
A Matter of Health

Horses are in general born healthy. They thrive on mother’s milk, green grass and little oats. They play in the spring sun and all is well. As they get older, our equine friends seem to become more fragile and their health deteriorates.

Unfortunately in today's world there are a lot of influences that we have little or no control over.

The water our horses drink is often contaminated. Even a slight amount of lead, fluoride, mercury etc. wreaks havoc on the horse’s health over time.There are few horse owners who have access to truly organic hay. Everyone else has to be aware of pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer residues in the hay supply for their horses. There are precious few grain suppliers who sell organic grains to provide a high calorie diet for performance and reproducing horses.

Even the air our equine partners breathe is contaminated with countless compounds that influence the balance of a healthy organism.

Add vaccinations and supplement additives to the mix and our horse becomes a toxic warehouse.

Soon some become sensitive to light (sunburn), they develop midline dermatitis and Cushing’s syndrome. Heaves and rain rot are often observed as well. Our horses seem rather fragile and no matter how many good supplements we buy for them, there is always something wrong. For good reasons most horse owners fear laminitis, Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM), coughs, skin conditions and colics. Veterinarian charges are a reality in horse budgets all over the world.

Many of the conditions our horses exhibit can be traced back to toxins. In this context toxins are described as any foreign substance that disrupts the healthy function of the horse’s body.

Let’s just look at some of the symptoms and conditions linked to


How many of these do sound familiar to you?

Allergies; Cancer; Obesity; Ear Problems;  Colic;  PancreaticDysfunction; Aggression;  Cystitis;  Proud Flesh; Anemia ; Dental Problems;  Respiratory Problems; Dermatitis;  Sarcoids; Arthritis ; Sinusitis; Asthma;  Eye Problems; Skin Problems; Behavioral Problems;  Hoof Problems.  

Stall Vices; Bone Weakness;  Infections;  Thyroid Problem; Bladder Infections;  Infertility;  Training issues; Inflammation; Tumors; Blindness;  Laminitis;  Ulcers; Bloat; Liver Dysfunction;  Urinary Problems;Bronchitis;  Melanomas; Viral Infections; Bursitis;  Musculo-Skeletal Problem;  Wound Healing.

This is by no means a complete list, but it covers many of the ailments that befall our horses these days. What can we do so our horses can stay healthy, vital and vibrant, and can regain the healthy life force they have lost?

How can we help our animals in a toxic environment?

First: One thing that is often overlooked – water. Make sure your horse drinks clean water. Clean water means human quality, filtered water.

Second: Feeding a diet high in digestible protein with an appropriate ratio of necessary amino acids. The body needs protein to function properly, rebuild healthy tissues and heal well after being injured.

Third: Horses are herd animals. Keeping them alone and away from other horses puts them under incredible stress and compromises their immune system.

Fourth: A natural lifestyle is important to the horse’s well-being. This includes exposure to the elements, freedom of movement, and the ability to eat throughout the day.

Even when you have all of the above in place, you will often find that your horse is still not as healthy as (s)he could be or not healthy all together.

I experienced this with my own horses and kept searching for ways to support their health. This is when I was first exposed to the Computerized Electro Dermal System (CEDS), I knew right away that testing and healing modality was worth investigating, and I started spending many hours to learn the concept of this system.

In due course I learned what disrupts and enhances health, how the body heals and the enormous differences between the approaches of Western and Eastern Medicine.

The most important systems in my studies were Homeopathy, Homotoxicology, and Hering’s Law.

All of these validate the remarkable findings of Dr. Reinhard Voll. In the middle of the 20th Century, Dr. Voll found that acupuncture points have a certain electrical conductivity, which can actually be measured. He established certain measuring parameters and included the client in the electric circuit. Further on he found that once he introduced certain compounds into the circuit with the patient, the measurements would change. According to his scale the readings, which were either high (inflamed) or low (depressed) before, would balance if the correct compound was entered into the circuit.

At the time this was a cumbersome and lengthy process as every compound had to be held against the patient and then the measurement had to be repeated. The computer age changed this process significantly.

Now we are able to test the acupuncture points for their conductivity and through the integrated software we can determine relatively quickly which products would bring the inflamed or depressed point back into balance. This takes all the guess work out of the investigative process.

The best known CEDS device in the United States is made by Biomeridian in Utah. The technique is registered with the U.S. Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) as “Galvanic Skin Response”. The computer is classified as a Class II device. A few years ago Biomeridian commissioned Todd Merrell to develop an extensive Equine Library which includes a huge number of specific viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, and parasites.

CEDS balances the meridians with energy frequencies. The horse’s body “talks” to the practitioner as to what energy signals balance a particular point. Beside the Custom Equine Library, the human stimulus library is available through this system as well. The human library contains more than 40,000 items from many well known manufacturers as well as information libraries, which allow pinpointing the underlying cause for a deficit or disturbing substances, such as water contaminants, pesticides and heavy metals.

Horses are difficult to test directly, as they would neither like the pressure of the probe, nor would they like the sound that comes with the testing device. Fortunately we can today test the entire organism of the horse by surrogate testing through hair taken from the mane. Experience has shown that it is important to test hair within 3 days after it was cut from the mane. This can usually be accomplished by sending the pencil thick section of the mane sealed in a sandwich bag via priority mail from most locations in the United States. More remote locations have to send their hair samples via FedEx or USPS Express mail to ensure the vitality of the sample is preserved.

After the testing is completed, we will send you the appropriate homeopathic remedy to remove the toxins in the body in a gentle way and help the organism to heal itself. This is in general included in the initial charge and will be accompanied by nutritional suggestions.

Please go to for a form

to submit with your hair sample and payment instructions.

Call 803-647-1200 (East Coast Time 9AM – 6 PM Monday through Saturday) or e-mail with any questions you may have.

We can only process hair samples mailed within the United States, unless you have a mailbox in the US, please do not send any samples.

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