginger root (try a simple tea of grated fresh ginger root, hot water, and a bit of honey and lemon). Lemon is one of the most powerful liver cleansers, so add some to each quart of water you drink during the week prior to your flush.

    Teas, capsules, or tinctures. It doesnt really matter. Get these liver herbs into your body for the week prior toand follow-ingyour flush.

    Every edible green food on the planet is good for the liver. Blue Green Algae, spirulina, or other dried green superfoods help detoxify and strengthen the liver.

    Dietary Preparation

    During the week or two before a flush, start tapering down on dairy, meat, and fried foods. Do simple things like water-saut-ing your eggs instead of frying them (1/4 cup water, a bit of oil, boil, then add the eggs), or softboiled. Instead of bread products, create a basic gruel (again, recipes in the new The 28-Day Cleansing Program book). Eat more raw. Learn to make large, satisfying salads. Really, no radical changes or fasting is needed. Just start thinking along the lines of what hurts the liver, and what is kind to it.

    What now?

    The time following a cleanse is always a time to amplify the results of any action. The body is just ripe for easy repair. The best way to do this is by simply eating well.

    The liver LOVES good oils, and hates the bad ones. Leave out margarine, canola, safflower, and all highly heated oils and fried foods. Avoid commercial foods that contain these (almost baked product), french fries, crackers, and muffins. Use seafoods, cod liver oil, fresh avocado, fresh raw nuts and seeds.

    The liver loves vegetable juice. Use the recipes found in the 28-Day Cleanse Course material. Particularly use beets (richest source of betaine, a natural liver detoxifier and bile thinner), carrots and citrus.

    The liver loves sulphur foods, like garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, and free-range eggs.

    The liver loves bitter greens, such as collards, kale, mustard greens, parsley, watercress, wheatgrass, dandelion greens, and green onions.

    The liver loves all cruciferous vegetables, like cauliflower, cab-bage, brussel sprouts, and broccoli.

    Add sour foods throughout, using lemons, limes, and raw apple cider vinegar

    Use detoxifying spices, like lots of turmeric, ginger, and rose-mary.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Understanding detoxification

    Last note on liver cleansing: as mentioned in the other e-books on Advanced Cleansing, be aware that your body will usually go through a period of detoxification after a cleanse. This occurs when our body is killing and throwing off microbes (bacteria, viruses, yeasts, etc.) in larger amounts than our organs of elimi-nation (kidneys, bowels, etc.) can handle. This phenomenon is a good sign that something is being accomplished in the body.

    There are many ways detoxification will show up in and on your body when metabolic toxins start leaving the cells. The unfortunate crime is that every single one of these symptoms are normally translated in our culture as Wow, I am getting sick, I am getting worse, and I need drugs to stop this symptom from occurring. The list of symptoms that can be a sign of your body detoxifying is long, but here are a few signs to be aware of: Headaches, Colds/Flu symptoms, Fever/ Chills, Joint pains, Coughing, Gas and Bloating, Fatigue, Hives, Increased menstruation, Decreased menstruation, Cramps, Rashes, Bad Breath, Dandruff, Excess ear wax, Excess nose gunk, Excess throat sludge, Constipation, Diarrhea, Wheezing, Tight/stiff neck, Acne, Backaches, Itchy skin, Red skin, Sleep interruption, Dizziness, Mood changes, and Irritation.

    Instead of memorizing the list, the key is to realize that we ex-perience these symptoms as a result of our body burning off old, necrotic, metabolic waste. This is a good thing. The alternative is to keep that waste in us, in our cells.

    During any kind of cleanse, you need more rest than you normally need. This isnt the time to be staying out late at night,

    or even keeping your normal hours. During a liver cleanse, plan your days so that you have more down time.

    Also, if youre not drinking at least half your weight in ounces of water, the removal of old sludge and cells will take longer. A cleanse is a time when our lymph system is going full time, doing the task of removing old material as new material comes in. You need to stay hydrated. Drink a lot of your herbal liver teas.

    Imagine a clean flowing stream running through the front yard of your mountain cabin. One day your neighbors upstream decide to do a stream cleanse, and starts clearing out all the debris that has gathered over the past year in the stream; sticks, weeds, backed up leaves, and a few stuck toys from last years party. Within a short period of time, the water running by your cabin has become dirty with debris. Such is the nature of cleans-ing. It tends to get worse before it gets better. Increasing the water flow helps this detox process move faster.

    Congratulations on your newly cleansed body.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    About the Author

    Okay, read this to yourself in movie-trailer voice: In a world of ageless beauty, there was one man who was neither. That has little to do with this e-book, but I feel you are now emotionally prepared for the About the Author page.

    Former User of Spam and Velveeta Cheese

    Scott Ohlgren is a 50-year old enthusiastic student, teacher, author and

    beneficiary of the natural healing paradigm. Raised in the heart of Wisconsin

    (The Dairy State), where Spam and Velveeta cheese were considered part

    of the 4 Food Groups, his introduction to the diet-symptom, diet-health

    connection came just in time. At the age of 19, tired of acne, a growing

    sinus problem and four years of tetracycline, a friend shoved a book into his

    hands, saying, Change your diet, and those health problems will go away.

    Five weeks later, the symptoms were gone.

    From that point on, periodic cellular cleansing has been a central part of

    his life and is the major reason why he hasnt used a single antibiotic or

    prescription drug since 1976.

    He has since become an outspoken proponent, lecturer, and author for a

    drug-free, pain-free, and disease-free life, using real food nutrition as ones

    main medicine cabinet.

    In 1985, Scott studied whole food nutrition at the 9-month Kushi Institute

    Graduate Program. He became a certified Rolfing Practitioner (Rolf Institute,

    Boulder, Colorado) in 1988. He has sold over 90,000 tapes, videos and

    books on the diet/disease, diet/health connection. His first book, The 3Phase

    Manual sold over 68,000 copies. He is currently board-certified as a Holistic

    Health Practitioner by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.

    Scott was the keynote speaker at the 2003 annual meeting of the

    International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT), held in Snowbird,

    Utah. He is the author of Cellular Cleansing Made Easy, and The 28-Day

    Cleansing Program, both available at

    Scotts passion, which is obvious in his videos and live events, is to have people prove to themselves--to have the physical experienceof this connec-tion between their current symptoms and the food that they have been eat-ing for decades. That the role of healer belongs not to those from hospitals or laboratories, but is actually as close to home as hand to mouth. To show that our job, as parents, teachers, and lead-ers, is to return the responsibility for our health back to where it has always belonged. He says, Living with a body and mind free of prescription drugs is one of the great hidden pleasures in our modern world.

    He is currently touring with the latest book, The 28-Day Cleansing Program. To bring the HHW lecture to your area, contact us at

    For Fun

    In his mid-twenties, shortly after reading Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Dr. Weston Price, Scott took off on a trip around the world that lasted just short of three years. From 19791982, he hitch hiked a few months through eastern Europe, a year through Africa, sailed for four months on a 41-foot sloop off the coast of Madagascar, and then six months living in Australia. He did a similar seven-month voyage again in 1996, this time with his wife, Gael, going back and visiting many of the friends he had made 17 years earlier.

    Scott paraglides, skis, and has been a scuba diver since 1980. He and Gael live in Boulder, Colorado with cat Lila and an outside sauna and cold plunge. His next big acquisition will be a goat and a few chickens, to mess with the cats mind.

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    Advanced Cleansing Series Liver CleanseTools for a pharmaceutical-free life. 1. Colon cleanse 2. Parasite Cleanse 3. Kidney Cleanse 4. Liver Cleanse

    Medical Disclaimer

    If you were born inor currently reside inAmerica, it is important that you read

    the following medical disclaimer. Strangely, all other countries are exempt.

    It is always best to consult a physician/prescription drug provider before under-

    taking any major shift in your diet.

    This web site, and all of the information described herein, are nothing more

    than opinions or suggestions, and are therefore protected under the First

    Amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants the right to discuss

    openly and freely all matters and viewpoints. If that last sentence does not make

    sense, or makes you want to sue someone, please consult your physician/pre-

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    These viewpoints found herein should not be used for the diagnosis or treat-

    ment of any ailment. Nothing said, or hinted at being said, or imagined being

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    None of the writers of these viewpoints can guarantee the accuracy or com-

    pleteness of any information conveyed. The absence of a warning for a given

    vitamin, mineral, herb, plant, street drug, diet soda, Swansons Frozen Dinner,

    or any combination of these substances should not be construed to indicate

    that the substance combination is safe, appropriate or effective for any given

    consumer. In particular, in no event will NaviQuest Corporation, How Health

    Works, Scott Ohlgren, family members both living and dead, or ex-girlfriends

    going back as far as 1972 be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental,

    secondary, or consequential damages resulting from any application of these

    viewpoints, even if advised that the viewpoints are good for you (examples of

    advice: Eat this We suggest The sky is falling). If you have questions

    about your health care or another persons health care, please consult your

    physician/prescription drug provider.

    All of the information contained within this written and audio material, suggest-ed web sites, or any related data, is provided with the understanding that the information and its providers shall not be responsible to any person or entity for any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly by or from the information, ideas, or suggestions. Your participation with any of these ideas or edible items is solely done so at your own risk. If the concept of your own risk and personal responsibility is not fully grasped, understood, and practiced in daily life, the writers of this material request that you do not utilize any of the suggestions laid out in this site or suggested books, audios, and videos. Instead, please consult your physician/prescription drug provider.

    Furthermore, if you are currently taking any medications whatsoever (prescrip-tion or over-the-counter), being medically supervised for the care and treatment of any illness or injury (especially taking chemicals for chemical depression), scheduled for surgery, taking immune-suppressant drugs, or simply not sure what to do, please consult your physician/prescription drug provider.

    The suggestions and opinions set forth are nothing but opinions, and should not be interpreted as anything but opinions. The entire risk as to the results and performance of these opinions are assumed by you. If the instructions are defective, you, and not the authors, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.

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