How does the Summer Party of the LMU work? - Organizations and Networks -

Post on 06-Apr-2016






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How does the Summer Party of the LMU work?

- Organizations and Networks -

What‘s the action at the Summer Party?

• Live-Stage (5 newcomer bands)• 2 beer gardens• 3 discos• Performances in lecture rooms• University cinema• …

What‘s the concept of the Summer Party?

• Biggest annual event at the LMU– More than 5000 visitors

• Supported by the „Studienvertretung“• Organized by the „Uni-Sommerfest e.V.“• Special: no sponsoring and no advertisment at

the party• Organizers and helpers (over 300) work


How does this concept work?

- The function of organizations and networks -


Organizations• Formal organizations:

planed, „official“ structureof an organization that helps people to set the assignment of business and the power to direct

• Informal organizations:additional, official not provided network of social relations which overlays, neutralizes and completes the formal organizations

Networks• Social networks:

in them you have access to knowledge, information or connections you don‘t have but you know where you can get them without big problems

To clear the difference between formal and informal organizations

• Formal:- based on certain fixed rules which are obligatory for everybody within the organization

- members get chosen

• Informal:- based on collective interests and a consens on a certain event

- membership by spontaneous choice

Where can we find these kinds of organizations at this event?

The over all standing organization is the LMU.

The administration of the university has 6members:- University president:

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Bernd Huber- 4 university vice presidents- Chancellor: Dr. Christoph Mülke

Strict division of labour

One step under the LMU…… are the formal suborganizations „Studentenvertretung“ and„Fachschaft“:

They have group rules, too and there is a hierarchy in the organization,so they are also formal.

But the members of that two organizations have many connections toother people and they try to find a lot of volunteers for helping tomake the party a success.

That leeds us to informal organizations

Our experiences:• Anne and Miriam:

We got 3 emails from Campus LMU according to the Summer Party:- 17.11.08: „Das Uni-Sommerfest sucht noch Leute, die Zeit und Lust haben, das nächste Fest im Juli 2009 mit zu veranstalten. Das Uni-Sommerfest ist die einzige fakultätsübergreifende Studentenparty an der LMU und wird von Studierenden aus den unterschiedlichsten Fachrichtungen organisiert.“

- 10.06.09: „Als nicht-kommerzielles Fest von Studierenden, für Studierende ist das LMU- Sommerfest auf eine große Zahl ehrenamtlicher Helfer angewiesen. Noch sind wir nicht genug!“

- 01.07.09: „Nur noch zwei Tage, dann ist es so weit. Am Freitag, den 3. Juli, findet das größte Fest des Jahres an der LMU, das Uni-Sommerfest, statt.“

• Julian:Members of the „Fachschaft“ came into one of his university courses and asked for volunteers.


Studentenvertretung und Uni-Sommerfest e.V.



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Bands and Art



These volunteer groups…

… are informal organizations because the people decided to participate because of a collective interest (for example music).

But there is also a form of reward for the volunteers which includes drink and food vouchers.

Thanks for your attention!

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