How Day-care Centres Can Help in Outdoor Play? | Bright Start Academy

Post on 29-Jan-2015






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Whether its safety or time, it seems like we rarely get time to take our children to park. Bright Start Academy provides your child facility of playing outside when you are at your work. Source:


How Day-care Centers Can Help in Outdoor


Whether it’s safety, time, or scheduling, it seems like we rarely get to take our children to the park, or let them play out in the backyard. But now that spring has sprung and the sun is shining, it’s a great time to make time to let your little ones work off some of that pent up energy!

With your busy lifestyle, it may seem like an added stress to get your child outside, but that’s where daycare centers can help. Daycare centers like Bright Start Academy are designed to take advantage of all that outdoor play can offer, and we’re so excited to get outside to get moving and learning!

When you think of the importance of outdoor play for your child, the physical benefits come to mind. And, absolutely, outdoor play is great for stretching and working those developing muscles! Outside is the ideal place for young children to practice and develop those important gross motor skills, such as running, jumping, and climbing.

It’s the most appropriate place for them to practice ball-handling skills such as throwing and catching. And daycare centers like Bright Start Academy are set up to give your child the opportunity to do all of that and more!

But it’s also through outdoor play that they burn calories, preventing obesity and heart disease, two concerns that early childhood professionals are seeing more and more in young children. So getting your child out and moving.

But Bright Start Academy’s outdoor area is also set up to help with other types of learning, as well. Providers at daycare centers know that young children learn through all of their senses, and the world outside gives them the opportunity to take it all in. There are so many different things for them to experience in so many ways!

Look around and they see birds, plants, and the grass starting to change colors. They can listen to the wind, and hear birds singing their song. There’s the smell of the rain, and of the flowers just starting to bloom.  They can touch the bark on the trees, crumple old leaves, and feel new ones growing around them.

They can even catch a cup of the last snow of the season to taste, or taste the raindrops as they start to fall. Learning about our world is easy when young children spend time outside! Taking a “listening” walk, collecting items of nature to use in a project, or even talking about the differences in textures can be great springboards for all sorts of activities!

Daycare centers should be set up with a safe outside space where young children can explore and experience the outdoors. Bright Start Academy’s playground area has room for children to run and play, getting all that excess energy out of their system, along with a great space to stretch their play into other learning areas, as well.

Playing outside not helps young children develop and grow strong, healthy bodies, but it provides endless possibilities for exploration and imagination, giving children the opportunity to learn like children should!

To know more about “Outdoor games for children at preschool or daycares”, Visit:

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