
How has technology transformed access and dissemination?

Wolfram Horstmann

Cultural Heritage Forum – Oxford – 7 February 2013

Bodleian Libraries

“Libraries don’t have to change – do they?”

Pre-Gutenberg Library Technology

Writing tools, manuscripts and letters

Gutenberg Library Technology

Gutenberg, Books, Catalogues, Shelves

20th Century Library Technology

Word processors, Articles and Images, Directories, Metadata, Search Engines and Screens

21st Century Library Technology

Atomization of knowledge resources, Ubiquity of Access, Multimodal Interfaces

What stayed the same?

Libraries provide a memory for cultural heritage & extend access from the few to the many

What has changed?

Analogue & digital -- knowledge resources atomized -- access and dissemination one


– Libraries to become digital memory institutions • The Bodleian is preparing for digital preservation

– Libraries to understand better the connection between knowledge resource and the human• The Bodleian put the ‘reader’ in the centre of its

strategic plan

– Libraries to transform catalogues into context• The Bodleian is preparing for a semantic Oxford


– Technology massively accelerated access and dissemination of knowledge resources and this somehow changed the nature of knowledge

– Thus, libraries still are as facilitators of access and dissemination, and did not change their function – but they change their content

Thank you

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