HOT ON THE BLOG Featuring fresh takes and realtime ...s a reason why top accelerators like Y Combinator and 500 Startups require every startup to physically relocated to the Bay Area

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The following answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC)(, an inviteonly organization comprised of the world's most promisingyoung entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launchedStartupCollective (, a free virtual mentorship programthat helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

A. Seattle(

It's hard to pick which is the "best," but there's something to be saidabout Seattle. The area is open for expansion, updates, newbusinesses to come in and not only that but the existing companiesare incredibly forwardoriented; they understand that literally












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Posted: 10/09/2014 10:13 am EDT Updated: 12/09/2014 5:59 am EST

17 Best Cities for Starting Up Right Now

ANYTHING is possible. They're using social media in ways I never thought possible. Rob Fulton (, Exponential Black(

A. Atlanta


Atlanta is an excellent place to start a company because there is avibrant startup culture, the cost of living is low, it has a worldclassairport and there is untapped investment capital. It's also a reallysupportive city where you can access a powerful network of people who can helpyouget on your feet quickly! Darrah Brustein (, NetworkUnder 40 / Finance Whiz Kids (

A. Austin(

Austin is a city with tons of coworking spaces, incubators and a lotof VC money. The quickly growing population is full of educatedand motivated people; the type of people vital to any startup. Austinalso has a lower burden of taxes thanks to its lack of municipal orstate income taxes and has a great chamber of commerce. Shane Adams(, Sagacious Consultants(

A. Oklahoma City(

Oklahoma City isn't the first place most would think of, but it is anexciting time to be an entrepreneur here for the simple fact that thestartupcommunity is still young and forming its identity. There'sgreat support from the local government and businesses, coupled with a low cost ofliving, which is leading to explosive startup growth. The city is undergoing a literaltransformation. James Simpson (, GoldFireStudios (

A. Dallas(

Everything is big in Dallas, but the entrepreneur ecosystem inparticular has exploded! In the past year, we have grown from oneto six accelerators, two to seven incubators and added several newangel networks. We also had more VC money invested in Dallasthan in Austin. Much of the thanks goes to our Dallas Regional Chamber and theleadership of Mayor Rawlings. Coupled with a rich economy, Dallas is hard to beat! Suzanne Smith (, Social Impact Architects(

A. New Orleans(

Besides the culture, New Orleans has a great vibe for those lookingto grow in its business ecosystem. To be honest, it's kind of hard notto find help here. With so many accelerator programs, coworkingspaces, entrepreneur themed weeks and events (like NOEW or NewOrleans Entrepreneur Week), you can really easily meet people who are friendly andopen to help. Kenny Nguyen (, Big FishPresentations (

A. Chicago(

People are more loyal here than on the coast. They don't just jumpfrom company to company for equity, hoping one hits. There's alsoa better work/life balance which leads to better employee moraleand happiness. Not to mention, the cost of living is much moreaffordable than the coast, and state taxes are more economic. George Bousis(, Raise Marketplace Inc. (



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A. Detroit(

Detroit is the best city for starting up, because Detroit itself iscoming out of the ruins and starting up all over again as acommunity. Every entrepreneur in Detroit is not only building theirbusiness they're helping to build a city. That makes it a great startup communitywith an unparalleled entrepreneurial vibe. Vladimir Gendelman(, Company Folders, Inc(

A. Miami(

The Miami entrepreneurial ecosystem is at an exciting time in itsevolution. A strong startup community has emerged here complete with accelerators, coworking spaces, tech conferences,educational events and growing investment activity. And theentrepreneurs involved are extremely supportive of each other's successes. If youwant to help a rising tide lift all boats, Miami is the place to be. Heather SchwarzLopes (, EarlyShares(

A. San Francisco(

Density (employees, mentors, investors, etc.) is key for earlystagestartups. There's a reason why top accelerators like Y Combinatorand 500 Startups require every startup to physically relocated to theBay Area for the duration of their classes. It's possible to start upelsewhere, but it just adds one more challenge to an inherently difficult process. NeilThanedar (, LabDoor(

A. Pittsburgh(

You hear a lot about Pittsburgh's urban renaissance, and the effectsare undeniable. We have promising graduates from top universitiesand one of the nation's top startup accelerators: Alphalab.Pittsburgh has done a lot to assert themselves as one of the nation'sleading cities once again. Phil Laboon (, EyeflowInternet Marketing (

A. Philadelphia(

With easy access to big tech centers like New York, but anaffordable cost of living and enormous talent pool thanks to ourgreat universities, we are a lean startup's paradise. It's a great placeto combine east coast sensibilities with west coast ambitions. Robert J. Moore(,RJMetrics (

A. Palo Alto(

If you're looking to start a startup, the Bay Area is where it's at.There is more money in Palo Alto available to startups than in anyother city in the world. There are thousands of VC firms that arelooking to invest in the next big thing. Move here and be part of it. John Rampton (,Host (

A. Los Angeles(

Although I had started my past company in the Bay Area, I movedto Los Angeles to build Enplug. It was a great decision. Everyone inthe community is encouraging Los Angeles to be a startup hub sothe environment feels much more supportive than competitive.

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There are plenty of angel investors. With UCLA, CalTech and USC, the city is also fullof talent. Nanxi Liu (, Enplug(

A. Phoenix(

You get amazing tax breaks if you're a startup, and the ability tofind qualified individuals is typically very steady given the currentpopulation. Jon Cline (, RokitSEO (

A. New York City


As Bloomberg recently said, to be the best tech city you need "theenvironment to attract people and you need a diversity of people."New York tops both; and over the last five years it has alsoaccumulated an amazing amount of tech talent developers,experienced execs and investors. But most importantly, it allows entrepreneurs to tapinto the cultural memes that make the U.S. what it is. Joshua March(,Conversocial(

A. Denver(

Small businesses get lots of support from both state and the localgovernment, and the cost of living is low. Also, Denver was namedone of the best cities for startups by USA Today. Andrew Schrage(, Money Crashers Personal Finance(

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